God is about relationship - “religion” is man made, and God has had a lot to say about it. (Think Old Testament idol worship, Sodom and Gomorrah, and what Jesus had to say about the chief priests and Pharisees.) God has always been about restoring His relationship with us. God doesn’t need our “Religion” to bring us to Him.
Isaiah 1:16-17 NLT
Wash yourselves and be clean! Get your sins out of my sight. Give up your evil ways. [17] Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.
Amos 5:21-24 NLT
"I hate all your show and pretense- the hypocrisy of your religious festivals and solemn assemblies. [22] I will not accept your burnt offerings and grain offerings. I won't even notice all your choice peace offerings. [23] Away with your noisy hymns of praise! I will not listen to the music of your harps. [24] Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living.
Mark 12:29-31 NLT
Jesus replied, "The most important commandment is this: 'Listen, O Israel! The LORD our God is the one and only LORD. [30] And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.' [31] The second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these."
James 1:27 NLT
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
Religion definition is a gray area. One could argue that religion brings you to come to know the essence or tenants of a particular god(s)-notice the lower case g. Ultimately, religion is influenced by God and interpreted by men. A good analogy I like to think of is, for example, the US Constitution. The framers set the rules, and citizens interpret the rules and create more laws as they go along. Then SCOTUS will declare certain laws to be unconstitutional and changes to the laws are applied to maintain the framework of the founders. Now think of God, he gave us the 10 commandments, the constitution, men created laws based on those commandments, think the Torah. The holy spirit challenges the Torah, because the law is written in oir hearts by the Holy Spirit. Does that void the Torah? No, but it does splinter into different interpretations of men (Christianity, Judaism). Who is right? Well He is the ultimate judge, its for him to decide. Did we listen to the Holy Spirit, or we didn't?
Your correct. Because of the mathematical nature of my thoughts, I like to start with definitions. Unfortunately, the nature of forums such as this don't make that easy.
The common definition of religion is a set of laws, practices, and ceremonies created as a path to bridge the gap between man and the divine.
When Jesus died on the cross and was risen three days later, He became that Path. Through our relationship with Jesus, when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour, we become adopted children of GOD. Jesus is our religion.
Because we are supposed to be loving children, we should want to be like our Father and do what He wants. What He wants is pretty simple.
Be holy because He is Holy. Stand bravely for truth and justice.
Spend time in prayer and feed on the Word of GOD.
Gather together in the Name of Jesus. Celebrate the Last Supper as a remembrance. Lift each other up.
Be a light in the darkness bearing witness of the Good News to the lost.
Organized religion is used to usurp and twist our relationship with God to nefarious ends. One look at the history of the Papacy, as an example, will show you the demented crap that has been the custom since almost the very beginning. It began as something pure, but that didnt last long. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is the legacy of organized religion. That and death in the name of God.
Now that is not to say there arent any good men of religion. There absolutely is good men involved. A very many good men, with good intentions. But it is rotten at the top.
This has always been my brick wall to religion. Soo much control is begot via religion. I feel i can be a good person and do right. Should be good. I have to experience something tangible to go any further
Religion is giving to God what is owed. It is the original social justice. Your reverence and respect and adoration are owed to the Father. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
I believe the Bible IS the word of God. I believe God inspired men to write it. Therefore, it is HIS word to us.
I tried reading the bible when I was younger but it never made much sense to me.
... Forward to my 50's and I became Born Again Roman Catholic. I still consider myself a baby Christian But it wasn't until I was saved that I was able to understand the Bible when I read it. There are multiple meanings in the Bible and so much to discover behind the words.
You may only truly understand it if you have the Holy Spirit within you. He is our guide here in earth, our interpreter and the one who calls out to God when we pray
FWIW the more one reads the bible with the Spirit within in them, the more the Spirit will reveal..
To be saved all one need do is to apologize for their sins and mean it and accept Christ as their Personal Savior. Nothing else is required of you. Once you do that His Spirit will become your guide here on earth.
Deeds of goodwill will alone will NOT save you. You need God INSIDE your heart. When we meet God in Heaven He will RECOGNIZE His Spirit within you. He will welcome you into Heaven. Without His spirit within you He will say "Depart from me, I never knew you."
