Edit2: Holy crap, they acquitted. Well, I admit it; I'm a dumbass. I don't have any clue what is gonna come next, aside from only the BEST.
What are the options?
Get acquitted. Antifa riots in DC (they are already there). Media runs hit pieces saying government is broken and they need to overthrow. They call on Biden to enact insurrection act. Game Over. Guns seized.
Get convicted. We all see due process, truth, and Congress mean nothing anymore. Media has a circle jerk. Nothing happens because we know not to be baited into a civil war. Media doesn’t expect this. There are no more distractions. They have nothing to talk about because Trump is finally “gone”. People with TDS have lost their only passion in life. Stimulus checks still not passed. Lefty idiots get angry, with no Trump to blame. They eat their own in a lefty civil war against Biden.
The goal for Trump right now is to disappear. Once he is gone they will blindly lash out at themselves. The media is trying to divert their violence towards Q but it isn’t working because we never gather and no one knows who follows Q. You have a better chance finding the China virus.
It had to be this way. The game was rigged from the start. Trump never had a fair chance.
Edit: News of them possibly calling witnesses throws a wrench in my theory. I'm at a loss. This movie is totally unpredictable.
He cannot be convicted of anything... he is being impeached which is not a criminal proceeding...
He is successfully impeached just by it passing the house. Senate then decides to convict or acquit.
It isn't a criminal court, but he can still be convicted. Stupid, I know.
I believe they can refer to doj for charges. Someone know how this works?
Generally impeachment is to remove the person from public office. Supposed to be followed by criminal charges. With trump they would make something up . After seeing how powerful his defence was I have a hard time thinking they could get 2/3, because the people saw what we did. A conviction would be so obviously rigged, maybe they are dumb enough. Who knows. I think an arrest of Obama would shock the world more than Trump's arrest.
But the conviction would prevent him from running for any future office. Hopefully that will be enough of a pacifier and they wont pursue criminal charges. But I doubt they will show any such restraint. My bet is they come after him to try to lock him up. Not sure how the plan deals with that, but I guess we'll find out.
Keeping the faith.
Running for any office under the Corporate US. Key part to all of this ... they're proving its the Corporate US by allowing a trial that disregards its own Constitution and leaving the Supreme Court out of this. The Supreme Court was established in September of 1789 under the old Constitution.
You're watching a movie!
Yup. Entertaining, but one looooong movie. I am full up on popcorn at this point.
But I am excited for the grand finale!
They dont actually care about due process or anything. Seems to me like they're giing to vote to hang trump in the senate.
They cant do that?
Whos gonna stop them?
Military is the only way.
Dont have the votes to impeach in the Senate...its all for optics
All lies. They are all turncoats. You can’t trust a single “fact” out of Congress.
You don't know that for sure.
After the 6th, where they all played pretend and have since milked the event like half the nation exploded, yeah I know that for sure.
They are all complicit with letting Antifa enter Congress. Every one. Not a single one has brought up the subject of Antifa being the catalyst for the siege, which means they are all bad eggs.
Maybe there are a few undercover double-agents, but they can't break their cover on this frivolous nonsense, you can be sure of that.
Keep in mind, Trump couldn't have planned a second impeachment would get past the House. The Q operation has been years in the planning. That the impeachment would take place ON THIS DATE is next impossible to plan for because of how lazy, stupid, and slow Congress is.
This is just another delay before the final flaming crash to earth the DeepState is headed towards.
Yeah I don’t know.... the only people that would be outraged about the blatant lack of due process and disregard for justice, would be US. And we are already outraged. Very few people care about the impeachment and even less watched any of it. I’m not trying to speculate on what will happen, because I’m done trying, just trying to follow along and hope for the best.
I agree, but I do think they'll manufacture outrage
Well....there's enough outrage here, that's for sure. I'll be following along closely for sure, can't wait to see what happens.
