Killary tweets yesterday at 1:48 pm about a Qanon piece in New York Times.
Go to Q drop 148
Q Drop 148 literally states the exact same thing, “NYT/Clowns In America article released today re: Q-group is a DIRECT attack“.
- @MzMidniteRider333 post

Future proves past. Think of the planning years ago that allowed for this level of precision. The only way a Hilldogg tweet goes out with this time stamp connection to a perfectly related Q drop is if indeed, patriots are in control.
They must have them playing out their own plan but with little nods and winks to us. US military intelligence are some devious bastards. Now they can use the phony Biden admin to prepare.
Yeah, the whole "inciting erection" was a massive 'wink' in my opinion! Not once, not twice but SIX times!
Yeah it kinda feels like someone took over the Mockinbird control panel and are using it to shitpost.
If it isn't a fake maybe those time travelling communication idea isn't so stupid after all ?
What was purpose of Q "test" posts in 2017 ? Those posts looked like testing of communication channel !
Official science mostly says there is no way of useful information travelling faster than light because of Einstein theory - but not all,and what if they (and Einstein) are wrong and with enough energy some electrical impulses can be send to some place in the past because of quantum entagglement with use of let's say... positons ? (Feynman claimed positon is time reversed electron so...)
I don't understand quantum physics enough but if Q isn't scam then maybe,I repeat - maybe - those idea isn't so stupid ?
Either Q owns a quantum computer that can predict the future, or has maintained an iron grip level of control over these corporations, swamp creatures and 3-letter agencies since 2017 to the point that Q could plan all the timestamps/proofs years in advance.
The Looking Glass is very real.
What's that?
Unless....God is on the team. He has His own way of getting things accomplished. He is the ultimate super computer.
except 99% of the past several thousand years have been a living hell for humans, unless you think thats a 'good' thing for a deity to engineer
The hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life...ever, was to allow my grown children freedom and then watch the world take chunks out of their hearts. I didn't engineer that any more than Father has engineered this mess.
This is so damn true.
Space force would be the branch you’d think would have a quantum computer ?
Either Q owns a quantum computer that can predict the future Quantum computers are not oracles "predicting the future". My theory is "crazy" but it is not about those 2 above about "quantum computer" or control,rather kind of "quantum router" allowing communication from future with the past. Idea that Q posts ARE from the future.Crazy.Against mainstream science theory of useful information not traveling faster than light.But..."Future proves past" you know.Exact timing (timestamps) you know.Simply posting it might be about reverted "grandfather paradox" (if you kill your grantfather in the past you wouldn't exist and time-travel past - but if you are REALLY the reason your grandfather existed,time travel MUST be done).
Gosh... maybe guys from the future might be even inspired by those posts to investigate making such machine,that would be funny...
Those Idea is "extremely crazy",but would also more useful strategically than entangled realtime communication if true. Intelligence would love it if true,it would give for example the opportunity to make really all kind of encryption useless (in some circumstances of course but still)
lol everyone's just now realizing that the Trump/Q/military have been in control since 2016 and everything has just been a psyop to 'sour the milk' of the celebrity/politician/media-as-elites complex
Or Hillary died like a side of beef and SS has had her accounts all this time
SIde of pork...any way you look at it.
or in custody and someone in IC using her acct.
Ding, Ding, Ding!!! Correct answer.
Quantum mirroring may be a relativity bypass that may allow for instantaneous communication across vast distances. It seems that quantum particles have a mirrored copy in a location remote from it.
I know. The thing is:
For now there are/were discussion is really useful information bypass relativity rules or not.
For now those idea you mention is still about 2 devices in the same time. But if you could only communicate with the device in past somehow then... booom - we hit the target of professor Emmett Brown and Q as well can write to us from the future.
Question is relativity really bypassed is the key question - if is,than some communication with the devices located in the past might be possible. And if is it beats all quantum computers possible in area of cryptography (and not only) because you can hack the device before encryption of data...
If Q is not considered "relevant"......then why is Q on Hillary's mind so much she has to post about it?
She’s an alcoholic and a narcissist?
