This is not the way. Subjecting workers of any profession to this kind of tyrannical surveillance is a violation of human rights and dignity. There are good patriotic teachers out there that do not deserve this treatment.
We need to rebuild our society on a foundation of trust and integrity, not big brother spying on everyone.
There are good patriotic police who strap a camera to their lapel every day too. It saves their ass more than it hurts them. You ever drive with a dashcam? Makes you a betfer driver, and when someone hits you, its all on camera.
We are talking about our nations most precious resource and our future. There are things your kids teacher can do that are worse than what the police could do to them, and Id rather have my kids in police custody than a teachers unless they are on camera. Sorry to the few who feel a level of distrust is not warranted for their misdeeds. The reality is that one bad egg will spoil the bunch
So how about the gas station attendant who is on camera all day? The cashier at the store, or the teller at the bank? Should tgey feel such righteous indignation that their privacy has been taken away or should they feel that because there is a camera their boss doesnt trust them? Draw whatever conclusions you want, statistically there is a pretty high probability that you work on camera all day anyway. Any video of a crime is considered evidence, fren. In this day and age, if you arent worried about sending your kid to a liberal indoctrination center, you must not have kids. And no matter what you believe a camera with a live feed parents can access would stop that shit right quick
As someone who has taught, there should be a camera on the students as well. This will vastly improve student performance as it will force kids to pay attention. They don’t care what the teacher thinks, so they slack off. But if mommy and daddy can see their kid fucking around, now they might deal with some real consequences.
I'm not worried about sending my kids to a "liberal indoctrination center" because I'm not a selfish superficial piece of shit.
If you are, then what happens to your kids is on you.
Normalizing and advancing the disgusting surveillance nanny state we are in so you can pretend you're eliminating the risk of sending your kid to government schools isn't acceptable.
And I'm not on camera where I work because I'm not a wage slave.
I'm tired of legislating to protect the lowest common denominator.
Triggered much? I gave plenty of examples and common sense arguments and you resort to calling me a selfish, superficial piece of shit. Ad hominems only show that when you cant tear down my ideas you will instead attempt to tear me down personally. Says more about you than you could ever insinuate about me. Facts sont care about your feelings. You are on camera whether you like it or not, and nobody is going to stop recording you because you are bashful. There is no resonable expectation of privacy in a classroom. So there is no reason for someone to be bashful in front of a camera. Look at the lost likes and see how many agree. Maybe that is why you are so triggered.. i like salt, even if it comes from our side.
Yea. I went through thru the same thing with my kids. Someone stole an expensive item out of their backpack. When we asked for the security cameras- were told they were not for our consumption. Think they would have said that if it was one child accosting another?
Did that question just make you wonder to yourself “depends on the color”? Well, that’s how 24/7 recorded life will be. It will groupthink activated only for certain favored groups and desires public social positions, and NEVER for the everyday person.
So we should take cameras out of banks and stores too so people can have their privacy and not be "subjected to tyrannical surveillance" and feel like they have been violated. It is FAR more likely that you work in a place that has a camera on you at all times than not. Children are more important than money. Its also far more likely that a teacher might try to indoctrinate your child than rob a bank, but we dont point the cameras away when a teacher walks into a bank. You can expect to be on camera at least 50% of the time after you walk out your front door if you live in a metro area, and maybe more when you are in your house.
How are you proposing this will work? Are you suggesting that every classroom also have a full-time camera operator? Should the teacher be forced to only stand in one place? What happens when the teacher needs to be near a student?
if they are teachers in public schools providing a public service paid for by government taxation, absolutely, if you have a right to film police officers doing their job then you should have the same right to film public school teachers indoctrinating your children.
As a patriot teacher in a public school, I can tell you this will send many good teachers into early retirement. Especially in this day and age of every single thing can be a micro-aggression and everything a white teacher says and does is racist. How would you like teaching history or social studies in that type of context?
The real answer is what Trump and other conservatives have been calling for for years: school choice. Then you could put your kids where you like with whom you like.
No... this type of thing should be setup where your child's daily schedule is in the computer and you login to the server then you can only view the classroom your child is in based on their schedule. Zero doubt in my mind this could be setup to restrict viewing for privacy. Sure it can be hacked but I don't know many people who would commit a felony just to look at the back of a bunch of kids head and a teacher standing in front of a class... that's one freaking smoking hot teacher. Its not like there would be a camera in the locker room or restrooms.
In fact cameras like this would be very useful during things like fires and active shooters.
You have no self, and are allowed no privacy when other peoples kids are involved. If you cant accept that, move on to another profession where you are literally just as likely to be on camera all day. Nobody else is bitching about their privacy qhen they are on camera all day working at walmart, or the post office, most restaurants, banks. The list of professions qhere you are unlikely to be on camera is smaller than the list where you may maintain "privacy" in your public place of work. There is nothing peivate about a public school, and ill bet ya, ill fucking bet ya that most private schools have cameras on the teachers.
This is a fucking horrible idea, and I'll tell you why.
Y'all might have the best intentions with this kind of surveillance, but one day it will most certainly end up in the wrong hands, and that is power you don't want your enemies to have.
People argue that these cameras will not be networked, and that the data will stay localized to the school, but look no further to our voting machines to see how that worked out. Our voting machines were not supposed to be networked either, and yet somehow China ended up with our voting data. Ever wonder how that happened? Someone somewhere along the voting chain installed or enabled networking capabilities on those machines. Can you be certain the same will not happen with the data from these cameras?
Furthermore, you need to consider the consequences of what might happen if such data were to end up in the hands of a nefarious activist. Look what happened to Nicholas Sandman with a short one minute clip of him taken out of context by CNN. That poor kid had his life turned upside down. You are advocating for millions of other students to be put at risk of this same level of doxing and harassment. Bad actors exist, and they will seek to use this data in nefarious means. Can you guarantee that this data will remain safe and secure, and not end up in the hands of CNN or MSNBC?
I really don't think y'all have thought this through. You are jumping on board with technology you do not fully comprehend or understand. The risks this technology opens your student to are not worth the reward you are seeking.
100%, only way something like this COULD work is with blockchain, open source, and transparent intentions. Ensure all data encrypted from start to finish. Then each parent/family attending the school is given a "key" allowing them access to the video recordings/live feed.
But like you said. Even with all the standards, rules, etc... in the world for voting it still didn't work....
Definitely - NOT. And I guess after reading those your opinion above it is sarcasm.
The only thing to discuss here would be maybe access to parents. Anything more is not acceptable. Anything more would be clearly unlawful surveillance. (Unfortunately bad side of democracy is some not wise ideas could be allowed by majority)
Personally I would be rather supporting sound being available to parent's auditing on demand - in encrypted version and key given to parents at the beginning of school year... And I would rather be strongly against streaming it.
Just keep it offline,and allow only to be copied by parent on pendrive or cd/dvd in encrypted version. Decryption and hearing in home then and only then. Only physical acces - archive server not connected to internet. Decrypted version shall be removed after hearing,encrypted version shall not be kept on the same device like the key. Fines for hearing it in work or copying into internet (or even possibility to be sued by teacher for releasing personal biometric data in form of human voice - voice of teacher or voices of children) and the same for unresponsively keeping it on hard drive in decrypted version or possible to decrypt by the hacker (key+encrypted on 1 device online) - but possible to be proof in court if you want to sue school.
