We defeated the Nazi's....didn't we...??
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I did Nazi that coming.
Dad - is that you?!?!?!
Ugh. Back to reddit...
Lol, sorry. Had to
You were well within your Reich to do so
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun - yes he fought for the Nazis, was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany and then later center director at Huntsville to head the Apollo Applications Program for NASA
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Hallstein - yes he fought for the Nazis and then later a founding father of the European Union.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Heusinger - yes he fought for the Nazis (chief of general staff) then later Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Waldheim - yes he fought for the Nazis (intelligence officer) then later fourth Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1972 to 1981
The losers of WW2 are the people who died, the winners are those who lived through it and beyond it and never faced bullets and bombs, like Hitler, Stalin, Churchill.
A genuine war would have meant Buckingham palace and Westminster got bombed, but of course they didn't. Red team/Blue team hahaha lets all have a fish dinner and laugh.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/ Hi. If at all possible, may I have a fact check on this ? I can't fault it.
I dont know what to think about all of this since I have learned the truth about Nazi Germany. If these guys were allowed to live they were probably the equivalent of the nazi "deep state" and were working against Hitler, and for the communist jews/bolsheviks.
That is a good theory. The same reason Soros was not hunted down like all the old low level Aryan members. Those really responsible are never punished.
The great hero, America, made the world safe for banksters. Only low level proles shed their blood, and the chosen see the elimination of those folks as a win win.
I'm so F glad I'm not the only one. Ufo's we can handle, but the world isn't ready for this ? I suppose the best way is to start talking about it, if it's not banned under antisemitism...
I don’t think this version of history is that the Nazis “were the good guys”, but that the entire thing was a big hoax created by the central bankers who were playing both sides. These theories point out that Hitler was actually a Rothschild, so that makes the Nazis part of the globalist grabble too. And “hoax” doesn’t mean there was no war or that the battles didn’t happen, but that the reason behind it all was a lie and people were manipulated into a situation that these world planners dreamed up and played out as part of their New World Order.
I wouldn't look past the theory that Hitler was a Zionist, I've seen a Rich mans trick. The same theory suspects Angela of being his daughter. From a outer perspective one has to give credence to the theory of Trump having similar Jewish origins and being part of a Majestic 12 secret society. My argument would be that the German People were Nationalist, like MAGA but MGGA. I theorize that they kicked out the Rothschild banks and made interest illegal, that's what got the gears turning against Germany. 1934 Times article states "Judea declares war on Germany" Churchill said the war isn't against Hitler but against the German People. The Germans were also the first to ban drinking and driving, underage drinking and smoking, animal cruelty. My thoughts are that there was a reason Adolf was Time Magazines Man of the year and why Churchill at first said that England could do with a man such as Hitler. ask google if Adolf tried to make peace with Churchill several times before the war. Adolf didn't want the war. also, See what Israel, Hitler and Palestine has in connection.
Nope. They were just more important to us alive than dead.
The "nope" opener, possibly the most irritating opener of all. These people ended up in significant leadership positions. Not exactly at gun point in a lab to be used for their knowledge is it.... they were more important to us alive than dead... so we placed them in top decision making positions in NASA, NATO, the EU and the UN????? Ludicrous.
Absolute shill tier comment.
People seriously need to crop out the flat earth crap before posting, it is literally handing out ammunition for people to use against anything that includes it......
They muddy the water to create doubt and confusion by linking to some crazy shit. Alex Jones is a master at it. All the cabal trained lackeys use that technique.
it’s called showing the truth in a false light, aka marginalizing the truth
Getting sick and tires of reading you people linking alex jones with deep state. Makes NO SENSE and you sound like a total goof.
You're one of his useful idiots.
But who was logic? Tell me and the entire community what different viewpoints Alex Jones has presented about deep state and corruption, or the virus, or the vaccines, and how that indicates he's some "DEEP STATE PLANT!" Which would totally contradict their agenda...to you know, have us hate our government which we practically already do. He practically says the same shit we go over here on a day to day basis! Has he not been censored and deplatformed just like A LOT of Trump supporters? Look man I don't know where you heard or read this, but MAYBE your own idea is, well, disinformation.
wait, I'm ... not... God ... and I don't know everything. SILENCE HEATHEN! /s I think people are all to readily caught up in disinformation stories, in both directions. We are susceptible to this. It's tough to know who's who in the zoo. People could easily post here seeming to be freedom loving American patriots and end up doing it to lead us into internal chaos. Also, let's learn to take the good with the bad. Let's say the theory about A. Jones is true, and he's a deep state plant, but he's useful to the patriotic movement. If you listen to him, and hang on his every word, how different are you then the no brain leftist sheep watching msm. If you follow any ONE person with no questions asked, you are a tard, and I pity you. If you follow many people, but make your own decisions, then you are smart person, and I respect you. Now here's the thing, you might get it wrong, just so long as you pull your head out of your ass, it's ok. Learn from it, and be better next time. The sooner the head is extracted from the tuckus, the better. I used to like Shapiro, Crenshaw, etc. but they have all shown themselves to be cucks of the greatest magnitude. I don't listen to them nor support them in any way. This is how the people take control. Use the brain hole.
