We need to share a coke with all of these black patriots since they likely Ain't black after voting for Trump, and coke turns people less white from what I heard.
I'm not talking about the coke that was given to black people as part of LBJ's and the swamp's 200 year plan ofc.
Leo Terrell, Herschell Walker, Burgess Owens...the list really goes on. Heck I'd even add the guy who just ran against Maxine Waters. It's not easy to stand up and put yourself out there with the malice directed at us - Joe Collins III - a Navy vet.
Also this genius. u/#Minorityvoter
Possibly the best thing of 2021 so far. Love this bloke. This is some Trump Level Trolling...
Okay I missed something lol.
To translate the Bidenism, he’s basically comparing minorities to apes.
Bruh, ??
Great collection of human beings right there!
Hear hear!
JLP is amazin’.
My only regret is not coming across him earlier! ?
Also Vernon Jones and Herschel Walker.
I'll second this nomination for Terrance.
Don't forget Mark Robinson (the Lt. Governor of North Carolina) as well.
Biden told me they ain't black
Come on man!
Clearly they're not
"Amplify Black Voices....wait...NO NOT THOSE BLACK VOICES!"
Don't forget Diamond and Silk!
I just love Clarence Thomas. Moral rectitude at its finest.
I'd like to suggest doctor Gary Davis, whose potential cure for AIDS was personally suppressed by one Dr. Fauci (aka Our Mengele).
Cause of death unknown. RIP hero.
Can we start a new government with these great patriots at the core? Btw, Trump counts as a minority as well, being orange and all.
Hahaha....thanks for the chuckle.
Sorry, but if they're not part of the liberal plantation, they ain't black.
Pretty sure none of them voted for Biden, so therefore...
Black people should be questioning the government the most!
Denzell Washington. No idea if hes left or right but when he speaks of family and fathers he is exactly right.
Leo Terrell
I can't believe you would glorify those Uncle Tom racists! /s
We need to share a coke with all of these black patriots since they likely Ain't black after voting for Trump, and coke turns people less white from what I heard.
I'm not talking about the coke that was given to black people as part of LBJ's and the swamp's 200 year plan ofc.
shout out to thomas sowell
Look up Jack Sisson a courageous and bad ass Patriot in the War for Independence. I heard his story on the radio a few months ago and was just amazed.
Anyone else think it's funny they gave black history the shortest month of the year?
I agree with all these! And I bet we can even expand that list to add a ton more.
Excellent idea!
Leo Terrell, Herschell Walker, Burgess Owens...the list really goes on. Heck I'd even add the guy who just ran against Maxine Waters. It's not easy to stand up and put yourself out there with the malice directed at us - Joe Collins III - a Navy vet.
Candance needs some more experience. I'd put Thomas Sowell in there.
Great patriots we have! ❤️
Awesome ?
Very excellent role models and patriots on that list!
I'm nominating Bevelyn Beatty, the lady who got arrested for painting over the B L M street "mural" in NYC,
From the comments section:
"It was SO obvious the police really did not want to arrest this woman, look like they were trying to give her extra time to finish the job"
"The slowest arrest in history. ???? I love it"