We could be simply quoting song lyrics, literature, or quoting something a Democrat said when using the word. Nope, instant ban for that.
What’s next, ban the asterisk? What’s the difference between spelling out the word and masking it or saying “n-word”? Nothing at all, the word is still obviously there. Context doesn’t matter to these mods.
Also, they violate their own sidebar rules all the time. I’m sure we all saw the thread where the head Mod went unhinged and calling everyone retards who believed in widespread chemtrails.
I don't want people to say it in general and egregious examples should definitely be given a timeout but hoo boy we made a mountain out of ONE word and pissed off a large chunk of the people here, and the response to criticism was "I don't care".
You're NOT a Black PERSON and what I was saying before I got banned stands https://greatawakening.win/u/CrystalClear/, Black people don't refer to themselves as the color black. You would never start a sentence with "as a White". That's how I know neither of you are Black people. Report me all you want, the truth won't change. ThisBrisketIsTasty though.
Banning people simply for using a string of specific letters in a specific sequence is always wrong. Context matters. Context ALWAYS matters. Starting down the road of banning words is not "a slippery slope" its already falling down the mountain.
The "ban" for using the n-word says nothing about context. It only speaks about banning for any use of the word. "Any use of the word" = context is irrelevant.
As for the OP's comment, I see nothing in there that suggests a respect for context, only a litany of justifications for banning without regard for context.
Then why pray tell are you not toeing the line? Democrats want Trumpism banned. They want you re-educated. If you toe their line, you'll have no problems either.
Oh... it's only when it offends you that you want that line toed.
That's no different than when others seek to have you capitulate.
I'm blown away people are screaming freedom of speech, using racial slurs and then expecting some kind of unity? You fuckers are useless and counterproductive. If your freedom needs.to be expressed in racial epithets then Go to a street corner like the brave defenders of freedom you pretend to be and scream.it in public. Be decent for fucks sake wrong is wrong.
Well... I hope you reported them for being racist. Obviously the written word itself isn’t banned - several people used the full word in their posts haven’t been banned. The context in which racist word is being used is what matters.
Meanwhile massive pushback in that thread is met with the same leftist tactics of "you must be a racist if you defend the right to say this" and a literal sentiment of "I don't care what you think, don't do it"
Sorry but there were a ton of ways to handle any form of uptick in racial slurs (and I barely see any of that shit and I'm on here browsing new almost constantly) and they chose the worst one.
They themselves divided people here and accuse anyone on "the other side" of being racist or using the word. I've never used the word in my life and I don't intend to, but it sure as hell seems okay for people to attack me for being white.
That New Zealander Moderator needs to be relieved of his duties. He and his like will ruin this forum. See how he has caused many pedes to focus their discussions on one word instead of more important happenings.
To unite, we have to talk to each other, right?
In France, the right always loses because of its internal divisions. You have to accept that everyone does not have the same point of view and talk to each other.
But the mods are banning people for saying things they don't like.
And to be clear, I prefer moderation when it's egregious examples.
But the fact that I rarely if ever have seen the word used here at all, and there being a front page post basically shitting on everyone in this community, then saying "I don't care" when people express concerns, shows that we can't actually talk to each other.
The well has officially been poisoned. I expect a statement to come out by the mods that we aren't even to talk about this or else we'll be banned.
I understand your point of view. I said I was against banishment!
There are subjects that I dare not broach here. But not everyone is so awake. We must try to convince gradually.
A certain mod also likes to remove peoples posts for being "off topic" yet constantly stickies their own posts that are usually low effort memes, sometimes having nothing to do with our movement. And leaves the "why is this stickied?" First comment. Usually something lazy like "tO StArT a CoVeRsAtIoN"
But you know.. the serious discussions that are being made in the posts they remove deserved to get snuffed out I guess.
A certain mod doesnt like us talking about the evil things (((they))) are doing, like grooming our kids through cartoons.
Mods are compromised. If the mods have to make a "seriously guys, we're not compromised" post(about a month ago) you maaayyyy be compromised. Add on this attempted blanket censorship to test the waters what they can get away with? Yeaaahh... we can really trust our mods guys! /S
Also the original "no n word" post is already un-stickied? That was fast. Was it done so out of shame?
Mind you, I dont use the word. I havent seen it used here until today because of the mod overreach. I haven't even seen it on TD besides the tongue&cheek "joggers."
Remember guys.. theyre initiating censorship for our own safety
There's one problem with your statement: I'm not angry. I just pay attention to mods in any community I'm in because when they fall, the whole community falls. I've seen it time and time again
Since you invited me to the game of assumptions, bootlicking to gain favor isn't going to get you mod status and, with your name, you sound like a degenerate lefty.?
If it becomes a choice of not using a certain word and getting shut down which would you prefer? You know this infighting is exactly what they want right? The exact same thing happens on TDW
Are you so feeble you can not find an alternate word or expression. .aybe the right is racist, shit I may be in the wrong place. Fuck now that's a revelation.
It’s not any word in itself - it’s what the fucking word represents: Hate! It could be any word being used specifically to degrade.
Wasn’t Whoppi Goldberg in the hot seat for being a racist some time ago for referring to a non black race of people as sandniggers? Not sure why I’m wasting my time responding to this... you don’t understand this issue well enough to be discussing it without sounding stupid.
Racism and using racial slurs to create division is one dimensional. Giving it or receiving it is one dimensional. The enemy wants us to stay one dimensional, easier to control. I suggest we all start thinking on another level and move on from this weak and divisive way of thinking. Humanity could be beautiful if we did.
Thank you for all your hard efforts Mods! Props for wading through the wailing for the betterment of all. You’re highly valued and we are praying for you emotional and physical well-being.
