Military rollout to assist with vaccination + Registration for vaccination + Reasonable doubt by Patriots who refuse to get vaccine = Certain people "need it" because they enter the system that way.
All vaccinated are on a list and, likely, vetted as soon as they are in the system.
Threats to Domestic Tranquility are recorded. Non-partisans and patriots are ignored.
Why else would Trump agree to marketing vaccination? Information is collected, circulated, and understood - those people that think you should be refused service by your insurance you paid for, over not getting the experimental COVID shot w/ immunity from legal recourse granted to manufacturers? Enemies of We the People. Those that think your right to live freely should be confined to home alone if you do not comply? Enemies of We the People.
All are potential threats. All are hostile domestics (some foreign).
Simplification - you have a cage trap for a specific animal.
In the trap, you've placed bait (food) and you're going to put a radio collar on the target animal (a bobcat). Likelihood that you'll catch your target: ~<36%. Likelihood that something else might take the bait +>64%.
An animal enters the trap - the animal is a Possum. You don't need to track the possum, so you let it go, and wait.
A bobcat enters the trap - you have your animal - so you put on the radio collar.
Now realize this: If you wanted to catch a Possum, you'd have accomplished it on the first try.
If you wanted the names of everyone that wants to strip American Citizens of the right to decide for themselves what goes into their bodies, wants to enforce upon them an experimental treatment that would violate international law r.e. Medical Experimentation, and has the power to do so - this is a trap that guarantees you catch possums (No disrespect intended to America's marsupial).
All tyrants want the covid shot mandatory. All tyrants get the covid shot. All tyrants are on record.
WWG1WGA. That's not an appropriate way to speak to someone seeking clarification who hasn't done anything to offend you. If the person you say something like this to actually is intelligent, you've insulted them for no good reason. If the person isn't intelligent, you've abused rather than helped someone who needs extra support.
One of my first memories of what I learned about Nazi Germany was what I heard about neighbors turning in neighbors. What it must have been like to know anyone and everyone might betray you. And the term "brown shirts" in connection with the enforcers who came to your door and took you away, for what your neighbor told them about you. It all scared the hell out of me, in concept. And now, how incredible it is-- that we are so very very close to that.
I lived in a country for many yrs formerly behind the block and this is one of the questions that drove that decision. How does that happen? And when it does, how does that actually play out? Well, I recently actually experienced an incident with neighbors where this actually happened. Yes, it was fear based that he ratted out others. Historic trauma certainly played a role too. I have to say that my old neighbors were much kinder to him in the end than I was believing I could be. It was a very powerful experience. Life does go on, yes a period of shunning happened and it was addressed directly with that person. Even tho some days feel like a war, cooler heads and forgiveness prevailed. I know it was just a taste test of what Europe lived but it was a very powerful lesson for me and proved we are on the right side of life . . .Stay strong. We got this.
Its already happened in Scotland. Video few months ago of neighbours reporting a family to the police for having family members round during COVID. Cops bashed their door in and arrested them.
No dude, pantyfa are th brown shirts. In Chile, they were set up to go after target businesses and residences belonging to family of opposition. Imagine one store gets looted, burned out of a block. Imagine one house gets bricks thrown through windows with vile messages indicating the children are being followed and watched. This escalates to gun shots at night, fires on the lawn or finally Molotov cocktails or a break-in, torture and murders.
Germany under Hitler. Growing up, we questioned why people went along. Nobody ever gave me a satisfactory answer. Turns out it was too simple, too obvious, maybe even too terrible for most to accept. They went along because it's just the way people are.
Maybe project veritas could be of use here. Have friends leave their cars at your house, but go home. Set up video streams and then play loud music. Then have as many cops as you can gather to create a group violating the order. You could even pretend it was a party for them arranged by two of them. Invite them for drinks, get all badge numbers.
If you have FRIENDS with a low social credit score, your score will be lowered. They're not saying exactly HOW they achieve this, but they might be using nanobots or some other intrusive method.
