This is amazingly awesome! I told my wife across the room, "Just listen... 《cowbell》... 《cowbell》". I was in tears. One of those looked like a face shot, too. Everyone should carry a regulation 8 in cast iron pan. You never know when a commie will rear their ugly head. I would recommend a 10 in pan for more bass, though.
No, smoking has ALWAYS been something the tobacco industry has promoted, it has never been cool, and has never done anything for anyone but cost them a lot of money, cost them their health, and if you realistically consider that it is nothing more than a burning stick in your mouth, it really looks stupid too.
Look, I understand that smokers want to rationalize their addiction, but is there any other activity on Earth that looks so incredibly stupid, is so obviously bad for your health, and costs so much? I used to almost get in fights with the kids in junior high who smoked, because I would try to tell them what a mistake it was. So now, you all have grown up with your addiction (no mentally stable adult starts smoking; it is just kids who start, or very immature adults), and are just too stubborn to admit how stupid you were to start. It's ok to admit when you are wrong. There are nicotine patches and other aids to quitting. Yes, it's hard to quit, but don't try to defend your addiction, it just makes you seem like you never grew up.
Well except smokers did better against covid(flu) than non smokers if I remember correctly. Light up for covid (super vague and nuanced reference to Edward Bernard)
He looks like he's seen his fair share of fist fights. When the guy in the blue hoodie attempts to tackle him. Based Pan Man lowers his profile and the blue hoodie guy over shoots and Pan Man slips out from under him and then gets on top and starts wailing on blue hoodie's face.
It was a thing of beauty how he ended up in mount. In my heart, although I can not see it, he is still smoking the cigarette when ground and pounding the PantyWaist!
No. If you look closely its a standard kevlar helmet. Someone added the pan noise to make it funny. Look closely you can see the straps inside it.
The pan noises just make it so much better though.
EDIT - Look at the very last few frames when he's on the ground. See the helmet on the ground rolling around. It got knocked out of his hands so he's using his fists. I might be wrong about the kevlar. It might be an old school WWII metal helmet which means that hurt like hell. In the first few frames he's smoking so he took his helmet off and had it in his hand.
This video is super popular here in Poland, not only because of the pan man but also because of how ridiculous your domestic terrorists with pink face covering look like. Anyways people joke that Biden is about to ban all pans and you will have to have a permit for that. Yeah we know it's a helmet but a pan make it even more hilarious.
I got a fever. And the only prescription, IS MORE COWBELL!
This is amazingly awesome! I told my wife across the room, "Just listen... 《cowbell》... 《cowbell》". I was in tears. One of those looked like a face shot, too. Everyone should carry a regulation 8 in cast iron pan. You never know when a commie will rear their ugly head. I would recommend a 10 in pan for more bass, though.
The perfect tone - bass on 10, add some kekkle, scoop the mid face range.
Guess it's time for them to look at banning assault-style cowbells/helmets/pans!
The pink masks do make nice visible targets. He didnt even have to scan for the 2nd guy.Just aim for the pink.
Hendrix would agree
So he gave us Stone Free
Chef Soyardeed
It's even funnier because it's not a pan. It's a damn metal mixing bowl lolol. Dude is legend.
it's a fuckin helmet bro
Helmet hero?
Dang, is it? I thought Samwise had entered the fray!
Rufio Pan Man
Said Snifflerumpskin
Style points for the cigarette!
Smoking isn’t cool, but smoking a cigarette while doing something cool makes you even cooler.
Especially when maintaining the cigarette at a jaunty angle in a fist/helmet fight!
No, smoking has ALWAYS been something the tobacco industry has promoted, it has never been cool, and has never done anything for anyone but cost them a lot of money, cost them their health, and if you realistically consider that it is nothing more than a burning stick in your mouth, it really looks stupid too.
Look, I understand that smokers want to rationalize their addiction, but is there any other activity on Earth that looks so incredibly stupid, is so obviously bad for your health, and costs so much? I used to almost get in fights with the kids in junior high who smoked, because I would try to tell them what a mistake it was. So now, you all have grown up with your addiction (no mentally stable adult starts smoking; it is just kids who start, or very immature adults), and are just too stubborn to admit how stupid you were to start. It's ok to admit when you are wrong. There are nicotine patches and other aids to quitting. Yes, it's hard to quit, but don't try to defend your addiction, it just makes you seem like you never grew up.
Well except smokers did better against covid(flu) than non smokers if I remember correctly. Light up for covid (super vague and nuanced reference to Edward Bernard)
He looks like he's seen his fair share of fist fights. When the guy in the blue hoodie attempts to tackle him. Based Pan Man lowers his profile and the blue hoodie guy over shoots and Pan Man slips out from under him and then gets on top and starts wailing on blue hoodie's face.
It was a thing of beauty how he ended up in mount. In my heart, although I can not see it, he is still smoking the cigarette when ground and pounding the PantyWaist!
The patron saint of kicking ass whilst looking disinterested, nay - slightly bored.
u/#catdance u/#pratt u/#victory
The pan is solely to cook food for his hungry family.
Nice crispy bacon for Mr. Frodo!
You got soup? I got a pan!!!
understated ?
I wish I could upvote this more than one time! Absolutely poetically brilliant!
Dominion has entered the chat. /s
Let freedom rings fellas!
The helmet/orbital connection has a beautiful timbre.
Let me ring your bell
I miss the antifa weekend smack down videos. One for the money and two for the show
Same. I'd actually like to see it again about a hundred more times. Especially the one set to music. Priceless.
Kek. <--- this one
Ding Dong??
Old fashioned skillet. The best!
Can this get a sticky. This man is a warrior of God.
What's with the pink head scarves? Some kind of mangina pussy march ?
They deserve to be whacked with cast-iron skillets.
They will never be a real woman.
was that a non-stick pan??
Look close it's a metal mixing bowl. Even funnier than a pan ???
No. If you look closely its a standard kevlar helmet. Someone added the pan noise to make it funny. Look closely you can see the straps inside it.
The pan noises just make it so much better though.
EDIT - Look at the very last few frames when he's on the ground. See the helmet on the ground rolling around. It got knocked out of his hands so he's using his fists. I might be wrong about the kevlar. It might be an old school WWII metal helmet which means that hurt like hell. In the first few frames he's smoking so he took his helmet off and had it in his hand.
Now this is what I call a panful moment..... ill see myself out.
This video is super popular here in Poland, not only because of the pan man but also because of how ridiculous your domestic terrorists with pink face covering look like. Anyways people joke that Biden is about to ban all pans and you will have to have a permit for that. Yeah we know it's a helmet but a pan make it even more hilarious.
I love watching the guy who took the first cowbell crawl away under the black divider. Pussy.
I think they prefer front hole
LOL love it.
Kek, it is an old vid. It is from about a year ago. Before COVID bullshit. Still, good vid nevertheless.
El Cabong!!
Never loses the cig. Casually keeps smoking
Maybe thing will start changing when we all get that “ IM DONE WITH THIS BS” look you can in his eyes
The panvenger ?
Tell me that “booonnnggg” audio...was added in ...hilarious.
I’m laughing out loud. People are staring at me. Should I show them?
A mace would have been pretty cool too, like the one the Witch King of Agmon uses in Return of the King.
Damn. This gets funnier every time you watch it.
God bless him
Sing with can ring my beeell you can ring my bell!