started watching it yesterday, not quite half through yet - i was already awake but am still learning - did not fully realize how far-reaching the evil is and how long it has been in play
It's kind of difficult to argue with the non stop symbolism he shows throughout the video.
A couple of celebs throwing up the one eye or devil horns.? Sure, I can buy happenstance. When hundreds, thousands of politicians and celebs all are showing the same masonic/Luciferian hand signs and signals?
I sent this to my neighbor and he watched it straight through. His exact words to me, "I don't care who was presenting that video. He could be known as the biggest liar in the world, and I would believe every single word." This is the best entry point for the great awakening I've seen. It makes it easy to digest and accept that they all worship Satan. Reading stuff about adrenochrome becomes less fantasy/conspiracy and more real after this video. Just wow!
It was dropped on April 22nd. Well worth the time, I thought I had known a lot about the stonecutters, this added a lot more. It is a little slow getting started but he provides the receipts and adds layer upon layer.
Absolute must see.. exposes the true and organized foundation to all the craziness we’re dealing with..
hard to understand let alone destroy evil fruit without fully understanding the root !!
I started at about 1.5 hours in. It was like 30 minutes straight of virtually every celebrity making the same symbols, and just undeniable evidence. Highly recommend.
Well if the presenter was a mason and is now exposing their secrets, then quite possibly Trump was also a mason. Both exposing their deceptions. JFK, mason exposing deceptions. George Washington also. Maybe Jesus was really a mason, and not a carpenter, and that’s why they hate him because he betrayed their secret order.
Hollywood faces and the politicians are the middle tiers of this power structure. They're certainly not the upper echelon. Follow the money: millionaires < billionaires < trillionaires. They're not privy to any ultimate truths.
As discussed in the video, this organization lies to lower tiers to hide the truths of the tiers above it. There's no reason to think the top tier is actually 33 and its ultimate truths can be found in a book that made it to this video.
Consider all religions as methods of control, including the one discussed in the video. Figure out who benefits.
One of the prophesies is something along the lines of we all embrace and are clamoring for the change that will doom us. In the back of my mind, I've always wondered.... But I talk myself out of it because off people like Flynn
The Chanel 'designer guillotines' were a major WTF for me.
Especially after last year at the height of the C19 idiocy when the Canadian government tender for 'hydraulic guillotines' started picking up attention, only for it to subsequently be changed to 'hydraulic paper cutters' with no explanation.
I haven't gotten to that part in the presentation yet, but I looked this up.
If you have to go, then go out in style. You wouldn't want to be known as the guy taken out by a house brand guillotine purchased at Kmart. You deserve a pricier, ritzier means of execution: the Chanel Guillotine. Artist Tom Sachs built this sculpture, which he also named Breakfast Nook for reasons unfathomable to me.
Has anyone else noticed the presenter has one eye covered throughout most of his presentation?
Right from the beginning it was hard to watch, it felt way too much like one of those "info mercials", you know the ones where they string you along for ages, then hit you with a sign up now & save 50% hard sell crap. In 67min all will be revealed, keep watching, the big secret comes at the end, in 54 min all will be revealed, if you turn off now you will miss out etc etc.
Someone else mentioned the presenter's use of NLP, voice portrayal & body language, all very sus.
This is a great video that I've shown my family. We always had suspicions about Freemasonry due to its divergence from biblical principles, but this confirmed it.
I noticed that he never mentioned anything about the Illuminati/13 families/etc. Is it all just a big mix up at the highest levels?
It's worth the watch. I managed to get through it and I can't pay attention to anything on for shit. (Now I know why) a lot of this wasn't news to me. I started to wake up a few months ago and ever since then my study senses have been tingling. One of these days I will post the links I have of downloads about Monarch Mind Control, free mason hotspots, underground dumbs, and 13 bloodlines of illuminati etc. Shit is crazy.
Look up Fritz Springmeier. He has done extensive research and we're talking years ago already. He even talked to alleged illuminati victims. "Dr." Mengele of Nazi fame figured out how to reliably split the personality by means of systematic abuse and create "alters"-alter personalities. His method of achieving this is unimaginably horrid, atrocious. Seriously, there aren't enough negative adjectives to describe it. It's all so much. Absolutely mind-blowing.
This ran much deeper than even Trump thought. He only scratched the surface of the evil. The wheels were in motion for 60 years to take down these evil fucks and that plan is being worked. We already won.
If Trump is a mason, then could he also be the "right hand" giving us hope for a restored republic while the "left hand" destroys everything? Thoughts? Please don't stone me for saying it, but we really should trust no man.
But he's calling it out. So he very probably has an insiders view. Until he started calling them out for what they do. But I'm assuming just him saying it wouldn't do shit. It needs to be proven by many not just him. I do believe he has seen and is not ok with it. Its also how he knows how deep it runs. Jfk was too till he called them out.