Recording things happening in class after lessons forbidden. Releasing record not from lesson unless crime (like for example rape) is committed shall be a crime, as it would be/or : is - criminal intrusion into privacy of the teacher.
If parents should get such data - that would be maximum. But you see how complicated it would become. Despite those complications being ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to only lower disadvantages and probability of leaking it God only know where and using it by God only knows who for God only know what purpose... And well - even releasing it to parents in a form of voice could be risky. Technology is developing,we know about deep fake right ?
However u/Quanut - you are mainly right,right and right. Endorsing more surveillance is not a way.Easy and safer solution is simple:
Wanna see teacher and how lesson is done in real time ? Go to class. Ask your children.Simply
I think those idea of recording it in video or sound is not worth it.Not worth it.
Wanna see teacher and how lesson is done in real time ? Go to class.
Being involved takes effort and hard work. It isn't meant to be easy. We got where we are today with the Deep State and Cabal by taking the easy way out of every problem. That time is over. Its time to step up to the plate and get involved.
Not so fast. Behavior changes when the boss is around.
How about the video feeds never leave the building and are archived so that they can be made available to parents on-site only.
Things I described in above post,post above mention almost EXACTLY that.
Not only intrusion to privacy but quite complicated and would mean costs.
Let's say it not leaves the building. Ok. So you have to have server offline or it would be hacked. You have to record it on hard drives with some quality. Drives shall be probably encrypted too to avoid result of stealing it anyway (yes,some things can be stolen from schools). You have to monitor parent that not makes copy to take it outside (many risks). Sending data still must be done on cable,and you rather shouldn't use camera with wifi as wifi can be hacked quite easily (56bit is easy to break on modern laptop). Not to mention that school director ("boss" in current system) would get more power about teachers (how you can stop those person from using those recordings) what isn't already too good, as it is more centralization of power to those one person - such centralization isn't good.
Also there is problem I not mentioned about keeping it on school server. Such record can be deleted or edited sometimes. What makes recording useless.
I agree and they don't have to be. The only people that need access to the camera feed are parents that have children in that classroom. That is easily accomplished by requiring a password to log on to the feed.
Making ends meet doesn't mean 2 cars, smart phones, a room for everyone in the family, internet in the house, a vacation every couple years.
People act like they are working 2 jobs and living in a shack like Charlie's family in Willy Wonka.
You're selfish, spoiled, superficial and delusional if you are sending your kids to government school. You don't care what happens to them. Of course people like that would be stupid enough to think cameras will fix anything 🙄
School choice so that you can put your kids in a school that shares your principles, a strong and free media that will push back against commie narratives, and parents educating their own kids in patriotic ideals and counter-narratives to leftism because the kids are bound to hear them somewhere or other (e.g., social media). I think Trump himself would agree about these.
This would teach the kids that mass surveillance is a grassroot demand of the citizens instead of a scheme of the Big Brother tyrants. Let's not choose security over freedom. Schools look enough like prisons.
Now, if the parents could be involved in deciding the school's program, or at least be free to pick the school with the program that suits them the best, that may reduce the marxist indoctrination.
I strongly disagree. The idea that surveillance is needed to enforce behavior means we still have a problem and its not going to be fixed by putting them under a microscope.
If we can't trust them to do their jobs properly without someone hovering over their shoulder then they don't need to be there at all, no one has the time to sit and watch a bunch of teachers talk all day either.
Getting involved in the school board is admirable and respectable, watching kids and teachers in school on camera is creepy Marxism that Xi would probably endorse. Its also lazy as fuck.
I had to support my loser ex husband while hustling to make a living in Los Angeles and provide health insurance for a family of three while he sat at home doing bong loads.
Again, what does that have to do with mandating a Marxist surveillance state on American workers? What, because you are swamped with work, Marxism is suddenly okay? Because it conveniences you, Marxism should be used against other American workers to make your life easier?
That's a shitty situation, but you still found time to be involved. What about everyone else? The stay at home moms, the 9-5ers? Most school boards meet on a monthly basis and have open forum meetings. Where are the parents?
So are you gonna sit and watch day in and day out? No? It is time to end the teacher’s unions (they are thuggish marxists anyway) and we disband the federal Department of Education. Outside of a uniform basic curriculum the States need to be accountable how they run & their education systems. Private & public. After 8th grade kids that screw up, can be expelled. Incorrigible teens will no longer hold children & families who value education back.
Then you'll have crazy patents raising a stink about perceived slights. Every statement scrutenized by neurotic nutjobs. No thanks.
I in favor of how it used to be handled. An old deacon at my church used to be on the school board. They would check their character before allowing prospective teachers them anywhere near children. No living together, church goers, only good reputations allowed.
Just home school.
Theres so much more than just their education. There's more freedom to do and live.
And it forges something so much more important. Where we fail...what the cabal pimped...the much deeper bond you develop. Until you e done it you have no idea what you are missing. It's so important. More important than anything going into. commune style brick n mortar .
Leave the horse n buggy behind.
Don't twist my words, Skippy. As taxpayers and parents, Americans can and should mandate what is taught in the local schools. The government, nor the teachers' union, nor anyone else "owns" the schools except as a facilities maintenance and security system... but The People own what goes on in those schools as to curricula and their children's education.
Vaccines are an entirely different matter, and if you don't understand that... hmmm, well I could EXPLAIN it to you, but I can't UNDERSTAND it for you.
Mandating what is taught is accomplished by running for school board and atte ding meetings.
Too many people don't give a shit about that, and then when teachers are given the curriculum to teach parents get up in arms.
Leftists are fucking ACES at getting involved and steering society's ships.
Parents who send kids to private school do their due diligence and on top of that, PAY. Public schools are at the whim of the board, which is up to the local parents to choose and pressure.
As taxpayers and parents, Americans can and should mandate what is taught in the local schools.
True, nobody is saying otherwise.
The People own what goes on in those schools as to curricula and their children's education.
Also true, nobody would disagree with that.
Vaccines are an entirely different matter
Not so much. Authoritarianism is authoritarianism. It is an appeal by right to authority over another group of humans. Mandating a vaccine, or mandating a surveillance apparatus, they are one in the same in that they are both subjecting a group to an unwarranted and unreasonable authority. Teachers answer to their principles. Principles answer to their District Directors. District Directors answer to the School Board.
You want to become involved? Learn your place in the chain of command, and the power you already have as a community member. School Boards have an insane amount of power. You would know that if you were deeply involved in one.
You may choose the curriculum, you may be involved in schools, you may sit in on the classes, and the school meetings, but you do not have the right to spy on other American workers, no matter if they are taxpayer funded or not. You would be violating basic human rights, and eroding trust in the institution and profession.
By your reasoning we should not be mandating...oh, let's say traffic laws. If you want to drive the wrong way on an interstate and high speed, according to your "logic" that should be quite alright, because by God no one's going to tell Skippy what he can do.... "You're not the boss of me!"