Just remember this is man's interpretation of God's intentions.
But yeah, my bible teacher had a hard time explaining that one, too. He got around it by saying it applied to those who KNEW and still refused to believe it. I was pretty much quoting his words.
In my heart I know that God will judge everyone justly. My thoughts are those who were in backward countries with no exposure to the Bible or His words would have some means of salvation.
Our human minds can only comprehend a small portion of GOD's plan of salvation, that portion that we need to understand for our own salvation.
In truth, even though I have pit bull faith, a few weeks ago, I got very dispondent while thinking about all of the children being murdered by our evil society. I was assured by the Holy Spirt that there is a plan, and that I shouldn't waste time trying to understand it.
The Bible. It is infallible. All of it is true or none of it is. I have a friend that says "not every story is true, but some are". But which ones then...so it has to be an all or nothing proposition.
Do you know any Information Theory? Think of the Bible as a communication channel modulated with the Word of GOD. GOD's Truth saturates it. Therefore, problems caused by translations of language and culture can be overcome by correlation.
The Holy Spirit bares witnesses to the truth in the Bible. GOD's Word saturates it. Even if there are issues of translation in language and culture, the Truth shines through. Remember that a relationship is a spiritual matter. Believe in GOD, ask Him to open your eyes. As you read the Gospels, the Truth will resonate with your spirit. Don't over think things. The Truth is pretty simple. When you are talking with your best friend, you know things without really thinking about it, you just know. That's your spirit resonating with his. Jesus wants to have a relationship with you. The Holy Spirit will guide you.
All it takes is the tiniest amount of belief to open the flood gate.
Bah, semantics. If one believes in God, that person can be said to be religious.
If it's religion as an organized social institution, or a Church, I can see where you're coming from with the note that I believe Moses and Christ both began such institutions. I've had to learn to overlook the faults of those in my Church the way that our Savior admonishes, which would be harder to do without that body He instructed us to meet as.
Someone in chat asked for pompeo to tweet a specific bible verse but he tweeted a different one with the same verse and chapter numbers or something like that. It's extremely close to what was requested and maybe just different enough for plausible deniability. Fucking hate this spook shit but we're in the dark for now and looking for what we can where we can.
I love this video, watched it a couple of weeks ago when it was first posted here. I am watching it again. There is a lot here to comprehend and think about especially with all the Q posts we have too.
Is the prophesy coming true because it was foretold or because it was heard and made to happen?
Think The Matrix scene where the Oracle tells Neo not to worry about the vase, then Neo knocks it over. Neo asks how she knew he'd knock it over. She asks him if by her saying it, she made it happen. Now, that bakes your noodle.
Not everything is a Matrix analogy. The brothers who made the movie are now pretending to be women for crying out loud... That really screws with your noodle.
What you are describing is self fulfilling prophesy and that does have truth to it. But this is far beyond that, this is the work of God.
The whole Kim Clement thing is weird, giving out prophecies while playing an electro keyboard :P
edit: seems like some delicate snowflakes think I was ridiculing it, I'm not, just thought it was weird, as in, peculiar, perhaps I should have used that word instead.
I know it probably seems weird to us today, but this isn't a new thing in scripture- prophecy and music together.
2 Kings 3:14-15 says: Elisha said, “As surely as the Lord Almighty lives, whom I serve, if I did not have respect for the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not pay any attention to you. But now bring me a harpist.” While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came on Elisha
So it's not new to God to do have people prophesy with music, just something we aren't used to now :).
(As an aside, in that verse, Elisha is speaking to a wicked leader of Israel named Joram. He's definitely NOT deferring to or accepting or seeking to uNiFy with that evil leader. So this is a scripture I look to when other Christians tell me I need to get behind Biden or stop being contrary or whatever.)
Is it weird? Or have you been programmed to think it is weird? Turn on a current music video from any of the top "mainstream" pieces of trash and then step back and tell me what is actually "weird."
The psalms, or the palms as Fake Prez. Joe Biden would call them, were meant to be played as songs with instruments...