Samma Vaca Correct Speech as taught by the SammasamBuddha, the Fully Completely Awakened One, should be true, polite ( kindly, friendly, sweetly), timely ( when , where people can receive), and leading to freedom from Suffering. If conduces to Suffering, even if true, might not be a good speech, might have karma effect resulting...
Bible says a lot about it too. Like from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So tell me you ain't racist then blame genetics and use racist words telling us it's just free speech. Fuck off
Funny how people think we are upset for the ban of a horrible word. It's not that. It's a Shit word! But what's next? You think it stops here? Maybe it does! If it does I'm fully behind it. But.......
"I can't possibly understand why people would defend free speech! That's baffling! This word is a really bad word so people should be banned just for saying it! Because anyone who defend it clearly wants to use it!"
Except it's not harmful anymore. That was the whole point they started using it every other sentence themselves, after all, "to take power away from it".
It's also not illegal and should never be illegal to say, period.
Pedophilia is illegal and with good reason.
So yes, intellectual dishonesty and non-American values.
Your downvotes betray your true feelings on Free Speech.
Your fever to defend the use of a derogatory term, above all else, betrays your true intentions.
IF pedophilia being "illegal" is your only reason for denouncing it and your defense of the N word is because it's not "illegal" then you are bereft of morality.
I see no honesty, no intellectualism or any Americanism in your words.
You may continue this conversation with yourself from this point on. I see no value in participating further.
Your downvotes betray your true feelings on Free Speech
Freedom of speech doesn't mean people can't disagree with you, and there is no Reddiquette here. Additionally, I am not the only one downvoting you. In essence, cry more.
Your fever to defend the use of a derogatory blah blah blah I'm a leftist
This is a leftist tactic.
I have never used it. I will never use it. Don't straw man out of this one.
Have you never heard of the term "I don't agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?
No? Guess you're retarded then.
IF pedophilia being "illegal" is your only reason for denouncing it
Oh look, another leftist tactic.
Pedophilia is illegal for good reason, as I stated, and speech relating to participation or endorsement should be met with deletion and investigation because it's illegal and you can't be sure if they're just fuckin' around.
and your defense of the N word
No one is defending the N word you raging leftist. We defend your right to SAY it even if we don't AGREE with it because it is Constitutionally protected speech and the Constitution doesn't say you can't be an ass hole.
I see no honesty, no intellectualism or any Americanism in your words.
My honesty is my stalwart defense of the Constitution, my intellectualism comes from being able to separate my opinions and the opinions of others as they pertain to the above, and my Americanism comes from my patriotism to this country and its freedoms.
You just want tyranny because fee fees get hurt waahhhhh
Well, prideful people hate to admit they are wrong. When law enters in its because love is not present. Love enough to speak salted words and words that build.
Obviously you haven’t read another of my posts in this thread, or the original post for that matter. You even used a couple of the examples I gave, so smart.
Not sure why you’re under the impression that I have a demand, or that I give a shit about what anybody thinks about me. I don’t give anybody that much power over me, sorry! Perhaps you should work on your comprehension skills before calling yourself trying to throw insults in the future. Just saying...
Banning the use of a derogatory term used by white supremacists has NOTHING to do with free-speech or censorship!
Who do you think it helps if this Pro-Trump site is associated with white supremacy??? These comments can be used to support the MSM claim that he’s a racist! How do you not understand this?
==== original post===
Within the last couple of days there have been so many comments with racial remarks in them I was actually considering making a post titled: “For once the MSM got something right - Q is a cult that’s full of white supremacists!” I’m glad I didn’t because it’s obvious this site is being bombarded with racist shills. I spend hours reading this site everyday since joining a few weeks ago and the other day was the FIRST time I ran across actual racist conversations in some of the threads.
Only the most blatant racist comments/users were removed from this thread, but Mods, you missed a few:
NCPatriot556: Send all the monkeys back to their mother land.
StartAgain: and then they wonder why things like Stormfront exist. I'm not part of it, but for real. One of many
Son_Of_Honkler 1 day ago +70 / -13
I wish we could have honest and robust discussions about the horrific, out of control problem that is the African-American culture of behaving like an African. numerous racist posts, but look at the upvotes!
I know this is coordinated to make users of this forum out to racists - just look at some of the responses in this thread! Many clearly do not care about what Q stands for, or the mission of this forum! Banning the use of a racist term has NOTHING to do with censorship! The MSM is trying hard to discredit Q - either you’re supporting their cause, or Q’s!
To quote another user:
You're basically racist as fuck, and being upvoted en massé, repeatedly. Once again .win makes me wonder.
Question everything; to include YOUR behavior! Ask yourself: which side am I really on? We should NOT participate in any behavior that WILL be used to discredit this community, or drive the audiences that need the information on this site away from it!
Observe the site rules and recognize that we the people includes all races! Racism is not a crime but acting racist can sometimes be a crime, like expressing ideas that drives out specific races!
Civil Discussion ONLY: They want you divided. They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc. Divided you are weak [no collective power]. Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them]. Assholes will be banned.
And my rant includes all those disrespecting the Mods for cleaning up trash & getting rid of noise/distractions! One can’t help but wonder why a user would hate on a Mod... adding to the noise & distractions?
I posted this on another thread, and I will repost it here. I am aware at least 50% will disagree with me. I don't care if everyone disagrees. I will continue to say this because I believe it is the truth:
I agree with you there is no reason to use this word, but that is not really what the discussion is about. This particular word is causing issues not because of the nature of what it is, but because of the external nature of those with whom we are fighting. We all know that Q is not a racially motivated group, but yet we are tarnished with that brush daily by the other side. Then, they send shills over here to try and poison the discussions so that they can justify their position. OK. I get it. This is cyber warfare.
But, here is the rub. If we allow them to do this with racism, what else can they use this tactic on? Maybe next they will call us Satan worshipers or baby killers or some equally horrible tag that more properly represents them. Then they send shills over here, and we have to block out another area of thought. And another. And another. And so on.
