This is a natural process all sentient species go through. There will come a time when a planet is ruled by forces of pure evil. It is ONLY through this chaos that enlightenment can be reached. Each solar system has it's own cosmic "ages". Earth has entered the Age of Aquarius, said to be an era of enlightenment and prosperity. Is this all just a coincidence?
Not if you understand numerology and the true nature of the universe. There is not ONE particle that lacks a destiny. Every piece of matter that has ever existed was propelled on a predetermined path, caused by the Big Bang. Living things are FUNDAMENTAL aspects of creation. Consciousness is quantum. All one must understand to grasp this concept is that there is ZERO difference between the atoms that make up, say a banana, and YOU.
Our bodies are filters that tether us to the third dimension. The fourth dimension is one of "purification". Once a certain percentage of the planet comprehends the nature of the universe, we will cross into the fifth dimension, which is one of spirituality. This is the aspect of our beings that ties us to the Source (scientific term for God). We can reconnect with EXACTLY where we came from. This is what spirituality actually is. It isn't some intangible concept. It is a PHYSICAL aspect of quantum mechanics, that the Cabal doesn't want you knowing about. Our minds are quantum computers, by DEFINITION. And ALL quantum particles are linked to the Source through entanglement.
Great statement. I would add that this period of purification is to re-discover love. To truly understand that we love our neighbours as we love ourselves.
The whole institution does not have to be corrupt, only the top that control the underlings. If u get those top brass in key positions allover u can literally control the world.
Furthermore, what happens if the SC accepts it, wins in our favor, and elections are re-done again, without military oversight and once again controlled and manipulated by the states. The military is the only way and I believe there are many good guys on the SC who are simply playing a part.
We saw the world through rise-tinted glasses. Life was so good in America. Freedom was so good, and freedom had won. America had won. The battle was over. We watched Star Wars and played Mario. Meanwhile the left was motivated as they hated our country. China and Russia were motivated to brainwash us, as they hated our country. Hatred motivated them, and prosperity made us fat and complacent.
The Military is the Only Way. Q said it from the start so we should not be surprised we are here...But why the Hell is President Trump pushing the Covid Shot? Only part of this that makes me nervous...
There have been indications, too, that the vaccine was already developed while the virus was in development, so there really wasn't truth in all the hype about rushing it into production. Sorry, not recalling source...perhaps David Icke?
I've wondered about this. He HAD to do something or he would have been crucified. Also, I've wondered if the DS plan was for Chyna or elsewhere to make a vaccine worse than what we have. Perhaps quite fatal?
I still hold to the theory that the expediency of the 'vaccine' was to curtail the globalists plans to keep counties/states/countries in a wait-and-see mode for years while they "develop" the vaccine.
Imagine being the Trump admin or hell, even Q team and having to play the hand you were dealt by China via the NWO in the form of this shitty virus. Which is very real, but not nearly as dangerous as all the mockingbirds would have us believe.
I can't see DJT recommending good conscience a thing that he knows would kill people, much less Americans. His general track-record as POTUS screams otherwise as well.
tl;dr: I think Trump/admin was forced to make lemonade with Chinese lemons.
Notice how many times he's specifically said that "it would have taken them 5 years to deliver it". Notice the FUD they keep trying to spread still, they had planned to keep lockdowns going on a lot longer.
We need the military now more than even in this country. There is no perception! Our core which is the legal system has 100% failed! We DO NOT have a justice system at this point.
This is what happens to a complacent, sin ridden society. The evil has been embedding itself among us and deceiving us for at least 50 years. Our strength is minimized. Therefore, we have to take babysteps. Cleaning up will take longer. We can't just start a shootout cuz we'd be shooting in our own cities with all the communist/bribed neighbors standing next to us. But it is not hopeless. We have to grin and bare the grunt work cuz that's what happens when you have a toilet leaking for decades. It requires you redo the entire bathroom and half the house. Keep prayin pedes. The prophets say God will help us after a season.
I am guessing they have to show that all of the gov institutions have broken down along with law enforcement. They have to exhaust all avenues before the military intervenes.
