John D. Rockefeller had a brother named Frank Rockefeller.
Frank Rockefeller owned a company in Ohio that manufactured parts for railroads. The company name was Buckeye Steel.
Buckeye Steel sold products to railroad tycoons, including E.H. Harriman.
Harriman, along with his brothers, created a Wall Street brokerage named after themselves, which would later merge with another firm, and the new firm was called Brown Brothers Harriman.
Samuel Bush went to work for Buckeye Steel, and later would become its president.
Samuel Bush became closely associated with both Frank Rockefeller and E.H. Harriman.
Samuel Bush would become head of a government department that was in charge of deciding which American companies could get contracts to sell weapons to foreign governments. He was accused of providing arms to Germans at a time when it was illegal to do so.
Samuel Bush also was appointed as one of the directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Samuel Bush had a son named Prescott Bush.
Prescott Bush and Samuel Bush owned stock in the Union Bank of New York. Union Bank was laudering money to the Nazi regime in the 1930's.
Prescott and Samuel Bush had their ownership of the stock confiscated by the US government under the Trading with the Enemies Act.
Prescott Bush was an instigator in the Business Plot of 1933, attempting to overthrow the US government by forcing FDR to resign under various threats.
Prescott Bush had a son named George H. W. Bush. GHW Bush would go to work for Brown Brothers Harriman. He also had sons George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, and Marvin Bush, whose company was in charge of security of the Twin Towers and Boston Logan Airport on 9/11/2001.
Crime families tend to stick together, and carry on for several generations.
Truthstream Media on youtube released a teaser on topics related to what you wrote about, I don't know much about it but I remembered the name and thought people might appreciate the link in the event that they wanted to do more research but do note that I don't believe the series has been released yet. I find their video about famous scientists and the occult quite interesting too.
I'm more closely related to George W. Bush than Gates is to Rockefeller, but it doesn't mean a thing. I'm also related to Obama, Bill Clinton, Queen Elizabeth, and many, many more. The only thing it means is that someone did the research to find the connections. I'm betting I could connect almost anyone on this site to almost any important person in the news.
Unless it's direct ancestry or a close relationship, such as 1st or 2nd cousins, it is meaningless.
If it were actually everything, then why aren't I in the "in" crowd? I'm more closely related to some of them than they are to each other.
I think "possession of money" counts for a whole lot. There are a lot of Rothschilds in the US who are just ordinary citizens. Ask them what they got out their "bloodline."
Fred Gates met his handler in Racine, Wisconsin after his first wife died only a year into marriage.
The real purpose of the China Medical Board was to eliminate the growth of Christianity in China using “science”.
Fred used philanthropy as a means of cover, acceptance and control, and Rockefeller praised him as the greatest businessman he had ever met for it.
Racine, Wisconsin is the real “root” and model for their agenda.
Brad Smith is now the leading advisor to Gates, Fauci, Zuckerberg, Buffett an the global elite on COVID, elections and the big tech agenda as President of Microsoft and ElectionGuard. Wisconsin was the test state, and Racine was the model district.
These links help to tell the story. Expose the “Root”, reveal the Agenda, deny the Mark.
Thank you and yes. There is much more. Research any angle and you will be astounded, and it will reveal more.
The Truth has been shared for years. There are others sharing and researching, some of whom have been threatened, doxed, attacked or killed. They cannot report on it, because they cannot disprove what has been shared for years.
Racine is not another corrupt city. It is the most powerful and globally infuential model community in America hiding under the radar since it was the Invention Capital of the World and model industrious city. The root must be exposed. Instead of pointing in all directions and chasing ghosts, the world must reveal their model and turn it against them.
Racine was the reason why Voat was shut down. It became the most targeted, attacked, threatened, censored, downvoted by stalkers and corrupt mod alts, banned and deleted of all topics on Pizzagate and Great Awakening.
