Ha Ha!! BLM Publishes an updated list of demands on their website which includes a permanent ban of Trump ever holding office again!
? These people are stupid!

What a bunch of fucktards
Bunch of damn spoiled brats that throw a terroristic temper tantrum when they don't get their way.
Can't fix stupid.
well, stupid is forever...
I have a set of demands too.
^ this ?
No leftist shall ever hold any position of power in the country ever again, or else they're racist
Eat shit and die blm.
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum
These people are insane
Soon to find out how little Johnny felt when Santa didn't bring him that train set...
4 year olds having a temper tantrum make more reasonable demands
Oh yeahhh.... they BIG mad!
Guess who’s been ignored lately? ie services no longer required.
Proof that BLM exists to defend pedovores. They're scared.
Wait...is this satire? No? Really? Come on, man! No one could be this retar...oh wait. Yes they can!
These people actually believe they speak for the country, don’t ask that their requests be considered but DEMAND !!! To HE__ with them and the horse they road in on !!!!!!?
hmm. Convict him for what?
Cuz he's white...
Like I said: F-k em all sideways...
BLM can suck a long hard one.
13% of any population doesn't get to order the rest around. Especially when that 13% will never increase because they keep killing each other at such an alarming rate.
F-k em sideways
I'd tell these morons to go drink bleach, but it looks like they already have.
Reefer madness
Soros putting American tax dollars to work.
These commies never fucking stop.
Convict Trump, of what?! You tried to impeach him for January 6th. He was acquitted. Again.
And of course they have to throw in the defund the police nonsense, then try to perpetuate the lie that police stemmed from "slave patrols." What fucking idiots.
TIL terrified is spelled BLM
Daddy never gave them a spanking or was never around for that matter. I would assume
They don’t even know who their daddy is
"One day, he just went out for a pack of smokes and never came back"
"Slave patrols"?? Jeez these people truly and willingly believe lies.
May God bless them all. heads explode ?
Just more proof they're Dems.
Violent terrorists making demands proves the designation.
Might as well change the header to DS demands and just say it how it is
They’re just mad that their founder bought 4 Beverly Hills houses off black and brown money.
I love their logic: "DC has the most police per capita in the country; more funding is not the solution."
Interesting enough, the first list I looked at shows Myrtle Beach, South Carolina as the city with the most police per capita:
And how are these suppose to improve black lives? 1-6 are no correlation
demands? lol yall got used to select the potato. your services are no longer required.
set of demands? so they are trying to hold us hostage?