My work will have CNN or some other bullshit Fake News on that I only watch second hand through people on Youtube that mock all their bullshit is now completely and totally "weird" and wrong to me because I see straight through it all for what it really is.
Although I was raised Catholic, I now consider myself to be more spiritual than religious. I pray, read the Bible and try my best to follow the Golden Rule. Everyone has a choice to follow their own path!
i WAS VERY anti religion, anti believing in god. But I started paranormal investigating and it pushed me to believe theres SOMETHING out there beyond us. All of whats going on in the world has brought me to finding god tho. Im still no bible bumper at all. But the evil we are facing, will face its judgement. This IS the greatest battle of good vs evil in the history of man. And WE will be the victors and live free and prosperous for the rest of time.
church is made of believers not bricks. they can shut down the houses of worship which are full of sinful idolatry anyway. and the true believers still keep the faith and HOLD THE LINE!
The church is in YOUR HEART! My HEART calls out to the Lord Jesus Christ in awestruck praise and makes connection to YOUR HEART'S belief in Jesus Christ and we become brothers or sisters in the Body of Christ!
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly[a] with your God.
Micah 6:8 NIV
Did anyone else notice when he was speaking with the music it looks like he is peeking at things that are written down? It did to me and that makes my gut say he is reading not prophesying. Also I believe in dispensationalism and I think the season of prophesy and miracles are gone. I keep an open mind but this hasn’t changed my mind. If nothing else I hope it keeps people’s guard up to this fast changing time in history and remember to stay diligent in your research into subjects. If you believe he is a prophet I still wish you nothing but my love! May God bless all those who are thirsty for the truth and haven’t sold their souls to the devil.
Wonderful response! Very well said. I feel it fit my intention of posting. I felt it in my heart to warn people not to just take him to be a prophet because he was saying things that may come true. You hit that nail on the head I feel like. I did t want to knock anyone for believing or not believing he is a prophet, but rather to encourage people to dive into the word and have a based view on the matter. We all know what happens when someone isn’t based here lol. And the foundations built on Christ are literally life and death so praise God for your insight and thank you for taking the time for sharing that! Also I don’t think it is worth arguing over theological differences. The real thing that matters is that we have faith in Christ and follow Him. While getting to know who God is is very important, there is no way to know for sure what is true or not true outside of the Bible. So as long as that is the focus everything else won’t get in the way of us picking up our own cross and striving to do our best to live like Christ did.
Just wanted to mention that 1 Corinthians 12 tells us that prophecy is a gift from the Holy Spirit. The deep state infiltrated the seminaries for many reasons including convincing Christians that prophecy is not relevant because they knew in the end times it would be.
Kim was given many of his prophecies in his garden during his prayer time. He would write them down and then release them during his shows. It is common knowledge to those that have followed him. Some he did receive during the actual show, but most were received beforehand.
That is how prophets are currently doing it as well.
The deep state drilled it into people's heads by infiltrating the seminary not to listen to prophets because they knew that at this pivotal time in history, God would again use prophets.
Obama quoted Kim Clement to belittle him. The fact that Obama did this is proof that Kim Clement was feared by the Deep State.
I don't know who Kim Clement is but I am leery of the use of the title prophet. Prophets have to be 100% correct with their predictions....or death is the penalty.
Binding and loosing is not the binding of demons and the loosing of blessing as taught in the pop culture religion of these days. It was about binding believers together and loosing those who were not worthy. Those who persist in sin. Bind us together Lord bind us together with cords that cannot be broken. No magic involved or super natural powers as some would want to boast.
Please please please Let it be Announced: Trump is president, never stopped being president, and shall continue. Biden did not win, he is not president and never was. Please.
“This people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me. In vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandment of men...all too well you reject the commandments of God that you may keep the tradition of men.” Mk. 7:6-8.
“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ.” Col. 2:8
I concur, I think youtube unsubscribed me and I only remembered his channel when looking for the two presidents video but I did watch him a bit in the past, good stuff!
You don't have to be religious to know God.
In fact, the first people to know God were not religious at all.
