When the disgusting fringes of society are being pushed as mainstream then you know that things have gone wrong. Now is a good time to find your place with God because this nonsense can only go on for so long.
If a guy really wants to dress in dresses, I'm not going to begrudge him of that. However, this stuff can't be " normalized", and most definitely must not be pushed onto children!
This is an uncomfortable truth for some people. By having a live and let live attitude you create a weakness in the cohesivness of society that degenerates can exploit for their own gain.
Also, slippery slope and all that. First it was just gay people wanting to get married. Fast forward a bit and now they want to be able to indoctrinate your children and give them sex changes without your consent. These people are sick and won't stop until they see major pushback on a societal level.
What I mean is that we each have the freedom to choose what we wear as part of our inalienable natural right to pursuit of happiness. However, such a person does not have the right to not be called out for it as something other than "normal" if they choose to wear stuff more commonly attributed to the opposite gender from them.
Honestly. Just keep it away from kids and I don't care. Same with transgendered stuff. Just stop with kids. Stop trying to push them into identifying as another gender. Let them be who they are.
Tjey won't. Your kids are the target for normalization not you. Teach your kids the rightly divided Word of God and to love people and to hate sin. Those people are spiritually broken Nd God can heal them. However, we condemn them to it if we accept it.
Also they are celebrating mental illness. It’s more than just dressing up for them. Instead of saying “Kids, this man is very sick and needs to get better, they say, let’s learn about his culture, just like the pilgrims and Indians!” Disgusting.
There is no culture, it just degenerate lust gussied up with costumes. At the core of all of this are perverted people who are addicted to pleasure and attention.
The only reason it should be studied is to find out why it happens and how it can be treated. It's an illness, not a lifestyle. It's like glorifying schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder and trying to make it the hot new trend. These people don't need to be glamourized, they need help or prison time.
That person is clearly taking on this form to be provocative. This is what I hate about this transgender movement, and the pride movement.
I grew up around gay people. Some were "fabulous", some dressed conservative and wanted to be left alone.
The ones that are trying to provoke the other side of the political spectrum with their culture are the ones damaging society. Whats worse is that a lot of them don't understand they are doing it.
I'm not a violent person, not in the slightest, but it's degenerate demonic shit likes this that gives me the urge to put a metal baseball bat against some heads.
I see it the other way. He's failing to look demonic. All I see is a broken man with contacts and fake tits accompanied by a man-hater. These people are compelled to inflict their degeneracy on others for the brief respite it offers from their spiritual suffering. Seeing them as demonic feeds their ego. The compassionate action is to reject their delusion. Maybe then some will find the courage and help needed to end their possession. I get your point. It's uncomfortable. We simply can't allow this corruption to spread.
What's the saying, "Love the sinner, hate the sin"? Somehow the left corrupted society to the point of thinking...there is no sin so there's no sinner. It's all good.
Civilization comes apart where there are no rules nor boundaries. This might be why we view liberals as un-hinged. We see it coming apart but they're totally impervious to it. When you're a liberal elite, your pockets full of money, your friends are carbon copies of yourself, inside the same cushy bubble. No borders, no boundaries, no walls, until your grasp on power, on wealth, on insulation from the deplorables comes crashing down.
Reality sets in when those borders you don't believe in define your 6'x 8' jail cell. When your wealth is confiscated, your insulation disappears and your sense of entitlement evaporates into thin air. Then you get religion and beg for God to forgive you, forget your transgressions because you've become aware of your fragile life, fading youth and every day brings you closer to the end. And you become afraid, very afraid. You so dearly hope that God is listening and forgiving....
When I was a teen growing up in the 90's, I went through the same sort of rebellion phase virtually all teens go through (or used to?), because it's part of that stage of growing up to question and even perhaps arbitrarily rail against certain familial or societal rules and restrictions as you seek to define yourself as an individual and an independent person capable of navigating the world. If you always choose to live within your parents' mindsets and beliefs without questioning them, then you never really define yourself as a person (even if you end up agreeing with their beliefs on your own, that is different than just "doing as you're told.")
In my youth, everything in society seemed very "solid" and even impenetrable. I was nerdy, creative, on the fringes of my peers; "normal" at the time was so different than what it is defined as today. At the time, it felt like the cool kids (who had money, elite hair/clothes, or who were really good at sports, or who were really hip and into partying, etc.) would never accept me. Now, our society has done such a total 180 that I feel extremely conservative by contrast, whereas I used to feel edgy and like I challenged the norms; I now feel like I'm lamenting their disappearance and that I shouldn't have taken them for granted. Part of that is just getting older and having a calmer/more responsible lifestyle, of course, but it's way more than that. Our society has completely lost its barometer for what is "normal," and I don't think it's a good thing at all.