Yeah I don’t buy that we need to be shown “ the blatant lack of due process”. We were already shown that in impeachment v1. We were shown it again during the election mess. This would be the third time we’re being shown. We’ve reached the point of diminishing returns here.
We're way past "us" ... this is about the blind.
Exactly. Diminishing returns. That's the term i've been looking for.
I agree in part, but we can't let them puff up a riot; we can't give them an excuse to go violent now. We are too smart to fall into their traps. It is the coward who fires before the signal to do so.
Which is why we must avoid civil war AT ALL COSTS.
The Military can't act in a firestorm. They need silence and calm so they can surgically remove the tumors. If that means letting them break every rule in Congress to impeach and convict Trump, so be it. It just makes them look as stupid and corrupt as we know they are.
The first suit against them in the Judicial branch (granted we eventually throw out the bad ones) will overturn their decision. The case for unconstitutionality, which has been laid out perfectly by the defense, can be taken before the Judiciary and it is open and close. Legislation must be kept in check by the Judiciary when it attacks the Executive branch. That is the way of the founding fathers; of checks and balances.
They've already lost the optics war, no matter what they do, because they have absolutely no credibility left now after this sham. That's why they can only resort to violent options.
A civil war will complicate things in ways we can't possibly imagine.
We MUST resist the urge to get in the way of the Military.
The second we group up, as we have seen on the 6th, they will insert ANTIFA to make us look like the bad guys. We cannot gather because they will infiltrate us and steer us towards the slaughter.
Only when the Military turns on us should we take up arms. Once Biden issues the order for the NG to seize our guns, then we know the good guys have lost and it is up to us.
I only hope it won't be too late by then.
Amen. I agree. God has this. Too long have the few ruled over the many will ill intent.
So long as the majority of people proclaim His name above all others, we will not be subject to the final hour.
This is simply a new era in history. The signs of this being the End Times are disjointed and inconsistent. Though the evil ones have tried to take us down that path, we have resisted. Too many rebuke the devil and his ways. We are not yet as faithless as Sodom and Gomorrah.
It will be a long, long time before we forget the lessons of this time and place. The grace of God has saved us from true evil and he has given His authority to the right men and women to overthrow this old enemy.
In the blood of Jesus Christ, we have already won the war. All that is left are hissy fits as the devil plummets further into hell.
Thank you. Didn't realize you knew in my comment above.
I respectfully disagree.
Since they are now allowing witnesses I think this is when the true bombshells start to get dropped. I believe they will prove that the Capitol insurrection was all preplanned and directed by Pelosi, Schumer and other swamp creatures. They will prove that it was actually antifa/BLM that were the ones who led the breach into the Capitol.
If that is the case, and if Patriots are truly in control, I expect we will start to see a major crackdown on the antifa/BLM riots... perhaps by the National Guard?
I don’t want to get my hopes up, but I think it’s finally time to see bigger things start to happen.
The news of witnesses broke after my post. I agree to your disagree.
My assumptions were wrong in hindsight, but the threat is still there.
They must have something good, or control of the Media, otherwise we are headed towards nation-wide riots.
Damn, this movie is ramping up. Twists and turns every hour.
I don't agree with this. He can't and won't be impeached. If he is, there will be war, and I'll be at the front line.
He has already been impeached. By the terms, a successful impeachment is if it gets past the House. Now is just whether to convict/acquit and what punishments are appropriate.
"We have to lose to win"... well we've been losing so much that the amount of winning we are owed should be biblical.
You don't get? Even after all that has happened?
You can't take any politician on their word. PERIOD. Watch what they do, not what they say.
It is for optics. If 17 republicans flip then that allows the media to say the prosecution did a marvelous job and the defense had nothing. No one on the left watched this impeachment because the media always shelters them from the truth.
I doubt even a single senator is on Trump's side. FISA made sure of that.
What about 100% safe from impeachment?
Everything can be overturned.