God is about relationship - “religion” is man made, and God has had a lot to say about it. (Think Old Testament idol worship, Sodom and Gomorrah, and what Jesus had to say about the chief priests and Pharisees.) God has always been about restoring His relationship with us. God doesn’t need our “Religion” to bring us to Him.
Isaiah 1:16-17 NLT Wash yourselves and be clean! Get your sins out of my sight. Give up your evil ways. [17] Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.
Amos 5:21-24 NLT "I hate all your show and pretense- the hypocrisy of your religious festivals and solemn assemblies. [22] I will not accept your burnt offerings and grain offerings. I won't even notice all your choice peace offerings. [23] Away with your noisy hymns of praise! I will not listen to the music of your harps. [24] Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living.
Mark 12:29-31 NLT Jesus replied, "The most important commandment is this: 'Listen, O Israel! The LORD our God is the one and only LORD. [30] And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.' [31] The second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these."
James 1:27 NLT Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
Humans coalesce into hierarchical groups. Its our nature. So is exploiting the power to influence others. Hence the challenge with organized religion.
That is the truth.
That's why I avoid churches -- any kind of organized religion.
I believe most religions exist to PREVENT people from knowing God. To obstruct it.
There are some exceptions, of course.
I am no atheist. But no worries.
Religion definition is a gray area. One could argue that religion brings you to come to know the essence or tenants of a particular god(s)-notice the lower case g. Ultimately, religion is influenced by God and interpreted by men. A good analogy I like to think of is, for example, the US Constitution. The framers set the rules, and citizens interpret the rules and create more laws as they go along. Then SCOTUS will declare certain laws to be unconstitutional and changes to the laws are applied to maintain the framework of the founders. Now think of God, he gave us the 10 commandments, the constitution, men created laws based on those commandments, think the Torah. The holy spirit challenges the Torah, because the law is written in oir hearts by the Holy Spirit. Does that void the Torah? No, but it does splinter into different interpretations of men (Christianity, Judaism). Who is right? Well He is the ultimate judge, its for him to decide. Did we listen to the Holy Spirit, or we didn't?
Religion=man made
Relationship with God=divine made
Religion=/=relationship with God
I am a Christian. The challenge lies in the interpretation of God's word through men in an organized hierarchy.
The belief in and following of Christ requires no affiliation with a specific denomination. I think that is generally the original poster's point.
Christ is the way. Denominations are cultural accoutrements that are fallible because they are run by humans.
So the religion may have been birthed by a Love of God, it is managed by imperfect people.
I'm not necessarily for or against Christian religions, just pointing out the human element that opens the door for problems.
Your correct. Because of the mathematical nature of my thoughts, I like to start with definitions. Unfortunately, the nature of forums such as this don't make that easy.
The common definition of religion is a set of laws, practices, and ceremonies created as a path to bridge the gap between man and the divine.
When Jesus died on the cross and was risen three days later, He became that Path. Through our relationship with Jesus, when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour, we become adopted children of GOD. Jesus is our religion.
Because we are supposed to be loving children, we should want to be like our Father and do what He wants. What He wants is pretty simple.
Be holy because He is Holy. Stand bravely for truth and justice.
Spend time in prayer and feed on the Word of GOD.
Gather together in the Name of Jesus. Celebrate the Last Supper as a remembrance. Lift each other up.
Be a light in the darkness bearing witness of the Good News to the lost.
Jesus instructed us how to pray
he gave the powers of binding abd loosing to his disciples, not to the crowds, and not to people who read about it later
the last supper was a continuation of the jewish passover ritual, the consummation of the new covenant, and he commanded us to do it
people need to pull their wishy-washy heads out of the sand
The Lord's Prayer....Jesus said "pray in this manner"...he did not say "repeat after me". The Lord's Prayer is an outline for prayer.
Organized religion is used to usurp and twist our relationship with God to nefarious ends. One look at the history of the Papacy, as an example, will show you the demented crap that has been the custom since almost the very beginning. It began as something pure, but that didnt last long. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is the legacy of organized religion. That and death in the name of God.
Now that is not to say there arent any good men of religion. There absolutely is good men involved. A very many good men, with good intentions. But it is rotten at the top.
