VIDEO Persinger God Helmet 2: Sorry, I had this one saved on my machine for years… I can’t find it on the internet anymore. There are more on YT though, do a search.
Disturbing. Very disturbing. This attack plan has been planned for many years and was just waiting for technology to be “advanced” in stages to We The People so we were accustomed to the advances. Apparently that technology is ready for implementation. Now that the people have been attacked with the nanotechnology in the jabs (supposedly 50% of the population) they can fully implement the mind control to make people believe what they want. Imagine 50% of the people believing there is an organization named Qanon or 1-6 was an insurrection or there was no voter fraud or to put thoughts into those jabbed to attack the un-jabbed....the power would be virtually unlimited.
I believe this is able to be the question is: has it been released?
I'm not doubting that possibility or even that the technology to create such "vaccine's" could be out there, but do you have ANY info or sources to go off of or is it just mere speculation on your part?
From her video at the 40:00 minute mark but you won't fully understand unless you watch all of it. MAGNETIC NANOMATERIALS IN THE INJECTIONS, MASKS & SWABS
Jesus said in the Gospel of John that I Am the Resurrection and the Life, how many resurrections did He perform in his years on earth and After through others since? That should answer the Q quite well.
I'm due to have nose surgery and the building its done in is requiring a swab and week long quarantine prior to the 2 hour procedure. My doctor says it's unreasonable but he can't do crap. Now if I get the shot it's just show up on cut day.
The instructions to the Church in Revelation are primarily to “endure” and be patient and not fall to fear, and our reward will be to skip the great trial that will cover the entire earth.
It’s a personal decision, and based on the extremely low risk of complications from the virus itself and very high complications with zero long-term safety data from the vaccine, I am personally taking my immune system over some experiment by people who regularly doom about overpopulation.
I got swabbed twice in the hospital before a CT scan.
I've literally never been in the worst health as I am now... What in the hell. Probably a combination of things, but weird things that have never happened to me before.
My sleeping has always been bad. I take sleeping pills. But I do notice some other weird things with my body, like joint pain, swollen eyes... Might be nothing, but I do feel noticeably shitty all the time.
Persinger was fond of saying, No More Secrets. He “died” Aug. 2019, youngish 70 yo chap. I found his Box storage link and copied every publication within to my own Box storage account. It was purged! They even deleted “all” my copies!
Ok so the swab video, i talked to my mother and she translated it as basically the lady opened the swab out of the packaging and put it under the microscope. It has a “wormlike” structure is what you see. It is responding to when the man breathes his breath on it, it likes the warm humidness. So it would spread in your sinus if you swabbed with it. She is relating it to a Morgellion.
She basically said that was all they were saying but the didnt know what it was.
I think it's a possibility. Let me share some research into mind control, the magnetosphere, magnetite, magnetogenetics and how these things are being used. My website: My Amazing Polly channel: REFERENCES: Superparamegnetic nano DNA vaccines:
Is Magnetogenetics the New Optogenetics?
Magnetic Strategies for Nervous System Control:
Polymer Embedded with Nanoparticles Soft Robots:
VIDEO: More Worms in COVID swabs?
VIDEO: Persinger ‘No More Secrets’:
VIDEO Persinger God Helmet:
VIDEO Persinger God Helmet 2: Sorry, I had this one saved on my machine for years… I can’t find it on the internet anymore. There are more on YT though, do a search.
Guardian: Magneto Protein remotely controls brain and behaviour:
Edge of Innovation: Graphene in Masks:
Health Canada safety warning Graphene Masks:
UN Meditation Room pamphlet from United Nations:
PATENT, Microsoft, Cryptocurrency mining using Body functions:
PATENT AT&T, biological interface:
this was already proposed, at the outset of the Kung Flu
Of course that is what Trump was referring to.
Disturbing. Very disturbing. This attack plan has been planned for many years and was just waiting for technology to be “advanced” in stages to We The People so we were accustomed to the advances. Apparently that technology is ready for implementation. Now that the people have been attacked with the nanotechnology in the jabs (supposedly 50% of the population) they can fully implement the mind control to make people believe what they want. Imagine 50% of the people believing there is an organization named Qanon or 1-6 was an insurrection or there was no voter fraud or to put thoughts into those jabbed to attack the un-jabbed....the power would be virtually unlimited.
I believe this is able to be the question is: has it been released?
They got people to believe all that without needing a vaccine, just through corrupt MSM.
