I'm pretty sure they inject the adreno into the eye socket but don't quote me. This looks more like an unhealthy stressed old hag that can no longer get her drug
Not injected there. Andreno is heavy in iron. Collects in the blood stream. The eyes have smaller veins. The iron can't pass through as easily and sometimes gets collected there. Causing the eyes to start to darken. Surgery is the only way to remove the iron deposits. If left alone the whole eye will turn black. It's why demons have black eyes in folklore. They didn't have the medical knowledge how to remove the deposits. Child eaters where easier to identify before plastic surgery.
Knowing drugs in general, that wouldn't really be of any benefit. It would most likely be directly injected into the bloodstream, any vein like an IV bag or anesthesia.
You may be thinking about how it's been rumored/theorized to be extracted from the victims, which is using a syringe to directly extract it from the brain stem or some other part of the body while they're alive. I haven't seen any direct evidence that that is the case, but then again I don't think I'd want to.
Do we have a timestamp for this photo, was it taken today or sometime this week? I saw one photo of Mitt Romney earlier this week who was also sporting a black eye.
Wow, the timing of Pelosi and Romney both with shiners. I've heard some posts mention "soul scalping" and other satanatic rituals they might be involved in. Or they are just getting beat up by their handlers. I'm not really sure which one, both ideas seem plausible with these sick people.
Just popping in to say I appreciate the necessary skepticism.
I have to presume it's fake, though, or just a really revealing shot of Her Royal Heinous. But I'd welcome being proven wrong here; I'd love to see more corroborating photos of her beat up face.
These people won't be able to walk on the street....
That's what happened to mittens, he got attacked at CPAC by someone that was brought to a boil by the election fraud and simply lost it for bit when seeing him...
Looking at 27:19 on for a bit, it looks like it could have been digitally removed. There is a weird patch on her left temple area that is darker and changes frame by frame.
I was looking at her eyelids thinking 'man her eyeshadow is garbage' then I noticed the area around her left temple. wtaf IS that? and my God, woman, grab you a box of hair dye if you have to. edit: Ha I got downvoted and ppl said worse lol OK. Wow she's my dad's age. Bitch needs to just go away. I don't mean die. Just. Go away. Now. Please.
It looks like it might be purple eyeshadow, I can't believe she would buy cheap makeup though, considering her tastes in gourmet ice cream. The cheap stuff always gets everywhere though.
Symbolism will be their downfall. The country might let the election stuff skate, even some of these crooks dealings as everyone knows congress are crooks anyway. Ironically their has been a major crack down on child and human trafficing! Large swaths of these disgusting creatures are being caught daily! Not just onesies and twoesies! ?
I wonder how long it takes for one of these roaches to spew their guts and they give away one of the really big fish. It’s brewing! They are our only way! They have seen so much horror fighting this demon they don't give a shit who ends up on the other end of their missions. They will give their life taking one of them down. Shit I would. Their going down everywhere though. Even in military courts.
Nope, that's just what this disgusting old cunt looks like.
You beat me by 5 minutes haha. Looks like she got beat by us both by ten.
...When overdue for Botox & out of adrenochrome.
Or a body double that actually looks her age?
I distinctly remember her eyebrows being much higher & stretched over her forehead...
definitely a body double the eyebrows are wonky and the hair is ever so slightly shorter.
Somebody musta stole her eyebrow brown crayon...
Hell she ate the crayon
Maybe she fell on her vodka bottle
at least it was empty at the time
I was going to say "How do you know it was empty?" ... but then realized how stupid that question was.
Happy to be your 17th upvote :)
A fist-shaped vodka bottle.
If the Black Eye Club initiation requires child rape and murder, I'm fairly certain Pelosi qualified long, long ago.
She probably is just hung over from a couple months long binge.
I'm pretty sure they inject the adreno into the eye socket but don't quote me. This looks more like an unhealthy stressed old hag that can no longer get her drug
adrenochrome withdrawal !
Not injected there. Andreno is heavy in iron. Collects in the blood stream. The eyes have smaller veins. The iron can't pass through as easily and sometimes gets collected there. Causing the eyes to start to darken. Surgery is the only way to remove the iron deposits. If left alone the whole eye will turn black. It's why demons have black eyes in folklore. They didn't have the medical knowledge how to remove the deposits. Child eaters where easier to identify before plastic surgery.
oh wow how interesting
Knowing drugs in general, that wouldn't really be of any benefit. It would most likely be directly injected into the bloodstream, any vein like an IV bag or anesthesia.
You may be thinking about how it's been rumored/theorized to be extracted from the victims, which is using a syringe to directly extract it from the brain stem or some other part of the body while they're alive. I haven't seen any direct evidence that that is the case, but then again I don't think I'd want to.