I am much more concerned about 2 things rather than the actual banning:
Having given into this tactic from the globalists, how do we make sure they don't simply switch to another word? What guarantee do we have from the mods that the bans stop here and go no further?
Why did the mods not discuss this strategy with us as a group before they made a blanket decision as to the best way to counter this threat? It wouldn't have taken much to ask for feedback from the group, and explain their reasoning before pushing through with a dictatorial ban.
We are discussing this because it is a very, very scary tactic the mods have embarked upon, and puts our entire community at risk. In fact, this tactic is so egregious and so opposed to what we represent, that one has to wonder if they aren't doing this on purpose as an experiment to see how we will all react.
I hate the word. I see no value in it. But I will vigorously defend your right to say it, as I expect you to defend my right to call you the disgusting maggot you are if you do. That is our core value here. How can we simply give that up?
The mod's behavior in that thread were pretty repulsive too. "I don't care".
Man if you don't care the stop stirring the fuckin' pot.
I didn't want to see this drama and infighting but all it did was divide us, and even the most retarded person would see that specifically banning one word -- just one -- and then using leftist tactics to shut down any dissent in a forum full of people who love the Constitution would create a shit show.
We I'm not associating with retards these defend and use that shit or use 1st amendment to hide behind.
Racism has been promoted and burned into all of us at the same time they made us all feel guilt about it. If people want to continue being programmed and used by thinking like this, nO red pill can fix.that and no unity can be possible. Free speech is great, those words aren't speech and all they convey is hate which is why I've no use for any of it.
I did NOT say or imply what you’re quoting. I was referring to our behavior being used as a means to discredit... basically like how your stupid comment is contributing to making the users on this site look stupid!!!
I didn't misquote. I redirected your point into a counterpoint. The entire "white supremacy" narrative of the MSM is a lie. Conservatives are not white supremacists. What isn't a lie is the demographic trend. What's sad is that many Q people haven't even picked up on that fact.
I agree. I've seen one of those users lately ALWAYS posting anti-semitic BS and talking about "Africans". I just block them and move on. I'm trying to push all hate out of my heart.
I have said the most crazy shit in here. I've called people fuckheads and assholes etc. Been called a few myself. Never been so much as spoken too about it. So the mods are pretty lax in my opinion.
Context is everything. Really gotta be careful about sarcasm. /s is your friend. Txt is too easy to read into. Speak without concern and receive the recompense.
You curse, and yet speak truth without rudeness. It’s an art for some.
The ONLY use the N word er’s spelling has is to degrade! It’s no different than using wet back or cracker!!! Any word that’s used to signify hate towards any population just because falls in the banned category. If we all start spitting out derogatory terms used for some disabled populations, the fucking MSM would have something else to use to discredit the pro Trump populace! **How fucking dare you claim to be woke and not understand this! **
If you read the examples I posted, those users did not post the word - the fucking context of the post itself was HATEFUL!
To those who can’t process higher level thought, calling out pedos is not the same! Ya think it might have something to do with BEHAVIOR?
These people can't love enough to self regulate. They are selfish and want their own way. A very millennial trait I might add. That's for the boomer fags who think my generation is the problem. BTW, trumps a boomer as are most of the folks freeing you from the deepstate programming you all still display.
There is a huge difference between hate speech, and speech you hate. The leftists totalitarians regularly redefine speech they hate, as "hate speech" then use the power of the state to shut down and eliminate those they disagree with, under the guise of "public safety." January 6th ring a bell?
But how many people you think actually knows this?
The majority equates the word as a negative connotation for blacks. Ironic they don’t even realize how the elite twisted it’s meaning to divide us by race. The way I see it, those who assign it specifically to blacks, proves how programmed they still are.
If you relate to the asshole, and are unable to be respectful as showcased here, you are not welcome.
Why should we have to subject ourselves to the verbal abuse of self-confirming assholes?
Allowing bullying isn’t free speech that’s abuse. Stop abusing people out of your anger.
I wasn’t whining about being down voted - I was calling the shills to challenge me! None took me up on my offer for the reason you’re about to find out why:
You think you’re smart - let me help you realize where you rank on the scale. Yes, the mod’s post about the banning of the word could’ve better stated - perhaps the mod underestimated how many non critical thinkers this site is actually full of. You being one of them!
Isn’t there a rule against racism on this site?! You think it’s just a word, but don’t all words have meaning?! Some words were only created for the sole purpose of expressing hate against races of people. To think it’s about simply ‘banning an offensive word so what’s next’ - goes to show how dumbed down people are. Which is how the elite is able to keep us under control, wouldn’t you agree?
Having the ability for higher thought processing is probably why you assume I’m a facebook boomer? I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion... you’ll need to bring me down to your level so I can respond; this is where logic comes into play. But the fact that you really think 50mil “Facebook boomers” is posting how great censorship is, is truly telling! There’s no way you’re that clueless? You said you came from the chans, right? Well, how many of those 50mil ‘censorship’ supporters you think are shills? Don’t worry, it’s only a rhetorical question because you can’t possibly apply logic to answer it when you don’t even understand the concept of censorship. Here’s how I know you don’t:
Besides the original post from tris... whatever their name was, yesterday was not about Joggers.
It was about censoring speak of JEWS. Not the term JEW. But the talk about Jews.
See how censorship is a slippery slope that never stops?
You see, the reason the “talk about Jews” as you call it was “censored” was because it was hateful - in other words: racist! And isn’t racism against the rules of this forum? I challenge you to think: how does censorship apply in this situation? Give you a hint: it doesn’t!
If you are a genuine Q supporter you’d understand the mission of this forum and why the word was banned... it was obviously being used by counterproductive ‘Q supporters.’
Remember, your conduct here represents the Q movement!
