The areas in the Northwest have actually increased in groundwater volume. Most of the other places saw their declines between 1920 and 1960 from my quick scan of the report.
Aside from that, yes, I would like to know what his motives are.
If he was gonna put it somewhere, where would it go?
To his home in Seattle?
Or into Yellowstone, to cool down the volcanoes?
I don't know. Maybe he is using the heat of the magma to turn it into steam? It would be a more clever way to get rid of the evidence than pipes pumping it into the Pacific / Great Lakes.
I am of the opinion that he is not taking the water. Even if it were possible. He is buying ground for "seed science" and biofuel. As transgenics become more refined and various crops are developed for cost effective biofuel, he will grow them. Think of it as owning an oil well 80 years ago.
Then again, I don't anticipate Gates would be successful pushing burnable fuels, considering all the talk of a carbon footprint they are afraid will squash them.
I know that there are other reasons to hold porous land. Helium storage, for example.
If you subscribe to the theory of the Great Reset, what is the ultimate scares resource, and will only go up in value over time?
Land (especially farmable land). They aren't making more of it.. I would bet that he's piling his wealth out of the market (which will also help it tank) and moving into alternate holdings. He's probably got a pile of precious metals (of many types) too.
Don't forget the Bush family and many others have been buying up aquifers and water rights for decades. Here's a good article that analyzes a few of the biggest purchases over the last few decades. Take this line for example:
"The lands purchased by the Bush family sit over not only South America’s largest aquifer — but the world’s as well — Acuifero Guaraní, which runs beneath Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. This aquifer is larger than Texas and California combined."
I am still struggling with the whole "You're watching a movie" thing. If we are watching a move, and Psycho Bill has already been arrested and his property and assets confiscated, wouldn't his farmland be in the hands of the white hats???
General Flynn just said Chinese own 30 million acres in America. So this Gates land grab is peanuts. Let’s just dived up America into 10 parts already and move the sheep into the FEMA camps and be done with it.
This is similar to the plot of Quantum of Solace where the bad guys buy rights to "worthless" land in order to siphon out the groundwater and then charge the locals for it.
Sounding more and more like a Bond villain, Mr. Gates. Wasn’t that the plot for Quantum of Solace? Rich guy buys up land in South America that has unknown aquifers in order to control the water supply and therefore the people? It’s been a while since I’ve seen it.
Someone suggested that he was out to get rid of the cattle industry. Doesn't want us to eat beef. Buy up all the cattlelands and no beef. Just a thought, not mine.
Several things are happening concurrently. I’ll speak to a few things I’ve researched, observed and photographed extensively in CA including a a speculated connection with the resulting “wildfires”. I believe I t’s all related.
Planes are spraying here almost nonstop. Look up solar radiation management. Ostensibly they want to simulate volcanic smoke and ash dimming the sun. On Wikipedia they show an illustration of a ship towing a hot air balloon to accomplish this. Does this seem efficient or realistic? No. They are using planes like USAF modified KR135s. Clearly visible, photographed, and documented. I’ve written Congress about this practice. Newsom is aware of this since at least 2017.
Go to Harvard’s geoengineering page and look at who’s funding this. Bill Gates of course is listed. Now think farmland. Maybe there’s a connection, maybe not.
Barium and Aluminum are being measured in large qty in the soil as well as in human tissue samples. The spraying of these chemicals dries out the both the air (fewer rain clouds) and soil and kills vegetation. Snomax is used in the CA Sierras to creat snow. The active ingredient is a bacterial germicide. We’re living through a manufactured drought and a killing of our ecosystem. I’m no treehugger but this isn’t speculation. It’s well documented.
CA groundwater, rainwater and snowpack is being drained into the Pacific. Just as Trump said. The drain pipes are visible everywhere up and down Hwy 1. I’ve photographed many of these on the central coast. Water drains off these cliff side pipes and into the pacific.
Now think about what they’re spraying and how much of it is ending up in the ocean. I believe the cabal is going literally scorched Earth and ocean. NWS employees are under gag order. Why?
Trump was always taking about “clean air and water”. I believe I know exactly what he’s referring to.
Heard an NPR broadcast a few years ago talking about how they (braindead liberals) want to raise the price of water because they are predicting a worldwide water shortage. Maybe Gates is pushing this one forward because no one is buying covid anymore.
That’s why Big Short movie guy made $700m for investors and $100m for himself in 2008 shorting the housing market. He buys up almond farms cuz he thinks water will be the most valuable asset. Almond farms require the most water so he figures they will be quite valuable not for the almonds but for the water rights.
