What's going on right now has nothing to do with what happens in the privacy of a bedroom. We are no longer expected to accept that they can do whatever they like in private. The current expectation is that we celibate them being gay and we are bigots if we don't join them. Our children must allow opposite sex in their bathrooms at school. They must allow them to participate in sports with them and if we don't have sex with them we are evil bigots.
I'll leave it there or I'll get myself in trouble.
I have a son-in-law who sister is gay. He is one of those that feels "everyone" just needs to accept it. Well, she may be a nice person, but NO I don't have to "accept" that as normal.
Frankly, it's their choice. We have free will. Just don't expect me to give a crap, treat anyone special because of it or teach my kids that it's normal. 1.7% (or whatever) falls well into the fringes of the Bell Curve. All I think we can and should ask is to keep intimate behavior where it belongs- in private, same as we expect of hetero couples. It's God's responsibility to judge our decisions and we all get sorted out in the end
"What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is their own business"
This is a fallacious statement that has helped lead to where we are now. It's fallacious because what if those two consenting adults are siblings? Or one or both of them is married to someone else? (Let alone if they are of the same sex, but that has gradually been normalised, so is now supposed to be okay.)
But the point also is, what happens in private eventually becomes public in some way or another, and affects others. So why it may seem okay to say "what you do in the bedroom is your own business", it is now being paraded down the street, but it started in the bedroom in secret.
Both those examples you gave hurt others though, the one being cheated on or the family and deformed kids that come as a result of incest. If they're two consenting adults of sound mind who arent hurting anybody with their own privacy, and arent bringing it into the streets, then it shouldn't matter.
It's not your place to judge, just as it's not the place of anybody living to judge.
Yeah I agree with him about the public side of it but not with the private, ofc hes entitled to his opinion but I'm just saying if it's not public and affecting anyone then it shouldn't matter.
Yes, but remember pride month does not actually represent all gay people.
It’s a cabal tactic to control and devalue a subgroup of people. They want to own gay people just like they want to own black people. Yet there are plenty of us that are not sheep and see it for what it is.
Trust me, a LOT of us see it this way too. Pride month is destroying so much progress.
It’s 2021. I haven’t encountered discrimination or homophobia since high school, a decade ago. No one really cares that I’m gay because it’s not their business and I don’t want it to be. I have equal rights and that’s it.
I think this is all a brainwashing tactic. It’s always bothered me but now that they’re targeting CHILDREN with insane kink pedo shit I’m at a loss.
Regardless, all eyes on AZ audit and turn off the TV if you’ve got kids.
I personally know TWO gay men who are VERY conservative and patriotic. Each of them are horrified with the negative attention and public parading. And both would tell you they see the pride movement as devaluing.
Also, I think of Andy Ngo, Jason Rantz, Dave Rubin...these men are doing great work.
Thanks for this. I'm in the same boat. I wish more people realized that LGBT was just another propaganda effort similar to BLM. Neither truly represents the people that they claim to. They're used to create a public perception that "this is how most people think." They aren't even close.
Exactly. How did "it's nobody else's business what's done in the privacy of one's own bedroom" turn into gaudy pride parade floats, rainbow flags on the lower third of every television channel, transgender pageant shows, transgender pedophiles reading to kids in libraries, and blue-haired, effiminent Millenials screeching, "WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER, GET USED TO IT!!"???
It is my opinion that all discrimination starts from the government.
The entire problem with discrimination of gays started the moment the gov started marrying straight couples and giving them tax benefits.
The government should not be marrying anybody, nor should they ever even need to know who is or is not married. Let each religion/church should be be free to choose who they will and will not marry. Marriage is a religious ceremony signifying a private contract between private citizens. Get the government out of marriage.
Go back in the closet like the sodomites of days gone by. Who could be proud of having butt sex with other men. Sickos.
I mean, personally what you do in the bedroom is your own business, just dont bring it to the streets and classrooms.
What's going on right now has nothing to do with what happens in the privacy of a bedroom. We are no longer expected to accept that they can do whatever they like in private. The current expectation is that we celibate them being gay and we are bigots if we don't join them. Our children must allow opposite sex in their bathrooms at school. They must allow them to participate in sports with them and if we don't have sex with them we are evil bigots.
I'll leave it there or I'll get myself in trouble.
Nailed It!!! 100% (thank you)
I have a son-in-law who sister is gay. He is one of those that feels "everyone" just needs to accept it. Well, she may be a nice person, but NO I don't have to "accept" that as normal.
