And these same scientists that can’t explain a 40,000 year suspension of life, will tell you that life is purely mechanistic, and the mind is simply an effect of biology. ?♂️ Trust the [Ignorance]!
This probably happens all the time (rare, but still happens) when we drill for oil or explore extremely remote areas. Just another headline for the "scientific" community to study endlessly and document and record and put away in some vault where we'll probably have no use for it.
The ages are bullshit. So one of the. Froze when he was 9k years old or more? Me thinks if this is even true those worms are less than 4 thousand years old.
Finally, we have the proper bait to go fishing for the Lochness Monster.
Ahh yes fren. This is the way.
This is the way.
This is the way chain, how far can we go?
deeper in the ice? ScIenCE...TRUST THE DAMN SCIENCE.
I’m fresh out, but I have some dirt from Nevada that you could munch on!
Not if your life depended on it
You ask for their ID, if they don’t have one give them a ballot.
Then give them 100% free college while you don’t even give admission to the citizen cause they worked too hard and got great grades.
Thats what you get for being too asian..
It’s called “quantum dating”, bigot, and it’s settled science in the worm community.
For one thing, one (the 41,700 yr old) is 9,300 years older than the other (that'd be the 32,000 yr old), so...math. That's like scientific proof.
So this is a 93 comm
yup...and 417003200 adds up to... (don't makame say it!)
Now we have to deal with the Goa’uld infiltrating the deep state and continuing their bullshit for them? Still, NCSWIC.
Biden is a Goa'uld host, change my mind. All the Gaffs are a sign that the parasite is finally dying and the host is trying to fight back.
The Goa’uld are better than whatever it is we have in Hollywood. Cree, Ko Keka Jaffa.
Who's Todd the Wraith then?
Oh wait, wrong show!
And these same scientists that can’t explain a 40,000 year suspension of life, will tell you that life is purely mechanistic, and the mind is simply an effect of biology. ?♂️ Trust the [Ignorance]!
Careful, lots of scientists have very strong opinions that are contrary to such bold claims.
(Pardon, fren. I am le tired, I'm mocking "sCiEnCe!")
biology, as well as the mechanistic universe, is simply an effect of mind...The first truth. "All is mind"
Release the primordial worms!
Where's a robin when you need one?
Two are that old? Then those worms should tell us some life stories
They look like prehistoric centipedes!
This probably happens all the time (rare, but still happens) when we drill for oil or explore extremely remote areas. Just another headline for the "scientific" community to study endlessly and document and record and put away in some vault where we'll probably have no use for it.
And a reason for our government to give out millions in grants....we have to study the worms!
I agree “This is not the year, freeze them back!”
Seriously do any of these people have a citizen review board? Why do we always find this stuff out afterwards?
Citizen review board? Lmfao. Yep. We are here .
I know this is all because we don’t have a non corrupt media.
Think we have enuff worms in the world already; and statistics show ~89.3% of them are Democrats “elected” to office.
I apologize...guess I shouldn’t have used NPR as my bad!
Howls...Pelosi would make one of these worms look like a spring chicken...
Too bad they can't appreciate what just happened to them.
Thats why God made people
The ages are bullshit. So one of the. Froze when he was 9k years old or more? Me thinks if this is even true those worms are less than 4 thousand years old.
Oh no~ ~are they killer worms? I'm like so scared like right now.
Pretty sure this is from 2018.
Eat them to gain their function... I mean power
Meanwhile they grow to the size of a house.
And how did they get their age? They don't carry a photo ID do they?
Translation- they're back, God help us
I read that last part in an African accent and that was the icing on the cake.