They have tried unlimited tactics and methods to silence and eliminate The Truth about Racine, and many corrupt mods became exposed in the process. Voat was targeted, threatened and taken offline after comments were made on MercurysBall2 posts. There were other users who were threatened for dare mentioning or attempting to research Racine including u/gamepwn and those who witnessed and exposed these events including u/into_the_continuum. Racine most the most deleted and banned users, posts and comments in the two main subverses, and it became difficult to hide. They decided to shut it down on Christmas Day for a particular reason.
We need help. We need anyone and everyone to shine the light on Racine for their model and root to be exposed, so that it is clear what their true agenda is - Global and Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast forged by the great deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) as the foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030 and enforced by smart cities, resilient communities, quantum AI and community health, education and policing.
Racine is the model for all of these, and they cannot allow the world to know it.
They must control both what is above and what is beneath. A few of many reasons are -
1 - Water / Largest Freshwater Lakes
2 - Sustainability / Sustainable Racine / Agenda 21 foundation and model
3 - Historic immigration and global Secret Society hub controlled by select families including Astors, Rockefellers, Gates, Bauers, Johnsons, Knights and Rothschilds
4 - Central meeting and trafficking hub (Racine is to Chicago what Finger Lakes is to New York)
5 - Fully controlled model community (certain intel agency in connection with societies, corporations, religions, institutions and foundations)
6 - Kabbalah / Path of Souls / Mound Builders / Aztalan
It is Biblical. Who exposes the root and model for the real agenda with the Mark of the Beast? The Parousia begins in Racine.
When you say "they must control both what is above and what is beneath", do you mean purely in a physical sense or spiritual as well?
Secondary question; do you just use any old computer or are you using hardcore security protocols because the way you write about the topic, you have to be wary--do you utilise physical security methods alongside faith that God will protect you? I'm just curious about what your headspace is like as you seem to be intelligent and aware yet self admittedly poking the bear so to speak.
Yes, both physical and beyond. Steps are taken, but the reality is that nothing is safe or secure, except through your Will and efforts to protect your Soul. They will go to extreme measures for that also.
I haven't looked into whether or not a real virus existed, but there is numerous evidence it was a contrived problem. The whole situation mirrors today's problems. I feel like it was a test run.
Fauci wrote a paper about how most of the people in the spanish flu epidemic actually died of pneumonia. There are other papers that show how wearing masks increases the likelihood of dying from pneumonia in a pandemic. The 1918 Spanish flu was well documented as being an extreme mask wearing situation, not unlike our current "pandemic".
I thought they took advantage of a natural virus outbreak to make matters worse with masks and vaccines. It could be there was never any virus at all. That's not impossible. Just wearing masks and shooting people with vaccines can cause more than enough death to constitute a world wide crisis.
Once again I plug the work of Dr Eleanor Mcbean whose work has been removed from almost every library in the world. She lived through the Spanish flu and wrote about it, and said only the vaccinated died. Don't get jabbed!
Bacterial Meningitis the most common (and telling) complaint is stiff neck. Where are the reports of stiff neck??? They do not exist.
The of article really has something important to say. I do not agree this was a massive infection of the world of bacterial meningitis.
The Rest of the Story:
It has always been stated that Ft Riley was the epicenter. What he does not say in his article is that a enlisted private left his home in Kansas. His little town was infected. The town doctor tried to alert authorities. The United States Public Health Service was notified, but they did not come soon enough. This was BEFORE the young man got to Ft Riley.
I posted this a month ago. Spread the word folks! They've been using the same playbook for at least 100 years!
"The 1918 flu was first observed in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia before swiftly spreading around the world."
Then they finally tell the truth later in the article, while still trying to hide the fact that it originated in the US:
"Scientists still do not know for sure where the Spanish Flu originated, though theories point to France, China, Britain, or the United States, where the first known case was reported at Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas, on March 11, 1918."
The first known case was reported on a military base that was working on a meningitis vaccine...coincidence? Of course the vaccine didn't cause the Spanish flu, but it likely weakened the immune systems of all the soldiers that eventually caught the flu and eventually bacterial pneumonia.
Some are speculating that soldiers were also used as guennapigs for covid distribution. They say it first began at the Wuhan military games, for foreign militaries, and was used to spread from there.
good point. i remember at the time the chines government made a statement about the US military athletes did not seem like they came to win, but rather they had some ulterior motive for being there.