They didn't get the Chief Justice to preside. There are no checks and balances. Totally and completely unconstitutional.
All their decisions can be taken up to the Judiciary because they have yet to have any input on these proceedings.
They are really, really stupid.
My belief is this was a hurry up impeachment to try and stop him from coming back 2021, as there’s 22 months to over turn if all the 2020 evidence comes out, if this were to stop anything in 2024 why come out so quickly now? think on that. ?
I think as soon as they tap the Federal Reserve they will be forced to formally declare the United States Corp. has defaulted and can no longer print money as they have been dissolved through bankruptcy.
They cannot do anything in Congress that taps the Federal Reserve and can only use already existing money budgeted to the Executive Branch (the reason for so many Executive Orders).
The Impeachment is going to be drug out to make it look like they still have power to Legislate and as an excuse not to hear any other bills. Note that nothing currently on the docket for House or Senate involves money, only semantics and process.
This is just a show to make it seem like they still are in charge. I still think they will convict, but only when they feel secure in that they can start a civil war to distract people from them doing literally nothing.
What a mess....
Given the many layers of fraud having been committed along the way to this shitshow, I remind all y'all that FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING... Nothing of the 117th congress will stand because of the terminal TDS being displayed...
I love the honesty of your edit.
Just yesterday I came to the same conclusion. The important thing is for us patriots not to overreact. We know mil is in control and that we win in the end. Gotta stay calm and patient and not be baited into anything.
Yeah, I'd like to see them come and try to take our guns.
If Trump is convicted of a crime he didn't commit, by a bunch of criminals judging him, it seems like the conviction can't be legally upheld.
Exactly, which is why the Defense team's case is hinged at every point on the unconstitutionality of the impeachment.
That throws it to the Judiciary to decide. Since Chief Justice Roberts isn't presiding over this sham, then they haven't allowed the Judiciary to be involved and they can bring a case to them at a later date to overturn the decisions of the Legislature.
The worst thing they could possibly do would be to actually try and physically confiscate guns because that would guarantee a civil war. It would be way smarter on their parts to try and legislate them out of existence like they've done in the People's Republic of california.
Another important thing to remember is that yes, left to their own devices the left does seem to tear itself apart. However they never seem to do any lasting damage because they're always unified and strong in their hatred of the next conservative/republican to come along.
The worst thing is what they want.
They want patriots to fight the Military.
How is this accomplished? Go for the guns.
They WANT a civil war so that the UN/China can come in and take control.
It can't be through Legislature, because it isn't fast enough and States can resist. There has to be an emergency declared such that we are frightened enough to take up arms. They want us fighting ourselves. They want us fighting the Military. They don't care if Americans die, even those on their side.
For them, the ends justify the means. That is the telltale lie of the devil.
Maybe they should ask the Soviets how that invasion of afghanistan went
No one will enforce that ... they have about 27 more false flags to do before they can try to take guns.
You're watching a movie. Enjoy the show and if it isn't painfully obvious who is in control ... take a 40,000ft view.
I know. That's why I'm not holding my breath that the left eats itself up from the inside anytime soon.
This shampeachment is doing just what Trump wants. All the lies, blind hate, hypocrisy, media manipulation are now exposed and part of the Congressional record, with sworn witnesses and easy to follow visual aids. How do you introduce evidence (that is being suppressed)? He who laughs last, laughs hardest.
I believe Trump had already enacted the insurrection act and when he gave the rally speech on Jan 6 he was not the president because he’d already turned it over to the military. Remember Q has said for several years that we’re watching a movie.
If true, then this impeachment is really really, supder dupder, unconstitutional.
They are currently trying him for things he did during his presidency.
If he wasn't president then, they lose even the tiniest bit of standing they still have left.
I don't think your theory was a good one to begin with.
This is an insanely exciting theory. I have always seen Trump as a Jesus figure, a saviour who has sacrificed everything for the love of a country. Now They will crucify him.