Mandating a curriculum is not authoritarianism, it's common sense. Otherwise you're going to bad things.... you know, like Critical Racism Theory, and Drag Queen reading hours with children. Again, if you don't see the difference, then I will be unable to explain it to you in any simpler, one-syllable words.
By your reasoning we should not be mandating...oh, let's say traffic laws. If you want to drive the wrong way on an interstate and high speed, according to your "logic" that should be quite alright, because by God no one's going to tell Skippy what he can do.... "You're not the boss of me!"
Police Officers are responsible for traffic safety and law enforcement, just as Principals are responsible for teacher conduct and lessons. Last time I saw a citizen impersonating an officer of the law and pulling a fellow citizen over, they were arrested. Your analogy is nonsensical.
Mandating a curriculum is not authoritarianism, it's common sense. Otherwise you're going to bad things.... you know, like Critical Racism Theory, and Drag Queen reading hours with children. Again, if you don't see the difference, then I will be unable to explain it to you in any simpler, one-syllable words.
You are correct. Curriculum can be standardized. It already is standardized. Those standards can be changed. What we are discussing is as a SURVEILLANCE APPARATUS to enforce that standard, which IS AUTHORITARIAN. Set the standard, attend the school board meetings, check in with the principals, get involved, but let the schools operate with dignity and trust.
You are acting under the assumption that every teacher, principal, and admin are criminals, and warrant subjecting to an authoritarian surveillance state. That is textbook extremism, and will lead us down a road we do not want to go down.
You’re one of those who cheered on the Patriot Act, aren’t you? Never able to see how abuse could occur, bc you still honestly believe everyone is still just “so good” inside.
Bad actors control what gets seen. Example: one kid is bullied for months by another kid. The bullied kid suddenly stands up, but only his response is broadcast to the masses. The masses then come for the kid and his parents, and “demand” something be done to this kid (who finally stood up for himself).
If you don’t have the furtive imagination to think of what the deep state might manipulate to satisfy their own agenda, look no further than the Patriot act.
But “it’s live-streamed”. Okay..... who is watching 24/7? With how nefarious we know people to be, who’s not to say that that can’t be manipulated? Basic bank robbers have done that to security cameras for years.
Put nothing past these people. If it sounds like a perfect answer to something that otherwise takes a lot of work- then it’s just that...... too good to be true. Literally.
You are acting under the assumption that every teacher, principal, and admin are criminals, and warrant subjecting to an authoritarian surveillance state.
Nope, I'm acting under very clear evidence that teachers, principals, and administrations (and school boards) ARE evil people who are, as we speak, indoctrinating kids. Surely I don't have to repeat to YOU all the stories that have come out in the last year about shoddy teachers pushing a Marxist agenda. Nor, I'm sure, do I need to repeat the many stories about CRT being taught, about white students being singled out and shamed for their "whiteness"... and so forth.
I'm saying without apology that our schools need to be purged, everyone above the level of janitor being summarily fired, and then replaced by people who will follow the curricula and standards of the community. I realize that is too much to hope for, but there you have it.
Are there a few good teachers? Yeah... maybe, but we rarely hear about them. My daily news feed is a constant diet of dreary news of a mind-numbing, politically correct, LGBT-friendly or even LGBT-ENCOURAGEMENT themes, that make schools sound more like a North Korean prison than an agency of learning.
Nope, I'm acting under very clear evidence that teachers, principals, and administrations (and school boards) ARE evil people who are, as we speak, indoctrinating kids.
Are some teachers Marxists? Yes, in a society that is becoming infected with socialism it is inevitable that some teachers are going to be Marxists. Do we need to confront these teachers about their bringing politics into the classroom? Definitely. Do we have means of doing that without subjecting Patriot teachers to unwarranted violations of their basic civil liberties and human rights? Yes, we do.
Surely I don't have to repeat to YOU all the stories that have come out in the last year about shoddy teachers pushing a Marxist agenda.
There have been some videos and stories about some teachers pushing their Marxist agendas. These teachers are being enabled by state legislation. If you want to fix the Marxist agenda, start with the legislature. Be logical, not irrational.
Nor, I'm sure, do I need to repeat the many stories about CRT being taught, about white students being singled out and shamed for their "whiteness"... and so forth.
I'm saying without apology that our schools need to be purged
You are afraid that white students are being shunned and selectively discriminated against, yet you plan to indiscriminately purge all teachers based on an unfounded assumption that all teachers are Marxists. What makes your breed of socialism better than theirs?
Are there a few good teachers? Yeah... maybe, but we rarely hear about them.
Do you want to know why you never hear about them? It is because the vast majority of GOOD teachers are busy doing their jobs, working hard for their students and parents, and trying to stay afloat with the impossible expectations placed on teachers today. The teachers you do hear about are the ones that gain news traction because their stories are sensational. Many of these teachers are teaching in liberal strong hold cities. Social media gives you a reflection of precisely what you want to see, and only that. If you go looking for Marxist teachers, the algorithms will throw you a hundred of them while ignoring the millions of upstanding patriot teachers that are out there. If you haven't learned by now, QUIT EXPECTING SOCIAL MEDIA TO MIRROR REALITY! It doesn't! It is meant to distort reality and present you with a world that doesn't exist. Just as Trump undoubtedly won 2020, so to are there undoubtedly more Patriot teachers out there than Marxist ones. Take care you don't fire upon friendlies in your crusade against Marxism. This is how fanaticism and extremism are born.
Move out to the countryside and you will see a completely different picture. Open your eyes. You cannot solve these issues with indiscriminate mandates of surveillance apparatuses. You will end up alienating all of the good teachers (or purging them as you suggested) and will be left with absolutely no teachers, because nobody would be willing to work under such draconian and authoritarian standards. Teaching is already a thankless and underpaid job. Good luck finding anyone to fill those jobs if you go down this road.
I don't think anyone in this thread would last a week as a teacher with the present standards and expectations of the profession, let alone a single day under the proposed 1984 surveillance state with parents and community members breathing down your neck at every perceived slight they caught on film.
Well - read my post above. Those long. I wrote how to apply it "correctly". The thing however is even those "correct" way of applying it would cause too many dangers.
Simply you and u/undine53 are not too technical persons,don't you ?
Even if you ignore argument about liberty and privacy simply maintaining it at the level of security even big enough to protect it against teenage johny the chacker or ivan the chacker (chacker is IT slang for hacker not being too good in hacking ,"mistake" is purposeful) is quite big.
Technology has it disadvantages simply too,and you ignore it - examples:
Probably every day in USA likewise in Europe some paedophile log to chinese cheap camera some parent left to monitor his/her infant, and after copying it maybe edit to make it child porn - or fap to those baby.
Probably every day some grandma gets extorted or robbed by some criminals calling to her. And no,they don't need to play Nigerian Prince,sometimes they play for example as Amazon serviceman "wanting to help".
Election fraud happened - also on Dominion machines connected to internet.
