Horrible or Absentee Fathers or just straight up born of single moms
intersexed, therefore self hating (which are the only ones I feel sorry for)
Low impulse control (could be due to born of single mother)
Higher Testosterone levels (again possible due to born of single motherdom)
Early sexual activity (yet another thing possibly due to being born to a single mom)
Mental illness (another single mother side effect)
Because of this (and more) of course you want daddy government to take care of you. Plus women (in general) are more narcissistic than men (this is not bad by itself because it is a requirement to get the best genes for a child as you can get) therefore making it easier to backwards rationalize their decisions.
Finally, feminism is a cartel/union that ugly/low value women use to take out their better looking or higher value competition for good genes/security. These same women would have to work harder for the same thing as the higher value girls, so add in a weak father/no father of course they want daddy government too.
Ever notice how even in old photos of women from the temperance movement/early feminist/suffrage movements, they were also ugly as well?
I think the same can be said about liberal soy boys vs. real conservative men. There's just some kind of biological defect in leftists. They're either born with these beta traits or were raised in broken families and developed poor characteristics. They live in a state of envy and cultivate a victimhood mentality. Instead of changing their ways (laziness/ego), they double down on their oddness and claim that they're oppressed. Plus, we have this culture that purports that women can do no wrong so all these entitled land whales think they are disney princesses and all men should treat them as such.
My two kopecks worth: fat women are insecure and attention seeking, like leeches. When I'm in a store in my wheel chair there seems to always be a Land-Whale bumping into me and never even saying "excuse me". Used to annoy me to the point I would want to use my Desert Eagle on it, but now I know to avoid even being in the same aisle as one. What I've seen from the lefties is a preponderance of ugly, fat females whose appearance is "adjusted" with makeup, weird hairdos and piercings- oh and tattoos also. My fleeting thought when I see one is "how in the hell does it wipe its ass?" It's all about calling attention to oneself so as to obtain some kind of "see, I showed them!" Moment. Now, if we extrapolate to Sheboons, they are a whole different story!
Well I am overweight and conservative though no hair dye, tattoos or attitude problems. I am a traditionalist and have been with my husband for 21 years. I got him to vote trump over Cruz in 2016 primary.
I think very few people in general are good looking overall. You are probably right that the ugly and mental congregate on the left but there are plenty of us plus sized ladies on this side.
I think the psychosis is what makes them so cringe.
Because liberal policies gives you an excuse for your flaws, ignorance and weakness, thus giving you the tenacity to flaunt it all as some sort redeeming value.
Got a link to any particular videos of his? I always figured part of it os that they're so conditioned that nothing's their fault that it extends to their health as well but there's gotta be more to it than that.
I'm going to sound like my mom for a sec. ??♀️ I truly just had a lightbulb moment. I am insecure when it comes to my looks and superficial things like my boobs not being what they once were and my figure has now turned into a mom bod. Here is my point... Conservatives generally believe in God. Right? They believe they all have devine worth and are daughters of God. Conservative men also generally feel that about themselves right? Liberals from my perspective seem to be godless and angry. It's unattractive and there is no greater purpose to their life. Right? Could it be as simple as that? I don't feel sorry for them, but I pitty them I think. I wish they could feel the peace that comes from our Heavenly Father. His Gospel teaches us how to follow Jesus Christ and gives us a desire to be more like him. Satan has only a path of misery, captivity and death.
Why do stupid men (regardless of their politics) always thing beautiful is skin deep, just a sign of your little head controlling you. I’ll tell you what I told my son. Look for someone real. Because all that fake exterior is selfish, expensive and self absorbed.so you keep judging by the exterior, personally I urge my attraction based on what’s real.
the dick and balls
Horrible or Absentee Fathers or just straight up born of single moms
intersexed, therefore self hating (which are the only ones I feel sorry for)
Low impulse control (could be due to born of single mother)
Higher Testosterone levels (again possible due to born of single motherdom)
Early sexual activity (yet another thing possibly due to being born to a single mom)
Mental illness (another single mother side effect)
Because of this (and more) of course you want daddy government to take care of you. Plus women (in general) are more narcissistic than men (this is not bad by itself because it is a requirement to get the best genes for a child as you can get) therefore making it easier to backwards rationalize their decisions.
Finally, feminism is a cartel/union that ugly/low value women use to take out their better looking or higher value competition for good genes/security. These same women would have to work harder for the same thing as the higher value girls, so add in a weak father/no father of course they want daddy government too.
Ever notice how even in old photos of women from the temperance movement/early feminist/suffrage movements, they were also ugly as well?