It's absurd to think that the military has to wait for this or that. At the very least military intelligence has everything. All the i's are dotted. Foreign countries, seditious and treasonous POS, media, government agencies, are all known by the brass. The ramifications and other dangers of inaction are known. The magic football is floating around there somewhere. Do you think the ruskies or chinks would be just a little nervous with a mask wearing Alzheimer twerp in the loop. And here's the three star going to save the day in DC. ref
We're the enemy and don't forget it. Look into his dark eyes and tell me someone like him is our savior. NO NO NO, it's going to be up to us, the patriots, to get creative and fix this problem. Let all the people know in DC we are watching and time is UP! Fix the voting fiasco now Mitch, you know how. Sorry for the doom frens. Cancer is cancer and we're riddled with it.
There is nothing more important than securing the elections. It's totally corrupted and has been so for years. The guy standing in the way is the bitch. ref:
We can't wait for the next election cycle. We're going to have to do this. Forget waiting for the cavalry; it aint coming unless it's for us. Sorry for the truth as I see it.
Damn! The gateway pundit just reported that Scotus denied her latest fraud cases with NO COMMENT! I hope this is part of the plan for the military to step in!
Yeah, saw that Tenn ,
I pray that this one is the LAST STRAW. If so, I think the next step will be the Avalance of DECLAS info (Durham was the 2nd to last post). Once the truth is out in the open, then the Military steps in.... that's my prediction.
Unfortunately, without directly saying it, she’s including Trump in that. Every branch includes the Executive branch, and she says she is mystified about why he didn’t exercise the option that she, Flynn, and Byrne brought to him.
Did she actually confirm that meeting with Byrne? I always considered his story a bit suspect, like he got to close to the truth but it could have derailed the overall plan even if it had worked. Also is she playing a part knowingly or is she only tangentially related to the plan like Mike Lindell might be?
I have not heard her specifically confirm it. But when an article went out in the public with similar stories (but different slant) she posted that she was aware of the article, and to be careful about believing those details. When Byrne published his story as an eBook last week, she started promoting it. She has posted photos with him, and he appeared behind her live on an interview this weekend (where I heard her say the above quote). So she does seem to be endorsing his story.
But I’m also not opposed to hearing that they are playing up their “defeat” for a reason. I just don’t know.
It's true, part of the plan and not a big deal. The normies also see that the courts are not even trying to do the right thing. They can't help but wonder what would happen if their case was in front of the court. Sows doubt about the legitimacy of the government.
Just remember that with a return to the real America, the Supremes, along with everyone else in the gov, will be reselected.... I'd say Thomas is a shoo-in for Chief, not sure about the others ...
Sorry but I disagree. I think normies see the courts throwing these cases out and it confirms the bullshit the media is feeding them everyday. I find this situation frustrating because it is doing the opposite of waking people up.
Sidney...that's very old news. Too bad it took the effort of taking a case all the way to the supreme court for you to have your moment of clarity. You must be really slow. Any of us non-lawyer types could have told you this decades ago. The problem with lawyers is that they can't see the forest for the trees. Extract head from judges' arse and look around. The judiciary in this country is the MOST corrupt aspect of government because most are appointed on top of being elitist arrogant sacks of entitled sh*t. It doesn't matter what the law is, a judge can do whatever they want because their oversight is what? Other judges.
I doubt she is as dumb as you portray. To me it seemed more like "going through the" necessary "motions". It had to go this way. It means we're closer to the end game.
I try not to generalize or label large groups of people for any reason including their profession. I see you're point, but disagree that they are ALL bad.
I can see how they might not all be bad but that depends on how you define "bad". I see two main categories of "bad" here: 1) the collegiate education system that fosters the elitist, arrogant, cliquish behavior that allows lawyers (includes politicians and judges as they are largely if not totally all lawyers) to see themselves as better equipped to make decisions for all of us. This mindset allows them to feel okay about cheating and cutting corners as it is in the unwashed masses (deplorables) "best" interest; and 2) bad as in the greedy, lying sacks of money grubbing sh*ts that they all are!