Many would have us believe that all those American soldiers who died from non-combatant causes died from Spanish flu. However, U.S. Army records show that seven men died after being vaccinated.
A report from U.S. Secretary of War Henry L Stimson, the deaths were not only verified but also there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis reported as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six months of the war. Plus, the yellow fever vaccination was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
1911 vaccinations became a requirement in the U.S. Army. Cases of typhoid and vaccinial diseases increased rapidly, according to Army records.
1917 The death rate from typhoid reached the highest point in the history of the U.S. Army after America entered the war.
In 1917, 19,608 men were admitted into army hospitals due to anti typhoid inoculation and vaccinia, according to a report of the Surgeon-General of the U.S. Army; and this doesn’t take into account others whose symptoms were attributed to other causes. The army doctors knew all these cases of disease and death were due to vaccination and were honest enough to admit it in their medical reports. Army doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of typhoid with a stronger vaccine, however it caused a worse form of typhoid, paratyphoid. They then concocted an even stronger vaccine to suppress the previous one and created an even worse disease–Spanish flu.
After the war, this was one of the vaccines used to protect a panic-stricken world from the soldiers returning from WWI battle fronts infected with dangerous diseases.
The rest is history.
1918 Great influenza epidemic attributed to widespread use of vaccines that killed up to 100 million people.
Nobody died from the Spanish flu in my family, as far as I know. My grandfather helped dress the dead at the funeral home, because they were overloaded and needed the help. He never got sick. His father died in 1918, but it was stomach cancer. I've never had the flu, so I guess my family is naturally immune.
Aw thanks. Obviously I didn’t know those ones but it was interesting to find out about my great grandfather’s upbringing. And it kind of shines a light on why that side of the family was a little nuts when it came to Covid. In addition, my grandfather had TB for a year when he was a child, so the fear of lung diseases was sort of passed down.
David Rockefeller received his SIXTH heart transplant in his 90's. Think of all the children and parents who were not able to receive a heart. If Rockefeller was a good guy, this probably wouldn't bother me but those fuckers started the whole women's lib crap in order to break up families and enslave us.
I have read that the "Spanish" flu came from China, just as the current bug. It started there in 1917, which is before our troops were in the war or the experiments mentioned above even started. If you notice, every time Trump talked about the Spanish flu, he said it started in 1917, not 1918.
John D. Rockefeller had a brother named Frank Rockefeller.
Frank Rockefeller owned a company in Ohio that manufactured parts for railroads. The company name was Buckeye Steel.
Buckeye Steel sold products to railroad tycoons, including E.H. Harriman.
Harriman, along with his brothers, created a Wall Street brokerage named after themselves, which would later merge with another firm, and the new firm was called Brown Brothers Harriman.
Samuel Bush went to work for Buckeye Steel, and later would become its president.
Samuel Bush became closely associated with both Frank Rockefeller and E.H. Harriman.
Samuel Bush would become head of a government department that was in charge of deciding which American companies could get contracts to sell weapons to foreign governments. He was accused of providing arms to Germans at a time when it was illegal to do so.
Samuel Bush also was appointed as one of the directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Samuel Bush had a son named Prescott Bush.
Prescott Bush and Samuel Bush owned stock in the Union Bank of New York. Union Bank was laudering money to the Nazi regime in the 1930's.
Prescott and Samuel Bush had their ownership of the stock confiscated by the US government under the Trading with the Enemies Act.
Prescott Bush was an instigator in the Business Plot of 1933, attempting to overthrow the US government by forcing FDR to resign under various threats.
Prescott Bush had a son named George H. W. Bush. GHW Bush would go to work for Brown Brothers Harriman. He also had sons George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, and Marvin Bush, whose company was in charge of security of the Twin Towers and Boston Logan Airport on 9/11/2001.
Crime families tend to stick together, and carry on for several generations.
