She just may even break that glass ceiling and be the first woman to be hung from that glass ceiling. Or at the end of a firing squad. Imagine how fast the debt would go down if they raffled off a chance to hold one of those rifles
I'm sure she is, but she seems like she's a half wit. I don't get the impression that its an act too ... she seems like she might be pretty close to idiot level.
She is not Chrissy Teagan stupid but that's a high bar of stupidity to traverse. I would say she is probably somewhere between a bantam rooster and a musk-rat in order of intelligence. So, in summary, I do concur; Not the brains of the outfit.
This is going to sound far fetched but if you were watching Harvey Weinstein came shortly after the Hillary loss. Did Weinstein go down as an example? Could All of the Hollywood players non stop trump bashing been to save their own asses?
It was reported mainly on YouTube channels the day after the election that a source inside her election HQ anonymously and off the record overheard Killary yelling about everyone hanging and other stuff.
I love the fact that White Hats clearly turned off their ability to cheat that night. This has to be the only explanation. It’s the reason why she couldn’t come out and say “someone hacked our ability to flip votes in the Dominion machines.” Also the reason they didn’t have back up printed ballots as a “safety” because they had no idea there was a plan by the White Hats/military/and whatever group Space Force would eventually evolve from to shut off the cheat.
So the DS/Dems were fully aware that their cheat was shut down by an outside force but couldn’t necessarily come out and state it either. BUT, and this is why the good guys allowed cheating in the 2018 mid-terms, lull them into a false sense of security - but for this past 2020 election the DS/Dems weren’t that stupid to only depend on machine vote flipping, they printed millions of backup ballots... they went all in. And they got caught. Their slow motion destruction that we are currently witnessing is glorious! Take it all in frens, yes it’s agonizing at times but it will be well worth it.
This was one of the video accounts that still hasn't been scrubbed from Youtube. There are dozen of people I followed on Youtube who have been banned from the platform over the past four years who also reported pretty much the same thing.
This one centers around a meltdown Hillary had over a Matt Lauer interview where he doesn't pull any punches, the guy presenting the video intercuts the telling by an NBC staffer that claims "they would all hang from nooses."
It is interesting, leading up to the 2016 election why would she freak out and be concerned about Trump winning when she knew the fix was in, was it for optics? Act weak when you are strong (we know how that worked out for her). Is it a case of her saying the quiet part out loud? It's understandable why there would never be a cited source for any of her tirades... because people have a tendency to suicide themselves around Hillary.
Someone on the internet said so, an “inside” person. Look, we all want it to be true, that could make us vulnerable. We need something more convincing than current evidence. Consider it a court room and urge jury is whoever you want to convince. Normally it is innocent until proven guilty (desirable for defendant), taking the same approach, assuming alive until proven to be dead (beyond a shadow of a doubt). Could you convince people not deep into a theories that this is 100%, even 75% true.
She's not stupid. She's just evil.
She just may even break that glass ceiling and be the first woman to be hung from that glass ceiling. Or at the end of a firing squad. Imagine how fast the debt would go down if they raffled off a chance to hold one of those rifles
New order for firing squad.... Fix Bayonets !!
These are family businesses.
I'm sure she is, but she seems like she's a half wit. I don't get the impression that its an act too ... she seems like she might be pretty close to idiot level.
She is not Chrissy Teagan stupid but that's a high bar of stupidity to traverse. I would say she is probably somewhere between a bantam rooster and a musk-rat in order of intelligence. So, in summary, I do concur; Not the brains of the outfit.
This is going to sound far fetched but if you were watching Harvey Weinstein came shortly after the Hillary loss. Did Weinstein go down as an example? Could All of the Hollywood players non stop trump bashing been to save their own asses?
Almost nothing sounds far fetched these days, except this post :-
Edit:- It's actually quite an interesting thought - Yours I mean, not the smooth brain post.
Well we are still waiting.... and it certainly has taken awhile.
Is that a true quote? I was always looking for the source on that one.
It was never in writing, it's been passed on as someone overheard it.
Yeah wasn't it somebody who worked on the campaign who wrote a book about it or something like that?
Think Bush said similar also.
Every time I see the look on Jeb's face at his daddy's funeral in my mind's eye I can't stop smiling.
Sauce? I don't remember her saying that....
It was reported mainly on YouTube channels the day after the election that a source inside her election HQ anonymously and off the record overheard Killary yelling about everyone hanging and other stuff.
I love the fact that White Hats clearly turned off their ability to cheat that night. This has to be the only explanation. It’s the reason why she couldn’t come out and say “someone hacked our ability to flip votes in the Dominion machines.” Also the reason they didn’t have back up printed ballots as a “safety” because they had no idea there was a plan by the White Hats/military/and whatever group Space Force would eventually evolve from to shut off the cheat.
So the DS/Dems were fully aware that their cheat was shut down by an outside force but couldn’t necessarily come out and state it either. BUT, and this is why the good guys allowed cheating in the 2018 mid-terms, lull them into a false sense of security - but for this past 2020 election the DS/Dems weren’t that stupid to only depend on machine vote flipping, they printed millions of backup ballots... they went all in. And they got caught. Their slow motion destruction that we are currently witnessing is glorious! Take it all in frens, yes it’s agonizing at times but it will be well worth it.
Secret Service here say
This was one of the video accounts that still hasn't been scrubbed from Youtube. There are dozen of people I followed on Youtube who have been banned from the platform over the past four years who also reported pretty much the same thing.
This one centers around a meltdown Hillary had over a Matt Lauer interview where he doesn't pull any punches, the guy presenting the video intercuts the telling by an NBC staffer that claims "they would all hang from nooses."
It is interesting, leading up to the 2016 election why would she freak out and be concerned about Trump winning when she knew the fix was in, was it for optics? Act weak when you are strong (we know how that worked out for her). Is it a case of her saying the quiet part out loud? It's understandable why there would never be a cited source for any of her tirades... because people have a tendency to suicide themselves around Hillary.
Thank you I've never seen this!
Thought I'd throw it on cat box in case the burst of traffic makes them pull it off YouTube
I was hoping for a clip.
She was right about that.
Does anyone know the reference for this? And apparently for Bush as well?
Ill take the downvote as a no then.
There are some comments above that explain it was something heard behind the scenes. Not written down or recorded anywhere.
Still waiting.....
you mean still bitching
I've enjoyed the show while you whined all the way through.
Hurry up and wait.
shes already gone.
I hope not. I want to enjoy her exit.
Imagine the frustration and pain of being executed privately and no one even knows about it.
I thought she was dead already? Wish you guys could make up your mind!
Allegedly. Evidence points Loosely in that direction but no one knows so yes we wish we can make up our mind also.
What makes you sure?
Someone on the internet said so, an “inside” person. Look, we all want it to be true, that could make us vulnerable. We need something more convincing than current evidence. Consider it a court room and urge jury is whoever you want to convince. Normally it is innocent until proven guilty (desirable for defendant), taking the same approach, assuming alive until proven to be dead (beyond a shadow of a doubt). Could you convince people not deep into a theories that this is 100%, even 75% true.