To say sincerely - not all programmers and electronics engineers would be happy to read that,but sometimes too complicated technology is worse than crude and simple one. For example - don't be offended,but if I would have a choice to buy AR15 or AK47 I would chose AK47.
I really tried to follow that semi-literate post, but kept getting tripped up on grammatical issues. It's really hard to know exactly what you're saying here, so I'll just pass.
You could use fucking technology,including surveilance technology but securing it even to basic standards (not meaning you would get things really 100% secure - this is not possible) is EXTREME COST and PAIN OF ASS.
And those ar15 vs ak47 comment leads to:
Why to chose complicated and potentially in some cases prone to problems (like ar15 or camera surveillance in school) when you can chose those so easy that even monkey couldn't probably fuck it up (like ak47 or just going to school to see the lesson).
No. No more surveillance. Let people deal with problems organically. Humans were not meant to be surveilled 24/7. Find another way. It may be harder to do, like putting pressure on people to behave and confronting bad actors, but it is 100% better than having 24/7 of our lives recorded to be submitted to the judgment of groupthink. Especially considering how easy it is to manipulate groupthink. DONT even think about this. If it can be used to help you now, it will used against you when the next bad actor comes into power.
I worked at a Private HS and we were not allowed to put in classrooms nor record audio, due to privacy and every parent would have to sign off some legal written paper (1800 students) , so the admin nightmare would have been Bill Gates like.
Probably because it takes a person with no brain to think this is a good idea.
Why worry about Xi Jinping spreading his Marxism in America when you can get Patriots on board with the social credit system via an authoritarian surveillance apparatus? First it was Police Officers, now Teachers, next it will be Blue Collar workers, and then everyone will be mandated to wear a state issued camera.
Who said anything about a social credit system? It appears you are the brainless one who “reads between the lines” and makes assumptions. With everything that we see around the world today, it is necessary that we have cameras in the classrooms. I’m not talking about camera surveillance in anyone’s private residences. Are you so dense you don’t understand that distinction? And please don’t give me the “slippery slope” argument. Things are not so black and white that they can be explained in that manner. And as for the police, why the hell should they NOT have body cams? It’s necessary to protect them from falsely being accused, or are you too dense to see that as well? Did I say they should install cameras in everyone’s residences? These are public places and situations which are being severely misused and being taken advantage of by bad parties. But nevermind, you continue with your worldview. Everyone who you don’t like is Xi now. You are no better than the scum who calls everyone they don’t like Nazis.
Didn’t expect anything else from someone who assumes everything is so black and white. How do you rebuild trust after the same system you are advocating brought us to this point? How do you implement any semblance of accountability? Again, every solution has pros and cons. But the same system that is responsible for bringing us here cannot bring us out of this shittty situation. So yes, some surveillance is necessary to bring about accountability. You keep thinking the world and it’s problems and solutions are so black and white that you can speak in such absolute terms, but that doesn’t change reality which is rife with gray. Not everyone and everything you disagree with is Marxist. You can keep strawmanning and conflating what I’m saying with “1984 type authoritarianism”, but that only exposes your naïveté and disillusioned worldview.
How do you rebuild trust after the same system you are advocating brought us to this point?
I can tell you exactly how NOT to rebuild trust. Subject American workers to a draconian surveillance system that will scrutinize their every action, and subject them to unreasonable risk of doxing and harassment by third parties who obtain copies of the surveillance data.
But the same system that is responsible for bringing us here cannot bring us out of this shittty situation.
And we cannot run from one form of Marxism right into another of our own making.
So yes, some surveillance is necessary to bring about accountability.
No. Surveillance is ONE method of FORCIBLY obtaining accountability through the violation of basic human rights and privacy. It is not the ONLY method. If you want to know what teachers are teaching, audit their lesson plans and curriculum, request assignment samples from each lesson, require a paper trail, join the school board, sit in on school meetings, etc. It requires more effort, and it takes longer, but it maintains the dignity, privacy, and human rights of the worker, and the safety of the students and staff. It also builds RELATIONSHIPS and TRUST.
You keep thinking the world and it’s problems and solutions are so black and white that you can speak in such absolute terms, but that doesn’t change reality which is rife with gray.
That is the difference between people like you and I. People like you are willing to compromise freedom and liberty because the end justifies the means for you. People like me believe that one should never compromise on their tenets or sacrifice freedom and liberty to obtain a desired result. If we sacrifice our freedom and liberty in the fight against Marxism, what the fuck have we accomplished? In another generation we will be right back where we started with a new Deep State and Cabal using the very tools we created to fight them against us. Make no mistake, this technology WILL be used against Americans. If you set a precedent with Teachers, what is stopping every CEO in America from requiring all employees to wear cameras, or have them mounted to their work stations? The rabbit hole will never end. You are opening a can of worms the likes of which you know not the depths, or the consequences.
Choose the better option. Choose liberty, freedom, dignity, and TRUST. It takes a leap of faith to restore trust in humanity. Its not meant to be easy.
You can keep strawmanning and conflating what I’m saying with “1984 type authoritarianism”, but that only exposes your naïveté and disillusioned worldview.
I'm not strawmanning or conflating anything. Spying on American workers is textbook communism.
Yea, I can see you are desperately going to cling to your absolute worldviews and will engage in all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify that. I have already said my piece. You can have the last word, it’s clearly very important to you. I don’t have more time to waste on trying to explain this much further.
There is a camera in the 7/11. If you steal a candy bar, you can be arrested. There are cameras at the gas pumps. If you steal gas, you will be arrested. There are cameras at the Walmart self check-out. If you steal something there you can be arrested. We absolutely need cameras in the classrooms where for 13 years anyone can steal your child's mind, culture or religion.
Teachers and the cabal would think this is a terrible idea. They can't continue to change the culture and destroy the country in full view of the parents.
They have been working on the children through the education systems for a long long time, and the results are the cluster fuck of chaos we see all round us everyday. It won't get any better until be we them out of the minds of the next generations.
Just keep the camera on the teacher.
Guilty until proven innocent?
This is not the way. Subjecting workers of any profession to this kind of tyrannical surveillance is a violation of human rights and dignity. There are good patriotic teachers out there that do not deserve this treatment.
We need to rebuild our society on a foundation of trust and integrity, not big brother spying on everyone.
There are good patriotic police who strap a camera to their lapel every day too. It saves their ass more than it hurts them. You ever drive with a dashcam? Makes you a betfer driver, and when someone hits you, its all on camera. We are talking about our nations most precious resource and our future. There are things your kids teacher can do that are worse than what the police could do to them, and Id rather have my kids in police custody than a teachers unless they are on camera. Sorry to the few who feel a level of distrust is not warranted for their misdeeds. The reality is that one bad egg will spoil the bunch
Police are doing things that are life or death and those videos are evidence
School is not even remotely similar.
If you're going to send your kid somewhere every day where you're worried about what's going to happen to them the solution isn't to film it.