They don't want to be accepted, they want to be adored and celebrated.
Get back in the closet perverts.
Frankly, it's their choice. We have free will. Just don't expect me to give a crap, treat anyone special because of it or teach my kids that it's normal. 1.7% (or whatever) falls well into the fringes of the Bell Curve. All I think we can and should ask is to keep intimate behavior where it belongs- in private, same as we expect of hetero couples. It's God's responsibility to judge our decisions and we all get sorted out in the end
"What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is their own business"
This is a fallacious statement that has helped lead to where we are now. It's fallacious because what if those two consenting adults are siblings? Or one or both of them is married to someone else? (Let alone if they are of the same sex, but that has gradually been normalised, so is now supposed to be okay.)
But the point also is, what happens in private eventually becomes public in some way or another, and affects others. So why it may seem okay to say "what you do in the bedroom is your own business", it is now being paraded down the street, but it started in the bedroom in secret.
Both those examples you gave hurt others though, the one being cheated on or the family and deformed kids that come as a result of incest. If they're two consenting adults of sound mind who arent hurting anybody with their own privacy, and arent bringing it into the streets, then it shouldn't matter.
It's not your place to judge, just as it's not the place of anybody living to judge.
Yeah I agree with him about the public side of it but not with the private, ofc hes entitled to his opinion but I'm just saying if it's not public and affecting anyone then it shouldn't matter.
Yes, but remember pride month does not actually represent all gay people.
It’s a cabal tactic to control and devalue a subgroup of people. They want to own gay people just like they want to own black people. Yet there are plenty of us that are not sheep and see it for what it is.
There are a lot of false equivalences here.
You are not to be the judge on someone else for these acts; God is.
Gay patriot here.
Trust me, a LOT of us see it this way too. Pride month is destroying so much progress.
It’s 2021. I haven’t encountered discrimination or homophobia since high school, a decade ago. No one really cares that I’m gay because it’s not their business and I don’t want it to be. I have equal rights and that’s it.
I think this is all a brainwashing tactic. It’s always bothered me but now that they’re targeting CHILDREN with insane kink pedo shit I’m at a loss.
Regardless, all eyes on AZ audit and turn off the TV if you’ve got kids.
I personally know TWO gay men who are VERY conservative and patriotic. Each of them are horrified with the negative attention and public parading. And both would tell you they see the pride movement as devaluing.
Also, I think of Andy Ngo, Jason Rantz, Dave Rubin...these men are doing great work.
Don’t forget Brandon Straka of #Walkaway!
I love that dude. He speaks to people I couldn’t reach. Respect. https://www.walkawaycampaign.com
And Scott Presler, cleaning up American cities, registering voters, and spreading conservative values wherever he goes.
Seriously. As long as you aren't specifically trying to make me do something or see something I've never cared
Thanks for this. I'm in the same boat. I wish more people realized that LGBT was just another propaganda effort similar to BLM. Neither truly represents the people that they claim to. They're used to create a public perception that "this is how most people think." They aren't even close.
Whatever happened to "Don't ask, don't tell?"
Nobody cares about the rainbow flag bullshit. Keep it outta my face.
That is one of the parts where it went wrong.
Pride week. Then pride month. Soon every first year of the decade. Then every first decade of the century.
Pride month was a mistake
Exactly. How did "it's nobody else's business what's done in the privacy of one's own bedroom" turn into gaudy pride parade floats, rainbow flags on the lower third of every television channel, transgender pageant shows, transgender pedophiles reading to kids in libraries, and blue-haired, effiminent Millenials screeching, "WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER, GET USED TO IT!!"???
My good old fashioned based gay friend said he’s annoyed by all of the zim zer zay millennials just doin it to get attention haha
I'm waiting for sloth and gluttony months. 'Just saying.
The fact they need a whole month is showing their insecurity.
Then go the fuck away and don't promote your stupidity in public.
We should shun them. No acknowledgement whatsoever.
It is my opinion that all discrimination starts from the government.
The entire problem with discrimination of gays started the moment the gov started marrying straight couples and giving them tax benefits.
The government should not be marrying anybody, nor should they ever even need to know who is or is not married. Let each religion/church should be be free to choose who they will and will not marry. Marriage is a religious ceremony signifying a private contract between private citizens. Get the government out of marriage.
So true. Most of them can't tell you how gay (or whatever) they are. BORING. Juvenile attention seeking narcissists.
Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
Reminds me of Cuckboy Hazza and MeAgain Markle...