No doubt it does! It seems a new tactic is to try and make Q supporters look dumb - most of you complaining about being censored on a private site for not allowing the promotion of racism falls in this category. You think you’re supporting Q but your contributions to the movement says otherwise. I would’ve been fine just being a site lurker... but I’m enjoying calling out the shills who think they’re so smart. Why the hell do you think I have so many downvotes?! To me, this is a good sign! LOL
I could go on to point out other things you stated in your post that doesn’t make sense, but it’ll be too long. Don’t want to risk the message being overlooked by anyone willing to receive it. But thank you for proving my point that you don’t have the mental capacity to process complex information.
Oh, and hasn’t jogger been identified as a ‘secure’ way to circumvent the banning of the word for which it replaced? To be clear - the context in which you used the word is what makes it racist. Just like how “the speak of Jews” was banned even when no ‘forbidden’ words were used. Deporting!
But remember what I said: every word has a meaning. Now let me blow your mind: when the spelling is changed, so does the meaning, however slight (e.g., run/ran, dummy/dummies)... but when it’s combined with other words to form a sentence - this is where it gets complicated! The meaning of every word, the placement of the words in the sentence, let’s not start combining sentences, way too much to process. But let me leave you with this: please don’t let the fact that you were out smarted by, as you call a “jogger” deepen your feelings of hatred. Let it go. Having hatred in your heart prevents you from experiencing the full effect of love.
I’m glad you responded in this way... NOTHING about my response had to do with my feelings - just facts! Your response is typical of shills who infiltrate.
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to fully outline why you are a shill. And these are just from your post in the last 6 days! There was no need for to me skim your entire history; you’re so obvious. But let’s see (and this is just from my tired ass memory, I’m sure I missed a few)...
Most of your posts are just like this response - making everything personal, creating an environment so users start attacking each other. Nothing but name calling and negativity.
You’ve tried to convince users to not trust the military or it’s leadership- when Q advised the military is the only way!
You have no respect for the rules of this site! Constantly engaging in the “type of speak” that you claim is violating your freedom of speech. I’ve noticed shills like to derail threads by this type of speak.
You actually claim that Trump DID incite the 06 Jan event! The dem’s are simply infringing on his freedom of speech because he hurt their feelings!
You discourage users from believing what’s stated on George News, a resource that many in this community trust.
You had the audacity to tell a user to go follow Biden, as Biden IS the President. Your emphasis is on the word ‘is’ says so much.
And last but certainly not least - you directed users to a fucking site debunking Q! I wish I’d seen that you posted it 6 days ago so I could have blasted and called your ass out then!
99% of your posts from the last 6 days are easily recognized as counterproductive. You’re the type of shill that likes to play on emotions. Your job is to bring down morale, isn’t it? Well then, I guess it’s a good thing that I don’t let my emotions drive my conversations.
Doesn’t take me long to figure you fuckers out does it? The more smarter ones know better than to get into it with people like me. Me being one who’s constantly on the lookout for people like you.
Like I’ve said before: I enjoy exposing the shills who think they’re so smarter than the people they’re shilling. Can’t n you take a guess why? Lol. And I don’t waste mine, or the mod’s time with the obvious shills that can be easily plucked out. No, no, no... I’m happy to challenge anyone who I call out as a shill. And I don’t use any word lightly. Everything I say is deliberate when I’m engaging in conversation with you.
I know there are more of you on this site. The more you post your seemingly innocent comments, the more familiar your handle becomes.
Free speech is free speech. I am black and I care not if people use it. Grow a pair of balls you idiots, this aint reddit.
This right here
If anything the stickied post and moderator attitude were far more divisive than anything I have seen posted on here by real users.
We could be simply quoting song lyrics, literature, or quoting something a Democrat said when using the word. Nope, instant ban for that.
What’s next, ban the asterisk? What’s the difference between spelling out the word and masking it or saying “n-word”? Nothing at all, the word is still obviously there. Context doesn’t matter to these mods.
Also, they violate their own sidebar rules all the time. I’m sure we all saw the thread where the head Mod went unhinged and calling everyone retards who believed in widespread chemtrails.
As far as I am concerned, not being able to say a word because the color of your skin is racist itself.
Looks like this thread from last night got “shadow banned”, not showing up in the list anymore.
Big respect.
I don't want people to say it in general and egregious examples should definitely be given a timeout but hoo boy we made a mountain out of ONE word and pissed off a large chunk of the people here, and the response to criticism was "I don't care".
I wonder who downvoted you. I wish I had more updoots to give.
You're NOT a Black PERSON and what I was saying before I got banned stands https://greatawakening.win/u/CrystalClear/, Black people don't refer to themselves as the color black. You would never start a sentence with "as a White". That's how I know neither of you are Black people. Report me all you want, the truth won't change. ThisBrisketIsTasty though.
Banning people simply for using a string of specific letters in a specific sequence is always wrong. Context matters. Context ALWAYS matters. Starting down the road of banning words is not "a slippery slope" its already falling down the mountain.
Read the OP's comment. Context matters.
And for the 3rd time, amen, context matters.
But I sure didn’t get that from reading the OP’s post. ?
The "ban" for using the n-word says nothing about context. It only speaks about banning for any use of the word. "Any use of the word" = context is irrelevant.
As for the OP's comment, I see nothing in there that suggests a respect for context, only a litany of justifications for banning without regard for context.
I'm sure OP was whining yesterday about people downvoting them.... so you know.
Good, then tow.the line here and no.problems
Toe the line?
Then why pray tell are you not toeing the line? Democrats want Trumpism banned. They want you re-educated. If you toe their line, you'll have no problems either.
Oh... it's only when it offends you that you want that line toed.
That's no different than when others seek to have you capitulate.
Oh, that irony.
I'm blown away people are screaming freedom of speech, using racial slurs and then expecting some kind of unity? You fuckers are useless and counterproductive. If your freedom needs.to be expressed in racial epithets then Go to a street corner like the brave defenders of freedom you pretend to be and scream.it in public. Be decent for fucks sake wrong is wrong.