Truthstream Media on youtube released a teaser on topics related to what you wrote about, I don't know much about it but I remembered the name and thought people might appreciate the link in the event that they wanted to do more research but do note that I don't believe the series has been released yet. I find their video about famous scientists and the occult quite interesting too.
The video pertaining to Harriman etc. TEASER: Dark Investments (from Upcoming Central Banking Series)
What They Don’t Teach You About the Most Famous Scientists
Faurk, A very deep and old world old money swamp.
The Gates family is a spin off from the Rockefeller, same Bloodline, just renamed
Just being distant cousins doesn't matter.
I'm more closely related to George W. Bush than Gates is to Rockefeller, but it doesn't mean a thing. I'm also related to Obama, Bill Clinton, Queen Elizabeth, and many, many more. The only thing it means is that someone did the research to find the connections. I'm betting I could connect almost anyone on this site to almost any important person in the news.
Unless it's direct ancestry or a close relationship, such as 1st or 2nd cousins, it is meaningless.
not entirely, to those people bloodlines are everything
If it were actually everything, then why aren't I in the "in" crowd? I'm more closely related to some of them than they are to each other.
I think "possession of money" counts for a whole lot. There are a lot of Rothschilds in the US who are just ordinary citizens. Ask them what they got out their "bloodline."
Fred Gates met his handler in Racine, Wisconsin after his first wife died only a year into marriage.
The real purpose of the China Medical Board was to eliminate the growth of Christianity in China using “science”.
Fred used philanthropy as a means of cover, acceptance and control, and Rockefeller praised him as the greatest businessman he had ever met for it.
Racine, Wisconsin is the real “root” and model for their agenda.
Brad Smith is now the leading advisor to Gates, Fauci, Zuckerberg, Buffett an the global elite on COVID, elections and the big tech agenda as President of Microsoft and ElectionGuard. Wisconsin was the test state, and Racine was the model district.
These links help to tell the story. Expose the “Root”, reveal the Agenda, deny the Mark.
Biden endorses referendum in highly unusual move:
Brad Smith talks about COVID and digital 9/11:
Why Brad Smith is the global ambassador for big tech:
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard use Wisconsin as pilot:
Racine tests how much COVID power they have:
Fauci became the expert by Cornell:
Racine and the Council for a Community of Democracies:
Brad Smith and Microsoft using pro sports to control market innovation:
Mason Lab, Weill Cornell and experimental COVID testing in Racine:
Foxconn and connections with the Agenda and Referendum:
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard are Trojan Horse for Military Industrial Complex Takeover of Elections:
History of Racine and China Relations:
Racine, Climate Mayors and Paris Agreement
Testimony from Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine
Election scandal “roots” in Racine
Did WI-5 mayors break the law?
Thank you and yes. There is much more. Research any angle and you will be astounded, and it will reveal more.
The Truth has been shared for years. There are others sharing and researching, some of whom have been threatened, doxed, attacked or killed. They cannot report on it, because they cannot disprove what has been shared for years.
Racine is not another corrupt city. It is the most powerful and globally infuential model community in America hiding under the radar since it was the Invention Capital of the World and model industrious city. The root must be exposed. Instead of pointing in all directions and chasing ghosts, the world must reveal their model and turn it against them.
Racine was the reason why Voat was shut down. It became the most targeted, attacked, threatened, censored, downvoted by stalkers and corrupt mod alts, banned and deleted of all topics on Pizzagate and Great Awakening.
They have tried unlimited tactics and methods to silence and eliminate The Truth about Racine, and many corrupt mods became exposed in the process. Voat was targeted, threatened and taken offline after comments were made on MercurysBall2 posts. There were other users who were threatened for dare mentioning or attempting to research Racine including u/gamepwn and those who witnessed and exposed these events including u/into_the_continuum. Racine most the most deleted and banned users, posts and comments in the two main subverses, and it became difficult to hide. They decided to shut it down on Christmas Day for a particular reason.
We need help. We need anyone and everyone to shine the light on Racine for their model and root to be exposed, so that it is clear what their true agenda is - Global and Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast forged by the great deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) as the foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030 and enforced by smart cities, resilient communities, quantum AI and community health, education and policing.