So how about the gas station attendant who is on camera all day? The cashier at the store, or the teller at the bank? Should tgey feel such righteous indignation that their privacy has been taken away or should they feel that because there is a camera their boss doesnt trust them? Draw whatever conclusions you want, statistically there is a pretty high probability that you work on camera all day anyway. Any video of a crime is considered evidence, fren. In this day and age, if you arent worried about sending your kid to a liberal indoctrination center, you must not have kids. And no matter what you believe a camera with a live feed parents can access would stop that shit right quick
As someone who has taught, there should be a camera on the students as well. This will vastly improve student performance as it will force kids to pay attention. They don’t care what the teacher thinks, so they slack off. But if mommy and daddy can see their kid fucking around, now they might deal with some real consequences.
I'm not worried about sending my kids to a "liberal indoctrination center" because I'm not a selfish superficial piece of shit.
If you are, then what happens to your kids is on you.
Normalizing and advancing the disgusting surveillance nanny state we are in so you can pretend you're eliminating the risk of sending your kid to government schools isn't acceptable.
And I'm not on camera where I work because I'm not a wage slave.
I'm tired of legislating to protect the lowest common denominator.
If you don't care about your kids nether do I.
Triggered much? I gave plenty of examples and common sense arguments and you resort to calling me a selfish, superficial piece of shit. Ad hominems only show that when you cant tear down my ideas you will instead attempt to tear me down personally. Says more about you than you could ever insinuate about me. Facts sont care about your feelings. You are on camera whether you like it or not, and nobody is going to stop recording you because you are bashful. There is no resonable expectation of privacy in a classroom. So there is no reason for someone to be bashful in front of a camera. Look at the lost likes and see how many agree. Maybe that is why you are so triggered.. i like salt, even if it comes from our side.
Yeah? like what else are going to do with that liberal arts degree that affords them summers off?
I drive a school bus and there are 5 cameras on each bus. They have every angle covered
Yea. I went through thru the same thing with my kids. Someone stole an expensive item out of their backpack. When we asked for the security cameras- were told they were not for our consumption. Think they would have said that if it was one child accosting another?
Did that question just make you wonder to yourself “depends on the color”? Well, that’s how 24/7 recorded life will be. It will groupthink activated only for certain favored groups and desires public social positions, and NEVER for the everyday person.
If you think they are doing that for the safety of the students I have a bridge to sell you.
It's a liability issue for the school district.
No it's also for the driver. I don't want to be accused of anything. It happens.
Unfortunately it takes actual video to get a bad teacher fired. They don't just leave on there own when someone announces no more bad teachers.
So we should take cameras out of banks and stores too so people can have their privacy and not be "subjected to tyrannical surveillance" and feel like they have been violated. It is FAR more likely that you work in a place that has a camera on you at all times than not. Children are more important than money. Its also far more likely that a teacher might try to indoctrinate your child than rob a bank, but we dont point the cameras away when a teacher walks into a bank. You can expect to be on camera at least 50% of the time after you walk out your front door if you live in a metro area, and maybe more when you are in your house.
Who’s in charge of reviewing and releasing the videos? Same thing as who counts the votes? Be careful of the nightmare you wish for
Every class has a live camera accessible to parents of children in that class with a password. Its pretty simple.
If children are so important don't send them to places alone you think they'll get hurt.
Body cams on police are a good thing. So is cameras public school teachers.
How are you proposing this will work? Are you suggesting that every classroom also have a full-time camera operator? Should the teacher be forced to only stand in one place? What happens when the teacher needs to be near a student?
if they are teachers in public schools providing a public service paid for by government taxation, absolutely, if you have a right to film police officers doing their job then you should have the same right to film public school teachers indoctrinating your children.
As a patriot teacher in a public school, I can tell you this will send many good teachers into early retirement. Especially in this day and age of every single thing can be a micro-aggression and everything a white teacher says and does is racist. How would you like teaching history or social studies in that type of context?
The real answer is what Trump and other conservatives have been calling for for years: school choice. Then you could put your kids where you like with whom you like.
No... this type of thing should be setup where your child's daily schedule is in the computer and you login to the server then you can only view the classroom your child is in based on their schedule. Zero doubt in my mind this could be setup to restrict viewing for privacy. Sure it can be hacked but I don't know many people who would commit a felony just to look at the back of a bunch of kids head and a teacher standing in front of a class... that's one freaking smoking hot teacher. Its not like there would be a camera in the locker room or restrooms.
In fact cameras like this would be very useful during things like fires and active shooters.
You have no self, and are allowed no privacy when other peoples kids are involved. If you cant accept that, move on to another profession where you are literally just as likely to be on camera all day. Nobody else is bitching about their privacy qhen they are on camera all day working at walmart, or the post office, most restaurants, banks. The list of professions qhere you are unlikely to be on camera is smaller than the list where you may maintain "privacy" in your public place of work. There is nothing peivate about a public school, and ill bet ya, ill fucking bet ya that most private schools have cameras on the teachers.
This is a fucking horrible idea, and I'll tell you why.
Y'all might have the best intentions with this kind of surveillance, but one day it will most certainly end up in the wrong hands, and that is power you don't want your enemies to have.
People argue that these cameras will not be networked, and that the data will stay localized to the school, but look no further to our voting machines to see how that worked out. Our voting machines were not supposed to be networked either, and yet somehow China ended up with our voting data. Ever wonder how that happened? Someone somewhere along the voting chain installed or enabled networking capabilities on those machines. Can you be certain the same will not happen with the data from these cameras?
Furthermore, you need to consider the consequences of what might happen if such data were to end up in the hands of a nefarious activist. Look what happened to Nicholas Sandman with a short one minute clip of him taken out of context by CNN. That poor kid had his life turned upside down. You are advocating for millions of other students to be put at risk of this same level of doxing and harassment. Bad actors exist, and they will seek to use this data in nefarious means. Can you guarantee that this data will remain safe and secure, and not end up in the hands of CNN or MSNBC?
I really don't think y'all have thought this through. You are jumping on board with technology you do not fully comprehend or understand. The risks this technology opens your student to are not worth the reward you are seeking.
For real. School shooters, pedos, psychos, etc. No way anyone is monitoring my kids
And as we now know, in delicate positions of power. Yeah, better to minimize risk not make it a catalogue for the cabal.
100%, only way something like this COULD work is with blockchain, open source, and transparent intentions. Ensure all data encrypted from start to finish. Then each parent/family attending the school is given a "key" allowing them access to the video recordings/live feed.
But like you said. Even with all the standards, rules, etc... in the world for voting it still didn't work....
Cameras watching my kids in school would be the playboy channel for pedophiles.
No thanks.
Seriously, they lust after kids, even when clothed.
It's the teacher we want to keep an eye on.
Quit giving your children to be taught by Cesar and being surprised when they come home as Romans.
Education isn't the role of government. Full Stop.
I agree only with a caveat that they be organized at the local community level.
You don't have to ask them what they are teaching your children when you can see and hear it.
Classrooms shouldn't be netflix television series.
Definitely - NOT. And I guess after reading those your opinion above it is sarcasm.
The only thing to discuss here would be maybe access to parents. Anything more is not acceptable. Anything more would be clearly unlawful surveillance. (Unfortunately bad side of democracy is some not wise ideas could be allowed by majority)
Personally I would be rather supporting sound being available to parent's auditing on demand - in encrypted version and key given to parents at the beginning of school year... And I would rather be strongly against streaming it.
