THE MEDIA IS NOTHING BUT LIES. It’s all lies and propaganda. There is nothing real about the “news”. It’s scripted, controlled, carefully managed, with regurgitated talking points.
Beyond that, our education system is a lie. Ever wonder why you’re on a hamster wheel that never ends? Ever wonder why your degree seems useless and your debt is overwhelming? Ever wonder why two incomes under one roof can barely make ends meet, when one income used to do just fine?
Our financial system is a lie. Buy gold, silver, crypto, bullets, land, real estate. Invest in your future. Pay off your debts.
Our medical system has been corrupted. Our banking system has been corrupted. Politicians are cabal puppets dancing for their overlords. It’s all corrupt.
Protect yourself and educate yourself. It truly is a great awakening for many of us millennials and Gen Zers. Scary but necessary......
The "financial media" is always wrong because they believe in Keynesian economics, which is wrong. They probably all had the same economics textbook by Samuelson that I had back in the early 70s. The first few chapters were right (supply and demand, etc.), but then it took a turn toward stuff that I knew was incorrect. I failed, as I couldn't bring myself to give the wrong answers that they wanted on tests.
Also, the "financial media" lies their butt off. Every single day.
Well your life just got a lot more complicated if you are here. Everything you know is a lie and your friends are probably also in the dark. Just know WWG1WGA.
Fren, COVID is helping to expose the elites and tyrants in our govt, celebrities, media, sports figures, and big Pharma/health care. Remember the Q post, Sometimes you just can’t tell people, you have to show them. That’s it right there, COVID is a honey pot....
pretty sure that the main cause of my (mild) depression is just simply being awake to the horrors and corruption of the world, and not really having a way to do anything about it.
ive got my small piece of influence in the tech-space and im doing all i can, all my co-workers are very liberal
Lots of peeps are struggling with depression right now. I feel the weight for sure. We are perfectly normal and healthy for feeling and acknowledging the heaviness. The red pill carries a burden for sure. It's been said the darkest hour of night comes just before dawn.
Walking outside in nature, counting my blessings and praying for the safety and sanity of my fellow Americans...along with the occasional white Russian is how I cope. Music and Laughter are highly therapeutic as well.
Hang it there and please let us know how we can help/pray for you. ❤️
Hi, that’s me. I even pondered what it would be like to go back to sleep, 8 years ago. I’m glad I didn’t, I actually wouldn’t have been able to anyways.
It's how we were designed to live. We were never meant to be surrounded by evil and filth. But it can get lonely as there aren't that many people I can have a real conversation with.
I remember explaining what I knew to my brother, Ivy trained lawyer of repute. He was a close friend who I trusted in addition to being my bro. Then it was like he did a complete 180 on me. At first he said it all comes down to I don't trust your sources of info and you don't trust mine. Which was fine but when I tried to point out the flaws of believing MSM and the NYT, he said I was delusional and that I needed a shrink. He wanted no parts of me or my cult beliefs. Just like that, it was over. At first I was mad but then I put a lot of faith in Q and the plan only to believe the datefags and looked like a fool.
But I knew in my heart that Trump was good and so much of the government was corrupt. I still have faith that the traitors get arrested and that GEOTUS is reinstated before years end. I think that is important because 2022 is a mid year election and I doubt he would be reinstated after so much time has passed. But in my mind, 2020 needs fixed, people involved in the big steal need arrested before we can have another election. The way we take back both houses of Congress is to have Trump back in the oval this year. Then everyone rolls up their sleeves with Trump at the helm and we vote out every Demoncrat running.
Whatever gets them on the bus. The bus arrives at the same destination regardless of where you boarded!
Something something where we go one we go all
It's like looking through a time warp and seeing my first record scratch moment.
I knew you would like this one....????????????????
Redpilling happening in real time. Such a beautiful phenomenon.
I can just about see the lightbulb flicker. I’m so proud.
Like a demon(s) being exorcised.
There was a song about this on the Muppet Show back in the 60s
♪ Phenomena
Deet dee dee dee
Be dee-be
Be dee-be
Be dee-be-dee-be deet deet dee dee deet ♫
Ha ha haaaa not til tomorrow
Today you are mine
Aahhh meme-ories.
Duly noted and corrected. Thanks for the tip,fren
If it's OK to be pedantic here, may I just take this opportunity to ask people to stop using apostrophes in their plurals?
You'r'e al'way's 'elc'me to as'k :p
Standard practice in Dutch.
It's quite a trip when you realize everything is a lie and that we are just debt slaves living in a corrupt system run by psychopaths.
I thought I was awake a few years ago, holy piss was I in for a shock. 2020+ has been an even bigger redpill.
The Matrix... they might come around quicker then we realize.
layers of an onion.
BINGO? 100x??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Come on, trclausse54, pull on that thread.
6 months... Lulz
Yeah the real shock will be realizing they've been lied to about everything for their entire life.
Exactly.. but to be fair the last few years have been a lot worse
And so has the rest of humanity for at least 2,000 years.
Cognitive dissonance goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
I’m still recovering and it’s been a almost a year since I woke up.
"News media" ... It's more like all media
I haven't looked at Reddit in ages since the cuck admins banned the best communities there. Is Superstonk a red pilled sub reddit?
And it backfired causing many to step-back, re-evaluate and many are being redpilled RIGHT NOW!
In terms of the heavy liberal Reddit, there are quite a few Patriots on that sub. Much more than other subs.
Knowing what we do, it is much easier for us to accept the fact that Wall Street, hedge funds, and the MSM collude to manipulate the markets.
If you’re already redpilled it’s almost expected that this is taking place. But to them they’ve just been shown an entirely new world.
We all awaken somehow!