What an uninformed comment...If anyone had half a brain they would know that the content of the post has absolutely Nothing to do with Flat Earth.... Seriously....
I did mention that when I posted the original it was from my cellphone...Its been edited now...
I'm confused...
It confuses the issue and creates confirmation bias by linking one with the other, much in the same way that DS have confused the Q and anons issue by making it one word and by default associating anything anyone 'anon' does with Q....
We did not. The top nazi leaders was actually free-mason and was protected. Operation paperclip
Does anyone think that the bloke with the little mustache was evil? I did too, before my eyes were opened. ( search Charlie Freak for details )
Your sauce is from a flat earther.. so yeah
And...Your point is...????It doesn't detract from the truth about the Nazi's....
Damn you are fiesty. This isn’t Twitter where we post shit from iffy sources and defend it to the end. Same team here buddy.
Absolutely same team....It's just I don't know why some people get such a hard-on regarding a hashtag....it doesn't mean anything as long as the content is true....or not...? ??
Fair enough. So I’ve just been seeing a lot of posts with no sauce or questionable resources. I really don’t want to see this end up being an echo-chamber of misinformation, like every other platform out there. We need to be setting the standards of sourcing real, credible information (not that I have been contributing to that).
Im not saying that your post in incorrect, because I truly don’t know. I just think we could clean things up a bit here.
I still appreciate the posts and effort put forth.
This is gold right here. I think we, as a community, need to be VERY careful where we get our information from. Not to say we can't post anything but MSM b.s., but there should be proper flairs on all posts, so we know what's going on, before we bring out the torches against someone. Post may be a discussion or a theory post, whereas some might have latest news drops. Love the username!
I understand fully where you are coming from....Ty
Imagine this conversation on Twitter. Would have quickly devolved to name calling and accusations. That’s why I love it here!
God Bless!
Haha! This conversation on Twitter would have gotten all of us permanently banned (again)!!
It's very suspicious how many anti-flat earthers lurk these message boards. I was drawn to Q in the first place because how many of the 'enemy' smeared Q. I have been drawn to Jesus by how aggressively the enemy smears Jesus. They smeared trump... etc
Now they smear flat earth... makes you think... your post implies a "nazi" was involved with nasa and these people throw up everywhere... they are either shills or just totally unprepared for what a full declass could contain.
Anything is possible at this point people
How refreshing to hear that someone else uses logic,common sense and critical thinking...??
Just admit you are a flat earther OP
Admitting you have a problem is the first step
I think a lot of flat earth haters are active because it is the #1 attack on us as a group, not because it's true the earth is flat, besides, the proofs that the earth isn't flat... is overwhelming. We can't have NO standards for posts on this site, though we are very friendly to almost every type of post imaginable.
Not so suspecious if you know that flat earthers were invented to make those who see conspiracies look silly after naming them "conspiracy theoreticist" (term invented by CIA by the way).
Also: In the light of COW-ID "vaccine" I would ask you to think how were invented term "antivaxers". Some people call it "predictive programming" but this term is just reinvented wheel bluring a bit the truth - It is all of course conditioning like with pavlov's dogs. Ivan (Petrovich) Pavlov researches about reflexes and conditioning (done at the beginning of XX century) are core and root of modern science about mind and nervous system,it is really major root of all researches about it done later. And manipulation techniques based on it work.Work too well.
By associating people believing in "flat earth" with all others talking about all conspiracies they have the public conditioned to believe we are all crazy or dumb.
It is the basic reason why all flat-earthers shall be purged from our discussions like shills even if they are no shills but idiots. Because of results of their action.
Give me your source that "flat earth" was a cia psyop. Everyone says that but never posts a source. There is circumstantial evidence that EVERY SINGLE astronomer throughout history who contributed to round-earth was a Satan worshipping cult member. Including almost the entire nasa program. If they don't get asterisks by their scientific conclusions, I dont know what does.
Topics that have a "disproven and debunked conspiracy theory" label on youtube:
Climb up a mountain, get on an air plane, get to a significant height with a clear line of sight to the horizon. You can easily tell the earth isn't flat. Get a overly large pendulum hanging device and hang a pendulum from ~75 feet, see what naturally happens without administering force. Visit a foreign country via literally any method, provided you cross an ocean. Look up at the stars in the sky and observe the pattern for many months. Look at satellites crossing the path every X amount of hours. If you honestly believe in a flat earth... Lord have mercy on your soul. If you are religious, and you think the Bible in some way promotes flat earth, try again, the Lord is the creator of the rolling spheres. No sane person believes that the earth is flat. Someone is attacking this movement, THIS is there attack method. Stop giving credence to the retards who do 0 research, make crap up in their heads, and preach it like it's religious.