Just keep it offline,and allow only to be copied by parent on pendrive or cd/dvd in encrypted version. Decryption and hearing in home then and only then. Only physical acces - archive server not connected to internet. Decrypted version shall be removed after hearing,encrypted version shall not be kept on the same device like the key. Fines for hearing it in work or copying into internet (or even possibility to be sued by teacher for releasing personal biometric data in form of human voice - voice of teacher or voices of children) and the same for unresponsively keeping it on hard drive in decrypted version or possible to decrypt by the hacker (key+encrypted on 1 device online) - but possible to be proof in court if you want to sue school.
Recording things happening in class after lessons forbidden. Releasing record not from lesson unless crime (like for example rape) is committed shall be a crime, as it would be/or : is - criminal intrusion into privacy of the teacher.
If parents should get such data - that would be maximum. But you see how complicated it would become. Despite those complications being ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to only lower disadvantages and probability of leaking it God only know where and using it by God only knows who for God only know what purpose... And well - even releasing it to parents in a form of voice could be risky. Technology is developing,we know about deep fake right ?
However u/Quanut - you are mainly right,right and right. Endorsing more surveillance is not a way.Easy and safer solution is simple:
Wanna see teacher and how lesson is done in real time ? Go to class. Ask your children.Simply
I think those idea of recording it in video or sound is not worth it.Not worth it.
Being involved takes effort and hard work. It isn't meant to be easy. We got where we are today with the Deep State and Cabal by taking the easy way out of every problem. That time is over. Its time to step up to the plate and get involved.
Not so fast. Behavior changes when the boss is around. How about the video feeds never leave the building and are archived so that they can be made available to parents on-site only.
Things I described in above post,post above mention almost EXACTLY that.
Not only intrusion to privacy but quite complicated and would mean costs.
Let's say it not leaves the building. Ok. So you have to have server offline or it would be hacked. You have to record it on hard drives with some quality. Drives shall be probably encrypted too to avoid result of stealing it anyway (yes,some things can be stolen from schools). You have to monitor parent that not makes copy to take it outside (many risks). Sending data still must be done on cable,and you rather shouldn't use camera with wifi as wifi can be hacked quite easily (56bit is easy to break on modern laptop). Not to mention that school director ("boss" in current system) would get more power about teachers (how you can stop those person from using those recordings) what isn't already too good, as it is more centralization of power to those one person - such centralization isn't good.
Also there is problem I not mentioned about keeping it on school server. Such record can be deleted or edited sometimes. What makes recording useless.
I agree and they don't have to be. The only people that need access to the camera feed are parents that have children in that classroom. That is easily accomplished by requiring a password to log on to the feed.
Because there are no shitty parents that would sell their passwords for 5 bucks' worth of meth where you live.
So you have a solution? Or are you just for letting the pedos, and commies keep on fucking up the kids?
And many many others need two incomes just to make ends meet. You need to get out of your bubble and walk in their shoes.
No they don't.
No they fucking don't.
Making ends meet doesn't mean 2 cars, smart phones, a room for everyone in the family, internet in the house, a vacation every couple years.
People act like they are working 2 jobs and living in a shack like Charlie's family in Willy Wonka.
You're selfish, spoiled, superficial and delusional if you are sending your kids to government school. You don't care what happens to them. Of course people like that would be stupid enough to think cameras will fix anything 🙄
School choice so that you can put your kids in a school that shares your principles, a strong and free media that will push back against commie narratives, and parents educating their own kids in patriotic ideals and counter-narratives to leftism because the kids are bound to hear them somewhere or other (e.g., social media). I think Trump himself would agree about these.
This would teach the kids that mass surveillance is a grassroot demand of the citizens instead of a scheme of the Big Brother tyrants. Let's not choose security over freedom. Schools look enough like prisons.
Now, if the parents could be involved in deciding the school's program, or at least be free to pick the school with the program that suits them the best, that may reduce the marxist indoctrination.
Hey it would be the usual excuse.
These are public areas and everyone in it knows they have no privacy.
I am seriously going to home school there is no way I trust these mfs!
I strongly disagree. The idea that surveillance is needed to enforce behavior means we still have a problem and its not going to be fixed by putting them under a microscope.
If we can't trust them to do their jobs properly without someone hovering over their shoulder then they don't need to be there at all, no one has the time to sit and watch a bunch of teachers talk all day either.
No. This is evil. Conditioning children to constant surveillance is the single dumbest thing you can do.
Quit giving your children to be taught by Cesar and being surprised when they come home as Romans.
Education isn't the role of government. Full Stop.
If my doggy day care has it...
Shall we put a collar and leash on your student as well? I mean, if we are comparing them to dogs after all...
I no longer have kids in the school system. When I did I was on the school board and involved. Just saying if my dogs school can have cameras...
Getting involved in the school board is admirable and respectable, watching kids and teachers in school on camera is creepy Marxism that Xi would probably endorse. Its also lazy as fuck.
I had to support my loser ex husband while hustling to make a living in Los Angeles and provide health insurance for a family of three while he sat at home doing bong loads.
What does that have to do with mandating a Marxist surveillance state on American workers?
Some peoples situations do not leave much choice so before you go taking inventory please remember that
Again, what does that have to do with mandating a Marxist surveillance state on American workers? What, because you are swamped with work, Marxism is suddenly okay? Because it conveniences you, Marxism should be used against other American workers to make your life easier?
There is always a choice.
It's such a shame your ex husband had a gun to your head all that time making you do work with no choice.
That's a shitty situation, but you still found time to be involved. What about everyone else? The stay at home moms, the 9-5ers? Most school boards meet on a monthly basis and have open forum meetings. Where are the parents?
So are you gonna sit and watch day in and day out? No? It is time to end the teacher’s unions (they are thuggish marxists anyway) and we disband the federal Department of Education. Outside of a uniform basic curriculum the States need to be accountable how they run & their education systems. Private & public. After 8th grade kids that screw up, can be expelled. Incorrigible teens will no longer hold children & families who value education back.
And 'social studies' shouldn't include 'social programming'. Readin' writin' and 'rithmatic.
Then you'll have crazy patents raising a stink about perceived slights. Every statement scrutenized by neurotic nutjobs. No thanks.
I in favor of how it used to be handled. An old deacon at my church used to be on the school board. They would check their character before allowing prospective teachers them anywhere near children. No living together, church goers, only good reputations allowed.
Just home school. Theres so much more than just their education. There's more freedom to do and live.
And it forges something so much more important. Where we fail...what the cabal pimped...the much deeper bond you develop. Until you e done it you have no idea what you are missing. It's so important. More important than anything going into. commune style brick n mortar . Leave the horse n buggy behind. 🇺🇸
Camera only on the teacher, otherwise pedophiles will be fapping to the kids.
Not just an idea, this should be MANDATED!
Like vaccines?
I thought we were against authoritarianism? Or is that just when it best suits our ideology and goals?
