HUNDREDS of hours of Capital Hill video released and indexed by time and location. You know what to do.
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Comments (45)
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A day I will never forget...was sitting her with my granddaughter watching these and she asked, why did you go there Nana? I looked at her and fight to leave a better world for you and your sisters ...sometimes change only comes when you stand up to bad people. She said, I know...we're tough girls huh Nana....yes we are little one, yes we are! She's 3.
Blessings frens...
Yes this day will live in infamy in my mind!
I remember some days after I was so spooked I went to visit my brother and his family I'm very close to them. Reason I'm fighting is for my little nephew and niece.
anyway my brother and his wife are both normies they got no idea whats going on around them. They were so mad called the Trump supporters terrorist and I remembering thinking to myself my own family basically calling me a terrorist. because of propaganda from the mockingbird media. (They dont know I was involved Jan 6.)
Can you blame me for hating the media and journalist with a passion. Bible say you have to forgive I cant forgive I can never forgive
The bible also says not to cast your pearls before swine....
Evil is worthy of hate....forgiveness and compassion is for those who are deceived and fall victim to evil's deceipt. Those are who we must show God's love and mercy to once they are awakened.....unfortunately we must accept the fact that many will never awaken....sad as this is.
Blessings fren....
first thing I noticed about the 'Inside the Capitol' footage is nearly every MAGA hat was BRAND NEW
And look closely at groups of instigators and you will notice most have either grey hoodies, grey beanies or grey trucker caps on. It was how they identified each other in groups. Aunty - Tee - fAa mostly would never wear a M. aGA hat but need to ID each other quickly.
The group I saw pretending to attack CP all had them on, it was obvious.
And all look exactly the same kind, and everyone of them wearing masks.
That was actually outlines by John Sullivan on his various social media accounts for weeks before 1/6.
They were selling Trump caps, hats, scarves, and flags on the streets.
So I suppose Trump supporters travelled all the way from around the country and then realised that they forgot the gear - so ended up buying them from the streets.
sleeper accounts always have the answer /s
Yep. I did.
I've changed the flair.
I agree. Mods - Sticky please. Or R/P w dig flare.
Wow. Over a month ago on TheDonald and no traction. Amazing.
u/catsfive u/meteorknife
Lots of calls for a sticky. What do you think? Sticky worthy? Perhaps below an AZ Audit post?
Isn't there 14,000 hours of "official" Capitol video kept secret? Seems like an awful lot. 1400 hours would be A LOT.
I've not seen the exact number. And yes, you're right. 1400 hours would be a lot.
It's possible that thousands of hours of footage is being used as evidence in court and can't be released. The most damning footage won't be released until it's over but the low hanging fruit that simply wasn't needed will be fair game and enough for the public to make a case on it's own. Thats likely what we will find here. If this is a Trump Trap they will get them to deny and spin little bits at a time. When they are caught they break the evidence. Trump does it time and time again. Drip becomes flood. Ammo is hard to come by. They are being punished. PANIC IN DC!
Hey Mods! Can we get a sticky please?? This deserves it...
12th video down (a 12:05 long video) at the 11:20 mark an antifa guy is trying to rile up the trump supporters to take the capital. Trump supporters just wouldn't bite, how frustrated was antifa?
Here is a video with what looks like 3 ANTIFA weirdos plotting something (@1:46). I posted several other 1/6 videos with time code on bitchute (not included in the propublica database):
This should be stickied! Not much violence or insurrection going on that I could see
pls sticky.
3:13. Isn't the guy holding the shield one of the guys the press was photographing earlier with the Q Shaman?
3:13 Inside the capital.
Can you hit the "share" link inside the video and paste it here?
I know this is long time ago but I was looking for the January 6th collection on a certain website and found this.
Read the comments so I can pick out the ones that show police were allowing people in cuz I have someone saying they don't believe that.
I do have the videos but sadly I didn't organize the videos, I just dumped them in one folder along with other videos (stupid me, I know).
Came across this comment and I thought I'd help GaryJackson out, despite it being 24 days late lol
What Parler Saw During the Attack on the Capitol
Did that work?
Talking about this one?
YES!!! Exactly this one!! Noice!
If it's any consolidation, here ya go lol
Why is ProPublica still running with the "muh insurrection" narrative?
Mask wearing is a dead give away they are not real Trump supporters, lol
I don't remember where I saw it, but a man was showing him inside the capital and was saying he was being pushed inside and had no choice about being there. I remember thinking that was on purpose. They rushed from behind and you moved or got run over.
Look for myself in the videos of course ?