What's sadder is that a lot of the kids who are ascribing to these types of degenerate philosophies would have previously been more like I was: on the fringes, awkwardly trying to find their way and trying to carve out a unique identity against a backdrop of reliable normalcy. Now, they connect with these perverted groups online and suddenly are given the support (grooming?) for a "new identity" to make them feel cool, but none of it is actually cool or creative or edgy. It's just sad.
Well said. And yes, the search for one's identity is something we all go through and normal. The world offers so many choices and the list grows larger every day. But like consuming a sweet, there comes a time when you reach a point of saying..."enough". Part of the reason for the social disfunction today is that the media, big corporations, advertisers, clothing designers, movie makers, etc. don't want a point where nobody should go. They don't exist to refine what is good like they once did. Now, they look to destroy it. They don't want the boundary. And yet, how interesting that now they choose to censor speech. Not movies or TV. Not music or pedophilia. No, they want to censor anyone who speaks up, speaks out, has a contrary opinion. They choose to place a subjective border around our ability to express ourselves in heathy ways, not destructive ones. It's there that they define hate, the place where you simply say you're had "enough",
It's in our nature to understand that there is a difference between good and evil, right and wrong. It's taught to us by our parents, our church, our community. It used to be reinforced by our schools, our media and those we looked to for guidance. In so many places this structure to support us doesn't exist as it once did. The left has purposely pushed us to a place that we don't want to be and to say we want to go back, return to something more healthy, better for our souls is now called hate speech, wrong thought and we're targeted for cancellation.
Those who have brought us to this place and tell us we cannot go back are the ones who will be dealt with by a slowly awakened electorate and marshalled into action by DJT or someone inspired by him. It can't happen fast enough.
Yes, I suppose "He was beaten to death by the ground" would be true. I cannot believe liberals defend the religion that would literally toss MOST of them off buildings if they dared show their faces in certain parts of the ME.
Well now, that would be a problem. That's true enough....but then there's also the thing of a compromised soul. It's problematic if you allow a vital soul that the Author WANTS to pass into Hell in a state of ignorance and deception.
So I am really big on making sure people are devoid of deception BEFORE the ME roof scenario takes place.
The Father cares, so I try to agree. We lives in weird days, huh?
I would say actual drag "artists" are fringe of society and looked down upon.
Drag culture? Not fringe at all. Mainstream America has definitely taken it for themselves. Bugs Bunny has been doing it for decades. Mrs. Doubtfire and Madea took it into a very public space. Female makeup technique has been influenced by drag heavily, and even someone who does natural, modest makeup inadvertently uses techniques from that arena.
The left has pretty much been able to push drag as not fringe, because we are already so used to the superficial elements of its culture. The biggest fans of RuPaul's Drag Race are unfortunately heterosexual, centrist or conservative leaning white women.
I do not believe the general public are accepting of actual drag performers and their sexual dynamic. Those basic little white girls wouldn't be caught dead at an actual gay dive bar on drag night where the goal is "round the clock gay sex". Manicured, PG13 version at the House of Blues sponsored by Cricket Wireless? sure, call the girls. I think what's really telling is how up in arms everyone was because of the trend of drag story time. No one was surprised when it turned out they were sex offenders.
You're right, It used to be adult comedy for a reason. Cultures from Kabuki performers in Japan to Shakespearian plays, men in dresses are hilarious for a reason. Y'all make some pretty homely looking women!
Anyone else feel like the attempt at normalization of trannies is failing? Seems like they’ve been trying hard for 10+ years and normies still think trannies are gross and/or have a mental disorder.
They are pushing this drag shit HARD. You can barely turn the tV on without seeing promos for drag shows of some kind, drag race, drag cooking, drag confessions, drag everything. They're really trying to normalize it. And they are, in the stunted minds of people who have been conditioned to think accepting this bullshit is the "in" thing to do.
When the disgusting fringes of society are being pushed as mainstream then you know that things have gone wrong. Now is a good time to find your place with God because this nonsense can only go on for so long.
100%. Anyone who has read the Bible will attest to this.
Absolutely. The best time to get right with God is always right now.
I feel like this type of statement should be an automatic mic drop. Like, even if you are not finished talking, it should drop itself to the ground.
I feel so conflicted agreeing with a haji.
I don't really agree... But apparently it was warned that this would slippery slope right down to kids despite promises to the contrary, so..
If a guy really wants to dress in dresses, I'm not going to begrudge him of that. However, this stuff can't be " normalized", and most definitely must not be pushed onto children!
This is an uncomfortable truth for some people. By having a live and let live attitude you create a weakness in the cohesivness of society that degenerates can exploit for their own gain.
Also, slippery slope and all that. First it was just gay people wanting to get married. Fast forward a bit and now they want to be able to indoctrinate your children and give them sex changes without your consent. These people are sick and won't stop until they see major pushback on a societal level.