Don't twist my words, Skippy. As taxpayers and parents, Americans can and should mandate what is taught in the local schools. The government, nor the teachers' union, nor anyone else "owns" the schools except as a facilities maintenance and security system... but The People own what goes on in those schools as to curricula and their children's education.
Vaccines are an entirely different matter, and if you don't understand that... hmmm, well I could EXPLAIN it to you, but I can't UNDERSTAND it for you.
Mandating what is taught is accomplished by running for school board and atte ding meetings.
Too many people don't give a shit about that, and then when teachers are given the curriculum to teach parents get up in arms.
Leftists are fucking ACES at getting involved and steering society's ships.
Parents who send kids to private school do their due diligence and on top of that, PAY. Public schools are at the whim of the board, which is up to the local parents to choose and pressure.
True, nobody is saying otherwise.
Also true, nobody would disagree with that.
Not so much. Authoritarianism is authoritarianism. It is an appeal by right to authority over another group of humans. Mandating a vaccine, or mandating a surveillance apparatus, they are one in the same in that they are both subjecting a group to an unwarranted and unreasonable authority. Teachers answer to their principles. Principles answer to their District Directors. District Directors answer to the School Board.
You want to become involved? Learn your place in the chain of command, and the power you already have as a community member. School Boards have an insane amount of power. You would know that if you were deeply involved in one.
You may choose the curriculum, you may be involved in schools, you may sit in on the classes, and the school meetings, but you do not have the right to spy on other American workers, no matter if they are taxpayer funded or not. You would be violating basic human rights, and eroding trust in the institution and profession.
By your reasoning we should not be mandating...oh, let's say traffic laws. If you want to drive the wrong way on an interstate and high speed, according to your "logic" that should be quite alright, because by God no one's going to tell Skippy what he can do.... "You're not the boss of me!"
Mandating a curriculum is not authoritarianism, it's common sense. Otherwise you're going to bad things.... you know, like Critical Racism Theory, and Drag Queen reading hours with children. Again, if you don't see the difference, then I will be unable to explain it to you in any simpler, one-syllable words.
Police Officers are responsible for traffic safety and law enforcement, just as Principals are responsible for teacher conduct and lessons. Last time I saw a citizen impersonating an officer of the law and pulling a fellow citizen over, they were arrested. Your analogy is nonsensical.
You are correct. Curriculum can be standardized. It already is standardized. Those standards can be changed. What we are discussing is as a SURVEILLANCE APPARATUS to enforce that standard, which IS AUTHORITARIAN. Set the standard, attend the school board meetings, check in with the principals, get involved, but let the schools operate with dignity and trust.
You are acting under the assumption that every teacher, principal, and admin are criminals, and warrant subjecting to an authoritarian surveillance state. That is textbook extremism, and will lead us down a road we do not want to go down.
You’re one of those who cheered on the Patriot Act, aren’t you? Never able to see how abuse could occur, bc you still honestly believe everyone is still just “so good” inside.
Bad actors control what gets seen. Example: one kid is bullied for months by another kid. The bullied kid suddenly stands up, but only his response is broadcast to the masses. The masses then come for the kid and his parents, and “demand” something be done to this kid (who finally stood up for himself).
If you don’t have the furtive imagination to think of what the deep state might manipulate to satisfy their own agenda, look no further than the Patriot act.
But “it’s live-streamed”. Okay..... who is watching 24/7? With how nefarious we know people to be, who’s not to say that that can’t be manipulated? Basic bank robbers have done that to security cameras for years.
Put nothing past these people. If it sounds like a perfect answer to something that otherwise takes a lot of work- then it’s just that...... too good to be true. Literally.
How much lazier do we have to get.
You are acting under the assumption that every teacher, principal, and admin are criminals, and warrant subjecting to an authoritarian surveillance state.
Nope, I'm acting under very clear evidence that teachers, principals, and administrations (and school boards) ARE evil people who are, as we speak, indoctrinating kids. Surely I don't have to repeat to YOU all the stories that have come out in the last year about shoddy teachers pushing a Marxist agenda. Nor, I'm sure, do I need to repeat the many stories about CRT being taught, about white students being singled out and shamed for their "whiteness"... and so forth.
I'm saying without apology that our schools need to be purged, everyone above the level of janitor being summarily fired, and then replaced by people who will follow the curricula and standards of the community. I realize that is too much to hope for, but there you have it.
Are there a few good teachers? Yeah... maybe, but we rarely hear about them. My daily news feed is a constant diet of dreary news of a mind-numbing, politically correct, LGBT-friendly or even LGBT-ENCOURAGEMENT themes, that make schools sound more like a North Korean prison than an agency of learning.
Are some teachers Marxists? Yes, in a society that is becoming infected with socialism it is inevitable that some teachers are going to be Marxists. Do we need to confront these teachers about their bringing politics into the classroom? Definitely. Do we have means of doing that without subjecting Patriot teachers to unwarranted violations of their basic civil liberties and human rights? Yes, we do.
There have been some videos and stories about some teachers pushing their Marxist agendas. These teachers are being enabled by state legislation. If you want to fix the Marxist agenda, start with the legislature. Be logical, not irrational.
You are afraid that white students are being shunned and selectively discriminated against, yet you plan to indiscriminately purge all teachers based on an unfounded assumption that all teachers are Marxists. What makes your breed of socialism better than theirs?
Do you want to know why you never hear about them? It is because the vast majority of GOOD teachers are busy doing their jobs, working hard for their students and parents, and trying to stay afloat with the impossible expectations placed on teachers today. The teachers you do hear about are the ones that gain news traction because their stories are sensational. Many of these teachers are teaching in liberal strong hold cities. Social media gives you a reflection of precisely what you want to see, and only that. If you go looking for Marxist teachers, the algorithms will throw you a hundred of them while ignoring the millions of upstanding patriot teachers that are out there. If you haven't learned by now, QUIT EXPECTING SOCIAL MEDIA TO MIRROR REALITY! It doesn't! It is meant to distort reality and present you with a world that doesn't exist. Just as Trump undoubtedly won 2020, so to are there undoubtedly more Patriot teachers out there than Marxist ones. Take care you don't fire upon friendlies in your crusade against Marxism. This is how fanaticism and extremism are born.
Move out to the countryside and you will see a completely different picture. Open your eyes. You cannot solve these issues with indiscriminate mandates of surveillance apparatuses. You will end up alienating all of the good teachers (or purging them as you suggested) and will be left with absolutely no teachers, because nobody would be willing to work under such draconian and authoritarian standards. Teaching is already a thankless and underpaid job. Good luck finding anyone to fill those jobs if you go down this road.
I don't think anyone in this thread would last a week as a teacher with the present standards and expectations of the profession, let alone a single day under the proposed 1984 surveillance state with parents and community members breathing down your neck at every perceived slight they caught on film.
Well - read my post above. Those long. I wrote how to apply it "correctly". The thing however is even those "correct" way of applying it would cause too many dangers.
Simply you and u/undine53 are not too technical persons,don't you ?
Even if you ignore argument about liberty and privacy simply maintaining it at the level of security even big enough to protect it against teenage johny the chacker or ivan the chacker (chacker is IT slang for hacker not being too good in hacking ,"mistake" is purposeful) is quite big.
