The normies assume that their trusted information sources would tell them if there was real cheating in the 2020 election. They will not look at any information coming from us, because they have no trust in the source. It is a difficult problem, and we patriots let this go on for way too long.
Half of the retarded normies claim they don't trust the MSM, but they still obsessively watch it 247.
Often times they watch FNC thinking they're different, and don't realize they are just being shown the same MSM narrative which is slightly repackaged.
That's accurate in a general sense. Another solution would be like we've seen where the msm's lies are continually exposed. It's getting to a point where it can't be brushed aside.
I've also been concerned when it's only alternative sources that have been willing to run these stories but that's not the issue, it's people's individual willingness to seek out the truth for themselves. To do that, you need to consider sources on both sides, which they aren't compelled to do. They need a jolt to their personal worldview.
The jolt they need is for something they have skin in the game with.
For example when the gamestop stock stuff happened it redpilled a shitton of people because they knew it was them or their friends just buying stocks and fucking over evil shorters yet the MSM painted it as an illegal travesty.
Well, this NORMIE knows how to read a file listing, and not a single file was made AFTER the election, or DURING the election, so these are NOT election related files. And aren't a fucking smoking gun for ANYTHING.
2019??? who gives a FLYING FUCK about 2019 files? OR even a file made 2 weeks before the election.
Do you know what the fuck accessed means? Not a damn file was ACCESSED after the election.
Y'all are fucked in the head, go back to having a life, nothing is going to change. Nobody in the government cares about you.
Lol it’s already over. You just don’t know it yet. If no one cares, and everything is totally normal, why the is the military still in DC?
It’s amazing how brainwashed you are. You can go, right now, and see with your own eyes that things are very very far from normal. And no one can explain why. Not a single member of congress has a clue. Biden clearly doesn’t, the optics are TERRIBLE.
Why did the military welcome Biden into Arlington as a foreign dignitary? Why did they allow Trump to leave with their football? Why didn’t they fly in Biden on AF1? Why didn’t they allow Biden or Kamala to touch and present the wreath at unknown soldier memorial?
Its sad that I won’t be able to rub this shit in your face when it’s settled. You will scurry away. And then you will just say, trump deserved it. He’s a racist.
The conversion for you is coming. Soon you will quickly move past acknowledging that there was fraud, to he deserved it. You will do this without a hint of cognitive dissonance.
MSM = 666. They will ALL be going to GITMO for treason. The people will NOT tolerate this when they SEE what has been done to them and to children around the world in order to service the evil cabal's lust for money, power and adrenochrome. Sick puppies.
Yep. If the normies are to awaken, their propaganda feeding tube, MSM, must be permanently severed. MSM was the necessary co-conspirator that made everything evil possible. I pray MSM leadership is exposed, taken in the first wave of arrests, convicted, sentenced, and legally executed for their co-conspiring crimes against humanity and crimes of treason.
I really hope the MSM people, if they can be proven to know what they report are lies, and their lies promoted/protected the election fraud, will be charged with treason and suffer the just punishment. (just the look on the faces of the likes of Gail King would be worth it :) )
Nobody has to prove anything to the NPC's and sheeple. They are ALWAYS lagging way behind the curve.
Election fraud (and a lot of other evil shit) needs to be proven in a court of law, and eventually military tribunals. The DS and MSM can try to cover that up, but they won't be able to cover up the consequences of that proof (people getting arrested, convicted, going to jail, getting executed, etc.).
Only then will the NPC's and sheeple BEGIN to belatedly start to figure things out. They are very slooooooow. It is part of who they are. Decades of brainwashing by MSM propaganda makes them virtually brain-dead. Convincing them of anything is an irrelevant waste of time and effort.
You don't need to wake up the sheeple before you prosecute and convict the evil DS scumbags. You have that backwards. Prosecuting and convicting the evil DS scumbags is precisely the most effective way to wake them all up - basically hitting them all upside the head with a heavy 4x4 called "reality".
I am waiting very impatiently for that process to finally get started...
That's why all their dirty laundry will be aired out eventually so only the most immoral would try to complain about it being a travesty of justice. Especially then, they will still be the minority. The just won't have the media there to amplify their voice to make it seem like they are more than they are in reality.
There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see.
Dude/dudette may be so invested in the narrative, unable to think critically, drunk on the power/elation that being a "righteous" crusader brings, and/or insecure in himself/herself that admitting the possibility of being in error is beyond what they can handle at this time.