Death in the name of God?
Yeah because martyrdom is oRgAnIzEd ReLiGiOn
Read up buddy
Sounds like you hit your head in that boating accident.
Religion is man-made and because of that is easily and often corrupted
This is MORE about a Relationship with God. Not about a religion.
This has always been my brick wall to religion. Soo much control is begot via religion. I feel i can be a good person and do right. Should be good. I have to experience something tangible to go any further
Thr whole organized deal turns me off.
I don't care for the hierarchy, either.
You want to experience something tangible?
Read the New Testament and talk to Christ.
BTW, Christ was a kundalini master.
John the Baptist said so: that Christ baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with Fire.
That's what he meant.
Ask Christ to do that for you. See if you feel something tangible.
Religion is giving to God what is owed. It is the original social justice. Your reverence and respect and adoration are owed to the Father. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
I believe the Bible IS the word of God. I believe God inspired men to write it. Therefore, it is HIS word to us.
I tried reading the bible when I was younger but it never made much sense to me.
... Forward to my 50's and I became Born Again Roman Catholic. I still consider myself a baby Christian But it wasn't until I was saved that I was able to understand the Bible when I read it. There are multiple meanings in the Bible and so much to discover behind the words.
You may only truly understand it if you have the Holy Spirit within you. He is our guide here in earth, our interpreter and the one who calls out to God when we pray
FWIW the more one reads the bible with the Spirit within in them, the more the Spirit will reveal..
To be saved all one need do is to apologize for their sins and mean it and accept Christ as their Personal Savior. Nothing else is required of you. Once you do that His Spirit will become your guide here on earth.
Deeds of goodwill will alone will NOT save you. You need God INSIDE your heart. When we meet God in Heaven He will RECOGNIZE His Spirit within you. He will welcome you into Heaven. Without His spirit within you He will say "Depart from me, I never knew you."
You described the Spirit's aid in helping us read the bible so much better than I.
I was going to say the same thing about what you wrote. My comment is a mess compared to yours :(
Just remember this is man's interpretation of God's intentions.
But yeah, my bible teacher had a hard time explaining that one, too. He got around it by saying it applied to those who KNEW and still refused to believe it. I was pretty much quoting his words.
In my heart I know that God will judge everyone justly. My thoughts are those who were in backward countries with no exposure to the Bible or His words would have some means of salvation.
Our human minds can only comprehend a small portion of GOD's plan of salvation, that portion that we need to understand for our own salvation.
In truth, even though I have pit bull faith, a few weeks ago, I got very dispondent while thinking about all of the children being murdered by our evil society. I was assured by the Holy Spirt that there is a plan, and that I shouldn't waste time trying to understand it.
The Bible. It is infallible. All of it is true or none of it is. I have a friend that says "not every story is true, but some are". But which ones then...so it has to be an all or nothing proposition.
Do you know any Information Theory? Think of the Bible as a communication channel modulated with the Word of GOD. GOD's Truth saturates it. Therefore, problems caused by translations of language and culture can be overcome by correlation.
The Holy Spirit bares witnesses to the truth in the Bible. GOD's Word saturates it. Even if there are issues of translation in language and culture, the Truth shines through. Remember that a relationship is a spiritual matter. Believe in GOD, ask Him to open your eyes. As you read the Gospels, the Truth will resonate with your spirit. Don't over think things. The Truth is pretty simple. When you are talking with your best friend, you know things without really thinking about it, you just know. That's your spirit resonating with his. Jesus wants to have a relationship with you. The Holy Spirit will guide you.
All it takes is the tiniest amount of belief to open the flood gate.
That's how I feel.
It feels to me that He is a property of the universe, like gravity.
Look into the Law of One, you are correct! It takes religion and math and makes sense of the whole thing. Very interesting concept to explain it all.
Thank you very much, I'll remember that
I just wanted to link that!
Aaron Abke is amazing at explaining things. He really helped to accelerate my awakening process.
For people who are new to all of this, I would also recommend his "Mindscience" series.
Thank you!
Bah, semantics. If one believes in God, that person can be said to be religious.
