If these Big Pharma companies had cranked out a steady supply of HCQ, Ivermectin, etc etc and made over-the-counter self-care kits they would be earning steady income for years to come as virus after virus circulates the globe. But no. They wanted the big bucks NOW.
Even my commie friend said this: big Pharma is not about making cures, its about treating symptoms because if you're cured you don't need them anymore.
Only the ingredients in the final product are listed, not the excipients used in the process. Peanut oil is used in manufacturing vaccines, but not in the final product. Yet peanut allergy has exploded.
Which makes it a historical... Three day low. That's right, the stock of Pfizer TANKED to May 3rd levels. See why counting from the absolute peak is useless? Stocks have so much noise that tracking short term changes means nothing. It's like trying to extract meaning from the roll of the dice.
That sounds about right to me. Also seems that without the patent protections, reputable companies will discover any additional fuckery that may be occurring with these experiments.
A patent is where you publicly state how you're doing something (recipe, invention, etc.) and if you're the first person to do that, the government can give you a patent so that no one else can do the same thing for about 20 years. The idea is that if you're an inventor who put a lot of time and effort into making your invention, you get 20 years to sell it without any competition. At the end of 20 years, anyone can copy what you're doing. That's why new drugs are expensive and there aren't any generics until the patent expires.
To lose patent protection means that these vaccines can be copied and sold by other companies.
What remains to be seen is if these original companies have publicly stated what's in their vaccines and how to make them. If they haven't done that yet, they could just keep it a secret. That's what Coca-cola does with their recipe. They don't file for a patent so that no one can know how to make coca-cola.
Basically it means that other companies can make the vaccine and not have to worry about infringing on the patent rights of Pfizer-BioNtech. The mRNA technology that Pfizer is using was developed by the German company BioNtech so it's a shared patent.
Like there are extra ingredients in the masks and swabs? Little "threads" that move around like parasites! Just watched five dif vids of this. So gross!
Aint it tho? Since this plandemic began I’ve had one 3M N95 mask for Drs appts only and it’s filthy. Worn maybe 6-8X. Still cleaner than those Chyneez masks. Disgusting.
They realization that less than 20% of the US population took the poison and it's plateaued in the number of people who wanted to take it have taken it. They all thought a lot more people would have been scarred into taking it but apparently that didn't work out. The media has admitted that the amount of people that have taken it is lower than expected and now they're going to the next phase of this...shunning of people who didn't take it. Look at what the cucked New York Yankees are doing, they're segregating seating in the stadium by vaxxed and not vaxxed. Guess they want to be sued into oblivion for demanding people show private medical records to enter a business.
I don't think Pfizer or moderna intentionally tanked their own stocks (if they even could do that lol). They went down because they will not have exclusive rights to produce their "vaccine" anymore, and outside investors figured now is the time to take their profit and leave. No ?? when it comes to big pharma I guess
If these Big Pharma companies had cranked out a steady supply of HCQ, Ivermectin, etc etc and made over-the-counter self-care kits they would be earning steady income for years to come as virus after virus circulates the globe. But no. They wanted the big bucks NOW.
They’re not IN IT for cures. Heck they’re all implicated in creating this BS mindfuqqery.
Beat me to it. Correct.
Pharmakeia is not in the business of curing, they are in the business of prolonging every malady known to man and new ones they create.
There is no profit in cures, but there is in prolonged death.
Could it be this?
Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam https://themarshallreport.wordpress.com/2021/03/29/is-there-a-2nd-nuremberg-tribunal-on-the-way/
They created the Covid 19 so they could create a vaccine. They created the Covid 19 "Vaccine" to kill, maim and sterilize us.
Even my commie friend said this: big Pharma is not about making cures, its about treating symptoms because if you're cured you don't need them anymore.
I can only assume, I dont talk to him anymore. He's a rotten commie after all.
mindfuqqery -- I like it!
“A patient cured is a customer lost.” - Big Pharma (probably)
Never underestimate the power of out-of-control human greed :)
You still think they are in it for the money? lmao
What does 'waiving patent protections' do?