^^ This was an episode of Black Mirror. People could rate each other over any interaction. Those with high scores had access to nice neighborhoods, and other perks.
That is just human nature. Most people are need the group(or at least feel a part of the group) to survive. They view you as a threat to their survival because you do not walk in step with the perceived “alpha” of the group. Animals exhibit this same behavior it’s pure survival instinct. The good news is we are the lone wolfs, we hunt to survive and can take care of ourselves, they are just weak sheep...
Sheep are necessarily passive, they just want authorization from above to oppress and control the lives of others.
One of the most interesting articles on the nature of totalitarianism can be found on JSTOR. The articles opens by glossing the belief that most people think totalitarianism means massive centralized state control in all aspect of life public and private.
The thesis of the articles is about the extent to which the Soviet Union outsourced control to ordinary citizens by turning them into informants and enforcers. The regime played on the psychology of giving the ordinary guy power over his neighbor and that this became a convenient and efficient enforcement mechanism.
Its so sick and unamerican to fantasize about using the military to take out the other side but ironically enough the military will be rolling out with Q and Trump in the lead to do just that. I pray to god every day that the American military government will be merciful but I know the cabals roots run deep. 1 and 6 people may have connections to the global cabal I've seen reported.
I don't think it is un-American to think gleefully about righteous patriots destroying the Luciferian cabal that wants us all dead, or in the case of our young, wants to torture, sexually assault and cannibalize. The cabal is the filth of the universe. Humans and who knows what else -- controlled behaviors here on Earth for a very long span of time- this is their last gasp.
Just think of how many brainwashed Americans think "military rule" and "I'd be out there in the streets fighting for democracy" though. The scenes in Myanmar where the police had to shoot down all those demonstrators to protect the military leaders. They'll think that the reveal of the global satanic cabal sounds fake or something and its just an excuse. That's why the entire Q operation exists in my mind, for us to prepare and prevent that.
True freedom lies in accepting that you are a criminal. Be proud of it. Those laws aren't worth following anyway, they lead to pain and darkness. Your law abiding countrymen will be your enemy eventually, if they are not already. The truth is sad.
Except the mask mandate is kaput and the only ones wearing a mask are the people who would turn you in. Lol. It’s like the nazis wearing yellow stars. Lol. They have imploded. Now bring on the Trump Rallies and cry Havoc!
I real eye opener. From being viewed as a neighbour and friend to a potential vessel of disease. This has engendered a level of distrust beyond belief. At least we now know where we stand..
Just remember.
Military rollout to assist with vaccination + Registration for vaccination + Reasonable doubt by Patriots who refuse to get vaccine = Certain people "need it" because they enter the system that way.
All vaccinated are on a list and, likely, vetted as soon as they are in the system.
Threats to Domestic Tranquility are recorded. Non-partisans and patriots are ignored.
Why else would Trump agree to marketing vaccination? Information is collected, circulated, and understood - those people that think you should be refused service by your insurance you paid for, over not getting the experimental COVID shot w/ immunity from legal recourse granted to manufacturers? Enemies of We the People. Those that think your right to live freely should be confined to home alone if you do not comply? Enemies of We the People.
All are potential threats. All are hostile domestics (some foreign).
Patriots are in control.
Explain this more simply please....I think I get it but not quie
Note - I'm not your downvoter.
Simplification - you have a cage trap for a specific animal.
In the trap, you've placed bait (food) and you're going to put a radio collar on the target animal (a bobcat). Likelihood that you'll catch your target: ~<36%. Likelihood that something else might take the bait +>64%.
An animal enters the trap - the animal is a Possum. You don't need to track the possum, so you let it go, and wait.
A bobcat enters the trap - you have your animal - so you put on the radio collar.
Now realize this: If you wanted to catch a Possum, you'd have accomplished it on the first try.