Note that the groundwater depletion map is 1900 - 2008. Unless there is some actual correlation with recent groundwater depletion, any correlation with Gates farmland purchase seem pretty meaningless, in terms of him causing groundwater depletion. Now an alternative hypothesis is that he knows something that would make that farmland more valuable than what he paid, whether that relates to groundwater is yet to be known.
And entire group of states connect. They’re probably building more tunnels, so they can get their Adrina chrome. Nebraska is a hot hub For human trafficking of all places. But isn’t that the one state that connects them all at least a top portion of the map. I think it’s for many other things, and probably for the water as well. But having tunnels all the way across America which already exist, at least maybe since the white hats haven’t been blowing them all up, but it would make sense they would need new tunnels right. Nothing that Bill Gates does is short of being evil
Gave him time Gates that is —he comes right out and tell us what he’s doing (jabbing children full of vaccines, vaccines that cripple, sterilize, auto- immune diseases , chem trails messing with our atmosphere, artificial food and Generic chickens, vaccines with trojans to attract your immune system later, generic seeds to produce products with no value to human bodies, and the real kicker a tracker just placed under your skin) see he’s so powerful no one can touch him. Watch his lovely clips bold proud —-can’t say human not sure what he his?!?! I listed a few
In Washington State (Pullman) the aquifer has been slowly shrinking over the years due to the amount and student population growth at Washington State University. This at least is normal and expected. They been having to drill deeper and deeper.
Here's my take on this, and yes I am surprising myself as I actually type the words out. Has anyone noticed how many times lately, someone will make a statement similar to "this sounds like it could be a movie plot?". I am starting to give genuine consideration to the idea that core idea of a lot of movie plots aren't so fictional; but are quite possibly the cabal flaunting the various ideas of what they plan to do, and no one can stop them. Human experimentation, cross species manipulation, world wide disasters, depopulation, trafficking, drug smuggling, pandemics, post-apocalyptic themes of scattered city-states with a ruling class no one ever sees, throwing over God and religion, mocking people of faith, countless vampires, all encompassing passport IDs that people need to forge or bypass to live, dissolution of a mother/father household, countless secret society themes and so forth, witnesses being silenced literally the day before testifying. And all the while, the media, politicians, and useful idiots telling you that you are letting your mind run wild, or you should get some help.
Given what we have found out, thanks to Q pointing people in the right direction for research, reading, etc. Is the idea of controlling the water supply or farmland, or creating a permanent layer of reflectivity for the suns rays that far out of from fiction? Still think 9/11 was Bin Laden, OKC was the act of two rednecks, Ron Brown died in plane crash, the iraq war -- hiv, zika, ebola, and various other viruses/diseases being patented?
I think the "you are watching a movie" that Q has stated many times, has more than 1 meaning, as do a lot of other things that have been said.
My husband and I have said similar. Some truth to movies we watch. Now when you watch or rewatch a movie it takes on a whole new meaning as you see similarities to what we now know. It’s like holy shit, WTH?
“They” put it out there in entertainment, because they have to tell us. If we do not object or raise a stink about it, they believe our silence is consent. It is a Luciferian thing.
This is similar to the plot of Quantum of Solace where the bad guys buy rights to "worthless" land in order to siphon out the groundwater and then charge the locals for it.
lol. Gates is running out of ideas so he's ripping off Bond movies. Next up, an orbiting space station to safely house a select few genetically ideal human specimens and the Gates family while earth undergoes a nuclear holocaust.
The areas in the Northwest have actually increased in groundwater volume. Most of the other places saw their declines between 1920 and 1960 from my quick scan of the report.
Aside from that, yes, I would like to know what his motives are.
I saw that too.
If he was gonna put it somewhere, where would it go?
To his home in Seattle?
Or into Yellowstone, to cool down the volcanoes?
I don't know. Maybe he is using the heat of the magma to turn it into steam? It would be a more clever way to get rid of the evidence than pipes pumping it into the Pacific / Great Lakes.
I am of the opinion that he is not taking the water. Even if it were possible. He is buying ground for "seed science" and biofuel. As transgenics become more refined and various crops are developed for cost effective biofuel, he will grow them. Think of it as owning an oil well 80 years ago.
Then again, I don't anticipate Gates would be successful pushing burnable fuels, considering all the talk of a carbon footprint they are afraid will squash them.
I know that there are other reasons to hold porous land. Helium storage, for example.
He may be gearing up to turn aquifers into large storage tanks. Not sure what for, if not water.
We can go the extra mile and theorize if he is prepping land for concentration camps or slavery plantations, but I'd rather not think about that.
If you subscribe to the theory of the Great Reset, what is the ultimate scares resource, and will only go up in value over time?
