100 million Christian russians, and millions of Christians germans thought the same way, until bolsheviks genocided them... never underestimate the evil in some humans... god cant just give every Christian infinite health and protection 24/7...
Doesn't take away from the fact that we need to use our will and actions and not trust in divine intervention.
Simply trusting that you'll be bailed out is a recipe for disaster. One can have faith but still pray for wisdom, strength, and courage to endure life's hardships without hoping God foxes everything for you.
And thise that trust in the divine and get slaughtered? There's a reason many of us load up on precious metals, munitions, and dry foods. We have faith but also take it upon ourselves to have some contingency plan because other mortals have their own agendas and free will.
Hence the other commentor mentioning the millions of Christians killed during regimes throughout history. You focus on a few battles and disregard all of the slaughter and bloodshed kf god-loving and god-fearing men.
I don't pray for my problems to be solved. I pray for the qualities to help me get through them.
God COULD. He has the ability. However, since God desires a loving relationship with people, and a loving relationship is voluntary, people must have a choice. Therefore, God honors our free will and LETS Satan exist, so we have an alternative to God, should we so choose.
So 120 million Christians simply didnt have a good enough relationship, and were tortured, starved, and genocided because they didnt pray as hard as you????
Oh, just go with it... It feels good to trust someone who's so, uhh, silent and useless. That way a person can't take the blame for being a spineless pansy.
Trump is not God and there is most definitely is a separation that needs to be acknowledged to deter Idolatry.
I trust God is using Trump for good.
I also trust that the world is destined to become infinitely worse as shared in Revelation so either we get sweet reprieve from the evil for a period of time and Trump takes out the DS or the age of Revelations is upon us.
Never claimed he was. I'll never believe a man is God. I think its scary that this person's hard work gets separated with God's plan when I can't name anyone else in modern times that has pushed it further. It really feels like a psy-op is ocurring when people muddy up the waters like this.
I also trust that the world is destined to become infinitely worse as shared in Revelation
Maybe you're right. I notice lot of people get more comfortable ditching Trump as time goes by. No one was talking like this back in January. The group felt a lot more united in opinion back then. I do speculate there's a RINO plan afoot to undermine Trump right now. The more people debate this topic around here, the more it makes sense to me.
I dont want the world to get worse. I think this is bad enough! If Trump taking out the DS thwarts the scenario in Revelations, I think thats more preferable than the world getting worse. Imagine how many people would have to get hurt, or children to be sacrificed - all to fulfil Revelations. Sorry man, I just can't subscribe.
If you are approaching the conversation from the perspective that people have given up on Trump, then that is what you will find. I dont see it as giving up on Trump, I see it as recognizing who is really in control.
Your response reads very much like Idolatry which I was highly guilty of. Hell, I had an entire shelf in my room dedicated to Trump. I pulled it all down and boxed it up when God showed me that I was committing Idolatry. Trump cannot stop Revelations from occurring, it will happen. God is never wrong so if He says it will happen, it is going to happen, it doesn't matter what any human on this earth does to try and stop it.
Your response reads very much like Idolatry which I was highly guilty of.
But that's not what my response says at all. I said "I'll never believe a man is God."
Trump is a man, therefore I believe he isn't God. He clearly isn't.
Revelations has "been just around the corner" for the past 2000 years. I'm going to throw my weight behind the man who's taking action, not some crap a preacher throws at me. This is why people end up idolizing Trump in the first place, because he's the only one that's doing something instead of Christian RINOs letting the world get worse. I've literally met Christians that want the Q plan to fail, so Jesus can show up and fulfill Revelations.
Think about that for a moment. More children raped. More people murdered. An overall worse world, to fulfil cryptic words in a book that we've mistranslated, and misconstrued all throughout history.
Call me a heretic, but I'll go to war behind Trump, and when peace is obtained, everyone can sit there and think about Revelations in church instead of in a concentration camp.
I dont think having a shelf full of Trump is bad. As a matter of fact, take that energy you have for Trump and recognize that when we meet God and Jesus, its going to be THAT much more exciting than Trump beating the DS. I cant even phathom...
And this is why the propaganda of "DeSantis polls higher with Christians than Trump" works.
I'll pray for Trump and company, but God will get done what he gets done whether Trump is in or out.
You know this, and I know this. However, I find it very strange when people can't see through this divisive talking point.
Its funny how for 4 years Trump can defend America and the Christian faith, only to have them turn his back on him when he leaves office. Didn't he prove his worth with his actions? Didn't he defend your rights to gather and worship with his own safety? Didn't he successfully stop the lockdowns, and bring a lost generation back to Christ?
This type of divisive thinking is going to lead them to install a Christian RINO under the guise of the Lord's own words.
I'll keep my faith in God and Trump until God tells me otherwise.
I definitely haven't tried my back on President Trump. I think he is being led by God.