If you wanted the names of everyone that wants to strip American Citizens of the right to decide for themselves what goes into their bodies, wants to enforce upon them an experimental treatment that would violate international law r.e. Medical Experimentation, and has the power to do so - this is a trap that guarantees you catch possums (No disrespect intended to America's marsupial).
All tyrants want the covid shot mandatory. All tyrants get the covid shot. All tyrants are on record.
This is kind of like the opposite of what Mao did. He got everyone who may disagree with him to say so willingly and had them liquidated later.
I don't think he means Xi level tyrants, I think he means the little everyday tyrants, the masked karens.
Yeah I was reading that thinking "Yeah nope".
WWG1WGA. That's not an appropriate way to speak to someone seeking clarification who hasn't done anything to offend you. If the person you say something like this to actually is intelligent, you've insulted them for no good reason. If the person isn't intelligent, you've abused rather than helped someone who needs extra support.
Just think ... we'd have peace and respect if we did it your way.
OP is not who they were responding to.
Lol this one get too hot?
One of my first memories of what I learned about Nazi Germany was what I heard about neighbors turning in neighbors. What it must have been like to know anyone and everyone might betray you. And the term "brown shirts" in connection with the enforcers who came to your door and took you away, for what your neighbor told them about you. It all scared the hell out of me, in concept. And now, how incredible it is-- that we are so very very close to that.
I lived in a country for many yrs formerly behind the block and this is one of the questions that drove that decision. How does that happen? And when it does, how does that actually play out? Well, I recently actually experienced an incident with neighbors where this actually happened. Yes, it was fear based that he ratted out others. Historic trauma certainly played a role too. I have to say that my old neighbors were much kinder to him in the end than I was believing I could be. It was a very powerful experience. Life does go on, yes a period of shunning happened and it was addressed directly with that person. Even tho some days feel like a war, cooler heads and forgiveness prevailed. I know it was just a taste test of what Europe lived but it was a very powerful lesson for me and proved we are on the right side of life . . .Stay strong. We got this.
Thank you for posting your experience.
Its already happened in Scotland. Video few months ago of neighbours reporting a family to the police for having family members round during COVID. Cops bashed their door in and arrested them.
It's already here.
Our police are our brown shirts, except in blue.
No dude, pantyfa are th brown shirts. In Chile, they were set up to go after target businesses and residences belonging to family of opposition. Imagine one store gets looted, burned out of a block. Imagine one house gets bricks thrown through windows with vile messages indicating the children are being followed and watched. This escalates to gun shots at night, fires on the lawn or finally Molotov cocktails or a break-in, torture and murders.
Germany under Hitler. Growing up, we questioned why people went along. Nobody ever gave me a satisfactory answer. Turns out it was too simple, too obvious, maybe even too terrible for most to accept. They went along because it's just the way people are.
TY Fren.
This is straight out of 1984 G.O., where even the kids turn in their parents for defecting against communism.
The banality of evil.
I painful ..had relatives say they’d phone if we had big gatherings.
Snitched on their neighbours.
In my city, Police knock on doors and hand out at least 100 covid tickets a week. $2800. fine. Some weekends it’s up to 200 tickets.
It’s so disappointing.
Our police are our brown shirts.
Maybe project veritas could be of use here. Have friends leave their cars at your house, but go home. Set up video streams and then play loud music. Then have as many cops as you can gather to create a group violating the order. You could even pretend it was a party for them arranged by two of them. Invite them for drinks, get all badge numbers.
I think this is where they're heading:
How China Is Using “Social Credit Scores” to Reward and Punish Its Citizens
If you have FRIENDS with a low social credit score, your score will be lowered. They're not saying exactly HOW they achieve this, but they might be using nanobots or some other intrusive method.
^^ This was an episode of Black Mirror. People could rate each other over any interaction. Those with high scores had access to nice neighborhoods, and other perks.
That's essentially the China model.