There are 1440 minutes in a day - rule out the night so 1000 minutes, so it's 1000 to 1 to hit this time code.
THEN - there are nearly 5000 Q drops, so it's 5000 to 1 to hit this drop and god knows the odds that it exactly happens to relate to the subject matter - and there was an article on 12th Nov in NYT ripping apart the NSA and discussing Snowden and etc....
Now tied back into a Hillary tweet - so this means Hillary is dead, arrested, replaced by a actor and her twitter account is controlled by someone else
Gina Haspel's twitter is showing as her working for HILLARY !!!! and is on private mode......
what else can we learn here boys and girls......
Don't trust GhostEzra, but the lady at the inaug was much shorter than Hillary.
I’m 100% convinced that was not Hillary at the inauguration. I can spot that evil bitch from a mile away.
Trump said "Where's Hillary?" 2 or 3 times in his Jan. 6th speech.
Where is HRC?
I'm not sure if that relates to anything, though.
It definitely wasn't her. She's been caught with multiple body doubles filling in for her before (at least they were better than Kameltoe Harris's) and the height difference between her and Billy was especially noticeable.
People, this isn't how you decode Q-drops. You don't just match the timestamp of a person's tweet to a Q-drop number and try to find connections. Q used to drop multiple crumbs per day so it's important to read all of them in sequence for that particular day to grasp the context. If you study drops #145 to #148 you'll realize that Q was referring to this NYT article published back in November 12, 2017: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/12/us/nsa-shadow-brokers.html
Q drops 145-148 https://qalerts.pub/?q=%23145%7C%23146%7C%23147%7C%23148&sortasc=1
Please do your due diligence and learn Q's comms.
How many times has Q states "multiple meanings." Also, thick skin here so I just don't care if you criticize me, but think of all the burgeoning newbies that a remark like yours discourages...it was not made in the spirit of Q. You should guide. Even I do not know many/most of the comm's and to imply those like me should keep our mouths shut until we do is wrong. #BeBest
Q has only used the term "multiple meanings" once (in #2524) and I can assure you he wasn't referring to timestamps having multiple meanings. The main significance of the Twitter timestamps is for Q to verify to us his coordination with Trump. What will happen is Q will post something first on the boards and POTUS will tweet something related within seconds or minutes, confirming their synchronicity. This has happened several dozen times and is what we refer to as "deltas" within the community. Q has never said nor inferred that we should be using timestamps, much less timestamp from people not on Trump's team (ie. Hillary), to match a Q-drop number.
As someone who has been following Q since the beginning, I feel that posting wrong decodes is a terrible way to introduce Q to newbies because we're encouraging bad habits and leading them down the wrong rabbit holes. I did guide. I actually posted the drops and taught people how to read the drops in sequence and learn their context before jumping to conclusions.
"The spirit of Q" is to research for yourself and think logically. I detected zero research and zero logical thinking spawned by this "decode", only people speculating about time travel and body doubles. Meanwhile, nobody know how this remotely pertains to our current circumstances or the plan, so I had to bring people back to reality.
"...so I had to bring people back to reality." Sounds grandiose.
How many does he have, and have you learned all of them? Some of them seem to stump even the most ardent students.
One thing many people miss is that Q is a person (or a team of people) who often interacted with the board. Early on, he'd correct anons for misinterpreting his drops and give props to anons who decoded them correctly. When anons asked for proofs, Q would plan something with POTUS to prove their coordination. Q even did Q&As. Yes, Q dumped a lot of precisely-written intel but he also spent a lot of time building trust with the community. It was a two-way relationship. That's why I say people need to read the drops in context instead of jumping to a drop # based on some arbitrary timestamp because that wasn't how Q worked.
As far as comms go, I highly recommend picking up Praying Medic's first book in his Q series. He does an excellent job teaching people how to decipher a Q post. It's worth every penny. Unfortunately, Amazon banned his books and Youtube deleted all of his "intro to Q" videos: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/calm-before-the-storm-denise-hayes/1136279781?ean=9781734552522
Real question (just don’t downvote instead of explaining, please). Why can’t it be Hillary herself having some fun, advised by the NYT to do the interview and post the tweet at that exact time? Why not?