I'm not doubting that possibility or even that the technology to create such "vaccine's" could be out there, but do you have ANY info or sources to go off of or is it just mere speculation on your part?
Ooohhhh —She’s so good at her deep dives!
From her video at the 40:00 minute mark but you won't fully understand unless you watch all of it. MAGNETIC NANOMATERIALS IN THE INJECTIONS, MASKS & SWABS
Am I fucked if I got the swab?
My belief is that our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made. We can heal/overcome nearly anything.
So NO, if you're still breathing you're not fucked.
Jesus said in the Gospel of John that I Am the Resurrection and the Life, how many resurrections did He perform in his years on earth and After through others since? That should answer the Q quite well.
Just don't get the JAB!
The closest I'd ever get is Jeb. Guacaholymoley.
It's a joke. Please clap.
Why would you get it either way?
Because it was either that or not being able to get my arm fixed. Trust me, if there were any other way, I wouldn’t have.
Yeah shit happens where it becomes out of our control.
I’ve seen retards be like…. “Don’t take blood transfusions, it could be tainted with spiked proteins”
Ummm…. If you need a blood transfusion, spiked proteins may be the least of your worries and it will be totally out of control.
Just don’t lose blood, bro.
Guess this means I'll have to give up juggling knives.
Juggling knives? I ain't got time to bleed.
I had to get tested when I got matching stents installed earlier this year. No way to avoid it.
Notice anything fucky?
Not from the test. I wouldn't worry about the swab too much. Now, the early tests, they were probably tainted.
I figure one metal noodle won't do much harm, either way.
I'm due to have nose surgery and the building its done in is requiring a swab and week long quarantine prior to the 2 hour procedure. My doctor says it's unreasonable but he can't do crap. Now if I get the shot it's just show up on cut day.
It’s worth it to wait.
The instructions to the Church in Revelation are primarily to “endure” and be patient and not fall to fear, and our reward will be to skip the great trial that will cover the entire earth.
It’s a personal decision, and based on the extremely low risk of complications from the virus itself and very high complications with zero long-term safety data from the vaccine, I am personally taking my immune system over some experiment by people who regularly doom about overpopulation.
W not wait? Doctors don’t like it only because they see $$ walking out the door and they will do anything to not let that happen.
Just show them a fuckin "card"
Fuckin commies
Well lets see how well you arm does when you dead!
I got swabbed twice in the hospital before a CT scan.
I've literally never been in the worst health as I am now... What in the hell. Probably a combination of things, but weird things that have never happened to me before.
You got anything weird happening to you?
Swabbed a year ago and nothing until lately. Stomach bug, diarrhea etc. Never had before now in my seven decades.
Too early to tell but nothing so far.
Has your sleeping been affected?
My sleeping has always been bad. I take sleeping pills. But I do notice some other weird things with my body, like joint pain, swollen eyes... Might be nothing, but I do feel noticeably shitty all the time.
Could be the stress but certainly write it down, I’d say.
Um... several of us figured this out almost immediately and posted it on Voat.
I personally had a detailed thread about this, and the actual meaning.
Old gnooze.
Still good to talk about but I do remember the talk of this on Voat.
Persinger was fond of saying, No More Secrets. He “died” Aug. 2019, youngish 70 yo chap. I found his Box storage link and copied every publication within to my own Box storage account. It was purged! They even deleted “all” my copies!
He was an amazing scientist.
Good job Polly!!! I plan on looking at sll of it, but the worm video I sent to my mother to translate, she speaks German! Will relay back ?
I doubt Trump would be advertising he knew about Covid back in 2017.
Why not? All the DS knew it was coming. The looking glass showed the Q team. He absolutely knew. Future proves past.
Ok so the swab video, i talked to my mother and she translated it as basically the lady opened the swab out of the packaging and put it under the microscope. It has a “wormlike” structure is what you see. It is responding to when the man breathes his breath on it, it likes the warm humidness. So it would spread in your sinus if you swabbed with it. She is relating it to a Morgellion. She basically said that was all they were saying but the didnt know what it was.
Clinton Ordered Vince Foster Execution Forged Evidence
Citizen Obtained Voter Fraud Evidence Found Executed
Trump's first tweet with covfefe was "Despite the constant negative press covfefe".
Covfefe could be Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act (COVFEFE Act)
Citizen Obtained Voter Fraud Evidence Found Executed
Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act (COVFEFE Act), House Bill H.R. 2884,
Polly's really smart, but that's COVFEFEOOOO.