Technology has it disadvantages simply too,and you ignore it - examples:
Probably every day in USA likewise in Europe some paedophile log to chinese cheap camera some parent left to monitor his/her infant, and after copying it maybe edit to make it child porn - or fap to those baby.
Probably every day some grandma gets extorted or robbed by some criminals calling to her. And no,they don't need to play Nigerian Prince,sometimes they play for example as Amazon serviceman "wanting to help".
Election fraud happened - also on Dominion machines connected to internet.
To say sincerely - not all programmers and electronics engineers would be happy to read that,but sometimes too complicated technology is worse than crude and simple one. For example - don't be offended,but if I would have a choice to buy AR15 or AK47 I would chose AK47.
I really tried to follow that semi-literate post, but kept getting tripped up on grammatical issues. It's really hard to know exactly what you're saying here, so I'll just pass.
....and what the hell does the AR15 vs AK47 comment even mean? Again, I don't understand what you're saying.
Ok. Summary:
You could use fucking technology,including surveilance technology but securing it even to basic standards (not meaning you would get things really 100% secure - this is not possible) is EXTREME COST and PAIN OF ASS.
And those ar15 vs ak47 comment leads to:
Why to chose complicated and potentially in some cases prone to problems (like ar15 or camera surveillance in school) when you can chose those so easy that even monkey couldn't probably fuck it up (like ak47 or just going to school to see the lesson).
Yeah, that's not gonna happen any time soon, unfortunately
That is really what happened during covid, which, I think, is why we are seeing such a pushback against their agenda now.
Great idea!
No. No more surveillance. Let people deal with problems organically. Humans were not meant to be surveilled 24/7. Find another way. It may be harder to do, like putting pressure on people to behave and confronting bad actors, but it is 100% better than having 24/7 of our lives recorded to be submitted to the judgment of groupthink. Especially considering how easy it is to manipulate groupthink. DONT even think about this. If it can be used to help you now, it will used against you when the next bad actor comes into power.
Absolutely!!! we've had to re-education many times with the kiddos in school... we have some great teachers, but many are complete liberal psychos...
Great idea
If they have time to monitor the teachers, couldn’t they simply instruct their own children??
I worked at a Private HS and we were not allowed to put in classrooms nor record audio, due to privacy and every parent would have to sign off some legal written paper (1800 students) , so the admin nightmare would have been Bill Gates like.
Can't imagine how this could be used against us.
Until some pedo Democrats wanks to it.
This seems like such a no brainer now that I hear this.
Probably because it takes a person with no brain to think this is a good idea.
Why worry about Xi Jinping spreading his Marxism in America when you can get Patriots on board with the social credit system via an authoritarian surveillance apparatus? First it was Police Officers, now Teachers, next it will be Blue Collar workers, and then everyone will be mandated to wear a state issued camera.
Who said anything about a social credit system? It appears you are the brainless one who “reads between the lines” and makes assumptions. With everything that we see around the world today, it is necessary that we have cameras in the classrooms. I’m not talking about camera surveillance in anyone’s private residences. Are you so dense you don’t understand that distinction? And please don’t give me the “slippery slope” argument. Things are not so black and white that they can be explained in that manner. And as for the police, why the hell should they NOT have body cams? It’s necessary to protect them from falsely being accused, or are you too dense to see that as well? Did I say they should install cameras in everyone’s residences? These are public places and situations which are being severely misused and being taken advantage of by bad parties. But nevermind, you continue with your worldview. Everyone who you don’t like is Xi now. You are no better than the scum who calls everyone they don’t like Nazis.
Anyone advocating for a 1984 surveillance state is a communist. It is that simple.
We need to rebuild trust in our communities, not replace trust with Marxism.
Didn’t expect anything else from someone who assumes everything is so black and white. How do you rebuild trust after the same system you are advocating brought us to this point? How do you implement any semblance of accountability? Again, every solution has pros and cons. But the same system that is responsible for bringing us here cannot bring us out of this shittty situation. So yes, some surveillance is necessary to bring about accountability. You keep thinking the world and it’s problems and solutions are so black and white that you can speak in such absolute terms, but that doesn’t change reality which is rife with gray. Not everyone and everything you disagree with is Marxist. You can keep strawmanning and conflating what I’m saying with “1984 type authoritarianism”, but that only exposes your naïveté and disillusioned worldview.
I can tell you exactly how NOT to rebuild trust. Subject American workers to a draconian surveillance system that will scrutinize their every action, and subject them to unreasonable risk of doxing and harassment by third parties who obtain copies of the surveillance data.
And we cannot run from one form of Marxism right into another of our own making.
No. Surveillance is ONE method of FORCIBLY obtaining accountability through the violation of basic human rights and privacy. It is not the ONLY method. If you want to know what teachers are teaching, audit their lesson plans and curriculum, request assignment samples from each lesson, require a paper trail, join the school board, sit in on school meetings, etc. It requires more effort, and it takes longer, but it maintains the dignity, privacy, and human rights of the worker, and the safety of the students and staff. It also builds RELATIONSHIPS and TRUST.
That is the difference between people like you and I. People like you are willing to compromise freedom and liberty because the end justifies the means for you. People like me believe that one should never compromise on their tenets or sacrifice freedom and liberty to obtain a desired result. If we sacrifice our freedom and liberty in the fight against Marxism, what the fuck have we accomplished? In another generation we will be right back where we started with a new Deep State and Cabal using the very tools we created to fight them against us. Make no mistake, this technology WILL be used against Americans. If you set a precedent with Teachers, what is stopping every CEO in America from requiring all employees to wear cameras, or have them mounted to their work stations? The rabbit hole will never end. You are opening a can of worms the likes of which you know not the depths, or the consequences.
Choose the better option. Choose liberty, freedom, dignity, and TRUST. It takes a leap of faith to restore trust in humanity. Its not meant to be easy.
I'm not strawmanning or conflating anything. Spying on American workers is textbook communism.
Yea, I can see you are desperately going to cling to your absolute worldviews and will engage in all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify that. I have already said my piece. You can have the last word, it’s clearly very important to you. I don’t have more time to waste on trying to explain this much further.
Translation: "I cannot argue with your reason and logic."
There is a camera in the 7/11. If you steal a candy bar, you can be arrested. There are cameras at the gas pumps. If you steal gas, you will be arrested. There are cameras at the Walmart self check-out. If you steal something there you can be arrested. We absolutely need cameras in the classrooms where for 13 years anyone can steal your child's mind, culture or religion.
Best use of a camera ever
Everyone agrees but the teachers unions.
Where do you live? Most people are just trying to make ends meet and keep the beater running. And oh why do you work? Hypocrite.
HELL YES. Too much eyeballing is better than none. Right now next to no accountability and it is wiping out parental rights.
Teachers and the cabal would think this is a terrible idea. They can't continue to change the culture and destroy the country in full view of the parents.
They have been working on the children through the education systems for a long long time, and the results are the cluster fuck of chaos we see all round us everyday. It won't get any better until be we them out of the minds of the next generations.