The earth might not be flat but anyone who blindly accepts our current library of space knowledge as 100% fact, clearly has no appreciation of WHO or WHAT the cabal is.
Trust me, most of our space knowledge is 100% true. Ofc, we don't know a lot and we make many assumptions, but most of it is true or very close to being true.
The sheer amount of flat-earth hate on these forums is very suspicious. 99% of them use the same line about "don't lump those conspiracies in with Q because outsiders will think we are crazy" - its a weak af argument and THEY are the ones who sound scripted.
We are either over the target here, or many on GAW are not as prepared as they think they are to question everything.
The masonic connections to astronomy and NASA are reason alone to question everything.
Flat Earth is the Deep State's own made-up conspiracy theory designed to discredit conspiracy facts. We have been bombarded in recent days by promoters of Flat Earth theory, presumably to make everything else we discuss sound crazy to normies.
Right but secret space programs and everything else on the Q map doesn't sound crazy right?? Apparently not to youtube who allows secret space program stuff to be untouched... meanwhile Qanon, voter fraud, and flat earth videos all have warnings that they are proven and discredited.
I'm on here everyday and I don't see a surge of "flat earthers," it is literally the opposite - I've actually tried to encourage conversations questioning our space science, and I am immediately attacked by 10 posters all saying the same pathetic thing... "you make our community look bad with this stuff", give me a break. Anyone who goes around talking about Qanon should be beyond caring how they are perceived.
Our space astronomy science fields are completely saturated with potential Satan worshipping masons... it is completely valid to question their conclusions.
OH SNAP. I was actually considering a post on this. The earth is round of course. The math can be done, like the greek dude did. But what I learned from that rabbit hole, was to discern the difference between what I know, and what I believe.
Shrub was the hood ornament on the vehicle that drove 9/11 into Baghdad. They planted him out of the way in Florida so his father Poppy, and his cronies Dick and Donny could run the show in DC.
W. Bush is one of the likeliest conspirators to have flipped as he has always been a puppet on their strings since he was a child. Some say W. was in Dealey Plaza that day, along with his father who was allegedly coordinating the assassination of JFK.
I feel like 9/11 was a primer course for all the prominent conspiracies today: From Q to covid.
9/11 was my first, and most influential red pill.
If you went down that rabbit hole back in the day, IMO you are much more likely to see and make sense of everything happening today.
I feel if you never took the time to properly look at that subject, all of this would seem so abstract and hard to make sense of. It clearly all connects.
Definitely one of my first big ones....but I also think being exposed to it saved me from skipping to the flat earth stuff too. Its hard to handle a ton of shattering facts at once without exposure and understanding
Flat earth is fun for the entertainment value. I can see why people get caught up with it, especially when they already have such a distrust of the system. You’re right. It’s really easy to get overloaded. All the best to you on your journey.
I have looked at 9/11. But the difference with 9/11 and now is that you could only have theories for the former whereas now, your very life is affected by what’s going on, so that you actually go through the theories, if you see what I mean.
The more I went down the rabbit hole on this one and his father, followed all the connections the more disgusted, sad, appalled and downright angry I still am.
The Bush painting has been mostly scrubbed from all news stories. They call it 'lightly satirized' and explain the painting and that it wasn't meant to show that the Bushes were behind the attacks.
"The painting has been identified as Parsing Bill by New York-based Australian artist Petrina Ryan-Kleid. (A print version is available on Saatchi Art starting at $40.) The painting was part of a body of student work produced independently of Epstein."
"The Clinton painting comes from a pair of works by Ryan-Kleid that lightly satirized political figures.** Its companion, a painting of George W. Bush called War Games, features the former president sitting on the floor of the White House playing with paper airplanes and two fallen Jenga towers,** referencing his manipulation of the attacks of 9/11 to justify the war in Iraq, the defining scandal of Bush’s White House tenure."
It is said that when The 9/11 Attacks happened, George Bush was somewhere with a bunch of kids, and they were singing songs and learning stuff. Something about a plane, and a building, and something else. But I don’t member everything. These people are sick
Bush the Lesser was only a bit player in the 9/11 plot.
