Agreed! I woke myself up right after Trump was first elected, and quickly started reading more and more books regarding politics, the deep state, Russia hoax and more. I quickly fell into the rabbit hole, and every day since then have learned more and more about the evil that’s trying to consume us. Luckily, along my journey, I learned NCSWIC.?
Also along my journey I was led back to Christ. Led may not be right word... I always knew he was there, I just felt maybe he was too busy or I wasn't worth it.... a dear friend told me once God Loves You the Most. I smiled, how sweet... It took a couple weeks rolling that information in my head to finally understand what it meant.
So I guess I was not 'led back' to God - I LET him back IN ❤️
I'm very grateful for all you and hope you know too That God love you the most.
I grew up in liberal hell Massachusetts and was convinced he didnt exist, just a fairy tale for grownups right? Around the same time as you I started waking up, and found christ along the way.
I'm still on shaky ground with christ, I still get attacked by doubts from time to time, but I make it a point to pray and ask for his guidance. I never would have guessed this would be where I ended up at the start of my journey in this life.
I don't have a list but I have a source. is an online free library with 5 million titles.
I've got hundreds of cooking books from around the world, survival books, books for the kids. More than I could ever read.
You might need a VPN, but if you search for General Michael Flynn [for example] it will give you other recommendations within the genre.
Eustace Mullins wrote some good stuff and might be a reasonable place to start
David Icke The Biggest Secret also packed with good information. Perfect for starting out
I'm pretty illiterate with cinema, what Stanley Kubrick film placed the seed in your mind?
My understanding with Freud (via Stefan Molyneux) is that the so-called 'Electra complex and 'Oedipus complex' was just gaslighting for victims at a time when the practice was widespread and kept hush-hush among the elites of that society.
And it’s funny (in a bad way) that Steven Spielberg was tapped to “re-edit” Eyes Wide Shut after Kubrick died. They “claimed” the film was too long and needed to be edited to run in theaters. Kubrick was a little too much on point with this one. We will never know what they cut out in the edit bay. Tom Cruise knows tho, and obviously Spielberg too.
It runs in the family.
The grandson [I believe] is/was Clem Freud, who was linked to the disappearance of the young English girl, Maddie McCann in Portugal some 15yrs ago
Nice, nothing I have ever read of Freud made any sense on any level or provided any understanding of myself and he is a boring read, like extracting teeth. Jung on the other hand seemed positively esoteric which I found interesting and rather surprising. I have admittedly not studied either in depth.
I don't know, I am still blind from the "whiter than my ass" blinding PDF link you posted. I attempted to read it but it was like getting sand blasted in the face. I had to give up before any night mode could be found because looking into the sun could cause permanent eye damage and I quickly exceeded my comfort zone.
In my early days of diving in rabbit holes, I often see remarks about Sigmund Freud being one of the biggest charlatans in history. Up there with Ponzi and Madoff.
But what do I know? Just that college psychology professors fawn over Freud's work.
This is a very good point that I keep forgetting. I was naive back then too, with a vague sense that something was wrong, but it wasn't until Wikileaks and Q that I started to see the whole picture. This Awakening is the most important thing. The Satanic pedophiles only held power when we were not aware of what they were doing.
The slow drip has become a steady trickle. Soon the floodgates will open. Every redpill shared gets us a little bit closer. Love you all Anons, thanks for being here with me.
20 years ago everyone said there is a few bad apples in politics but most are good. If I mention communism I was a nut. Now most say they know they are all corrupt but there’s nothing we can do about it. That’s PROGRESS!! Now when people see the true “salt of the earth” grass roots power the people have and become emboldened ... NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING!!!!!
Yes, but I also see tons of hand sanitizer/ sanitizing wipes, etc, on deep discount now in stores because people have stopped buying them. Outside of the mask thing, i think people have woken up to the fact that this isn't that big of an issue any longer. I still hear people going on and on about 'variants' but that is still more of a talking point than a real threat. I just wish more states would retroactively review their Cause of Death reason in each 'covid' death to verify if Covid was the primary or just a contributing factor. I also wish state medical boards would review the HCQ results and stop prohibiting the prescription in many states.
I had not a clue the depths of the depravity five years ago. I just remember walking around in a state of shock for about a month after learning the extent of the depravity posted by Q team.