What I mean is that we each have the freedom to choose what we wear as part of our inalienable natural right to pursuit of happiness. However, such a person does not have the right to not be called out for it as something other than "normal" if they choose to wear stuff more commonly attributed to the opposite gender from them.
Yup, they can do it, but they can be ostracized and criticized until they go back underground where they can get the approval they seek.
Honestly. Just keep it away from kids and I don't care. Same with transgendered stuff. Just stop with kids. Stop trying to push them into identifying as another gender. Let them be who they are.
The problem is they won't stop until we make them stop.
The problem is going to worsen for sure
But that is the whole point!!
Tjey won't. Your kids are the target for normalization not you. Teach your kids the rightly divided Word of God and to love people and to hate sin. Those people are spiritually broken Nd God can heal them. However, we condemn them to it if we accept it.
Also they are celebrating mental illness. It’s more than just dressing up for them. Instead of saying “Kids, this man is very sick and needs to get better, they say, let’s learn about his culture, just like the pilgrims and Indians!” Disgusting.
There is no culture, it just degenerate lust gussied up with costumes. At the core of all of this are perverted people who are addicted to pleasure and attention.
The only reason it should be studied is to find out why it happens and how it can be treated. It's an illness, not a lifestyle. It's like glorifying schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder and trying to make it the hot new trend. These people don't need to be glamourized, they need help or prison time.
Notice any other commonalities in the top video lol?
Is that a demon on the top left? Because that doesn’t look human to me
That person is clearly taking on this form to be provocative. This is what I hate about this transgender movement, and the pride movement.
I grew up around gay people. Some were "fabulous", some dressed conservative and wanted to be left alone.
The ones that are trying to provoke the other side of the political spectrum with their culture are the ones damaging society. Whats worse is that a lot of them don't understand they are doing it.
Definitely not human, possibly partially human?
I'm not a violent person, not in the slightest, but it's degenerate demonic shit likes this that gives me the urge to put a metal baseball bat against some heads.
The drag or whatever that is does not look human, more like trying to look human but failing miserably. It’s just uncomfortable.
I see it the other way. He's failing to look demonic. All I see is a broken man with contacts and fake tits accompanied by a man-hater. These people are compelled to inflict their degeneracy on others for the brief respite it offers from their spiritual suffering. Seeing them as demonic feeds their ego. The compassionate action is to reject their delusion. Maybe then some will find the courage and help needed to end their possession. I get your point. It's uncomfortable. We simply can't allow this corruption to spread.
What's the saying, "Love the sinner, hate the sin"? Somehow the left corrupted society to the point of thinking...there is no sin so there's no sinner. It's all good.
Civilization comes apart where there are no rules nor boundaries. This might be why we view liberals as un-hinged. We see it coming apart but they're totally impervious to it. When you're a liberal elite, your pockets full of money, your friends are carbon copies of yourself, inside the same cushy bubble. No borders, no boundaries, no walls, until your grasp on power, on wealth, on insulation from the deplorables comes crashing down.
Reality sets in when those borders you don't believe in define your 6'x 8' jail cell. When your wealth is confiscated, your insulation disappears and your sense of entitlement evaporates into thin air. Then you get religion and beg for God to forgive you, forget your transgressions because you've become aware of your fragile life, fading youth and every day brings you closer to the end. And you become afraid, very afraid. You so dearly hope that God is listening and forgiving....
When I was a teen growing up in the 90's, I went through the same sort of rebellion phase virtually all teens go through (or used to?), because it's part of that stage of growing up to question and even perhaps arbitrarily rail against certain familial or societal rules and restrictions as you seek to define yourself as an individual and an independent person capable of navigating the world. If you always choose to live within your parents' mindsets and beliefs without questioning them, then you never really define yourself as a person (even if you end up agreeing with their beliefs on your own, that is different than just "doing as you're told.")
In my youth, everything in society seemed very "solid" and even impenetrable. I was nerdy, creative, on the fringes of my peers; "normal" at the time was so different than what it is defined as today. At the time, it felt like the cool kids (who had money, elite hair/clothes, or who were really good at sports, or who were really hip and into partying, etc.) would never accept me. Now, our society has done such a total 180 that I feel extremely conservative by contrast, whereas I used to feel edgy and like I challenged the norms; I now feel like I'm lamenting their disappearance and that I shouldn't have taken them for granted. Part of that is just getting older and having a calmer/more responsible lifestyle, of course, but it's way more than that. Our society has completely lost its barometer for what is "normal," and I don't think it's a good thing at all.