I think it means they have to fess up to what is actually in the "vaccines" so other countries can manufacture it.
From what I understand, the ingredients are available to the public but not the recipe itself. I think that's what the patents protect.
Only the ingredients in the final product are listed, not the excipients used in the process. Peanut oil is used in manufacturing vaccines, but not in the final product. Yet peanut allergy has exploded.
Imagine that......and they have no idea where the allergies come from.....hmmmm, such a mystery
If that's the case wouldn't the stocks fall anyway in anticipation? Also 6 percent isn't that much ITGSOT
Well in late morning they were up 6 from opening and by end of day down about 12 from open so a drop of 18 percent in the course of a few hours.
Which makes it a historical... Three day low. That's right, the stock of Pfizer TANKED to May 3rd levels. See why counting from the absolute peak is useless? Stocks have so much noise that tracking short term changes means nothing. It's like trying to extract meaning from the roll of the dice.
That sounds about right to me. Also seems that without the patent protections, reputable companies will discover any additional fuckery that may be occurring with these experiments.
There's a lot of wrong answers here.
A patent is where you publicly state how you're doing something (recipe, invention, etc.) and if you're the first person to do that, the government can give you a patent so that no one else can do the same thing for about 20 years. The idea is that if you're an inventor who put a lot of time and effort into making your invention, you get 20 years to sell it without any competition. At the end of 20 years, anyone can copy what you're doing. That's why new drugs are expensive and there aren't any generics until the patent expires.
To lose patent protection means that these vaccines can be copied and sold by other companies.
What remains to be seen is if these original companies have publicly stated what's in their vaccines and how to make them. If they haven't done that yet, they could just keep it a secret. That's what Coca-cola does with their recipe. They don't file for a patent so that no one can know how to make coca-cola.
The ingredients are public, just not the recipe. Here's the Pfizer ingredients:
The ingredients are mRNA, lipids ((4- hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose.
Where do I pick up some mRNA?
The corner of Obamas lips?
You could try the local YMCA
You're right.
Basically it means that other companies can make the vaccine and not have to worry about infringing on the patent rights of Pfizer-BioNtech. The mRNA technology that Pfizer is using was developed by the German company BioNtech so it's a shared patent.
Or, it's a way of revealing exactly what's in these vaccines -- maybe there's something in them they're not telling us about.
Like there are extra ingredients in the masks and swabs? Little "threads" that move around like parasites! Just watched five dif vids of this. So gross!
Aint it tho? Since this plandemic began I’ve had one 3M N95 mask for Drs appts only and it’s filthy. Worn maybe 6-8X. Still cleaner than those Chyneez masks. Disgusting.
What is really stupid is people say, “I’m wearing this to protect you” but then the N95 masks don’t filter anything you are breathing out.
They failed Science.
This probably needs watching, but dont start thinking this means more than it does...
Big moves are being made. We are some crazy times and the shit has yet to hit the fan.
What? No patent protections on genocide?
Break their backs. The time for consequences is upon them. No more free lunch. No more jab poison for our children.
Waitwaitwaitwait... what the fuck is this all about? This isn't the usual low quality delusional hopium I'm used to - this is that turbo, real shit..
Can I get an explanation or can someone point me in the direction of sources?
They realization that less than 20% of the US population took the poison and it's plateaued in the number of people who wanted to take it have taken it. They all thought a lot more people would have been scarred into taking it but apparently that didn't work out. The media has admitted that the amount of people that have taken it is lower than expected and now they're going to the next phase of this...shunning of people who didn't take it. Look at what the cucked New York Yankees are doing, they're segregating seating in the stadium by vaxxed and not vaxxed. Guess they want to be sued into oblivion for demanding people show private medical records to enter a business.
I don't think Pfizer or moderna intentionally tanked their own stocks (if they even could do that lol). They went down because they will not have exclusive rights to produce their "vaccine" anymore, and outside investors figured now is the time to take their profit and leave. No ?? when it comes to big pharma I guess
This is just what I heard (copied some from a post on wall street betting but I am new to stonks can you show me how pfizer made the stock go down?