I just try to think even the guy here in the video was a member. None ever say how far in they got. But I'm willing to bet they got far enough where their moral compass said quick get out while you can. While I'm sure most just don't say anything. I do believe the ones that do prove many things for us. Its so scary to imagine how something can go from a group people are happy joining to the cult of all cults. I'm pretty sure that's where the line gets drawn in the sand.
I’ve given that some thought too. IMO, Trump got far in. Seems like his moral compass took over at some point, but it seems like this is a war of elites, and no matter who wins... we (the minion people) will suffer.
Not long ago, God walked into my heart like never before.... it had been a long time since I felt that fire, if ever. I didn’t know why it happened because it came out of nowhere, but I was grateful. Now I know why, I know that it is part of this awakening and I will need to stand strong when my faith is questioned. After watching this video.... I have no doubts i will be tested, and I pray for strength.
Oh I have no doubt Trump is just the lesser evil at this point. But I think much more will be easier to be heard and understood once all this other shit comes to light
I want to know that there will be public awareness. That the “they won’t be able to walk down the street” happens. We all need to see it, or the evil will continue.
Really eye opening. I did watch all 5 hours. Very informative. The first 45 mins was stuff I knew. Then he went down the rabbit hole and proved his case well. Should be saved by all of us.
6uild 6ack 6etter
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Never realize that one. They love their b 6’s
pepsi !sded
started watching it yesterday, not quite half through yet - i was already awake but am still learning - did not fully realize how far-reaching the evil is and how long it has been in play
It's kind of difficult to argue with the non stop symbolism he shows throughout the video.
A couple of celebs throwing up the one eye or devil horns.? Sure, I can buy happenstance. When hundreds, thousands of politicians and celebs all are showing the same masonic/Luciferian hand signs and signals?
Yeah, it's a proof.
I sent this to my neighbor and he watched it straight through. His exact words to me, "I don't care who was presenting that video. He could be known as the biggest liar in the world, and I would believe every single word." This is the best entry point for the great awakening I've seen. It makes it easy to digest and accept that they all worship Satan. Reading stuff about adrenochrome becomes less fantasy/conspiracy and more real after this video. Just wow!
It's getting resposted a lot, maybe it's spreading like wildfire.
It got released at a very "awakening" time didn't it?
how old is this video? never seen it before.
It was dropped on April 22nd. Well worth the time, I thought I had known a lot about the stonecutters, this added a lot more. It is a little slow getting started but he provides the receipts and adds layer upon layer.
Absolute must see.. exposes the true and organized foundation to all the craziness we’re dealing with.. hard to understand let alone destroy evil fruit without fully understanding the root !!
Yes but vid is 5 hours long
Is there any portion that stands out that folks could focus on?? I'd guess less than 5% of users have 5 hours to spend on one vid
There will be a list of names and some notes on 8kun from the 5 hours soon!
Not everything fits in a meme, young one!
If you're over 60 you can call me that LOL
I started at about 1.5 hours in. It was like 30 minutes straight of virtually every celebrity making the same symbols, and just undeniable evidence. Highly recommend.
Watched it on 2x speed. Glad I did, great proofs and right there, in your face.
Yep I was just thinking that 5 hours is full on
I've been watching through this and at around 55 minutes it shows Trump doing the masonic handshake. Any thoughts?
Well if the presenter was a mason and is now exposing their secrets, then quite possibly Trump was also a mason. Both exposing their deceptions. JFK, mason exposing deceptions. George Washington also. Maybe Jesus was really a mason, and not a carpenter, and that’s why they hate him because he betrayed their secret order.
There's a bunch of info out there about a Trump as a Mason, and now I'm torn.
Maybe masons and carpenters are the same thing.
They both build.
Jesus builds souls, or rather, spiritual structures that allow us to ascend and merge into Oneness with God, Eternity, Infinite Love.
Excellent five-hour documentary. Listen to a little bit every day. You will learn a lot. Thanks!
My .02$:
Hollywood faces and the politicians are the middle tiers of this power structure. They're certainly not the upper echelon. Follow the money: millionaires < billionaires < trillionaires. They're not privy to any ultimate truths.
As discussed in the video, this organization lies to lower tiers to hide the truths of the tiers above it. There's no reason to think the top tier is actually 33 and its ultimate truths can be found in a book that made it to this video.
Consider all religions as methods of control, including the one discussed in the video. Figure out who benefits.
Glad people kept posting this. I'm finally watching and wow.
This is nuts.. I knew the masons were evil but I had no idea that every single famous person (almost) is a mason. I’m only 90 minutes in, but damn..
Thank God. No blood cults for this guy.
I liked when he said "Nothing Can Stop What's Coming" at around 2:25 mins
This was one of the most powerful videos I have seen. It also made me wonder if Trump is a freemason and found this.