Concernfag. Downvoted.
I will defend the right for people to say stupid words, that aren't violence. Words are not violence.
Deeming certain words violence, leads to other words being deemed violence.
No one is campaigning violence.
This is literally what Trump is fighting in court right now. Holy shit, the fucking irony is lost on you people... it really is.
I hear you in stereo ??
This is not the same forum I signed up to a few weeks ago! The majority of the posts is just noise that people have to sift through.
I’m starting to wonder if the critical thinkers are fleeing to another site. That’s where I’d prefer to be! Lol
What about other races and protected groups? Why just one? Let's get out ahead of this thing!
It's time to make a list of naughty words that can never be used on pain of canceling!
I bet twitter is already on it...
I like the "Satanist cabal".
And we're going to have to change the daily sticky (can I say sticky?) To "planefans".
"Satanist Cabal" because it's offensive to say jews.
"Cracker" because when people eat crackers its ritualistic white hate cannibalism.
"Cheese" because when people eat cheese its ritualistic little girl cannibalism.
"Crackers AND cheese" don't get me started.
"Pizza" because its been used by pedophiles to indicate their preferences.
"Hotdogs" because food you eat at football games promotes white supremacy. And of course the other thing.
Lets just end all words. They are all fucking racist hate speech. Yay, the Great Awakening.
Lmao this, im hispanic i could create a few "no-no" words that i want banned. Asians, natives, and god forbid you say anything about the jews.
Approved speech is not free speech.
Well... I hope you reported them for being racist. Obviously the written word itself isn’t banned - several people used the full word in their posts haven’t been banned. The context in which racist word is being used is what matters.
People are using the term WASP as a negative? To refer to any white person?
Extrapolate dude. No racist shit period.
And autist
And fag
Hmm... wonder what those mods who stickied planefag and autist posts will do now...
"By the people, for the people!"
Meanwhile massive pushback in that thread is met with the same leftist tactics of "you must be a racist if you defend the right to say this" and a literal sentiment of "I don't care what you think, don't do it"
Sorry but there were a ton of ways to handle any form of uptick in racial slurs (and I barely see any of that shit and I'm on here browsing new almost constantly) and they chose the worst one.
They themselves divided people here and accuse anyone on "the other side" of being racist or using the word. I've never used the word in my life and I don't intend to, but it sure as hell seems okay for people to attack me for being white.
Sowing seeds of division, some of these retaaaaarded modfags
That New Zealander Moderator needs to be relieved of his duties. He and his like will ruin this forum. See how he has caused many pedes to focus their discussions on one word instead of more important happenings.
If they want us divided, then stop dividing us by banning language.
Approved speech is not free speech.
Rules are REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Respect ✊?
I agree.
The Devil divides. God unites.
But bannishment is not the solution. We must be educational.
So what do we call it when our own side is sowing division?
If the devil divides and God unites.
To unite, we have to talk to each other, right? In France, the right always loses because of its internal divisions. You have to accept that everyone does not have the same point of view and talk to each other.
But the mods are banning people for saying things they don't like.
And to be clear, I prefer moderation when it's egregious examples.
But the fact that I rarely if ever have seen the word used here at all, and there being a front page post basically shitting on everyone in this community, then saying "I don't care" when people express concerns, shows that we can't actually talk to each other.
The well has officially been poisoned. I expect a statement to come out by the mods that we aren't even to talk about this or else we'll be banned.
I understand your point of view. I said I was against banishment! There are subjects that I dare not broach here. But not everyone is so awake. We must try to convince gradually.
A certain mod also likes to remove peoples posts for being "off topic" yet constantly stickies their own posts that are usually low effort memes, sometimes having nothing to do with our movement. And leaves the "why is this stickied?" First comment. Usually something lazy like "tO StArT a CoVeRsAtIoN" But you know.. the serious discussions that are being made in the posts they remove deserved to get snuffed out I guess.
A certain mod doesnt like us talking about the evil things (((they))) are doing, like grooming our kids through cartoons.
We should crush it like any other unbelief. Keep the ban mods. If these people don't like it tjey can go back to the Donald wins where they belong
Mods are compromised. If the mods have to make a "seriously guys, we're not compromised" post(about a month ago) you maaayyyy be compromised. Add on this attempted blanket censorship to test the waters what they can get away with? Yeaaahh... we can really trust our mods guys! /S
Also the original "no n word" post is already un-stickied? That was fast. Was it done so out of shame?
Mind you, I dont use the word. I havent seen it used here until today because of the mod overreach. I haven't even seen it on TD besides the tongue&cheek "joggers."
Remember guys.. theyre initiating censorship for our own safety
Sound familiar?
Your anger and emotions cloud you with uncertainty and reveal your Jedi training is lacking.
There's one problem with your statement: I'm not angry. I just pay attention to mods in any community I'm in because when they fall, the whole community falls. I've seen it time and time again
Since you invited me to the game of assumptions, bootlicking to gain favor isn't going to get you mod status and, with your name, you sound like a degenerate lefty.?
looks up from zoom Hahaha assuming my intentions are to be a mod are you? Hahahaha
Name calling is very becoming of you... projecting much?
I smell a sith
Just throwing the games you started back at you.
Don't be mad, bro. ?
looks up from zoom Hahahaha you couldn’t make me mad if ya tried “bro”
If it becomes a choice of not using a certain word and getting shut down which would you prefer? You know this infighting is exactly what they want right? The exact same thing happens on TDW
Are you so feeble you can not find an alternate word or expression. .aybe the right is racist, shit I may be in the wrong place. Fuck now that's a revelation.
Every single one you listed has a different meaning. Ignorance is not bliss!
Spook. Coon. Darkie. Porch Monkey. Jiggaboo.