If it's religion as an organized social institution, or a Church, I can see where you're coming from with the note that I believe Moses and Christ both began such institutions. I've had to learn to overlook the faults of those in my Church the way that our Savior admonishes, which would be harder to do without that body He instructed us to meet as.
Perfectly said.
When did Pompeo do that? Must've missed it.
Someone in chat asked for pompeo to tweet a specific bible verse but he tweeted a different one with the same verse and chapter numbers or something like that. It's extremely close to what was requested and maybe just different enough for plausible deniability. Fucking hate this spook shit but we're in the dark for now and looking for what we can where we can.
I love this video, watched it a couple of weeks ago when it was first posted here. I am watching it again. There is a lot here to comprehend and think about especially with all the Q posts we have too.
How do you post a picture and sticky something below it
Is the prophesy coming true because it was foretold or because it was heard and made to happen?
Think The Matrix scene where the Oracle tells Neo not to worry about the vase, then Neo knocks it over. Neo asks how she knew he'd knock it over. She asks him if by her saying it, she made it happen. Now, that bakes your noodle.
God is omnipotent and already has this planned. Kim Clement has simply been shown what that is and revealed it.
Do you see it clearly? Or do you think you see it clearly because you told yourself you see it clearly?
There is no spoon?
Not everything is a Matrix analogy. The brothers who made the movie are now pretending to be women for crying out loud... That really screws with your noodle.
What you are describing is self fulfilling prophesy and that does have truth to it. But this is far beyond that, this is the work of God.
Watch the video if you haven't.
Those goons were handed someone else's script. They are dumb dumbs. Peace!
Yup, wouldn't surprise me if Clement was a Freemason or something and this is all part of the lie.
The whole Kim Clement thing is weird, giving out prophecies while playing an electro keyboard :P
edit: seems like some delicate snowflakes think I was ridiculing it, I'm not, just thought it was weird, as in, peculiar, perhaps I should have used that word instead.
1 Corinthians 1:21
21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
I know it probably seems weird to us today, but this isn't a new thing in scripture- prophecy and music together.
2 Kings 3:14-15 says: Elisha said, “As surely as the Lord Almighty lives, whom I serve, if I did not have respect for the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not pay any attention to you. But now bring me a harpist.” While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came on Elisha
So it's not new to God to do have people prophesy with music, just something we aren't used to now :).
(As an aside, in that verse, Elisha is speaking to a wicked leader of Israel named Joram. He's definitely NOT deferring to or accepting or seeking to uNiFy with that evil leader. So this is a scripture I look to when other Christians tell me I need to get behind Biden or stop being contrary or whatever.)
Is it weird? Or have you been programmed to think it is weird? Turn on a current music video from any of the top "mainstream" pieces of trash and then step back and tell me what is actually "weird."
The psalms, or the palms as Fake Prez. Joe Biden would call them, were meant to be played as songs with instruments...
Good point, I haven't listened to any "mainstream music" for some 15 years though so, couldn't even comment on that
By the way I'm no ridiculing it, I just thought it was weird, that's all.
My work will have CNN or some other bullshit Fake News on that I only watch second hand through people on Youtube that mock all their bullshit is now completely and totally "weird" and wrong to me because I see straight through it all for what it really is.
Although I was raised Catholic, I now consider myself to be more spiritual than religious. I pray, read the Bible and try my best to follow the Golden Rule. Everyone has a choice to follow their own path!
i WAS VERY anti religion, anti believing in god. But I started paranormal investigating and it pushed me to believe theres SOMETHING out there beyond us. All of whats going on in the world has brought me to finding god tho. Im still no bible bumper at all. But the evil we are facing, will face its judgement. This IS the greatest battle of good vs evil in the history of man. And WE will be the victors and live free and prosperous for the rest of time.
i believe in paranormal but not necessarily God. I believe we are spirits having a human experience.