One of the prophesies is something along the lines of we all embrace and are clamoring for the change that will doom us. In the back of my mind, I've always wondered.... But I talk myself out of it because off people like Flynn
The Chanel 'designer guillotines' were a major WTF for me.
Especially after last year at the height of the C19 idiocy when the Canadian government tender for 'hydraulic guillotines' started picking up attention, only for it to subsequently be changed to 'hydraulic paper cutters' with no explanation.
I haven't gotten to that part in the presentation yet, but I looked this up.
If you have to go, then go out in style. You wouldn't want to be known as the guy taken out by a house brand guillotine purchased at Kmart. You deserve a pricier, ritzier means of execution: the Chanel Guillotine. Artist Tom Sachs built this sculpture, which he also named Breakfast Nook for reasons unfathomable to me.
Has anyone else noticed the presenter has one eye covered throughout most of his presentation?
Right from the beginning it was hard to watch, it felt way too much like one of those "info mercials", you know the ones where they string you along for ages, then hit you with a sign up now & save 50% hard sell crap. In 67min all will be revealed, keep watching, the big secret comes at the end, in 54 min all will be revealed, if you turn off now you will miss out etc etc.
Someone else mentioned the presenter's use of NLP, voice portrayal & body language, all very sus.
Very enlightening. I’d watch it in daily 1 hour increments otherwise it’s difficult to process the absolute craziness being exposed.
This is a great video that I've shown my family. We always had suspicions about Freemasonry due to its divergence from biblical principles, but this confirmed it.
I noticed that he never mentioned anything about the Illuminati/13 families/etc. Is it all just a big mix up at the highest levels?
Thank God for His deliverance form this evil. Seek God now for salvation from this evil world. We are truly the great awakening.
It's worth the watch. I managed to get through it and I can't pay attention to anything on for shit. (Now I know why) a lot of this wasn't news to me. I started to wake up a few months ago and ever since then my study senses have been tingling. One of these days I will post the links I have of downloads about Monarch Mind Control, free mason hotspots, underground dumbs, and 13 bloodlines of illuminati etc. Shit is crazy.
Look up Fritz Springmeier. He has done extensive research and we're talking years ago already. He even talked to alleged illuminati victims. "Dr." Mengele of Nazi fame figured out how to reliably split the personality by means of systematic abuse and create "alters"-alter personalities. His method of achieving this is unimaginably horrid, atrocious. Seriously, there aren't enough negative adjectives to describe it. It's all so much. Absolutely mind-blowing.
This ran much deeper than even Trump thought. He only scratched the surface of the evil. The wheels were in motion for 60 years to take down these evil fucks and that plan is being worked. We already won.
Wow, I watched that video, skipping some parts, but watched that majority of it. Very powerful.
5hrs this will take a few days to watch through by got through half hour so far.
If Trump is a mason, then could he also be the "right hand" giving us hope for a restored republic while the "left hand" destroys everything? Thoughts? Please don't stone me for saying it, but we really should trust no man.
Man, 5 hours long though.
Chase a laser, bat a ball, pounce a mouce & continue watching.
Well worth it & I am only 3.5 hrs in.
I had a really hard time watching this. Made it through the first hour and a half, barely, until I was just too spooked and had to turn it off.
This has always bothered me.... Trump is a Mason!!!
But he's calling it out. So he very probably has an insiders view. Until he started calling them out for what they do. But I'm assuming just him saying it wouldn't do shit. It needs to be proven by many not just him. I do believe he has seen and is not ok with it. Its also how he knows how deep it runs. Jfk was too till he called them out.
That’s an excellent point about JFK- thank you for that!
I just try to think even the guy here in the video was a member. None ever say how far in they got. But I'm willing to bet they got far enough where their moral compass said quick get out while you can. While I'm sure most just don't say anything. I do believe the ones that do prove many things for us. Its so scary to imagine how something can go from a group people are happy joining to the cult of all cults. I'm pretty sure that's where the line gets drawn in the sand.
I’ve given that some thought too. IMO, Trump got far in. Seems like his moral compass took over at some point, but it seems like this is a war of elites, and no matter who wins... we (the minion people) will suffer.
Not long ago, God walked into my heart like never before.... it had been a long time since I felt that fire, if ever. I didn’t know why it happened because it came out of nowhere, but I was grateful. Now I know why, I know that it is part of this awakening and I will need to stand strong when my faith is questioned. After watching this video.... I have no doubts i will be tested, and I pray for strength.
Oh I have no doubt Trump is just the lesser evil at this point. But I think much more will be easier to be heard and understood once all this other shit comes to light
I want to know that there will be public awareness. That the “they won’t be able to walk down the street” happens. We all need to see it, or the evil will continue.
I can definitely agree there!
Really eye opening. I did watch all 5 hours. Very informative. The first 45 mins was stuff I knew. Then he went down the rabbit hole and proved his case well. Should be saved by all of us.
Anyone have a download link for this video?