Racine is the model for all of these, and they cannot allow the world to know it.
What I have yet to figure out with Racine, is WHY Racine?
They must control both what is above and what is beneath. A few of many reasons are -
1 - Water / Largest Freshwater Lakes 2 - Sustainability / Sustainable Racine / Agenda 21 foundation and model 3 - Historic immigration and global Secret Society hub controlled by select families including Astors, Rockefellers, Gates, Bauers, Johnsons, Knights and Rothschilds 4 - Central meeting and trafficking hub (Racine is to Chicago what Finger Lakes is to New York) 5 - Fully controlled model community (certain intel agency in connection with societies, corporations, religions, institutions and foundations) 6 - Kabbalah / Path of Souls / Mound Builders / Aztalan
It is Biblical. Who exposes the root and model for the real agenda with the Mark of the Beast? The Parousia begins in Racine.
When you say "they must control both what is above and what is beneath", do you mean purely in a physical sense or spiritual as well?
Secondary question; do you just use any old computer or are you using hardcore security protocols because the way you write about the topic, you have to be wary--do you utilise physical security methods alongside faith that God will protect you? I'm just curious about what your headspace is like as you seem to be intelligent and aware yet self admittedly poking the bear so to speak.
Yes, both physical and beyond. Steps are taken, but the reality is that nothing is safe or secure, except through your Will and efforts to protect your Soul. They will go to extreme measures for that also.
I haven't looked into whether or not a real virus existed, but there is numerous evidence it was a contrived problem. The whole situation mirrors today's problems. I feel like it was a test run.
Fauci wrote a paper about how most of the people in the spanish flu epidemic actually died of pneumonia. There are other papers that show how wearing masks increases the likelihood of dying from pneumonia in a pandemic. The 1918 Spanish flu was well documented as being an extreme mask wearing situation, not unlike our current "pandemic".
I thought they took advantage of a natural virus outbreak to make matters worse with masks and vaccines. It could be there was never any virus at all. That's not impossible. Just wearing masks and shooting people with vaccines can cause more than enough death to constitute a world wide crisis.
Once again I plug the work of Dr Eleanor Mcbean whose work has been removed from almost every library in the world. She lived through the Spanish flu and wrote about it, and said only the vaccinated died. Don't get jabbed!
Good post I believe this
The full article says that the flu strain has never been found.
Here is a very good synopsis of the actions to find it:
Bacterial Meningitis the most common (and telling) complaint is stiff neck. Where are the reports of stiff neck??? They do not exist.
The of article really has something important to say. I do not agree this was a massive infection of the world of bacterial meningitis.
The Rest of the Story:
It has always been stated that Ft Riley was the epicenter. What he does not say in his article is that a enlisted private left his home in Kansas. His little town was infected. The town doctor tried to alert authorities. The United States Public Health Service was notified, but they did not come soon enough. This was BEFORE the young man got to Ft Riley.
Based on the fake CV numbers, I don't believe anything from my history books anymore about this or anything else...
Even if we were to read newspapers from the times, just as much a chance that was all fake news too.
War of the Worlds radio hoax
Wreck of the Titan (Titanic),_or_the_Wreck_of_the_Titan
They must be sorely disappointed in the death rates. But there is still hope, with the vax.
Go watch Sequel to the fall of the cabal #14 she does a good dive into this subject. Also how Cancer is not natural but man made.
I posted this a month ago. Spread the word folks! They've been using the same playbook for at least 100 years!
"The 1918 flu was first observed in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia before swiftly spreading around the world."
Then they finally tell the truth later in the article, while still trying to hide the fact that it originated in the US:
"Scientists still do not know for sure where the Spanish Flu originated, though theories point to France, China, Britain, or the United States, where the first known case was reported at Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas, on March 11, 1918."
The first known case was reported on a military base that was working on a meningitis vaccine...coincidence? Of course the vaccine didn't cause the Spanish flu, but it likely weakened the immune systems of all the soldiers that eventually caught the flu and eventually bacterial pneumonia.