You know why the slurs for white people have little-to-no effect on white people? Because they don't chimp the fuck out upon their utterance.
What an idiotic thought process.
It’s not any word in itself - it’s what the fucking word represents: Hate! It could be any word being used specifically to degrade.
Wasn’t Whoppi Goldberg in the hot seat for being a racist some time ago for referring to a non black race of people as sandniggers? Not sure why I’m wasting my time responding to this... you don’t understand this issue well enough to be discussing it without sounding stupid.
Racism and using racial slurs to create division is one dimensional. Giving it or receiving it is one dimensional. The enemy wants us to stay one dimensional, easier to control. I suggest we all start thinking on another level and move on from this weak and divisive way of thinking. Humanity could be beautiful if we did.
Mods envy twitter employees. First A = say what u want
Hooray!! Make comments replies great again!
Thank you for all your hard efforts Mods! Props for wading through the wailing for the betterment of all. You’re highly valued and we are praying for you emotional and physical well-being.
Samma Vaca Correct Speech as taught by the SammasamBuddha, the Fully Completely Awakened One, should be true, polite ( kindly, friendly, sweetly), timely ( when , where people can receive), and leading to freedom from Suffering. If conduces to Suffering, even if true, might not be a good speech, might have karma effect resulting...
Bible says a lot about it too. Like from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So tell me you ain't racist then blame genetics and use racist words telling us it's just free speech. Fuck off
Common sense and it's sad that it's necessary. God doesn't look on the flesh, he looks upon the heart.
Funny how people think we are upset for the ban of a horrible word. It's not that. It's a Shit word! But what's next? You think it stops here? Maybe it does! If it does I'm fully behind it. But.......
Why so many seek to defend its use solely for the reason of Free Speech is baffling.
I have yet to hear one defended example of context that would justify its use other than to define its purpose - to denigrate and divide.
The slippery slope runs the other way as well.
Would those who defend the use of this word be as eager to defend the use of sexual phrases of pedophiles on line in the name of Free Speech?
Our existence is a double edged sword that cuts both ways.
"I can't possibly understand why people would defend free speech! That's baffling! This word is a really bad word so people should be banned just for saying it! Because anyone who defend it clearly wants to use it!"
One is literally illegal and one is a mean word.
Shitty analog and intellectual dishonesty.
You describe yourself. Intellectual and emotionally dishonest.
Both only exist with the intent to harm.
Intellectual dishonesty would be cutting and pasting a person's comments out of context.
Except it's not harmful anymore. That was the whole point they started using it every other sentence themselves, after all, "to take power away from it".
It's also not illegal and should never be illegal to say, period.
Pedophilia is illegal and with good reason.
So yes, intellectual dishonesty and non-American values.
Words describing pedophilia are not illegal. Sonwhats your point.
Your downvotes betray your true feelings on Free Speech.
Your fever to defend the use of a derogatory term, above all else, betrays your true intentions.
IF pedophilia being "illegal" is your only reason for denouncing it and your defense of the N word is because it's not "illegal" then you are bereft of morality.
I see no honesty, no intellectualism or any Americanism in your words.
You may continue this conversation with yourself from this point on. I see no value in participating further.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean people can't disagree with you, and there is no Reddiquette here. Additionally, I am not the only one downvoting you. In essence, cry more.
This is a leftist tactic.
I have never used it. I will never use it. Don't straw man out of this one.
Have you never heard of the term "I don't agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?
No? Guess you're retarded then.
Oh look, another leftist tactic.
Pedophilia is illegal for good reason, as I stated, and speech relating to participation or endorsement should be met with deletion and investigation because it's illegal and you can't be sure if they're just fuckin' around.
No one is defending the N word you raging leftist. We defend your right to SAY it even if we don't AGREE with it because it is Constitutionally protected speech and the Constitution doesn't say you can't be an ass hole.
My honesty is my stalwart defense of the Constitution, my intellectualism comes from being able to separate my opinions and the opinions of others as they pertain to the above, and my Americanism comes from my patriotism to this country and its freedoms.
You just want tyranny because fee fees get hurt waahhhhh
Well, prideful people hate to admit they are wrong. When law enters in its because love is not present. Love enough to speak salted words and words that build.
The right words at the right time. My thanks for this ?
Obviously you haven’t read another of my posts in this thread, or the original post for that matter. You even used a couple of the examples I gave, so smart.
Not sure why you’re under the impression that I have a demand, or that I give a shit about what anybody thinks about me. I don’t give anybody that much power over me, sorry! Perhaps you should work on your comprehension skills before calling yourself trying to throw insults in the future. Just saying...
Fike Kigger Naggot
Pasted from my comment in response to THERE WILL BE PERMANENT BANS FOR ANY USE OF THE N WORD, MOST ACCOUNTS DOING THIS ARE UNDER 60 DAYS OLD, I think this is coordinated shilling but this is a blanket warning to all
Banning the use of a derogatory term used by white supremacists has NOTHING to do with free-speech or censorship!
Who do you think it helps if this Pro-Trump site is associated with white supremacy??? These comments can be used to support the MSM claim that he’s a racist! How do you not understand this?
==== original post=== Within the last couple of days there have been so many comments with racial remarks in them I was actually considering making a post titled: “For once the MSM got something right - Q is a cult that’s full of white supremacists!” I’m glad I didn’t because it’s obvious this site is being bombarded with racist shills. I spend hours reading this site everyday since joining a few weeks ago and the other day was the FIRST time I ran across actual racist conversations in some of the threads.
Only the most blatant racist comments/users were removed from this thread, but Mods, you missed a few:
NCPatriot556: Send all the monkeys back to their mother land.
StartAgain: and then they wonder why things like Stormfront exist. I'm not part of it, but for real. One of many
Son_Of_Honkler 1 day ago +70 / -13 I wish we could have honest and robust discussions about the horrific, out of control problem that is the African-American culture of behaving like an African. numerous racist posts, but look at the upvotes!