Trump's lawyers promote people who strongly promote flat earth, what's up with that?
I hope it’s to throw off the scent of attacking DS. I really hope so.
Another nod to flat earth.. guys who tf do you follow?
My post has absolutely nothing to do with Flat Earth....Don't look for something that's not there...!!
It is there though
What's there...? Just because you see #researchflatearth in the top left hand corner does not mean the info provided is false....It was the best summary of pics I could find....What would you say if it was a recent statement by Trump for example that they decided to post with the same #....It doesn't mean jack.
Ok so you are fully aware that it is there and would be noticed by us.
I'll ignore the fact that you get information from an account called #researchflatearth and ask why you didn't take 10 seconds to crop it out?
The reason being is that I'm at work and can't edit on my phone....if I was at home on the PC it would have been a different story...I also happened to come across it during my day ...I apologize if this explanation is not good enough... Same Team... Same Goals....??
Thank you....Some common sense...?
We are going to pretend that a retarded flat earther made this meme and didn't just repost someone else's meme?
Which was then reposted by someone that doesn't know that phones can crop the retarded bit out... see how this works?
Of course you can edit it on your phone.
But I can now see that you are definitely a flat earther from your comments here. So you probably already know this and left it there intentionally
research flat earth, lol
that’s called showing the truth in a false light
tell some true shit about nazis
do it on a flat earth account
congrats, now fewer people will believe the difficult-to-swallow true claim (operation paperclip) because it’s associated with bullshit (flat earth)
but you are missing my point which is that the “research flat earth” account name will limit how many people are actually able to be redpilled by this information
read my comment again and then understand the concept of showing something true in a false light
OP is a flat earther. Read his comments here... he never even denies it. Just avoids addressing
This whole reaction was probably what he wanted.
the flat earth theory was invented for the sole purpose of discrediting all other true conspiracies
No shit
but here it is getting shared without that being cropped out
i am telling you
it is a forum infiltration tactic and it is being used here and that is the only reason that it says researchflatearth on the top: in order to marginalize the true info about operation paperclip and make it less believable for those who need to hear it most
Thank you....?
???https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/ Please Follow me down this rabbit hole and tell me what you think. Ek sal dit wardeer, dankie. 1st-3rd hour covers the Bolshevik rovolution, Treaty of Versailles, Rise of Hitler. 4th-6th hour covers what lead to the second world war 7th-9th hour covers the war 10th-12th end of the war, holocaust and Nuremberg trails. I can't refute any of this and it fits the missing parts of history like a puzzle piece.
At work so commenting to watch later.
Out of interest does it discuss cecil rhodes round table. Then his last will and testament how he made Alfred Milner a trustee, that guy who signed the treaty of versaille as well as wrote the balfour agreement.
No it does mention him but not in focus, I think I heard of Alfred Milner from Rich mans trick, https://www.bitchute.com/video/hFHRNGX1Z7M5/ or in Loose Change https://www.bitchute.com/video/yQB2QHb8eSKt/. What I know of Rhodes, Victorian colonialism and the South African arm of these globalist, I gathered from this Afrikaans presentation, https://youtu.be/N8vna9NKeko and https://youtu.be/FyvHF84A2VQ. .
How many of you say you are "redpilled" but still fall for this shit?
Nazis aren't the problem with this world. They were fighting the problem. The reason you think they are our biggest enemy ever is because you have lived your whole life swallowing propaganda. How many of you have watched a holocaust movie and cried? How much of your high-school history classes was "muh nazis"? Do you think that brainwashing in school is a new phenomenon that began with critical race bullshit?
Snap the fuck out of it. Think about how over represented the 2% is in this world. Hollywood, advertising, banking and government is dominated by them.
er.... nope!!!!
Every day is an educational one around this joint.
Kurt Waldheim was a crypto-Jew
Jewish Nazis? how can that be?
“See now, there’s your problem.” - Mechanic
EU is now dominated by Zionists.
This is to all the "people" who down vote my explanation....All the information about what positions these Nazi's held after the war is true,but because there's a flat earth# in the corner these "people" seem to think it diminishes the truth....C'mon now ...really pathetic.
Just admit you are a flat earther already
Seems to me that you got a hard on for Flat Earthers...Admit it already....
Yeh good one... dumbass flat earther
Are you actively blooming for confrontation
Keep shilling the flat earth distraction dumbass
You're an insignificant POS who's looking for attention...So do ALL of us a favour and go back to Mommy's basement....Klootzak
Just to add...Keep showing everyone your level of intelligence....little boy
Why are dumbass shills so bad at comebacks?
Actually I just answered my own question