A best friend in high school went on to become a lawyer, and local D.A. Completely changed him...except for the pot he smoked as he was putting people away for smoking pot. Lying, cheating, arrogant SOB. It was really sad to see the way that culture washed him down and remade him.
that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Did you know that the Bible (KJV a and NIV) have "Do Not Fear", "Be Not Afraid", or words to that effect 100+ times? Am thinking it also applies to worry.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7
Righteous anger is okay. Jesus flipped tables in the temple, yet never sinned. He called the Pharisees every name in the book. Use Jesus as an example to show the difference between righteous anger and sinful anger.
We're only 100% fucked if we sit around and take it. I understand we need to wait for a little while longer in case the military is indeed conducting shadow ops on our behalf, but there's always hope if we're willing to fight for it. Just my opinion, but I feel it strongly.
Of course the top generals receive millions of $ from the government, so they don't care. But remember that Q mentioned or made references to special ops, Navy SEALs and Black Ops many times as well as the Space Force. I think it's entirely possible for these special forces to start the counter coup first, then the rest of the generals to follow.
Sorry for being discouraging. I think it’s always better to take bitter truth than sweet lies.
My hope is ever in the Lord. If we need a time of trial in order to get our country back to Him and back strong, I welcome it. I realized my root fear and source of my own discouragement was seeing my loved ones and my country suffer, more so than even my own personal suffering. But the Lord is sovereign, and I will accept what comes by His mercy.
We are suffering however it is important to point out that many of us haven't yet suffered the way some parts of the rest of the world have suffered. Heard from an African that if it were his country those that stood for the losing side in a regime change (presumably that is us if things are how they look) would either have had our children killed in the middle of the night or they would have killed us. No long commie game in the school system no cancel you by limiting your platform just dead. Look I will even go here since it is a Q board; in other countries those in charge will kill you with no cover story, it would be like yeah he crashed... into a bullet. So I always try to be thankful in that we are all still here and I hope that everyone can keep working on things from here. It may only mean making memes or reporting real stuff on YouTube but its a start.
It's NOT her perspective -- it's TRUTH. Every institution has failed us. She's basically enforcing "The Military is the only way" idea.
Flynn knew this from the start.
God is REAL.
This is a natural process all sentient species go through. There will come a time when a planet is ruled by forces of pure evil. It is ONLY through this chaos that enlightenment can be reached. Each solar system has it's own cosmic "ages". Earth has entered the Age of Aquarius, said to be an era of enlightenment and prosperity. Is this all just a coincidence?
Not if you understand numerology and the true nature of the universe. There is not ONE particle that lacks a destiny. Every piece of matter that has ever existed was propelled on a predetermined path, caused by the Big Bang. Living things are FUNDAMENTAL aspects of creation. Consciousness is quantum. All one must understand to grasp this concept is that there is ZERO difference between the atoms that make up, say a banana, and YOU.
Our bodies are filters that tether us to the third dimension. The fourth dimension is one of "purification". Once a certain percentage of the planet comprehends the nature of the universe, we will cross into the fifth dimension, which is one of spirituality. This is the aspect of our beings that ties us to the Source (scientific term for God). We can reconnect with EXACTLY where we came from. This is what spirituality actually is. It isn't some intangible concept. It is a PHYSICAL aspect of quantum mechanics, that the Cabal doesn't want you knowing about. Our minds are quantum computers, by DEFINITION. And ALL quantum particles are linked to the Source through entanglement.
Fucking deep, and true.
Great statement. I would add that this period of purification is to re-discover love. To truly understand that we love our neighbours as we love ourselves.
Exactly. " GATEKEEPERS "
The whole institution does not have to be corrupt, only the top that control the underlings. If u get those top brass in key positions allover u can literally control the world.
Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are true American heros.
They speak the difficult truths we must hear and acknowledge.
Even our Supreme Court is corrupt.
Military is the only way left to save our way of life.