Those who will awaken will do it on their time schedule. Some will never awaken and will be lost forever. Sad, but we've been told to expect it.
Kind of ironic to consider the 1984? Apple computer ad during the Super Bowl, where people who looked just like this cartoon were under mass hypnosis by "Big Brother", and Apple was supposed to be representative of breaking free from that control, and now Apple is a major tool of "Big Brother". (but that was a long time ago, so maybe my memory of the commercial is altered?)
I think that, to wake up the Normies from the msm, we need to take them over, but leave the anchors in place. Slowly and carefully have them change the narrative to what is real, instead of what the deep state mandates. If the script flips too fast, it might raise the alarm. But, if the tide turns over say, a month or two, then it will seem like a natural progression of the story. This is the only way that these people will wake up. If their trusted news personalities say it, they will believe it. This is how we wake them up.
I agree. Maricopa is a textbook example of this. Cnn, et al can say whatever they want to try to discredit this, but the results speak for themselves. That little seed of truth might not sway the average NPC, but it's enough for them to question themselves and start looking for answers.
For the record, Anons hit the precipice a long while back. We can only stand there, on that precipice, for a limited time before we start throwing the normies over the edge for a closer look. Hey, just sayin.
Was he denying the election fraud? I've heard some of his commentaries on such issues as BLM, and other "woke" type things, and he's spot on when it comes to those topics.
True. And still more people who don't even know about sites like It's mainstream news now, [they] WISH they didn't have to report on Maricopa but it's a foregone conclusion.
I haven't hears any MSM reports on the Maricopa fraud, other than possibly statements like "attempts to promote the debunked election fraud narrative", or something of that nature.
The normies assume that their trusted information sources would tell them if there was real cheating in the 2020 election. They will not look at any information coming from us, because they have no trust in the source. It is a difficult problem, and we patriots let this go on for way too long.
It's not totally the normies fault: they fail to comprehend just how evil our mainstream media is and how they are all working together to kill us.
Half of the retarded normies claim they don't trust the MSM, but they still obsessively watch it 247.
Often times they watch FNC thinking they're different, and don't realize they are just being shown the same MSM narrative which is slightly repackaged.
It's mind boggling.
That's accurate in a general sense. Another solution would be like we've seen where the msm's lies are continually exposed. It's getting to a point where it can't be brushed aside.
I've also been concerned when it's only alternative sources that have been willing to run these stories but that's not the issue, it's people's individual willingness to seek out the truth for themselves. To do that, you need to consider sources on both sides, which they aren't compelled to do. They need a jolt to their personal worldview.
The jolt they need is for something they have skin in the game with.
For example when the gamestop stock stuff happened it redpilled a shitton of people because they knew it was them or their friends just buying stocks and fucking over evil shorters yet the MSM painted it as an illegal travesty.
Well, this NORMIE knows how to read a file listing, and not a single file was made AFTER the election, or DURING the election, so these are NOT election related files. And aren't a fucking smoking gun for ANYTHING.
2019??? who gives a FLYING FUCK about 2019 files? OR even a file made 2 weeks before the election.
Do you know what the fuck accessed means? Not a damn file was ACCESSED after the election.
Y'all are fucked in the head, go back to having a life, nothing is going to change. Nobody in the government cares about you.
you will never be a woman.
Lol it’s already over. You just don’t know it yet. If no one cares, and everything is totally normal, why the is the military still in DC?
It’s amazing how brainwashed you are. You can go, right now, and see with your own eyes that things are very very far from normal. And no one can explain why. Not a single member of congress has a clue. Biden clearly doesn’t, the optics are TERRIBLE.
Why did the military welcome Biden into Arlington as a foreign dignitary? Why did they allow Trump to leave with their football? Why didn’t they fly in Biden on AF1? Why didn’t they allow Biden or Kamala to touch and present the wreath at unknown soldier memorial?
Its sad that I won’t be able to rub this shit in your face when it’s settled. You will scurry away. And then you will just say, trump deserved it. He’s a racist.
The conversion for you is coming. Soon you will quickly move past acknowledging that there was fraud, to he deserved it. You will do this without a hint of cognitive dissonance.
And you won’t be here for me to laugh at. Sad.
Yea heard that before. And 6 months later, here we are. Totally normal.
MSM = 666. They will ALL be going to GITMO for treason. The people will NOT tolerate this when they SEE what has been done to them and to children around the world in order to service the evil cabal's lust for money, power and adrenochrome. Sick puppies.