And yet NOTHING has happened to them. How much longer do we have to wait? How many children die while we're waiting? Why are they all walking around like no one is ever going to do anything to them?
World wide we gather for the fall of the cabal. This is better than any club I never bothered to join! This is life. This is the sent of true freedom! We can smell it, taste it but can't wait for the main course! I am honored to be apart of the awakening process. ?
Doesnt feel like it. Feels like its all just getting worse and worse.
I'm almost at the point where I'd rather go back to sleep in blissful ignorance. The truth is too much of a burden when you cant do shit to change anything.
I drive a taxi and you are so right it's not even funny. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I pick up is awake and sick of it all. I give it one year, depending on the lefts attacks and/or false flags but it doesn't matter. This is Trumps first legacy , information bomb!
Agreed! I woke myself up right after Trump was first elected, and quickly started reading more and more books regarding politics, the deep state, Russia hoax and more. I quickly fell into the rabbit hole, and every day since then have learned more and more about the evil that’s trying to consume us. Luckily, along my journey, I learned NCSWIC.?
Me too.
Also along my journey I was led back to Christ. Led may not be right word... I always knew he was there, I just felt maybe he was too busy or I wasn't worth it.... a dear friend told me once God Loves You the Most. I smiled, how sweet... It took a couple weeks rolling that information in my head to finally understand what it meant.
So I guess I was not 'led back' to God - I LET him back IN ❤️
I'm very grateful for all you and hope you know too That God love you the most.
I grew up in liberal hell Massachusetts and was convinced he didnt exist, just a fairy tale for grownups right? Around the same time as you I started waking up, and found christ along the way.
I'm still on shaky ground with christ, I still get attacked by doubts from time to time, but I make it a point to pray and ask for his guidance. I never would have guessed this would be where I ended up at the start of my journey in this life.
any good book recommendations? just started digging lol
I don't have a list but I have a source. is an online free library with 5 million titles. I've got hundreds of cooking books from around the world, survival books, books for the kids. More than I could ever read. You might need a VPN, but if you search for General Michael Flynn [for example] it will give you other recommendations within the genre. Eustace Mullins wrote some good stuff and might be a reasonable place to start David Icke The Biggest Secret also packed with good information. Perfect for starting out
Thank you for the link, what an amazing free resource.
Peter Schweitzer’s book: Profiles in Corruption Greg Jarrett: Witch Hunt Mark Levin: Unfreedom of the Press
These are just a few that got me started. They were all very much worth the read.
This is such a fantastic reminder. Thank you. ?
I'll fight some fucking lizards, I don't care.
I'm pretty illiterate with cinema, what Stanley Kubrick film placed the seed in your mind? My understanding with Freud (via Stefan Molyneux) is that the so-called 'Electra complex and 'Oedipus complex' was just gaslighting for victims at a time when the practice was widespread and kept hush-hush among the elites of that society.
IIRC Weinstein got the footage and edited out the intended ending as well, so we have never seen that ending.
And it’s funny (in a bad way) that Steven Spielberg was tapped to “re-edit” Eyes Wide Shut after Kubrick died. They “claimed” the film was too long and needed to be edited to run in theaters. Kubrick was a little too much on point with this one. We will never know what they cut out in the edit bay. Tom Cruise knows tho, and obviously Spielberg too.
Freud - Genius or Pedophile Fraud? -
5.1 Occult Catholic Psychology - Freud: Hierophant of a NWO Religion & His Clergy -
It runs in the family. The grandson [I believe] is/was Clem Freud, who was linked to the disappearance of the young English girl, Maddie McCann in Portugal some 15yrs ago
Yes! That's in the video I linked.
Sorry, I didn't see the vid.
Thank you!
Freud? That's an interesting choice, considering the Podesta's were staying at Clement Freud's ( his grandson ) when Maddie McCann went missing.
Also, Clement's daughter is tied to Sony Pictures and the death of actor, Emma Chambers.
you're the Freud fan, dude..
Why not make the case?
I think Sigmund Freud is one of the most destructive figures in the modern era. A real piece of shit and a fucking quack.
Oh Well, absolutely agree with you! Freud was a fucking pervert.
