I saw a couple videos of people buying a bunch of those types of books off amazon to see whats in them. Some of them aren't blatant, they just have enough of an idea to plant a seed. Others are just straight up grooming/pedo books. Any one have any ideas how to end these books without doing anything illegal? Its weirdo parents buying them for their kids so its not like age restriction would help.
Hold on, .."the sex given by the doctor"???!!!
No, fruitcakes, the sex is not given by the doctor. Gender forms immediately when the sperm meets the egg.
I had to send an email this morning to the news station after a story they did on these mentally ill men getting breast cancer because of the hormomes they take and what the health guidelines are for them. I was livid Speak up!
I second this opinion. I don't care what any adult does in the bedroom. I just don't want it shoved in my face for an entire month.
Second thought, i do care about what an adult does in the bedroom, when it also involves a minor. At that point I think I'm morally obligated to intervene if given the opportunity.
Is this the Gay-B-C's? Saw that in a small business bookstore once and decided not to buy anything there after that. Normally I spend upwards of $100 when I go into a bookstore, but I have to want to keep them in business if they want my money.
Fucking child molesters. This material is obscene and illegal sexual content. Gender is sexual as it focuses on the genitalia... that is the basic fact.
This insanity has to stop!
X is for Xenophobia: https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/076/640/947/original/ce11a3aba015ad10.jpeg
You can guess what else is in there. Brainwashing from the cradle to the grave.
I saw a couple videos of people buying a bunch of those types of books off amazon to see whats in them. Some of them aren't blatant, they just have enough of an idea to plant a seed. Others are just straight up grooming/pedo books. Any one have any ideas how to end these books without doing anything illegal? Its weirdo parents buying them for their kids so its not like age restriction would help.
Loool I thought you were memeing. Radical leftists in charge of all art and culture, we need CHANGE
Time for a bonfire. For the first time I can legitimately support book-burning.
The juxtaposition of the child-friendly illustrations and font with the sickening intent it aims for is beyond evil.
What do you think the Nazis were burning? We must learn history all over again bc the same people never stopped pushing sex with children.
Leftists : Trust science.
Also Leftists: Muh feelings is more important than science.
wow, nailed it!!!
The doctor assigns sex?? Thought these people loved science.
What parent would ever buy this crap for their children? Add this author to the list.
The majority of the Left coast.
Libraries are well under the liberal control.
Child molesters and thirsty degenerate bitches
Trans-gender is just another way of saying "God made a mistake. God assigned you the wrong gender. "
It's a way of pushing people further away from God.
Humans are not the result of evolution. If they can’t fathom it then they have no idea.
Hold on, .."the sex given by the doctor"???!!! No, fruitcakes, the sex is not given by the doctor. Gender forms immediately when the sperm meets the egg.
I had to send an email this morning to the news station after a story they did on these mentally ill men getting breast cancer because of the hormomes they take and what the health guidelines are for them. I was livid Speak up!
T for TRASH which is where the books belongs.
H is for hypoxsidiosous (chicken shit) and that is what this book is
This shit needs to end. I don't care if you're gay. Live you're life, but why this ?
I second this opinion. I don't care what any adult does in the bedroom. I just don't want it shoved in my face for an entire month.
Second thought, i do care about what an adult does in the bedroom, when it also involves a minor. At that point I think I'm morally obligated to intervene if given the opportunity.
These are stepping stones to normalize pedophilia
Why even put it out there ???
C is for chairman; M is for Mao.
Couldn't someone discreetly apply glue to that page and put the book back on the shelf? Small acts of civil disobedience go a long way.
I can't wait for the pendulum swing that's most certainly coming for [them] and [their] followers.
T is for traitor not transgender !
Could’ve been straight out of a Babylon Bee article... This is getting absurd.
Is this the Gay-B-C's? Saw that in a small business bookstore once and decided not to buy anything there after that. Normally I spend upwards of $100 when I go into a bookstore, but I have to want to keep them in business if they want my money.
This is the school you people are sending your kids to.
Fucking child molesters. This material is obscene and illegal sexual content. Gender is sexual as it focuses on the genitalia... that is the basic fact.
What would be some good reading on this subject?