I think what you are seeing is people keeping things right in their mind to avoid Idolatry. Making sure that we are sending our worship and praise in the right direction. I do this specifically because the Lord showed me that I was committing Idolatry.
gold·en age
/ˈɡōldən āj/
an idyllic, often imaginary past time of peace, prosperity, and happiness.
"he hankered after a lost golden age"
the period when a specified art, skill, or activity is at its peak.
"the golden age of cinema"
Next Rally I’d LOVE to hear him not say a dang thing about vaccines, and list all the therapeutics?!! Also focus on the traitors by name; Fauxi, Gates etc. ANNND, come right out and say WHO was BEHIND Ashli’s shooter (real or not) ie Pelosi, Pence, both whomever!! The train has no brakes but it runs on BOOMs. ??
One of the few things he's ever been dead wrong about: the stock market has definitely not crashed due to Biden's treasonous coup, as I thought it would
I mean yay, but that prediction (which seemed to make perfectly reasonable sense) turned out to be wrong...it sticks out because Trump is so seldom wrong about things he publicly emphasizes, like virtually never
How many times do you need to see one of trumps predictions get mocked immediately after he says something, but then weeks and months later he is proven correct? He doesnt say something unless he knows it to he true...
The whole stonk short fiasco may actually destroy the stock market soon here...
I'm not rooting for the stock market to crash just to make Donald Trump 100% right instead of 99.9%.
And the statement was that merely by electing Biden, the mkt would immediately crash. (I thought so too.) So even if the stonk short fiasco or whatever tanks it, that wasn't the prediction.
100 million Christian russians, and millions of Christians germans thought the same way, until bolsheviks genocided them... never underestimate the evil in some humans... god cant just give every Christian infinite health and protection 24/7...
Doesn't take away from the fact that we need to use our will and actions and not trust in divine intervention.
Simply trusting that you'll be bailed out is a recipe for disaster. One can have faith but still pray for wisdom, strength, and courage to endure life's hardships without hoping God foxes everything for you.
And thise that trust in the divine and get slaughtered? There's a reason many of us load up on precious metals, munitions, and dry foods. We have faith but also take it upon ourselves to have some contingency plan because other mortals have their own agendas and free will.
Hence the other commentor mentioning the millions of Christians killed during regimes throughout history. You focus on a few battles and disregard all of the slaughter and bloodshed kf god-loving and god-fearing men.
I don't pray for my problems to be solved. I pray for the qualities to help me get through them.
God COULD. He has the ability. However, since God desires a loving relationship with people, and a loving relationship is voluntary, people must have a choice. Therefore, God honors our free will and LETS Satan exist, so we have an alternative to God, should we so choose.
So 120 million Christians simply didnt have a good enough relationship, and were tortured, starved, and genocided because they didnt pray as hard as you????
Genocide happens because some people choose evil.
Oh, just go with it... It feels good to trust someone who's so, uhh, silent and useless. That way a person can't take the blame for being a spineless pansy.
God I trust. Trump i pray to that same God to give success.
I don't see why people insist on separating Trump from God.
Trump is working for God.
That's like saying I trust Kobe, but I trust The Lakers more.
Let's not split up the good guys, okay? It's exactly what the Devil wants.
I trust what you're saying; BUT, I trust GOD more.
Trump is not God and there is most definitely is a separation that needs to be acknowledged to deter Idolatry.
I trust God is using Trump for good.
I also trust that the world is destined to become infinitely worse as shared in Revelation so either we get sweet reprieve from the evil for a period of time and Trump takes out the DS or the age of Revelations is upon us.
Never claimed he was. I'll never believe a man is God. I think its scary that this person's hard work gets separated with God's plan when I can't name anyone else in modern times that has pushed it further. It really feels like a psy-op is ocurring when people muddy up the waters like this.
Maybe you're right. I notice lot of people get more comfortable ditching Trump as time goes by. No one was talking like this back in January. The group felt a lot more united in opinion back then. I do speculate there's a RINO plan afoot to undermine Trump right now. The more people debate this topic around here, the more it makes sense to me.
I dont want the world to get worse. I think this is bad enough! If Trump taking out the DS thwarts the scenario in Revelations, I think thats more preferable than the world getting worse. Imagine how many people would have to get hurt, or children to be sacrificed - all to fulfil Revelations. Sorry man, I just can't subscribe.
If you are approaching the conversation from the perspective that people have given up on Trump, then that is what you will find. I dont see it as giving up on Trump, I see it as recognizing who is really in control.
Your response reads very much like Idolatry which I was highly guilty of. Hell, I had an entire shelf in my room dedicated to Trump. I pulled it all down and boxed it up when God showed me that I was committing Idolatry. Trump cannot stop Revelations from occurring, it will happen. God is never wrong so if He says it will happen, it is going to happen, it doesn't matter what any human on this earth does to try and stop it.