That tank top
ive been telling people about this kim clement prophesy for months now. pretty neat to see george news pick up on it.
church is made of believers not bricks. they can shut down the houses of worship which are full of sinful idolatry anyway. and the true believers still keep the faith and HOLD THE LINE!
i have my moments as well. we are all weak at times, and need some support.
this so infuriates me as well. but i pray for discernment and for the lord to help my rage subdue. But my righteous anger cannot be quelled
The church is in YOUR HEART! My HEART calls out to the Lord Jesus Christ in awestruck praise and makes connection to YOUR HEART'S belief in Jesus Christ and we become brothers or sisters in the Body of Christ!
beautiful. amen fren
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God. Micah 6:8 NIV
Did anyone else notice when he was speaking with the music it looks like he is peeking at things that are written down? It did to me and that makes my gut say he is reading not prophesying. Also I believe in dispensationalism and I think the season of prophesy and miracles are gone. I keep an open mind but this hasn’t changed my mind. If nothing else I hope it keeps people’s guard up to this fast changing time in history and remember to stay diligent in your research into subjects. If you believe he is a prophet I still wish you nothing but my love! May God bless all those who are thirsty for the truth and haven’t sold their souls to the devil.
Wonderful response! Very well said. I feel it fit my intention of posting. I felt it in my heart to warn people not to just take him to be a prophet because he was saying things that may come true. You hit that nail on the head I feel like. I did t want to knock anyone for believing or not believing he is a prophet, but rather to encourage people to dive into the word and have a based view on the matter. We all know what happens when someone isn’t based here lol. And the foundations built on Christ are literally life and death so praise God for your insight and thank you for taking the time for sharing that! Also I don’t think it is worth arguing over theological differences. The real thing that matters is that we have faith in Christ and follow Him. While getting to know who God is is very important, there is no way to know for sure what is true or not true outside of the Bible. So as long as that is the focus everything else won’t get in the way of us picking up our own cross and striving to do our best to live like Christ did.
Just wanted to mention that 1 Corinthians 12 tells us that prophecy is a gift from the Holy Spirit. The deep state infiltrated the seminaries for many reasons including convincing Christians that prophecy is not relevant because they knew in the end times it would be.
It is mentioned frequently in the New Testament. A few verses for you to read in context if you are interested - https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Prophecy,-In-Nt
Kim was given many of his prophecies in his garden during his prayer time. He would write them down and then release them during his shows. It is common knowledge to those that have followed him. Some he did receive during the actual show, but most were received beforehand.
That is how prophets are currently doing it as well.
The deep state drilled it into people's heads by infiltrating the seminary not to listen to prophets because they knew that at this pivotal time in history, God would again use prophets.
Obama quoted Kim Clement to belittle him. The fact that Obama did this is proof that Kim Clement was feared by the Deep State.
You are doing God's work.
I mean.... I feel like Clement's prophecy is true. We can even see it right now.
Will see what happens next!
YOU ARE HERE -----> Daniel 2:34 (Explained 2-44)
Not sure why the downvote. God will establish His kingdom that is greater than any other kingdom on the earth.
These videos are right on point and right on time all the time. The maker is as straight up and real as they get.
Keep praying!!!
I don't know who Kim Clement is but I am leery of the use of the title prophet. Prophets have to be 100% correct with their predictions....or death is the penalty.
Those were prophets of the Old Testament, when God selected prophets and used them for correction, teaching and influence of the Israelites.
1 Corinthians 12 tells us that prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It's a good chapter to read.
Binding and loosing is not the binding of demons and the loosing of blessing as taught in the pop culture religion of these days. It was about binding believers together and loosing those who were not worthy. Those who persist in sin. Bind us together Lord bind us together with cords that cannot be broken. No magic involved or super natural powers as some would want to boast.
Please please please Let it be Announced: Trump is president, never stopped being president, and shall continue. Biden did not win, he is not president and never was. Please.
“This people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me. In vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandment of men...all too well you reject the commandments of God that you may keep the tradition of men.” Mk. 7:6-8.
“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ.” Col. 2:8
So George News is reposting old shit and we're supposed to be excited?
LISTEN TO KIM CLEMENT! Shit is mind blowing
I concur, I think youtube unsubscribed me and I only remembered his channel when looking for the two presidents video but I did watch him a bit in the past, good stuff!