Let's roll.
The SC could be playing a part, we really don't know what's going behind the scenes.
It's better for the SC to reject it, then to accept it and have us lose. This at least keeps the door open for military.
Woah. Insightful.
Furthermore, what happens if the SC accepts it, wins in our favor, and elections are re-done again, without military oversight and once again controlled and manipulated by the states. The military is the only way and I believe there are many good guys on the SC who are simply playing a part.
Hmmm. So they'd have time to build a better algorithm, and draw up additional contingency plans...
Remove the layers that were detected, and double-down on the corruption mechanisms that haven't been detected. Ouch.
The military won’t step in unfortunately.
It's just objectively true at this point.
You'd have to be brain-dead to not see that all our institutions are garbage
It's either that or we, the freedom loving people were garbage the whole time.
We saw the world through rise-tinted glasses. Life was so good in America. Freedom was so good, and freedom had won. America had won. The battle was over. We watched Star Wars and played Mario. Meanwhile the left was motivated as they hated our country. China and Russia were motivated to brainwash us, as they hated our country. Hatred motivated them, and prosperity made us fat and complacent.
Sounds like she's ready for the military to begin to take back America! I am so ready to see this happen!
The Military is the Only Way. Q said it from the start so we should not be surprised we are here...But why the Hell is President Trump pushing the Covid Shot? Only part of this that makes me nervous...
Because he knows we need to open up to save ourselves and the propoganda fed people will only open or have grounds to open if they take the shot.
What if Trump is waiting out all the Dem governors so they open up 100%. Then the Military comes in... hmm.
Because sometimes you need to steer straight into the torpedo before it arms itself and can explode.
If Trunp made sure vaccine research was expedited, he could've made sure the cabal didn't have time to put anything nefarious in the vaccines.
There have been indications, too, that the vaccine was already developed while the virus was in development, so there really wasn't truth in all the hype about rushing it into production. Sorry, not recalling source...perhaps David Icke?
I've wondered about this. He HAD to do something or he would have been crucified. Also, I've wondered if the DS plan was for Chyna or elsewhere to make a vaccine worse than what we have. Perhaps quite fatal?
I still hold to the theory that the expediency of the 'vaccine' was to curtail the globalists plans to keep counties/states/countries in a wait-and-see mode for years while they "develop" the vaccine.
Imagine being the Trump admin or hell, even Q team and having to play the hand you were dealt by China via the NWO in the form of this shitty virus. Which is very real, but not nearly as dangerous as all the mockingbirds would have us believe.
I can't see DJT recommending good conscience a thing that he knows would kill people, much less Americans. His general track-record as POTUS screams otherwise as well.
tl;dr: I think Trump/admin was forced to make lemonade with Chinese lemons.
Notice how many times he's specifically said that "it would have taken them 5 years to deliver it". Notice the FUD they keep trying to spread still, they had planned to keep lockdowns going on a lot longer.
Bigtime agree, he definitely doubles down on the miraculously speedy nature of Operation Warpspeed and I think we're beginning to understand why,
You make a fantastic point. One I never even thought of. I was even wondering why he promotes vaccines when I’ve heard bad things about them so far.
Your point makes so much more sense. Definitely like Trump to be several steps ahead of the DS
Interesting. I had not considered that.
We need the military now more than even in this country. There is no perception! Our core which is the legal system has 100% failed! We DO NOT have a justice system at this point.
This is what happens to a complacent, sin ridden society. The evil has been embedding itself among us and deceiving us for at least 50 years. Our strength is minimized. Therefore, we have to take babysteps. Cleaning up will take longer. We can't just start a shootout cuz we'd be shooting in our own cities with all the communist/bribed neighbors standing next to us. But it is not hopeless. We have to grin and bare the grunt work cuz that's what happens when you have a toilet leaking for decades. It requires you redo the entire bathroom and half the house. Keep prayin pedes. The prophets say God will help us after a season.
Broken Roached-Out Piles Of Corruption & Degeneracy:
Who am I forgetting?