Land (especially farmable land). They aren't making more of it.. I would bet that he's piling his wealth out of the market (which will also help it tank) and moving into alternate holdings. He's probably got a pile of precious metals (of many types) too.
Also this. Which his answer is exactly what I thought it would be.
If you can control fresh water you control governments. Period.
Grondo. It's got what plants vrave
Don't forget the Bush family and many others have been buying up aquifers and water rights for decades. Here's a good article that analyzes a few of the biggest purchases over the last few decades. Take this line for example:
"The lands purchased by the Bush family sit over not only South America’s largest aquifer — but the world’s as well — Acuifero Guaraní, which runs beneath Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. This aquifer is larger than Texas and California combined."
The motive is probably very simple; control the world's water supply so you can control the people of the world. I imagine Gates has similar goals.
I am still struggling with the whole "You're watching a movie" thing. If we are watching a move, and Psycho Bill has already been arrested and his property and assets confiscated, wouldn't his farmland be in the hands of the white hats???
General Flynn just said Chinese own 30 million acres in America. So this Gates land grab is peanuts. Let’s just dived up America into 10 parts already and move the sheep into the FEMA camps and be done with it.
This is similar to the plot of Quantum of Solace where the bad guys buy rights to "worthless" land in order to siphon out the groundwater and then charge the locals for it.
That's the movie I was thinking of! Thanks .
Lol, it reminds me of Rango🐸
Not going to do him any good where he's going.
For real
Sigil of the Knights Templar, the Army of God
It's simple, we must kill bill.
(Mixing meme's here, I'll see my way out.
This is a continuation from my comment on:
Props to Sunshines09 for bringing attention to this topic.
Wow, interesting!
just fixing the tag fren. u/sleepydude was giving you props. Thanks to both of you for the post and comment. good stuff.
Oh cool, I see it now ?
Not again
.Give us a fucking break, Bill!
Block out the sun? Drain the ground water out from under you? Does he get his ideas from Mr Burns? 🐸
Sounding more and more like a Bond villain, Mr. Gates. Wasn’t that the plot for Quantum of Solace? Rich guy buys up land in South America that has unknown aquifers in order to control the water supply and therefore the people? It’s been a while since I’ve seen it.
I noticed that he doesn't own any in Texas, but China does own land there, I wonder if it coincides with the areas of depletion?
Someone suggested that he was out to get rid of the cattle industry. Doesn't want us to eat beef. Buy up all the cattlelands and no beef. Just a thought, not mine.
Several things are happening concurrently. I’ll speak to a few things I’ve researched, observed and photographed extensively in CA including a a speculated connection with the resulting “wildfires”. I believe I t’s all related.
Planes are spraying here almost nonstop. Look up solar radiation management. Ostensibly they want to simulate volcanic smoke and ash dimming the sun. On Wikipedia they show an illustration of a ship towing a hot air balloon to accomplish this. Does this seem efficient or realistic? No. They are using planes like USAF modified KR135s. Clearly visible, photographed, and documented. I’ve written Congress about this practice. Newsom is aware of this since at least 2017.
Go to Harvard’s geoengineering page and look at who’s funding this. Bill Gates of course is listed. Now think farmland. Maybe there’s a connection, maybe not.
Barium and Aluminum are being measured in large qty in the soil as well as in human tissue samples. The spraying of these chemicals dries out the both the air (fewer rain clouds) and soil and kills vegetation. Snomax is used in the CA Sierras to creat snow. The active ingredient is a bacterial germicide. We’re living through a manufactured drought and a killing of our ecosystem. I’m no treehugger but this isn’t speculation. It’s well documented.
CA groundwater, rainwater and snowpack is being drained into the Pacific. Just as Trump said. The drain pipes are visible everywhere up and down Hwy 1. I’ve photographed many of these on the central coast. Water drains off these cliff side pipes and into the pacific.
Now think about what they’re spraying and how much of it is ending up in the ocean. I believe the cabal is going literally scorched Earth and ocean. NWS employees are under gag order. Why?
Trump was always taking about “clean air and water”. I believe I know exactly what he’s referring to.
Correction- here is the active ingredient in Snomax. It is a plant pathogen, not a germicide. On mobile, excuse the typos.
Heard an NPR broadcast a few years ago talking about how they (braindead liberals) want to raise the price of water because they are predicting a worldwide water shortage. Maybe Gates is pushing this one forward because no one is buying covid anymore.
That’s why Big Short movie guy made $700m for investors and $100m for himself in 2008 shorting the housing market. He buys up almond farms cuz he thinks water will be the most valuable asset. Almond farms require the most water so he figures they will be quite valuable not for the almonds but for the water rights.
Wow. Thanks for posting.