Bob Kerrey on the 9/11 Commission asked about the 9/11 "conspiracy" on hidden camera:
9 11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey claims 9 11 was a 30 year conspiracy1 min 22 sec
My wife, God love her, swears Bush senior was a Nazi plant adopted by the bush family.... still have hard time biting on to that one but she’s persistent
I can't actually find the news story anymore, but it wasn't long after 9/11 that a couple of arab guys got kicked out of a bar (Denver, I think?) for building jenga towers and throwing paper airplanes into them, laughing as they did so. Anyone else remember that?
Makes me wonder if this painting was inspired by that news story, or if some arabs knew about this painting a WAY LONG time before any of the rest of us?
How does one question something so obvious?
For the same reason people believe the earth is flat.
The earth might not be flat but anyone who blindly accepts our current library of space knowledge as 100% fact, clearly has no appreciation of WHO or WHAT the cabal is.
Trust me, most of our space knowledge is 100% true. Ofc, we don't know a lot and we make many assumptions, but most of it is true or very close to being true.
Actually, don't trust me. I'm just some random person, but I am telling you the truth.
wait, werent you a flat earther a few days ago?
The sheer amount of flat-earth hate on these forums is very suspicious. 99% of them use the same line about "don't lump those conspiracies in with Q because outsiders will think we are crazy" - its a weak af argument and THEY are the ones who sound scripted. We are either over the target here, or many on GAW are not as prepared as they think they are to question everything. The masonic connections to astronomy and NASA are reason alone to question everything.
Flat Earth is the Deep State's own made-up conspiracy theory designed to discredit conspiracy facts. We have been bombarded in recent days by promoters of Flat Earth theory, presumably to make everything else we discuss sound crazy to normies.
Right but secret space programs and everything else on the Q map doesn't sound crazy right?? Apparently not to youtube who allows secret space program stuff to be untouched... meanwhile Qanon, voter fraud, and flat earth videos all have warnings that they are proven and discredited.
I'm on here everyday and I don't see a surge of "flat earthers," it is literally the opposite - I've actually tried to encourage conversations questioning our space science, and I am immediately attacked by 10 posters all saying the same pathetic thing... "you make our community look bad with this stuff", give me a break. Anyone who goes around talking about Qanon should be beyond caring how they are perceived.
Our space astronomy science fields are completely saturated with potential Satan worshipping masons... it is completely valid to question their conclusions.
Just ask them for proof. It’s funny. Try it out sometime. Easily refutable. I met a real life flat earther and his proof was a camera on a balloon. ?
They won’t change their perspective but the debate is fun
OH SNAP. I was actually considering a post on this. The earth is round of course. The math can be done, like the greek dude did. But what I learned from that rabbit hole, was to discern the difference between what I know, and what I believe.
probably got a chunk of thermite in a desk drawer also
Thermite be some excellent symbolism here
Could be to deflect away from the hidden 9/11 planners and perps to Shrub.
Shrub was the hood ornament on the vehicle that drove 9/11 into Baghdad. They planted him out of the way in Florida so his father Poppy, and his cronies Dick and Donny could run the show in DC.
W. Bush is one of the likeliest conspirators to have flipped as he has always been a puppet on their strings since he was a child. Some say W. was in Dealey Plaza that day, along with his father who was allegedly coordinating the assassination of JFK.
He looked almost satisfied after the notes were passed at the funeral.
It could if pieces had already been removed, i.e. the tower was prepared for the paper planes.
Very good point
Is this for real?
Wow, so many things out there I never even knew about. This one I’m showing and is a redpill for sure!
I feel like 9/11 was a primer course for all the prominent conspiracies today: From Q to covid.
9/11 was my first, and most influential red pill.
If you went down that rabbit hole back in the day, IMO you are much more likely to see and make sense of everything happening today.
I feel if you never took the time to properly look at that subject, all of this would seem so abstract and hard to make sense of. It clearly all connects.
Definitely one of my first big ones....but I also think being exposed to it saved me from skipping to the flat earth stuff too. Its hard to handle a ton of shattering facts at once without exposure and understanding
Flat earth is fun for the entertainment value. I can see why people get caught up with it, especially when they already have such a distrust of the system. You’re right. It’s really easy to get overloaded. All the best to you on your journey.