NFL unfortunately!! At least I have college football!
BATFE (those fucks!)
Time to bring in the Military!!!!
I am guessing they have to show that all of the gov institutions have broken down along with law enforcement. They have to exhaust all avenues before the military intervenes.
It's absurd to think that the military has to wait for this or that. At the very least military intelligence has everything. All the i's are dotted. Foreign countries, seditious and treasonous POS, media, government agencies, are all known by the brass. The ramifications and other dangers of inaction are known. The magic football is floating around there somewhere. Do you think the ruskies or chinks would be just a little nervous with a mask wearing Alzheimer twerp in the loop. And here's the three star going to save the day in DC. ref We're the enemy and don't forget it. Look into his dark eyes and tell me someone like him is our savior. NO NO NO, it's going to be up to us, the patriots, to get creative and fix this problem. Let all the people know in DC we are watching and time is UP! Fix the voting fiasco now Mitch, you know how. Sorry for the doom frens. Cancer is cancer and we're riddled with it.
There is nothing more important than securing the elections. It's totally corrupted and has been so for years. The guy standing in the way is the bitch. ref: We can't wait for the next election cycle. We're going to have to do this. Forget waiting for the cavalry; it aint coming unless it's for us. Sorry for the truth as I see it.
Y'all remember how Sidney was wearing that military get up.
Man, seems like maybe she is saying something here.
Damn! The gateway pundit just reported that Scotus denied her latest fraud cases with NO COMMENT! I hope this is part of the plan for the military to step in!
Yeah, saw that Tenn , I pray that this one is the LAST STRAW. If so, I think the next step will be the Avalance of DECLAS info (Durham was the 2nd to last post). Once the truth is out in the open, then the Military steps in.... that's my prediction.
love her.
Unfortunately, without directly saying it, she’s including Trump in that. Every branch includes the Executive branch, and she says she is mystified about why he didn’t exercise the option that she, Flynn, and Byrne brought to him.
Did she actually confirm that meeting with Byrne? I always considered his story a bit suspect, like he got to close to the truth but it could have derailed the overall plan even if it had worked. Also is she playing a part knowingly or is she only tangentially related to the plan like Mike Lindell might be?
I have not heard her specifically confirm it. But when an article went out in the public with similar stories (but different slant) she posted that she was aware of the article, and to be careful about believing those details. When Byrne published his story as an eBook last week, she started promoting it. She has posted photos with him, and he appeared behind her live on an interview this weekend (where I heard her say the above quote). So she does seem to be endorsing his story.
But I’m also not opposed to hearing that they are playing up their “defeat” for a reason. I just don’t know.
Pray for a intervention by God.
It's true, part of the plan and not a big deal. The normies also see that the courts are not even trying to do the right thing. They can't help but wonder what would happen if their case was in front of the court. Sows doubt about the legitimacy of the government.
Just remember that with a return to the real America, the Supremes, along with everyone else in the gov, will be reselected.... I'd say Thomas is a shoo-in for Chief, not sure about the others ...
CALLING Dibs on the EGB acronym!
Sorry but I disagree. I think normies see the courts throwing these cases out and it confirms the bullshit the media is feeding them everyday. I find this situation frustrating because it is doing the opposite of waking people up.
Not helping anyone wake up. I'm over the slow roll. If we are waiting for normies to wake up, we will be waiting until the cows come home for this.
Some people need a bucket of ice water thrown on them to get their ass out of bed. I'm ready for the proverbial ice water.
GEB! *for president
It is much worse than a breakdown. It's a full on usurpation and traitorous acts.
Actually, that's a super great idea. And have the citizen journalists there to see the "delivery".
The problem is getting the proof.
From my perspective too...
Agreed. And our only hope - if it gets to that - will be the soldiers on the ground NOT agreeing to follow unconstitutional orders.