What's sadder is that a lot of the kids who are ascribing to these types of degenerate philosophies would have previously been more like I was: on the fringes, awkwardly trying to find their way and trying to carve out a unique identity against a backdrop of reliable normalcy. Now, they connect with these perverted groups online and suddenly are given the support (grooming?) for a "new identity" to make them feel cool, but none of it is actually cool or creative or edgy. It's just sad.
I blame Postmodernism for all of this.
Well said. And yes, the search for one's identity is something we all go through and normal. The world offers so many choices and the list grows larger every day. But like consuming a sweet, there comes a time when you reach a point of saying..."enough". Part of the reason for the social disfunction today is that the media, big corporations, advertisers, clothing designers, movie makers, etc. don't want a point where nobody should go. They don't exist to refine what is good like they once did. Now, they look to destroy it. They don't want the boundary. And yet, how interesting that now they choose to censor speech. Not movies or TV. Not music or pedophilia. No, they want to censor anyone who speaks up, speaks out, has a contrary opinion. They choose to place a subjective border around our ability to express ourselves in heathy ways, not destructive ones. It's there that they define hate, the place where you simply say you're had "enough",
It's in our nature to understand that there is a difference between good and evil, right and wrong. It's taught to us by our parents, our church, our community. It used to be reinforced by our schools, our media and those we looked to for guidance. In so many places this structure to support us doesn't exist as it once did. The left has purposely pushed us to a place that we don't want to be and to say we want to go back, return to something more healthy, better for our souls is now called hate speech, wrong thought and we're targeted for cancellation.
Those who have brought us to this place and tell us we cannot go back are the ones who will be dealt with by a slowly awakened electorate and marshalled into action by DJT or someone inspired by him. It can't happen fast enough.
Bluffpost is going too woke for me to handle
I'd just claim to be a tranny then immediately kill myself to pad those numbers a bit.
"Nah man, I'm totes a woman lol"
hangs self
They don't just beat trannies in the Middle East. They throw them off of buildings.
(they beat them with gravity)
Yes, I suppose "He was beaten to death by the ground" would be true. I cannot believe liberals defend the religion that would literally toss MOST of them off buildings if they dared show their faces in certain parts of the ME.
Well now, that would be a problem. That's true enough....but then there's also the thing of a compromised soul. It's problematic if you allow a vital soul that the Author WANTS to pass into Hell in a state of ignorance and deception.
So I am really big on making sure people are devoid of deception BEFORE the ME roof scenario takes place.
The Father cares, so I try to agree. We lives in weird days, huh?
Can’t argue with that ?
Good god, wtf.
Trans culture, drag culture, is all fucking disgusting and we as a society should shun it.
Girl on the left: she-he herman
lol!!! It may be!!
Remember, Memri is the compilation channel whose job it is to compile clips of Muslims saying silly things (of which there are plenty).
If you can't guess which country Memri is from, look it up.
I would say actual drag "artists" are fringe of society and looked down upon.
Drag culture? Not fringe at all. Mainstream America has definitely taken it for themselves. Bugs Bunny has been doing it for decades. Mrs. Doubtfire and Madea took it into a very public space. Female makeup technique has been influenced by drag heavily, and even someone who does natural, modest makeup inadvertently uses techniques from that arena.
The left has pretty much been able to push drag as not fringe, because we are already so used to the superficial elements of its culture. The biggest fans of RuPaul's Drag Race are unfortunately heterosexual, centrist or conservative leaning white women.
I do not believe the general public are accepting of actual drag performers and their sexual dynamic. Those basic little white girls wouldn't be caught dead at an actual gay dive bar on drag night where the goal is "round the clock gay sex". Manicured, PG13 version at the House of Blues sponsored by Cricket Wireless? sure, call the girls. I think what's really telling is how up in arms everyone was because of the trend of drag story time. No one was surprised when it turned out they were sex offenders.
You're right, It used to be adult comedy for a reason. Cultures from Kabuki performers in Japan to Shakespearian plays, men in dresses are hilarious for a reason. Y'all make some pretty homely looking women!
Beatings are nothing compared to what Satan has planned for them.
Encouraging violence/hate is not the back-bone of this movement, and the fact that this is 'humor' is a little sad.
These individuals have a real problem.
Anyone else feel like the attempt at normalization of trannies is failing? Seems like they’ve been trying hard for 10+ years and normies still think trannies are gross and/or have a mental disorder.
Drive them out!
They are pushing this drag shit HARD. You can barely turn the tV on without seeing promos for drag shows of some kind, drag race, drag cooking, drag confessions, drag everything. They're really trying to normalize it. And they are, in the stunted minds of people who have been conditioned to think accepting this bullshit is the "in" thing to do.
That's where the cancel culture belongs.
I think that's a show called "Queer kid stuff." I don't know if it's used in classrooms or just hangs out on YouTube. But yeah. Creepy AF.