Cancel Culture is the pre-cursor to that here. If you're cancelled, you lose your sponsors, your job and get socially shamed.
Some have even lost their bank account. It leaves you ruined if you dont comply with accepted social standards.
That is a social credit system in all but name.
Off the top of my head the most likely method would probably be tracking peoples smart phones. Most have one nowadays and they usually have gps.
We have social scores too. My husband's is higher than mine.
Laughs in .308
At least there hasn't been AS MUCH of a run on .308 as there has 9mm and 5.56.
Got that AR-10 life workin for me.
Springfield Armory M1A. All-walnut furniture, bayonet, the works. No school like the old school.
It sometimes feels like a threat: "Look at the control we have over people you love."
That is just human nature. Most people are need the group(or at least feel a part of the group) to survive. They view you as a threat to their survival because you do not walk in step with the perceived “alpha” of the group. Animals exhibit this same behavior it’s pure survival instinct. The good news is we are the lone wolfs, we hunt to survive and can take care of ourselves, they are just weak sheep...
Isn’t this what Gina Carano got cancelled from Disney for saying?
Brilliant, but devastating observation.
Sheep are necessarily passive, they just want authorization from above to oppress and control the lives of others.
One of the most interesting articles on the nature of totalitarianism can be found on JSTOR. The articles opens by glossing the belief that most people think totalitarianism means massive centralized state control in all aspect of life public and private.
The thesis of the articles is about the extent to which the Soviet Union outsourced control to ordinary citizens by turning them into informants and enforcers. The regime played on the psychology of giving the ordinary guy power over his neighbor and that this became a convenient and efficient enforcement mechanism.
Its so sick and unamerican to fantasize about using the military to take out the other side but ironically enough the military will be rolling out with Q and Trump in the lead to do just that. I pray to god every day that the American military government will be merciful but I know the cabals roots run deep. 1 and 6 people may have connections to the global cabal I've seen reported.
I don't think it is un-American to think gleefully about righteous patriots destroying the Luciferian cabal that wants us all dead, or in the case of our young, wants to torture, sexually assault and cannibalize. The cabal is the filth of the universe. Humans and who knows what else -- controlled behaviors here on Earth for a very long span of time- this is their last gasp.
Just think of how many brainwashed Americans think "military rule" and "I'd be out there in the streets fighting for democracy" though. The scenes in Myanmar where the police had to shoot down all those demonstrators to protect the military leaders. They'll think that the reveal of the global satanic cabal sounds fake or something and its just an excuse. That's why the entire Q operation exists in my mind, for us to prepare and prevent that.
I renounced Satan when I embraced Christ. A fisherman always spots another fisherman.
They don't always share their beer tho. But it's ok I brought my own.
True freedom lies in accepting that you are a criminal. Be proud of it. Those laws aren't worth following anyway, they lead to pain and darkness. Your law abiding countrymen will be your enemy eventually, if they are not already. The truth is sad.
I trust very few people and give out info about me to even fewer.
It's at the point where a lot of us could say the same thing except replace "fellow citizens" with "friends and family"
Except the mask mandate is kaput and the only ones wearing a mask are the people who would turn you in. Lol. It’s like the nazis wearing yellow stars. Lol. They have imploded. Now bring on the Trump Rallies and cry Havoc!
A alot of people today are weak unpatriotic cowards, dependent on a corrupt system
Ignorance is bliss.
Yep, it scared the crap out of me once I realized how many sheep there are in the US. A lot of them are Conservatives which makes it worse.
I've been praying for y'all.
Perhaps when we get straightened out, we can help you.
I think they're more likely Republican but not conservative.
You're right.
I real eye opener. From being viewed as a neighbour and friend to a potential vessel of disease. This has engendered a level of distrust beyond belief. At least we now know where we stand..
Yes. On a dime if you live in a "godless" community.
I keep seeing all of these dooming post that have no clue what the plan is. And all YOU bots just file right in....