Probably the sugar salt and oil leases
Salt sugar and oil leases then.
Arrest him. Charge him with treason. Sieze his assets. Burn his organizations/fake charities.
Note that the groundwater depletion map is 1900 - 2008. Unless there is some actual correlation with recent groundwater depletion, any correlation with Gates farmland purchase seem pretty meaningless, in terms of him causing groundwater depletion. Now an alternative hypothesis is that he knows something that would make that farmland more valuable than what he paid, whether that relates to groundwater is yet to be known.
And entire group of states connect. They’re probably building more tunnels, so they can get their Adrina chrome. Nebraska is a hot hub For human trafficking of all places. But isn’t that the one state that connects them all at least a top portion of the map. I think it’s for many other things, and probably for the water as well. But having tunnels all the way across America which already exist, at least maybe since the white hats haven’t been blowing them all up, but it would make sense they would need new tunnels right. Nothing that Bill Gates does is short of being evil
Wouldn't this allow him to grow GMO crops for our consumption? His farms could also inject the livestock with hormones and other agents.
One acre in New Mexico??
Fault lines. ?♀️
Gave him time Gates that is —he comes right out and tell us what he’s doing (jabbing children full of vaccines, vaccines that cripple, sterilize, auto- immune diseases , chem trails messing with our atmosphere, artificial food and Generic chickens, vaccines with trojans to attract your immune system later, generic seeds to produce products with no value to human bodies, and the real kicker a tracker just placed under your skin) see he’s so powerful no one can touch him. Watch his lovely clips bold proud —-can’t say human not sure what he his?!?! I listed a few
In Washington State (Pullman) the aquifer has been slowly shrinking over the years due to the amount and student population growth at Washington State University. This at least is normal and expected. They been having to drill deeper and deeper.
Nothing to see here.
Very interesting find! You must be on to something. I’ll bet any money that land he owns in the mid west is all lakefront!
Here's my take on this, and yes I am surprising myself as I actually type the words out. Has anyone noticed how many times lately, someone will make a statement similar to "this sounds like it could be a movie plot?". I am starting to give genuine consideration to the idea that core idea of a lot of movie plots aren't so fictional; but are quite possibly the cabal flaunting the various ideas of what they plan to do, and no one can stop them. Human experimentation, cross species manipulation, world wide disasters, depopulation, trafficking, drug smuggling, pandemics, post-apocalyptic themes of scattered city-states with a ruling class no one ever sees, throwing over God and religion, mocking people of faith, countless vampires, all encompassing passport IDs that people need to forge or bypass to live, dissolution of a mother/father household, countless secret society themes and so forth, witnesses being silenced literally the day before testifying. And all the while, the media, politicians, and useful idiots telling you that you are letting your mind run wild, or you should get some help.
Given what we have found out, thanks to Q pointing people in the right direction for research, reading, etc. Is the idea of controlling the water supply or farmland, or creating a permanent layer of reflectivity for the suns rays that far out of from fiction? Still think 9/11 was Bin Laden, OKC was the act of two rednecks, Ron Brown died in plane crash, the iraq war -- hiv, zika, ebola, and various other viruses/diseases being patented?
I think the "you are watching a movie" that Q has stated many times, has more than 1 meaning, as do a lot of other things that have been said.
It's called predictive programming and has a long history.
Providing an unending flow of consistently contradictory information also breaks the mind down for easy manipulation.
There are four lights...
When the chips finally land it will be interesting what is real and what is fiction.
After a lifetime of manipulation, some people may never be able to see four lights, ever.
My husband and I have said similar. Some truth to movies we watch. Now when you watch or rewatch a movie it takes on a whole new meaning as you see similarities to what we now know. It’s like holy shit, WTH?
Wasnt there a James Bond movie with this plot? Staring Daniel Craig?
quantum of solace
Thanks. Yup, that's the one.
“They” put it out there in entertainment, because they have to tell us. If we do not object or raise a stink about it, they believe our silence is consent. It is a Luciferian thing.
This is similar to the plot of Quantum of Solace where the bad guys buy rights to "worthless" land in order to siphon out the groundwater and then charge the locals for it.
lol. Gates is running out of ideas so he's ripping off Bond movies. Next up, an orbiting space station to safely house a select few genetically ideal human specimens and the Gates family while earth undergoes a nuclear holocaust.
Wouldn't this allow him to grow GMO crops for our consumption? His farms could also inject the livestock with hormones and other agents.
Like tunnels maybe??
The Egyptian pyramids were built on top of aquifers.
More relevant, Nikola Tesla’s wireless energy tower was also built over one.
This is a highly interesting coincidence that now spreads across entire recorded history.