I have looked at 9/11. But the difference with 9/11 and now is that you could only have theories for the former whereas now, your very life is affected by what’s going on, so that you actually go through the theories, if you see what I mean.
Also real
Excuse me while I go bleach my eyeballs. ?? That is beyond disturbing! ??
Trust me, not even bleach can take that away from you once seen.
Hand me the bleach bottle....
Same question.
The more I went down the rabbit hole on this one and his father, followed all the connections the more disgusted, sad, appalled and downright angry I still am.
I think it was looking into 11/22/1963 that did it for me.
What did you see to convince you of Big Mike?? I never knew what to think about that
Thanks that’s helpful. I’ll check it out
Shoulder/back ratios, and musculature ... I think it was a meme that side-by-sided Big Mike with a heavy-weight boxer or MMA fighter.
The numerous cock-and-balls-outline-through-the-dress images are very entertaining, but seem to be highly possible to photo-shop.
Here is the original HD clip on Ellens official YT channel.
Ellen show did not photoshop this.
I know what you mean. Extremely disappointing.
Agreed. His father was a frightening man
Why would this redpill you? It’s a painting owned by a pedo?
Paper jet fuel can't melt wood jenga blocks
KEK... high octane humor there fren
Is there a source that shows ownership of this picture to Epstein?
The Bush painting has been mostly scrubbed from all news stories. They call it 'lightly satirized' and explain the painting and that it wasn't meant to show that the Bushes were behind the attacks.
"The painting has been identified as Parsing Bill by New York-based Australian artist Petrina Ryan-Kleid. (A print version is available on Saatchi Art starting at $40.) The painting was part of a body of student work produced independently of Epstein."
"The Clinton painting comes from a pair of works by Ryan-Kleid that lightly satirized political figures.** Its companion, a painting of George W. Bush called War Games, features the former president sitting on the floor of the White House playing with paper airplanes and two fallen Jenga towers,** referencing his manipulation of the attacks of 9/11 to justify the war in Iraq, the defining scandal of Bush’s White House tenure."
WOW. Brilliant analysis.
And red shoes ***
Simple google search shows several links to him owning it
Always thought that was odd then after i learned I knew.
It is said that when The 9/11 Attacks happened, George Bush was somewhere with a bunch of kids, and they were singing songs and learning stuff. Something about a plane, and a building, and something else. But I don’t member everything. These people are sick
Yes, there's video of him getting the news
And he certainly wasn’t surprised!
You got that right!
Isn't hard to find. I would have thought YT would have deleted all these by now.
Google search where his father was at the time....
WATCH George Bush the Lesser's facial expression!!
Yep. That’s the one!
Holy shit
Bush the Lesser was only a bit player in the 9/11 plot. Bob Kerrey on the 9/11 Commission asked about the 9/11 "conspiracy" on hidden camera: 9 11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey claims 9 11 was a 30 year conspiracy1 min 22 sec
My wife, God love her, swears Bush senior was a Nazi plant adopted by the bush family.... still have hard time biting on to that one but she’s persistent
**Your wife is correct. George H Scherff: **
I know fren... think I’m just avoiding going down that rabbit hole. Hahahahhaha
Pentagon "plane" in his hand?
now that you mention it, a pentagon is formed with his knees, feet and tie, up or down
I believe those are called missiles
I was referencing the alleged "plane" that hit the Pentagon that day. But we all KNOW that is was no plane.
I’ve tried to convince my otherwise red-pilled mother for years that the Bush’s are evil. She’s still not convinced ? I’ll have to show her this.
I always thought the one with bill in a dress had to do with the fact that he’s the bitch in his marriage.
Questioned the meaning??? They’re monuments to their scandals
Perhaps... or just coincidences
Is this a joke or real?
Real... google it
I can't actually find the news story anymore, but it wasn't long after 9/11 that a couple of arab guys got kicked out of a bar (Denver, I think?) for building jenga towers and throwing paper airplanes into them, laughing as they did so. Anyone else remember that?
Makes me wonder if this painting was inspired by that news story, or if some arabs knew about this painting a WAY LONG time before any of the rest of us?
Shitbag Deep Stater
Everything is not as it seems.
Simple google search shows it certainly was