I heard the term Soul-Scalping once ... seems to me like a call for "demonic reinforcements".
Looks like she hasn't had her hair dyed for a while either. That can't be normal.
She’ll find one.
Good catch, looks like at least 2-3 months
I'd think at 80yrs she'd be more grey than that tho.
oooo, lol. Good catch.
Bad batch of botox?
Do we have a timestamp for this photo, was it taken today or sometime this week? I saw one photo of Mitt Romney earlier this week who was also sporting a black eye.
From Oan news dated March 3 titled dirty money.
Wow, the timing of Pelosi and Romney both with shiners. I've heard some posts mention "soul scalping" and other satanatic rituals they might be involved in. Or they are just getting beat up by their handlers. I'm not really sure which one, both ideas seem plausible with these sick people.
Thank you.
Just popping in to say I appreciate the necessary skepticism.
I have to presume it's fake, though, or just a really revealing shot of Her Royal Heinous. But I'd welcome being proven wrong here; I'd love to see more corroborating photos of her beat up face.
To me it just looks like heavy eye make up.
I don’t think it’s a shiner. It’s makeup lol
March 3
About to mention the butterflies. ?
Needs. Her. Adrenochrome. ?
[Monarch] Butterfly Mask?
Apparently sold by this Alexandria store. https://donnalewisusa.com/shop/
She's no Dr. Girlfriend, I'll tell you that!
What does it mean?
she knows shes almost done. Looks like no sleep.
The cut above her eye?
Her pimp
You don't see the cut above her eye?
Thanks for link. The cut above her eye is substantial.
When you get as old as she is you get bruises just by thinking about them.
She's melting, Someone must have splashed water on the WITCH!
Pence got a fist bump, she got a different kind of fist bump
She's breaking down like the rotting corps she is.
Uniparty is having a rough time
These people won't be able to walk on the street....
That's what happened to mittens, he got attacked at CPAC by someone that was brought to a boil by the election fraud and simply lost it for bit when seeing him...
Looks like when old people fall down and hit their head, from my experience working for as an optician!
she looks like she's at deaths door
Versus ???
Maybe, but my guess is the plastic and adrenochrome can't keep up with the decomposition.
she fell into a door
its like micheal jackson, after so many things injected and resected it all starts to melt off
I found this video of her and there is no injury? Same mask and outfit...must be the lighting
Thanks for the link, but I can see it there too.
Looking at 27:19 on for a bit, it looks like it could have been digitally removed. There is a weird patch on her left temple area that is darker and changes frame by frame.
Maybe, IDK.
OP, where did you get this picture from? The video where that pic is from shows she doesn't have an injury
Aren’t butterflies a pedo sign?
Symbolism, Monarch
Ice cream overdose.
Her eye balls are black.... Creepy....
I was looking at her eyelids thinking 'man her eyeshadow is garbage' then I noticed the area around her left temple. wtaf IS that? and my God, woman, grab you a box of hair dye if you have to. edit: Ha I got downvoted and ppl said worse lol OK. Wow she's my dad's age. Bitch needs to just go away. I don't mean die. Just. Go away. Now. Please.
Thats not Pelosi....it's Margaret Sanger....Pelosi is her daughter
It's a photo of Pelosi off of Oan article dated March 3rd called "dirty money"
Maybe she isn’t sleeping well. With good reason. Special forces got her laptop according to General McInerney.
Did you miss the cut and bruising above her eye?
Yes. I was focusing on the huge purple bags and dark circles.
Mouthed-off to the NG out front?
running low on that adrenochrome!
It looks like it might be purple eyeshadow, I can't believe she would buy cheap makeup though, considering her tastes in gourmet ice cream. The cheap stuff always gets everywhere though.
Ice cream = young male prostitutes. She was openly mocking us
Symbolism will be their downfall. The country might let the election stuff skate, even some of these crooks dealings as everyone knows congress are crooks anyway. Ironically their has been a major crack down on child and human trafficing! Large swaths of these disgusting creatures are being caught daily! Not just onesies and twoesies! ? I wonder how long it takes for one of these roaches to spew their guts and they give away one of the really big fish. It’s brewing! They are our only way! They have seen so much horror fighting this demon they don't give a shit who ends up on the other end of their missions. They will give their life taking one of them down. Shit I would. Their going down everywhere though. Even in military courts.
The cut above her eye?
Eh, sagging, aging skin makes makeup look terrible. Plus the picture is way too shadowy. It’d look very different in brighter light.
It is what happens when the adrenachrome drys up. Trumpy has taken it away =(
I don't know that adrenochrome withdraw causes cuts above the eye?
I just meant she ugly!
The lizard's peeking through!
Drunken fall. It happens. Or her demon is showing?