But that's not what my response says at all. I said "I'll never believe a man is God."
Trump is a man, therefore I believe he isn't God. He clearly isn't.
Revelations has "been just around the corner" for the past 2000 years. I'm going to throw my weight behind the man who's taking action, not some crap a preacher throws at me. This is why people end up idolizing Trump in the first place, because he's the only one that's doing something instead of Christian RINOs letting the world get worse. I've literally met Christians that want the Q plan to fail, so Jesus can show up and fulfill Revelations.
Think about that for a moment. More children raped. More people murdered. An overall worse world, to fulfil cryptic words in a book that we've mistranslated, and misconstrued all throughout history.
Call me a heretic, but I'll go to war behind Trump, and when peace is obtained, everyone can sit there and think about Revelations in church instead of in a concentration camp.
I dont think having a shelf full of Trump is bad. As a matter of fact, take that energy you have for Trump and recognize that when we meet God and Jesus, its going to be THAT much more exciting than Trump beating the DS. I cant even phathom...
Because they are separate.
You are no less important than Trump and God says he is "no respecter of persons".
I'll pray for Trump and company, but God will get done what he gets done whether Trump is in or out.
And this is why the propaganda of "DeSantis polls higher with Christians than Trump" works.
You know this, and I know this. However, I find it very strange when people can't see through this divisive talking point.
Its funny how for 4 years Trump can defend America and the Christian faith, only to have them turn his back on him when he leaves office. Didn't he prove his worth with his actions? Didn't he defend your rights to gather and worship with his own safety? Didn't he successfully stop the lockdowns, and bring a lost generation back to Christ?
This type of divisive thinking is going to lead them to install a Christian RINO under the guise of the Lord's own words.
I'll keep my faith in God and Trump until God tells me otherwise.
I definitely haven't tried my back on President Trump. I think he is being led by God.
I think what you are seeing is people keeping things right in their mind to avoid Idolatry. Making sure that we are sending our worship and praise in the right direction. I do this specifically because the Lord showed me that I was committing Idolatry.
This ☝??
August 2021 is 17 months from when Biden became the front runner and directly after when the "new normal" started in March 2020.
Nice catch
Golden Age = Great Awakening
Invest in gold.
Instructions unclear...bought GoldStop
I work right next to that trump tower in vegas.
gold·en age /ˈɡōldən āj/ noun an idyllic, often imaginary past time of peace, prosperity, and happiness. "he hankered after a lost golden age" the period when a specified art, skill, or activity is at its peak. "the golden age of cinema"
“The Virus” ?
Next Rally I’d LOVE to hear him not say a dang thing about vaccines, and list all the therapeutics?!! Also focus on the traitors by name; Fauxi, Gates etc. ANNND, come right out and say WHO was BEHIND Ashli’s shooter (real or not) ie Pelosi, Pence, both whomever!! The train has no brakes but it runs on BOOMs. ??
Well, of course. Changing-up the vaccine narrative to therapeutics would be nice tho.
Catch-22 f’real.
Apparently, my definition of "soon" is in conflict with Trump's.
But then again, I'm not a billionaire that's largely unaffected by the COVID BS.
Trump also said in a speech last year that this year would be great.
I'm not feeling that vibe at all.
Even if all the pedos aren’t executed until 11:59 on Dec 31, I will still call this year great.
It cant come soon enough. I look forward to just being able to get out of the communist state of California.
Gives me hope for NESARA and Gold Standard. MAGA!!!
One of the few things he's ever been dead wrong about: the stock market has definitely not crashed due to Biden's treasonous coup, as I thought it would
I mean yay, but that prediction (which seemed to make perfectly reasonable sense) turned out to be wrong...it sticks out because Trump is so seldom wrong about things he publicly emphasizes, like virtually never
Could still happen.
Absolutely could still happen...In a heartbeat...!
Easily, and is on its way
Yeah, it could ALWAYS happen.
But half a year later, it won't be "because" Biden got in office. That didn't happen. It's gone UP since then.
YET... How many times do you need to see one of trumps predictions get mocked immediately after he says something, but then weeks and months later he is proven correct? He doesnt say something unless he knows it to he true... The whole stonk short fiasco may actually destroy the stock market soon here...
I'm not rooting for the stock market to crash just to make Donald Trump 100% right instead of 99.9%.
And the statement was that merely by electing Biden, the mkt would immediately crash. (I thought so too.) So even if the stonk short fiasco or whatever tanks it, that wasn't the prediction.
There’s one reason and one reason only for that—Trump is still in power as the sitting president.
What are you talking about mate.... what statement.... how does it link to this old twat...?
Instead of being a Dick, why don't you google "golden age meaning"......
"Google it you idiot. I'm not going to do your research for you." — Communists