Yep. If the normies are to awaken, their propaganda feeding tube, MSM, must be permanently severed. MSM was the necessary co-conspirator that made everything evil possible. I pray MSM leadership is exposed, taken in the first wave of arrests, convicted, sentenced, and legally executed for their co-conspiring crimes against humanity and crimes of treason.
I really hope the MSM people, if they can be proven to know what they report are lies, and their lies promoted/protected the election fraud, will be charged with treason and suffer the just punishment. (just the look on the faces of the likes of Gail King would be worth it :) )
Julius Streicher was executed in Nuremberg for publishing a magazine.
Food for thought.
Nobody has to prove anything to the NPC's and sheeple. They are ALWAYS lagging way behind the curve.
Election fraud (and a lot of other evil shit) needs to be proven in a court of law, and eventually military tribunals. The DS and MSM can try to cover that up, but they won't be able to cover up the consequences of that proof (people getting arrested, convicted, going to jail, getting executed, etc.).
Only then will the NPC's and sheeple BEGIN to belatedly start to figure things out. They are very slooooooow. It is part of who they are. Decades of brainwashing by MSM propaganda makes them virtually brain-dead. Convincing them of anything is an irrelevant waste of time and effort.
You don't need to wake up the sheeple before you prosecute and convict the evil DS scumbags. You have that backwards. Prosecuting and convicting the evil DS scumbags is precisely the most effective way to wake them all up - basically hitting them all upside the head with a heavy 4x4 called "reality".
I am waiting very impatiently for that process to finally get started...
But they will then just say "fascist right wing military has taken control of our country! They are executing our heroes! We're all screwed!"
That's why all their dirty laundry will be aired out eventually so only the most immoral would try to complain about it being a travesty of justice. Especially then, they will still be the minority. The just won't have the media there to amplify their voice to make it seem like they are more than they are in reality.
It would help if the courts actually looked at the evidence and didn't dismiss the cases on procedural grounds.
Reminds me of the BlueAnon guy who has been on here saying he watched the Mike Lindell documentaries and still “didn’t see it.” SMH
how could you not see it after 5 hours and 3 documentaries of forensic data analysis???
There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see.
Dude/dudette may be so invested in the narrative, unable to think critically, drunk on the power/elation that being a "righteous" crusader brings, and/or insecure in himself/herself that admitting the possibility of being in error is beyond what they can handle at this time.
Those who will awaken will do it on their time schedule. Some will never awaken and will be lost forever. Sad, but we've been told to expect it.
He is willfully wrong.
Kind of ironic to consider the 1984? Apple computer ad during the Super Bowl, where people who looked just like this cartoon were under mass hypnosis by "Big Brother", and Apple was supposed to be representative of breaking free from that control, and now Apple is a major tool of "Big Brother". (but that was a long time ago, so maybe my memory of the commercial is altered?)
A lot can change in 37 years....
I went through puberty, for instance.
Ouch! Sting!
Apple has been in bed with the CCP since Jobs' highly-suspicious death. That was the coup of Apple and a major step in the coup of the U.S.
I think that, to wake up the Normies from the msm, we need to take them over, but leave the anchors in place. Slowly and carefully have them change the narrative to what is real, instead of what the deep state mandates. If the script flips too fast, it might raise the alarm. But, if the tide turns over say, a month or two, then it will seem like a natural progression of the story. This is the only way that these people will wake up. If their trusted news personalities say it, they will believe it. This is how we wake them up.
I agree. Maricopa is a textbook example of this. Cnn, et al can say whatever they want to try to discredit this, but the results speak for themselves. That little seed of truth might not sway the average NPC, but it's enough for them to question themselves and start looking for answers.
Yes, this is exactly what should happen. They will "read" whatever they are told to read.
For the record, Anons hit the precipice a long while back. We can only stand there, on that precipice, for a limited time before we start throwing the normies over the edge for a closer look. Hey, just sayin.
with the timestamps there I bet they can find out who had access at the time these were deleted!
Those are large files.
waiting for the scales to be removed
Was he denying the election fraud? I've heard some of his commentaries on such issues as BLM, and other "woke" type things, and he's spot on when it comes to those topics.
We've had mountains of evidence that voter fraud occured since November.
True. And still more people who don't even know about sites like It's mainstream news now, [they] WISH they didn't have to report on Maricopa but it's a foregone conclusion.
I haven't hears any MSM reports on the Maricopa fraud, other than possibly statements like "attempts to promote the debunked election fraud narrative", or something of that nature.
any publicity is good publicity, imo.