That would be 10 % of the population that voted for Xiden “thinking” he would actually do what he said he would do. (All Lies as we knew he would since he’s all DS all the time) These are the old Moderate/Dems that just could not vote Trump due to his “abrasiveness” I do believe these are the few that we need to “Awaken” however they are struggling with truth, I have tried and some are coming around it’s more they have been told false lies all their lives, that’s tough to find out.
Does it matter WHY they are voted for him? In the 50s and 60s a lot of commies actually believed the Russian propaganda when the spied on our nascent nation on behalf of their fellow commies. Didn't stop them from getting executed when they were caught. Same fate should befall on these people too. I know they are family and all, but really, NO quarter should be given to any of these traitors.
You can find a new family. You cannot find a new nation. None like our beloved USA anyway
And get ABC/CNN/WaPo headlines? Don't have the stomach for that, need to keep stress levels down. I'll self isolate and wait for the proverbial to hit the fan. The after shocks will be awesome - BOOOM!
Im trying to save pdfs of all articles since 1/20 on joe things in a folder called joes actions. So I can have ready material for anyone who really wants to discuss all hes accomplishing. It is heinous. Staggering how anti-American it is
Why are we letting the minority dictate what the majority gets to think? Because if you think most of America believes this garbage then I have a unicorn for sale.
It is OUR money to begin with. This "stimulus" bill is nothing but theft from ALL taxpayers. We will end up paying 40 or 50 thousand $$ for this outright theft and most of it is going to foreign interests or to bail out blue cities (demorat shitholes). Not every taxpayer is getting a reduction ($1,400) in paying for this theft either.
New taxes, regular taxes and the hidden tax, inflation, are already going up.
You realize there are unemployed people who will discover this check was garnished due to an outstanding debt that's gone into collection, right?
I'm not one of those people thankfully, but I'm painfully aware of why rushing that bill through without bipartisan support like the other stimulus bills (needs a 2/3 vote to protect the funds from debt collection agencies according to another rule passed by Congress) is going to cause problems for the little guy.
Sadly, I have retards in my family who said this to me. Groan.
I too have a mentally ill sister.
Same here with a brother in law....
Everyone in my family. I can't believe I came from this gene pool.
They raise my blood pressure to much so I’m just going to wait until the tribunal’s and say “See I told you! You wouldn’t LISTEN!”
My son says “Mom they drive a Prius please you know their libtards” ??
Now wait a minute! I'm a diehard patriot and I drive a Prius.
You just have shitty taste thats all.
Ha at least you admit it! ?
Not only that, but you should REPORT them as traitors when the tribunals start. We should all do our part in unmasking the collaborators
That would be 10 % of the population that voted for Xiden “thinking” he would actually do what he said he would do. (All Lies as we knew he would since he’s all DS all the time) These are the old Moderate/Dems that just could not vote Trump due to his “abrasiveness” I do believe these are the few that we need to “Awaken” however they are struggling with truth, I have tried and some are coming around it’s more they have been told false lies all their lives, that’s tough to find out.
Does it matter WHY they are voted for him? In the 50s and 60s a lot of commies actually believed the Russian propaganda when the spied on our nascent nation on behalf of their fellow commies. Didn't stop them from getting executed when they were caught. Same fate should befall on these people too. I know they are family and all, but really, NO quarter should be given to any of these traitors.
You can find a new family. You cannot find a new nation. None like our beloved USA anyway
So stump them by asking them exactly what he has done for the US.
And get ABC/CNN/WaPo headlines? Don't have the stomach for that, need to keep stress levels down. I'll self isolate and wait for the proverbial to hit the fan. The after shocks will be awesome - BOOOM!
Biden is not legitimate.
Damned right he is a bastard, in every sense of the word.
He signed a bunch of EOs that are being challenged by states in court.
He hasn’t even held one press conference.
The only historic success is he successfully cheated to win the election, and the jury is still out on that “success”
Until the media is rounded up and executed for their lies nothing will change
And nothing will change until people have had enough and demand their rights be returned.
I honestly don't care that they lie and run their fake news. It is the people who get fooled by it that bother me.
Im trying to save pdfs of all articles since 1/20 on joe things in a folder called joes actions. So I can have ready material for anyone who really wants to discuss all hes accomplishing. It is heinous. Staggering how anti-American it is
Killing thousands of jobs. What a mess Trump left him!
Why are we letting the minority dictate what the majority gets to think? Because if you think most of America believes this garbage then I have a unicorn for sale.
Because we don't control any part of media, other than talk radio.
isn't he overdue for a Nobel? and an Emmy?
Check the other link I posted, plenty more where that came from. Malia Obama is in a few pics along with some dope.
Prolly the giant rocks of cocaine.
The only mess was the fraud in the election and having the majority of the country hate your guys.
...for China.
Success of what, destroy America as fast as he possibly can?
I know this was Shumer but it shoulda been chief spreading bull (pocohantas)
Dancing the Cotton Eyed Joe...Bull Shit!
Because he works so hard!! (Between 8 and 9 AM. - then, nappy time).
when does .win get a marketplace
Lmfao. Yes it's a historic success in revealing the absurdity the democrats and leftist espouse. Not that most of is didn't know.
well from the perspective of total globalist slave masters, sure it probably does seem successful.. but as a president of the people, no.
Said no one ever!
here you go?????
there should be a shortcut on your keyboard. on my MacBook, it's ctrl, cmd, space.
Thanks for this!
you're welcome & your forum life will never be the same!???
It is OUR money to begin with. This "stimulus" bill is nothing but theft from ALL taxpayers. We will end up paying 40 or 50 thousand $$ for this outright theft and most of it is going to foreign interests or to bail out blue cities (demorat shitholes). Not every taxpayer is getting a reduction ($1,400) in paying for this theft either. New taxes, regular taxes and the hidden tax, inflation, are already going up.
You realize there are unemployed people who will discover this check was garnished due to an outstanding debt that's gone into collection, right?
I'm not one of those people thankfully, but I'm painfully aware of why rushing that bill through without bipartisan support like the other stimulus bills (needs a 2/3 vote to protect the funds from debt collection agencies according to another rule passed by Congress) is going to cause problems for the little guy.