Anything that draws attention to Hellary and all of the research the anons have done on her would open Pandoras Box. She would do anything [and has] to prevent that kind of information from surfacing.
I'm trying to follow Q really hard and failing. Wouldn't this be a reach on her timestamp? Doesn't this imply that Hillarys twitter was posted by some patriot? I can't wrap my head around this idea. I was following along for GEOTUS posts and Q. But I can't believe a connection between hers and Q. Care to enlighten me!
There is no connection. Read my comment in this post. This is an overreach and type of content that makes our movement look crazy.
If you remove the God connection, you may be correct. I think God has His hand over this movement and over America. He is The Miracle Worker who stands in the gap and bridges them. Why must I recuse because of someone else's lack of understanding of all Forces at play in this drama. I'll take Godly Possibilities for 200 please.
Everything Q is intentionally obsfucated. You are not meant to understand all of it. The general consensus is that Hellary has not been herself for quite some time, Yes, white hats have proven to have control of her twatter account through assorted past posts. How much control and for how long - I couldn't say.
I think some people believe she's in custody and this is a way to signal that? Not sure...
If whitehats are in control, and if arrests of some ds players have been made- who controls their [the arrested] social media accounts?
You say that while a papa johns pizza gate q commercial is currently stickied. Justsayin'
This woman is so scary a walking talking nightmare.
I think she's pushing up daisies by this point.
Yes, makes sense. But who else would know except for us? The media will hide it.
Much of what happens is for the history books which will be written. The Plan goes far into the future.
Has anyone seen an actual recent picture or video of Hillary in a long time?
Anything recent i have seen she looks even more bizarre than usual and everyone is questioning. Seems like the clone theory isnt it bc the inauguration killary was much shorter than the real killary. Wouldnt a clone be the same size
No. I read a thread a few months ago real Hellery hasn't been seen since post 2016...it's all been her doubles. ??
Have mentioned before that killary got executed already, so who does control her twatter....
Patriots, she's been gone for a few years at least.
Ancient scapegoating of women = Salem Witch Trials, which began in February 1692.
Got it!
Hillary announced she was running for the U.S. Senate from NY on Feb. 6, 2000.
It ties in with JFK, Jr.:
This bitch is retarded
Yep, had she come up with a stronger argument, I might have believed her (yeah, you know what I mean), but this thing about women is such a lame and lousy argument. Just convinced me all of this must be true! :) Thanks Hillary! You’re not a woman, you’re an evil and vile creature, by the way.
To any doomers and shills, it's more than just coincidence? Unless Hildawg has studied Q and decides to screw with our heads by dropping this twat and the exact matching time!
We're watching a movie. The actors played their parts. Literally.
Datefagging only serves to get us depressed...
Why today?
Because BluntProse is a fucking troll.
they have been since 2016, this has ALL been a movie (exc for the schiff faction)
What? Other than the NYT bit, what coincidence am I looking at?
Also, what the fuck is Hillary talking about...
In all honesty how would you ever know when a tweet was going to go out at the exact minute?
This plus the SNL dig with Hillary Pizza is a cheeky 1-2 punch.
I think POTUS has been briefed. Mike Lindell was(perhaps still is) at Mar-a-lago this weekend. That would hopefully put us at 'New measures active and in place.'
It’s a Time machine of sorts invented by Nikola Tesla that was left to Trumps uncle John.
Search Bob Lazar are 51.
Q has mentioned the looking glass in past posts. It is a deep rabbit hole. Have fun!
Honestly a Killary tweet coordinated with a Q drop worries me
Hillary's dead!
Or, maybe Hillary is Q? Q did say when revealed who's making the drops we'd be surprised [or something along those lines]
Can someone help me understand why we would put together a timestamp of a tweet with the number of a Q post necessarily? I'm new to this community, but have heard similar approaches on the X22 report and stuff before. I don't get it.
This should be a yuuuuge red pill for the Normies.
She’s mocking us?
Hillary is in control ? :-)~
Now there is a terrible thought....
The burqa is the trad masculine response to the spirit of Jezebel.