I know this is coordinated to make users of this forum out to racists - just look at some of the responses in this thread! Many clearly do not care about what Q stands for, or the mission of this forum! Banning the use of a racist term has NOTHING to do with censorship! The MSM is trying hard to discredit Q - either you’re supporting their cause, or Q’s!
To quote another user:
Question everything; to include YOUR behavior! Ask yourself: which side am I really on? We should NOT participate in any behavior that WILL be used to discredit this community, or drive the audiences that need the information on this site away from it!
Observe the site rules and recognize that we the people includes all races! Racism is not a crime but acting racist can sometimes be a crime, like expressing ideas that drives out specific races!
And my rant includes all those disrespecting the Mods for cleaning up trash & getting rid of noise/distractions! One can’t help but wonder why a user would hate on a Mod... adding to the noise & distractions?
I posted this on another thread, and I will repost it here. I am aware at least 50% will disagree with me. I don't care if everyone disagrees. I will continue to say this because I believe it is the truth:
I agree with you there is no reason to use this word, but that is not really what the discussion is about. This particular word is causing issues not because of the nature of what it is, but because of the external nature of those with whom we are fighting. We all know that Q is not a racially motivated group, but yet we are tarnished with that brush daily by the other side. Then, they send shills over here to try and poison the discussions so that they can justify their position. OK. I get it. This is cyber warfare.
But, here is the rub. If we allow them to do this with racism, what else can they use this tactic on? Maybe next they will call us Satan worshipers or baby killers or some equally horrible tag that more properly represents them. Then they send shills over here, and we have to block out another area of thought. And another. And another. And so on.
I am much more concerned about 2 things rather than the actual banning:
Having given into this tactic from the globalists, how do we make sure they don't simply switch to another word? What guarantee do we have from the mods that the bans stop here and go no further?
Why did the mods not discuss this strategy with us as a group before they made a blanket decision as to the best way to counter this threat? It wouldn't have taken much to ask for feedback from the group, and explain their reasoning before pushing through with a dictatorial ban.
We are discussing this because it is a very, very scary tactic the mods have embarked upon, and puts our entire community at risk. In fact, this tactic is so egregious and so opposed to what we represent, that one has to wonder if they aren't doing this on purpose as an experiment to see how we will all react.
I hate the word. I see no value in it. But I will vigorously defend your right to say it, as I expect you to defend my right to call you the disgusting maggot you are if you do. That is our core value here. How can we simply give that up?
How can the mods think that would ever be OK?
The mod's behavior in that thread were pretty repulsive too. "I don't care".
Man if you don't care the stop stirring the fuckin' pot.
I didn't want to see this drama and infighting but all it did was divide us, and even the most retarded person would see that specifically banning one word -- just one -- and then using leftist tactics to shut down any dissent in a forum full of people who love the Constitution would create a shit show.
We I'm not associating with retards these defend and use that shit or use 1st amendment to hide behind.
Racism has been promoted and burned into all of us at the same time they made us all feel guilt about it. If people want to continue being programmed and used by thinking like this, nO red pill can fix.that and no unity can be possible. Free speech is great, those words aren't speech and all they convey is hate which is why I've no use for any of it.
Total fertility rate is below replacement rates except in one continent.
Maybe you should ask what side YOU are on, extinctionist.
If you’re going to quote me, do it me correctly!
I did NOT say or imply what you’re quoting. I was referring to our behavior being used as a means to discredit... basically like how your stupid comment is contributing to making the users on this site look stupid!!!
Q supporters are smarter than this!
I didn't misquote. I redirected your point into a counterpoint. The entire "white supremacy" narrative of the MSM is a lie. Conservatives are not white supremacists. What isn't a lie is the demographic trend. What's sad is that many Q people haven't even picked up on that fact.
I agree. I've seen one of those users lately ALWAYS posting anti-semitic BS and talking about "Africans". I just block them and move on. I'm trying to push all hate out of my heart.
Love is the answer
I have said the most crazy shit in here. I've called people fuckheads and assholes etc. Been called a few myself. Never been so much as spoken too about it. So the mods are pretty lax in my opinion.
Context is everything. Really gotta be careful about sarcasm. /s is your friend. Txt is too easy to read into. Speak without concern and receive the recompense.
You curse, and yet speak truth without rudeness. It’s an art for some.
CONTEXT absolutely matters!
The ONLY use the N word er’s spelling has is to degrade! It’s no different than using wet back or cracker!!! Any word that’s used to signify hate towards any population just because falls in the banned category. If we all start spitting out derogatory terms used for some disabled populations, the fucking MSM would have something else to use to discredit the pro Trump populace! **How fucking dare you claim to be woke and not understand this! **
If you read the examples I posted, those users did not post the word - the fucking context of the post itself was HATEFUL!
To those who can’t process higher level thought, calling out pedos is not the same! Ya think it might have something to do with BEHAVIOR?
Blacks use it all the time, and we could also be quoting song lyrics, literature, or quoting something a racist Democrat said.
These people can't love enough to self regulate. They are selfish and want their own way. A very millennial trait I might add. That's for the boomer fags who think my generation is the problem. BTW, trumps a boomer as are most of the folks freeing you from the deepstate programming you all still display.
There is a huge difference between hate speech, and speech you hate. The leftists totalitarians regularly redefine speech they hate, as "hate speech" then use the power of the state to shut down and eliminate those they disagree with, under the guise of "public safety." January 6th ring a bell?
This is true...
But how many people you think actually knows this?
The majority equates the word as a negative connotation for blacks. Ironic they don’t even realize how the elite twisted it’s meaning to divide us by race. The way I see it, those who assign it specifically to blacks, proves how programmed they still are.
Do they see it as a negative connotation when so many black people use the word to describe other black people in a neutral way?