Nice, nothing I have ever read of Freud made any sense on any level or provided any understanding of myself and he is a boring read, like extracting teeth. Jung on the other hand seemed positively esoteric which I found interesting and rather surprising. I have admittedly not studied either in depth.
I don't know, I am still blind from the "whiter than my ass" blinding PDF link you posted. I attempted to read it but it was like getting sand blasted in the face. I had to give up before any night mode could be found because looking into the sun could cause permanent eye damage and I quickly exceeded my comfort zone.
Well, he's Edward Bernays' uncle, so he probably helped him design his propaganda.
In my early days of diving in rabbit holes, I often see remarks about Sigmund Freud being one of the biggest charlatans in history. Up there with Ponzi and Madoff.
But what do I know? Just that college psychology professors fawn over Freud's work.
His nephew helped invent modern manipulative advertising with Philip Morris cigarettes. Still not his fault though they used his work
Freud - Genius or Pedophile Fraud? -
5.1 Occult Catholic Psychology - Freud: Hierophant of a NWO Religion & His Clergy -
You downvoted all of my posts about Freud?
What a fucking beta. - Freud - Genius or Pedophile Fraud?
Yes a lot has happened a lot has come out and still they walk free.
do they?
have not seen a single major cabal shitbag in an outdoor setting
they know they cannot walk down the street, already..
you seen them yourself or just a twitter post?
just wondering.
This is a very good point that I keep forgetting. I was naive back then too, with a vague sense that something was wrong, but it wasn't until Wikileaks and Q that I started to see the whole picture. This Awakening is the most important thing. The Satanic pedophiles only held power when we were not aware of what they were doing.
The HABBENINGS are HABBENING faster than ever before these past few weeks.
The slow drip has become a steady trickle. Soon the floodgates will open. Every redpill shared gets us a little bit closer. Love you all Anons, thanks for being here with me.
Heck of a show.
20 years ago everyone said there is a few bad apples in politics but most are good. If I mention communism I was a nut. Now most say they know they are all corrupt but there’s nothing we can do about it. That’s PROGRESS!! Now when people see the true “salt of the earth” grass roots power the people have and become emboldened ... NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING!!!!!
I still see people driving their cars with the mask on. Very disturbing/depressing.
Yes, but I also see tons of hand sanitizer/ sanitizing wipes, etc, on deep discount now in stores because people have stopped buying them. Outside of the mask thing, i think people have woken up to the fact that this isn't that big of an issue any longer. I still hear people going on and on about 'variants' but that is still more of a talking point than a real threat. I just wish more states would retroactively review their Cause of Death reason in each 'covid' death to verify if Covid was the primary or just a contributing factor. I also wish state medical boards would review the HCQ results and stop prohibiting the prescription in many states.
I had not a clue the depths of the depravity five years ago. I just remember walking around in a state of shock for about a month after learning the extent of the depravity posted by Q team.
The domino reaction cant be stopped. Keep waking people up all
Bless you all!
Domino reactions stop all the time, usually when the dominoes are too close together.
Yea no doubt they think that problem is the enemy of humanity are morons. They got no idea wtf is going on
We have no idea what is going on.
We don't even know what the plan is or if it serves Israel or destroys Israel.
Because you blind open you eyes!
You are the plan! You are the storm!
Now if only someone did something about that.
And yet NOTHING has happened to them. How much longer do we have to wait? How many children die while we're waiting? Why are they all walking around like no one is ever going to do anything to them?
Yep. It is incredibly frustrating.
World wide we gather for the fall of the cabal. This is better than any club I never bothered to join! This is life. This is the sent of true freedom! We can smell it, taste it but can't wait for the main course! I am honored to be apart of the awakening process. ?
Doesnt feel like it. Feels like its all just getting worse and worse.
I'm almost at the point where I'd rather go back to sleep in blissful ignorance. The truth is too much of a burden when you cant do shit to change anything.
If the AZ audit doesnt come through I am done.
are you going to change your screen name, dooomy?
I might have to if AZ is a nothingburger.
It'll become "CommunismIsComing"
I drive a taxi and you are so right it's not even funny. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I pick up is awake and sick of it all. I give it one year, depending on the lefts attacks and/or false flags but it doesn't matter. This is Trumps first legacy , information bomb!
How long ?
that's very far from a Great Awakening
VERY FEW, one day account faggot lol
try harder, douchebag