I think the same can be said about liberal soy boys vs. real conservative men. There's just some kind of biological defect in leftists. They're either born with these beta traits or were raised in broken families and developed poor characteristics. They live in a state of envy and cultivate a victimhood mentality. Instead of changing their ways (laziness/ego), they double down on their oddness and claim that they're oppressed. Plus, we have this culture that purports that women can do no wrong so all these entitled land whales think they are disney princesses and all men should treat them as such.
My two kopecks worth: fat women are insecure and attention seeking, like leeches. When I'm in a store in my wheel chair there seems to always be a Land-Whale bumping into me and never even saying "excuse me". Used to annoy me to the point I would want to use my Desert Eagle on it, but now I know to avoid even being in the same aisle as one. What I've seen from the lefties is a preponderance of ugly, fat females whose appearance is "adjusted" with makeup, weird hairdos and piercings- oh and tattoos also. My fleeting thought when I see one is "how in the hell does it wipe its ass?" It's all about calling attention to oneself so as to obtain some kind of "see, I showed them!" Moment. Now, if we extrapolate to Sheboons, they are a whole different story!
Well I am overweight and conservative though no hair dye, tattoos or attitude problems. I am a traditionalist and have been with my husband for 21 years. I got him to vote trump over Cruz in 2016 primary.
I think very few people in general are good looking overall. You are probably right that the ugly and mental congregate on the left but there are plenty of us plus sized ladies on this side.
I think the psychosis is what makes them so cringe.
Maybe with something like a selfie-stick?
A hose-down at the public pool.
Lol at the sneaky Michael Moore in the bottom right.
=========================================================== NOTE: Caps are not me shouting :) Just an emphasis :)
What LEFTIST polices attract are "LOW CONFIDENCE" people.
People who are attracted to "GROUP THINK/COLLECTIVIST" ideas. Do so because if they are told to focus on their "INDIVIDUAL SELF".
They are not comfortable in who they are.
That STATE needs to make people become LOW CONFIDENT in oneself.
So this will cause a "DEPENDENCY" effect.
I don't think Q mentioned it, but I'm sure Military Intelligence has some answers on the subject.
Maybe someone should try to tweet General Flynn or Lynn Wood. I'm sure Trump has something to say about it.
Because liberal policies gives you an excuse for your flaws, ignorance and weakness, thus giving you the tenacity to flaunt it all as some sort redeeming value.
It's the outward manifestation of their inner self loathing.
Got a link to any particular videos of his? I always figured part of it os that they're so conditioned that nothing's their fault that it extends to their health as well but there's gotta be more to it than that.
When you lose at the game you want to change the rules. Beautiful women like the rules just fine.
Well, you have to consider the fact many Liberal "Women" were actually born males.
“If women who get so fat that they stop ovulating can be still be called women, then I guess it makes sense to call men who wear dresses women.
Also, no outside coms”
I don't think so, but you did, and that's good enough!
True AF....
It's because mental illness will eventually turn outward into their appearances, making them as ugly on the outside as they are inside.
Lose your mind, lose your beauty
Because truth is naturally beautiful. Either that or they have better makeup artists.
It's more than that these days. At least 90-10, maybe 80-20.
Have you seen some of those mug shots of the arrested antifa women (allegedly women, who knows). It's 0-100 for that group.
I'm going to sound like my mom for a sec. ??♀️ I truly just had a lightbulb moment. I am insecure when it comes to my looks and superficial things like my boobs not being what they once were and my figure has now turned into a mom bod. Here is my point... Conservatives generally believe in God. Right? They believe they all have devine worth and are daughters of God. Conservative men also generally feel that about themselves right? Liberals from my perspective seem to be godless and angry. It's unattractive and there is no greater purpose to their life. Right? Could it be as simple as that? I don't feel sorry for them, but I pitty them I think. I wish they could feel the peace that comes from our Heavenly Father. His Gospel teaches us how to follow Jesus Christ and gives us a desire to be more like him. Satan has only a path of misery, captivity and death.
Yes. He mentioned something about it being biblical.
I always tell people, if Queen Esther wasn't smoking hot, Hitler wouldn't have had a race to wipe out.
I recall the title ‘dumpster diver’, reluctantly.
Why do stupid men (regardless of their politics) always thing beautiful is skin deep, just a sign of your little head controlling you. I’ll tell you what I told my son. Look for someone real. Because all that fake exterior is selfish, expensive and self absorbed.so you keep judging by the exterior, personally I urge my attraction based on what’s real.
It goes both ways, oftentimes that uglyness comes all the way from the core.
Aint worth the effort.