Martin Luther king was sad to say a catalyst to where we are today. NAACP started by communists the civil rights movement was funded by communists MLKs handler Stanley Levison communist. We can look at black America even back to slavery our families were intact at a much higher rate than today.yes govt enforced segregation needed to be done away with but the solution destabilized the progress that blacksmith were making in the end the civil rights act should’ve never been written . All that needed to be stated was the constitution applies to blacks. Communists used blacks and our leaders have been race hustlers for a century profiting as they lead their people to failure,
Eventually the R-word will become a taboo word and then it will pop up in all sorts of music - creating a R-word culture that’s promoted by music producers and music videos - the r-word-culture will be blamed on many of societies ills as the youths emulate r-word style lyricists
Correct it's never and never will be enough ... Unless they start thinking for themselves..
Getting them reparations
Don't forget Juneteenth. Federal Holiday tomorrow.
Why the 18th? ??Sincerely asking
Slavery ended on June 18t. Juneteenth
Just found out minutes ago that Canada wants to institute a new federal holiday on November 30th for the indigenous.
I have no idea if it’s attached to any historic event.
When does white privilege stop and black privilege begin, asking for a fren
Don't forget BET.
In Georgia they have black only high school proms. I have often wondered about how they get away with this.
White kids don't want to go those proms so no one really cares?
So I guess separate but equal wasn't so bad after all. Seems to be all the rage among black folks.
Patriots come in every color, fren.
Funnily enough, they don't seem to realize this was the very segregation that MLK was against.
Unless of course there are evil forces using these people as pawns to divide the population and destroy the country.
Martin Luther king was sad to say a catalyst to where we are today. NAACP started by communists the civil rights movement was funded by communists MLKs handler Stanley Levison communist. We can look at black America even back to slavery our families were intact at a much higher rate than today.yes govt enforced segregation needed to be done away with but the solution destabilized the progress that blacksmith were making in the end the civil rights act should’ve never been written . All that needed to be stated was the constitution applies to blacks. Communists used blacks and our leaders have been race hustlers for a century profiting as they lead their people to failure,
I heard a black dude say that calling white people “Racist” triggers whites as much as calling black people “N-word”
I can confirm that if you call me racist that I will walk away from the conversation after shitting on you with logic.
Which is a step above smashing whites doing anything "offensive" in the back of the head with a brick
Eventually the R-word will become a taboo word and then it will pop up in all sorts of music - creating a R-word culture that’s promoted by music producers and music videos - the r-word-culture will be blamed on many of societies ills as the youths emulate r-word style lyricists
The “R-word”?
Did you just actually type the “R-word”?
: S
How dare you! You have no idea what my people have been through ?
Let’s not forget graduation ceremonies!
They have all tgat, and still blame us for their problems.
Equal OUTCOMES not equal opportunity then?
Its our fault. We let this get so out of hand. You give these people an inch, they take a mile.
EqUiTy, duh~~
That's just the beginning.
Don’t forget black only tv stations
Bbuttt...muh reparations??? I owe nobody.
It’s annoying af. Maybe that’s why their people tend to fail at life vs Asians are successful. Asians are too busy working instead of complaining.
They won't let us have an all white porn site either.