Gee, you don't suppose Melissa is filing for divorce because Bill may have had something to do with the election and she doesn't want to be in the crosshairs ...
Yeah, they are "improving" elections... so that they all help Bill's efforts to depopulate the planet.
It seems to me if Bill didn't buy politicians to protect him his genocidal ass would already have been executed. At some point we need to all wake up and realize these people are a threat to our lives.
The Gates are protecting at least half of their wealth. If he gets convicted of a serious crime then he may have his assets seized and be liable from lawsuits from victims. Give half of his wealth to the ex-wife (no prenup?) and you’re still in business.
I've read it's more like 90% could go to his wife. Timing of this divorce is suspicious. Just as Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is putting together the worlds biggest case against those responsible for the Corona scandal, claiming it a crime against humanity. Pushing that money over to Malinda makes sense. Next, he'll be claiming he's the victim and penniless. My guess is that money could get clawed back for the payment of damage claims if the case is won. Probably be tied up for years but the evidence needs to come out as part of the Great Awakening.
Note; #GlobalGoals at bottom. More like #GloboHomos.
“GlobalGoals”=Genocide then enslavement of the remainder. That’s WHY The Plan has to be real. ?
When you're loaded, EVERYONE wants to stand next to you and have a pic. That's why there's a pic of Trump next to Epstien. Doesn't mean anything except maybe they're hoping something will fall out of their pocket. A loose C note perhaps?
Gee, you don't suppose Melissa is filing for divorce because Bill may have had something to do with the election and she doesn't want to be in the crosshairs ...
Yeah, they are "improving" elections... so that they all help Bill's efforts to depopulate the planet.
It seems to me if Bill didn't buy politicians to protect him his genocidal ass would already have been executed. At some point we need to all wake up and realize these people are a threat to our lives.
Perhaps he thinks the family can save half their money by splitting it up before the red shoe drops.
I came late to the party and missed the red shoe reveal from 2016. Can't wait for the next time around.
The Gates are protecting at least half of their wealth. If he gets convicted of a serious crime then he may have his assets seized and be liable from lawsuits from victims. Give half of his wealth to the ex-wife (no prenup?) and you’re still in business.
unless she goes down too
“Follow the wife’s”. Where have we heard this before?
She doesn't look like the type.
I've read it's more like 90% could go to his wife. Timing of this divorce is suspicious. Just as Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is putting together the worlds biggest case against those responsible for the Corona scandal, claiming it a crime against humanity. Pushing that money over to Malinda makes sense. Next, he'll be claiming he's the victim and penniless. My guess is that money could get clawed back for the payment of damage claims if the case is won. Probably be tied up for years but the evidence needs to come out as part of the Great Awakening.
Its Kevin
He helped co found Blue Anon
Old or not, this guy standing next to Gates could find a suit that fits him so he doesn't look like a teenage boy going to prom for the first time.
CEO? Buy the SUIT, bro. At least you'll look serious.
Bill looks like if they casted Ellen to play Bruce Willis' role in Sin City.
At the Fakebroke London HQ as well ...
He wears a giant name tag, too. Shows you what kind of Micky Mouse operation this guy is running.
He's waiting for Bill's check 1st
Last year the Great Coomer Meme Haul was a quite a sight. I'm coooooooming just thinking about it.
How perky and innocent they look.
Note; #GlobalGoals at bottom. More like #GloboHomos. “GlobalGoals”=Genocide then enslavement of the remainder. That’s WHY The Plan has to be real. ? #thesepeoplearesick
Genocidal maniac and treasonous POS on the loose.
Whenever I hear Toast I think of Mission: Impossible
When will Bill Gates be indicted for crimes against humanity?
"Improve elections." Is that what we're calling it now?
"Mostly Peaceful" was already taken.
Kind of looks like a meet and greet photo. If Gates was an honoree at a conference, these don't mean anything
When you're loaded, EVERYONE wants to stand next to you and have a pic. That's why there's a pic of Trump next to Epstien. Doesn't mean anything except maybe they're hoping something will fall out of their pocket. A loose C note perhaps?
Well you got to admit, they've got the best elections money can buy.
Couldn't you two find a better place to put your chewing gum?
Up their asses?
Bill is at the head of the table. Bring him down. Microsoft has spied on us from the beginning. He earned his way to hell.
Huh! I didn't know that.
So now you are posting about information the rest of us have known about for over a year as if it were something new... Congrats.