THE MEDIA IS NOTHING BUT LIES. It’s all lies and propaganda. There is nothing real about the “news”. It’s scripted, controlled, carefully managed, with regurgitated talking points.
Beyond that, our education system is a lie. Ever wonder why you’re on a hamster wheel that never ends? Ever wonder why your degree seems useless and your debt is overwhelming? Ever wonder why two incomes under one roof can barely make ends meet, when one income used to do just fine?
Our financial system is a lie. Buy gold, silver, crypto, bullets, land, real estate. Invest in your future. Pay off your debts.
Our medical system has been corrupted. Our banking system has been corrupted. Politicians are cabal puppets dancing for their overlords. It’s all corrupt.
Protect yourself and educate yourself. It truly is a great awakening for many of us millennials and Gen Zers. Scary but necessary......
You’re a future LEADER of your Generation. Embrace that challenge pede ????
Thank you :) it is certainly a challenge!!
Another mind is ready to be freed
Coma to full awake protocol initiated
This is funny as hell. I told you so doesn't seem sufficient.
Inside the mind of an NPC breaking the conditioning.
Yes the GME saga has been an amazing success!
Hundred of thousands of people been slowly red pilled since Jan.
"My whole life is a lie- this past 6 months."
The copium flows thick. Breathe deep.
The "financial media" is always wrong because they believe in Keynesian economics, which is wrong. They probably all had the same economics textbook by Samuelson that I had back in the early 70s. The first few chapters were right (supply and demand, etc.), but then it took a turn toward stuff that I knew was incorrect. I failed, as I couldn't bring myself to give the wrong answers that they wanted on tests.
Also, the "financial media" lies their butt off. Every single day.
My prof was good at his job, even if he was wrong. He had been a presidential advisor in the past.
He should study how the news reports other topics, to really blow his mind.
Once the pill is swallowed, there’s no turning-back.
BOOM ? love it!
? ??? ??
Always has been.
It's a strange twist that meme stonks are waking people up to the fact that the media is all propaganda propagated on behalf of criminals.
Anyone else getting tired of Superstonk folks getting red-pilled daily with the stock stuff, but refusing to open their eyes about anything else?
Yeah "political" posts get squashed there pretty fast so if they are talking about other things it's elsewhere and likely under different names.
Ceago's response is priceless. Must be a Southern Patriot anon. Only a Southerner talks like that.
When are people ever going to be bored enough of that one to let it go
Humans been getting lied to for hundreds of years atleast......
What idiots
Now do Trump.
imagine if he found his way here
Imagine if he registered under JiggsawCalrissian and replied to this
I'm not him. But still!!
Well your life just got a lot more complicated if you are here. Everything you know is a lie and your friends are probably also in the dark. Just know WWG1WGA.
Fren, COVID is helping to expose the elites and tyrants in our govt, celebrities, media, sports figures, and big Pharma/health care. Remember the Q post, Sometimes you just can’t tell people, you have to show them. That’s it right there, COVID is a honey pot....
ESPECIALLY big pharma!!! OMG, The corruption and collusion is so deep you can't imagine. It's how they're making billions.
Understood. Can I ask...what ails you fren?
Lol I have known for a decade now. I am glad to be awake as shitty as it has been at times.
pretty sure that the main cause of my (mild) depression is just simply being awake to the horrors and corruption of the world, and not really having a way to do anything about it.
ive got my small piece of influence in the tech-space and im doing all i can, all my co-workers are very liberal
Lots of peeps are struggling with depression right now. I feel the weight for sure. We are perfectly normal and healthy for feeling and acknowledging the heaviness. The red pill carries a burden for sure. It's been said the darkest hour of night comes just before dawn.
Walking outside in nature, counting my blessings and praying for the safety and sanity of my fellow Americans...along with the occasional white Russian is how I cope. Music and Laughter are highly therapeutic as well.
Hang it there and please let us know how we can help/pray for you. ❤️
High demand for coders. No FEAR mate!!!
Ecclesiastes 1:18 The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow. NLT
Not to try and say there is no hope but it is a reality that this is part of the human experience.
Survival among normies and waking others up while not being called a loon is a delicate balance.
It’s an ART-form, eh?
I know. I am a new person since discovering Q. Being out of mainstream society is honestly amazing.
Imagine how painful is has been for the Q team waiting for us to wake up.
Hi, that’s me. I even pondered what it would be like to go back to sleep, 8 years ago. I’m glad I didn’t, I actually wouldn’t have been able to anyways.
They did well in executing The PLAN, by God Himself ?
It's how we were designed to live. We were never meant to be surrounded by evil and filth. But it can get lonely as there aren't that many people I can have a real conversation with.
I remember awakening, it's unpleasant.
I remember explaining what I knew to my brother, Ivy trained lawyer of repute. He was a close friend who I trusted in addition to being my bro. Then it was like he did a complete 180 on me. At first he said it all comes down to I don't trust your sources of info and you don't trust mine. Which was fine but when I tried to point out the flaws of believing MSM and the NYT, he said I was delusional and that I needed a shrink. He wanted no parts of me or my cult beliefs. Just like that, it was over. At first I was mad but then I put a lot of faith in Q and the plan only to believe the datefags and looked like a fool.
But I knew in my heart that Trump was good and so much of the government was corrupt. I still have faith that the traitors get arrested and that GEOTUS is reinstated before years end. I think that is important because 2022 is a mid year election and I doubt he would be reinstated after so much time has passed. But in my mind, 2020 needs fixed, people involved in the big steal need arrested before we can have another election. The way we take back both houses of Congress is to have Trump back in the oval this year. Then everyone rolls up their sleeves with Trump at the helm and we vote out every Demoncrat running.
Sorry about your brother. It seems like there are people that want the truth, and most, who want to ignore it.