If you relate to the asshole, and are unable to be respectful as showcased here, you are not welcome.
Why should we have to subject ourselves to the verbal abuse of self-confirming assholes? Allowing bullying isn’t free speech that’s abuse. Stop abusing people out of your anger.
If you’re unable to communicate your thoughts well, that’s your fault, not mine.
Leave then as it appears they are correct from reading these.post. go start your own site.
yeah and you totally do not sound like a libtard using their favorite phrase.
I wasn’t whining about being down voted - I was calling the shills to challenge me! None took me up on my offer for the reason you’re about to find out why:
You think you’re smart - let me help you realize where you rank on the scale. Yes, the mod’s post about the banning of the word could’ve better stated - perhaps the mod underestimated how many non critical thinkers this site is actually full of. You being one of them!
Isn’t there a rule against racism on this site?! You think it’s just a word, but don’t all words have meaning?! Some words were only created for the sole purpose of expressing hate against races of people. To think it’s about simply ‘banning an offensive word so what’s next’ - goes to show how dumbed down people are. Which is how the elite is able to keep us under control, wouldn’t you agree?
Having the ability for higher thought processing is probably why you assume I’m a facebook boomer? I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion... you’ll need to bring me down to your level so I can respond; this is where logic comes into play. But the fact that you really think 50mil “Facebook boomers” is posting how great censorship is, is truly telling! There’s no way you’re that clueless? You said you came from the chans, right? Well, how many of those 50mil ‘censorship’ supporters you think are shills? Don’t worry, it’s only a rhetorical question because you can’t possibly apply logic to answer it when you don’t even understand the concept of censorship. Here’s how I know you don’t:
You see, the reason the “talk about Jews” as you call it was “censored” was because it was hateful - in other words: racist! And isn’t racism against the rules of this forum? I challenge you to think: how does censorship apply in this situation? Give you a hint: it doesn’t!
If you are a genuine Q supporter you’d understand the mission of this forum and why the word was banned... it was obviously being used by counterproductive ‘Q supporters.’
No doubt it does! It seems a new tactic is to try and make Q supporters look dumb - most of you complaining about being censored on a private site for not allowing the promotion of racism falls in this category. You think you’re supporting Q but your contributions to the movement says otherwise. I would’ve been fine just being a site lurker... but I’m enjoying calling out the shills who think they’re so smart. Why the hell do you think I have so many downvotes?! To me, this is a good sign! LOL
I could go on to point out other things you stated in your post that doesn’t make sense, but it’ll be too long. Don’t want to risk the message being overlooked by anyone willing to receive it. But thank you for proving my point that you don’t have the mental capacity to process complex information.
Oh, and hasn’t jogger been identified as a ‘secure’ way to circumvent the banning of the word for which it replaced? To be clear - the context in which you used the word is what makes it racist. Just like how “the speak of Jews” was banned even when no ‘forbidden’ words were used. Deporting!
But remember what I said: every word has a meaning. Now let me blow your mind: when the spelling is changed, so does the meaning, however slight (e.g., run/ran, dummy/dummies)... but when it’s combined with other words to form a sentence - this is where it gets complicated! The meaning of every word, the placement of the words in the sentence, let’s not start combining sentences, way too much to process. But let me leave you with this: please don’t let the fact that you were out smarted by, as you call a “jogger” deepen your feelings of hatred. Let it go. Having hatred in your heart prevents you from experiencing the full effect of love.
I’m glad you responded in this way... NOTHING about my response had to do with my feelings - just facts! Your response is typical of shills who infiltrate.
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to fully outline why you are a shill. And these are just from your post in the last 6 days! There was no need for to me skim your entire history; you’re so obvious. But let’s see (and this is just from my tired ass memory, I’m sure I missed a few)...
Most of your posts are just like this response - making everything personal, creating an environment so users start attacking each other. Nothing but name calling and negativity.
You’ve tried to convince users to not trust the military or it’s leadership- when Q advised the military is the only way!
You have no respect for the rules of this site! Constantly engaging in the “type of speak” that you claim is violating your freedom of speech. I’ve noticed shills like to derail threads by this type of speak.
You actually claim that Trump DID incite the 06 Jan event! The dem’s are simply infringing on his freedom of speech because he hurt their feelings!
You discourage users from believing what’s stated on George News, a resource that many in this community trust.
You had the audacity to tell a user to go follow Biden, as Biden IS the President. Your emphasis is on the word ‘is’ says so much.
And last but certainly not least - you directed users to a fucking site debunking Q! I wish I’d seen that you posted it 6 days ago so I could have blasted and called your ass out then!
99% of your posts from the last 6 days are easily recognized as counterproductive. You’re the type of shill that likes to play on emotions. Your job is to bring down morale, isn’t it? Well then, I guess it’s a good thing that I don’t let my emotions drive my conversations.
Doesn’t take me long to figure you fuckers out does it? The more smarter ones know better than to get into it with people like me. Me being one who’s constantly on the lookout for people like you.
FOR YOU AND YOUR FELLOW SHILL HOMIES: Like I’ve said before: I enjoy exposing the shills who think they’re so smarter than the people they’re shilling. Can’t n you take a guess why? Lol. And I don’t waste mine, or the mod’s time with the obvious shills that can be easily plucked out. No, no, no... I’m happy to challenge anyone who I call out as a shill. And I don’t use any word lightly. Everything I say is deliberate when I’m engaging in conversation with you.
I know there are more of you on this site. The more you post your seemingly innocent comments, the more familiar your handle becomes.
lol, you're nuts, like actually crazy.
Because I disagree with you and you're whining, I'm a shill, huh?
Maybe if everyone you meet in a day is a shill, every corner you turn there are shills, the problem isn't other people, it's you.
This site is getting over ran by shills trying make this platform out to be about everything except what it was initially created for!