Trump is an outsider being attacked by the elite, last time that only made him stronger, and this time it will as well. If he is convicted, many more people will see through the hipocracy.
And of course, it doesn’t matter, the conviction means nothing. Eventually a new transparent election will be held and Trump will win it. Genious.
I don’t see it going down this way if he isn’t successfully impeached. The twists and turns of this slow moving judicial ship are going to make predictions very challenging.
As for antifa, they’re bored, jobless angsty kids with an emotional attachment to strange ideals and they’ll find any reason to riot, any time, any day, under any circumstance or administration.
Guess you missed the boat on that one.
Sounds like a black pill to me. Encouraging distrust of Trump's capacity to achieve the objective.
They don't have the numbers to convict. Won't happen
Sorry, they don't have the votes to convict. It would take 17 Republicans to join the 50 Senate Democrats to convict, not a simple majority.
A couple of weeks ago, Sen. Rand Paul introduced a point of order claiming that it is unconstitutional for the Senate to hold an impeachment trial of a former president. It was defeated by a 55-45 vote, with five Republicans joining all 50 Senate Democrats, meaning 12 additional Republicans would have to change their position in order for the conviction to succeed.
Trump will be acquitted and antifa or blm won't do shit. They'll riot and break shit no matter what happens.
Worst plan ever heard. He must be acquitted.
That didn't age well..
UN, then China.
This doesnt add up. There is no chance biden will be taken seriously if he invokes the insurrection act because of antifa. Would result in civil war except the government would have to fight on both fronts
I don't believe the Military is under Biden's control, mind you.
What does that leave the DeepState?
Here's the "plan":
Start riots, get patriots involved, firefights ensue. National Guard called to break up fights.
Biden demand Military seize guns to stop future fights.
Military refuses all orders from the Resident in Cheat.
Biden declares Military is starting a coup. Call on the UN, EU, and China to help overthrow the US military.
WW3 goes full-swing.
We have to avoid this scenario at all costs.
Dont see it getting to that point. No one is invading burma over their coup. You think the anyone is gonna be willing to pick a fight with the us military + 100 million armed citizens on their own turf? Terrorist attacks yes ww3 no
I don't think it will get to that point either, but that's the only option the DeepState has left.
They've already lost, but they are gonna try to stir some shit up before they are put out to pasture.
Don't forget about the more than likely fake alien invasion done by hologram from Space X's StarLink project and real satellite lasers.
People have been saying that is their last resort for 20 years. They have to do it some time after the Rapture and while they say we were all abducted by aliens ... they tell the unbelievers this, 'we now have "Peace & Safety"' ... which in the Bible ( https://www.bibleref.com/1-Thessalonians/5/1-Thessalonians-5-3.html ) is when Jesus comes down and wrecks their shit. Read Revelation and it will blow your mind.
Lol dit this “ People with TDS have lost their only passion in life.” Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense, in my opinion convicting would actually give credit to this sham when acquittal shows them for what they are. Plus, not sure Antifa will riot. I don’t think many care about this impeachment about us. Many don’t care about politics at all but have been brainwashed into detesting Trump.
I started having these thoughts yesterday. 17 (hmmm!) rinos to convict. ??They impeach without evidence, they commit perjury?? It is just a feeling.
But don't they still swear to tell the truth?
They might have if they called witnesses and investigated during Due Process. Since that never happened, no one swore to anything.
They broke every one of their own rules to get this past the House. They don't even have the Judicial branch presiding. That alone means this can be retried in the Judiciary on grounds of unconstitutionality.
You simply cannot circumvent checks and balances. The Judiciary must have a hand in this for it to be constitutional.
No. During the last impeachment that was the huge story ... that the law to be "sworn in" for House of Reps managers had been removed at some point in recent history. That's why Castor yesterday said, "The magnitude of this trial makes me almost fell like I've been sworn in."
He was making a joke about the House Managers' ability to legally lie during the process.