Sidney...that's very old news. Too bad it took the effort of taking a case all the way to the supreme court for you to have your moment of clarity. You must be really slow. Any of us non-lawyer types could have told you this decades ago. The problem with lawyers is that they can't see the forest for the trees. Extract head from judges' arse and look around. The judiciary in this country is the MOST corrupt aspect of government because most are appointed on top of being elitist arrogant sacks of entitled sh*t. It doesn't matter what the law is, a judge can do whatever they want because their oversight is what? Other judges.
I doubt she is as dumb as you portray. To me it seemed more like "going through the" necessary "motions". It had to go this way. It means we're closer to the end game.
Not dumb, just a lawyer. They are all one big gang.
I try not to generalize or label large groups of people for any reason including their profession. I see you're point, but disagree that they are ALL bad.
I can see how they might not all be bad but that depends on how you define "bad". I see two main categories of "bad" here: 1) the collegiate education system that fosters the elitist, arrogant, cliquish behavior that allows lawyers (includes politicians and judges as they are largely if not totally all lawyers) to see themselves as better equipped to make decisions for all of us. This mindset allows them to feel okay about cheating and cutting corners as it is in the unwashed masses (deplorables) "best" interest; and 2) bad as in the greedy, lying sacks of money grubbing sh*ts that they all are!
A best friend in high school went on to become a lawyer, and local D.A. Completely changed him...except for the pot he smoked as he was putting people away for smoking pot. Lying, cheating, arrogant SOB. It was really sad to see the way that culture washed him down and remade him.
There is no other way.
Sidney is dooming
If speaking the truth is dooming yes.
The military either overthrows the coup and betrayal by every level of government or we are fucked.
Bingo. And that's why I'm so worried. I'm afraid we are fucked.
Did you know that the Bible (KJV a and NIV) have "Do Not Fear", "Be Not Afraid", or words to that effect 100+ times? Am thinking it also applies to worry.
This verse specifically refers to worry/anxiety:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7
365 times, I believe. ?
I actually looked that up, and that number is incorrect, and it's actually a little over a hundred. Still a lot, though.
How about anger or more precisely rage?
Loving our enemies at this point would take a saint
Righteous anger is okay. Jesus flipped tables in the temple, yet never sinned. He called the Pharisees every name in the book. Use Jesus as an example to show the difference between righteous anger and sinful anger.
"ifachem" - Should I not be afraid?
We're only 100% fucked if we sit around and take it. I understand we need to wait for a little while longer in case the military is indeed conducting shadow ops on our behalf, but there's always hope if we're willing to fight for it. Just my opinion, but I feel it strongly.
They won’t. My brother is in the military. He said all the higher ups support the Biden administration.
Seems to me that she’s pointing out the fact that ALL options have been exhausted except one
I would agree. The military has never in US history went against the politicians.
CERTAINLY not to the point of removing them all which is the only viable option at this point.
I have zero faith in top brass to do the right thing.
Of course the top generals receive millions of $ from the government, so they don't care. But remember that Q mentioned or made references to special ops, Navy SEALs and Black Ops many times as well as the Space Force. I think it's entirely possible for these special forces to start the counter coup first, then the rest of the generals to follow.
Thanks for that. We need more discouragement right now. [not]
Less reality.
Sorry for being discouraging. I think it’s always better to take bitter truth than sweet lies.
My hope is ever in the Lord. If we need a time of trial in order to get our country back to Him and back strong, I welcome it. I realized my root fear and source of my own discouragement was seeing my loved ones and my country suffer, more so than even my own personal suffering. But the Lord is sovereign, and I will accept what comes by His mercy.
We are suffering however it is important to point out that many of us haven't yet suffered the way some parts of the rest of the world have suffered. Heard from an African that if it were his country those that stood for the losing side in a regime change (presumably that is us if things are how they look) would either have had our children killed in the middle of the night or they would have killed us. No long commie game in the school system no cancel you by limiting your platform just dead. Look I will even go here since it is a Q board; in other countries those in charge will kill you with no cover story, it would be like yeah he crashed... into a bullet. So I always try to be thankful in that we are all still here and I hope that everyone can keep working on things from here. It may only mean making memes or reporting real stuff on YouTube but its a start.