I agree. May 2 2021:
Some are speculating that soldiers were also used as guennapigs for covid distribution. They say it first began at the Wuhan military games, for foreign militaries, and was used to spread from there.
good point. i remember at the time the chines government made a statement about the US military athletes did not seem like they came to win, but rather they had some ulterior motive for being there.
918 to 1920.
Many would have us believe that all those American soldiers who died from non-combatant causes died from Spanish flu. However, U.S. Army records show that seven men died after being vaccinated.
A report from U.S. Secretary of War Henry L Stimson, the deaths were not only verified but also there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis reported as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six months of the war. Plus, the yellow fever vaccination was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
1911 vaccinations became a requirement in the U.S. Army. Cases of typhoid and vaccinial diseases increased rapidly, according to Army records.
1917 The death rate from typhoid reached the highest point in the history of the U.S. Army after America entered the war.
In 1917, 19,608 men were admitted into army hospitals due to anti typhoid inoculation and vaccinia, according to a report of the Surgeon-General of the U.S. Army; and this doesn’t take into account others whose symptoms were attributed to other causes. The army doctors knew all these cases of disease and death were due to vaccination and were honest enough to admit it in their medical reports. Army doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of typhoid with a stronger vaccine, however it caused a worse form of typhoid, paratyphoid. They then concocted an even stronger vaccine to suppress the previous one and created an even worse disease–Spanish flu.
After the war, this was one of the vaccines used to protect a panic-stricken world from the soldiers returning from WWI battle fronts infected with dangerous diseases.
The rest is history.
1918 Great influenza epidemic attributed to widespread use of vaccines that killed up to 100 million people.
hence them masking them
I found out on Father’s Day that my great grandfather lost both of his parents to the “Spanish flu”.
Nobody died from the Spanish flu in my family, as far as I know. My grandfather helped dress the dead at the funeral home, because they were overloaded and needed the help. He never got sick. His father died in 1918, but it was stomach cancer. I've never had the flu, so I guess my family is naturally immune.
Aw thanks. Obviously I didn’t know those ones but it was interesting to find out about my great grandfather’s upbringing. And it kind of shines a light on why that side of the family was a little nuts when it came to Covid. In addition, my grandfather had TB for a year when he was a child, so the fear of lung diseases was sort of passed down.
I had a great great uncle who served in ww1 as a stretcher bearer die of influenza in 1919 in France no other ancestors died of it
i mean it certainly wouldn't surprise me.
Now start researching every vaccine created and you’ll never get a jab again.
we can't trust any of their vaccine data, because the data are fixed around the narrative.
kinda like the downing street memo
David Rockefeller received his SIXTH heart transplant in his 90's. Think of all the children and parents who were not able to receive a heart. If Rockefeller was a good guy, this probably wouldn't bother me but those fuckers started the whole women's lib crap in order to break up families and enslave us.
Yep, he's probably roasting on a spit.
PNAC: we need a new Pearl Harbor.
9/11 becomes the new Pearl Harbor
9/11 is a false flag,
therefore Pearl Harbor is a false flag.
Trump always says 1917 spanish flu
The first cases of what was later named the Spanish flu were in China. I read that many years ago. I think Trump knows all about this.
Wouldn’t be surprised
Holy shit.
I have read that the "Spanish" flu came from China, just as the current bug. It started there in 1917, which is before our troops were in the war or the experiments mentioned above even started. If you notice, every time Trump talked about the Spanish flu, he said it started in 1917, not 1918.
Never heard of this before. It seems plausible, but why did they stop? A lot of medical breakthroughs came about in the early 20th century.
No I think that was ARE LOS ROCKEFELLERS that did that.
Look into the aspirin overdose theory.
It explains the second wave and rise in deaths later.
Aspirin can cause pulmonary embolism and the perfect environment for bacterial pneumonia.
They also prescribed absurd amounts then.
and also there are rumors of tainted aspirin
Another GATES?! Wth.
Thought it was called the Spanish flu to divert the attention from the troops dying in trenches during the war to avoid weakness or something.