Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Highly respected Army intelligence captain, Seth Keshel, has just released his Report on National Fraud Numbers with respect to the 2020 Presidential Election. I don’t personally know Captain Keshel, but these numbers are overwhelming, election-changing, and according to Keshel, could be even bigger in that they do not account for cyber-flipping of votes. They show I won the election—by A LOT! Now watch the Democrats coalesce, defame, threaten, investigate, jail people, and do whatever they have to do to keep the truth from surfacing, and let the Biden Administration continue to get away with destroying our Country. The irregularities and outright fraud of this election are an open wound to the United States of America. Something must be done—immediately!
Until I see an EBS telling me that the current government is being removed or a high profile arrest like a dem Governor for example I am not gonna get excited.
Jerry Nadler enters the room and shits his pants.
Nadler enters his pants, so he shits the room.
Hahahahaha...fucking FAT JERRY!!!!
What a serious fucking disgrace to humanity! I can still remember him waddling off after he filled up his diaper.
The Penguin.
Best response of the day!
Second that yes PLEASE we know he's up to his eyeballs in corruption s$%t!
We know. Thank you for shouting it out, but some elected leaders need to take the reins unless you want us to do it. Our AZ leaders are doing all they can for us. Masriano in PA is a warrior. These are all local leaders and are risking everything for us. They are integral to the Great Awakening, and without their efforts to overturn the fraud we'd be in far worse shape. But we need someone with a national voice to lead. Otherwise we just have to play the audit hands we're dealt, which means more draconian measures to come at least until the fall, probably until the spring for some audit accountability to be meted. What will this nation look like in the spring on this accelerating horrible time-line ? I know we're winning, but I just wish more people knew it.
Stinks of fake statement, where's the sauce no one can find it , OP where you at.
Hmm...Does DJT use hyphens?
Immediately, as in right the f now.
All 80 million of us are waiting for is a call to arms Mr. President!
I wasn't counting the old women! Kek
Whatchu got against old women, fren?
(Or middle-aged women anyway.)
A call to arms?
What part of that was confusing?
Arms implies guns and shooting people. So does the comment I’m replying to suggest that we civilians will be called upon by Trump to shoot people? If so, who? I just think on its face it seems far fetched and contrary to this board and I’m looking for clarification.
Well, we are (generally) heavily armed. The board is called Patriots WIN. We'd likely answer a call from Donald J. Trump.
So to me not far fetched at all. It's the duty of a patriot.
Edit: wrong WIN! But I stand by my point.
Good points pede. P.W was still the first board on this site and technically the successor to the old subreddit. It's still the face of the movement here and we should be proud of it too.
Even if it is infested with shills.
Whom? [them]
The elite. Most thugs who have been "elected" (Dominion'ed) into office and their support staff.
The people who fund / donate / contribute to them. Significant ones; not average, $20-100.
Lots more....use your imagination.
Starting to set the stage for the military being the only way.....
Still waiting for something to be done...
Trump said the fraud is " open wound to the United States of America." and that something must be done "...immediately! " I am thinking that, with the use of those words, he is not asking for something to be done but may be signaling that a planned "move" is imminent. Be watching.
Army intelligence captain, this sounds like 1 last warning to the cabal. But they are so far up their own ass and so power hungry. It will be ignored.
Naw, I don't think that was GWP...there's another source out there that people post from time to time that says things like HRC has had her tribunal and nobama have been arrested. Can't remember the source but it's all garbage.
Do you know where the sauce is? I can’t find it. Just wondering.🧐🧐
Thanks! Didn’t see it when I checked.
Please use discernment here... there is (was) no sauce. This so-called "statement" cannot (could not) be verified. MANY of us here on GA.W have looked, it is (was) nowhere to be found. ---> I share your enthusiasm, but we MUST be prudent in not taking anything at face value. Thank you, WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
Ohhhhh..... I'm sorry; Wow, that's super lame if people are releasing fake Trump statements...
I didn't realize the whole statement was fake / in question.
I ASSumed it was on POTUS Trump's site..... my fault....
Thanks for the clarification.
Well holy crap..... I just received an email from Trump's official account (Official Trump Alerts with the exact statement from above about Seth Keshel.
I can try to post screenshots as proof later....
I don't see this statement
It's there now (thank goodness) 👍 it wasn't there for many of this when OP posted it. All is well, thanks for doible-checking stuff along the way. 😀
Immediately.... I like the sound of that. I’m staring the car, heading to DC
I like how he never demands reinstatement or removal of the entire "govt"
Its always a statement of apparent truths (yes we know, most ppl still asleep though) but never fist banging the podium demanding anything? What could he be waiting for lol
It's happening...that's like the final piece being called from the rooftops...the military is the only way forward and that ball is rolling now! Wow! YUGE!
It is military time. Time to move in and make mass arrests.
Ok but what is that something that needs to happen President Trump? Do we need to protest every weekend? Do we wait for the plan? What do we do?
Watch the movie.
Q said: military is the only way. savior of mankind. You are watching a scripted movie.
Whatever you look for in doing, go back to Q post and analyze.
The best step forward: Take back your school district. Take back your county. Take back your city council. Take back your state. Run out these rinos and dems. That is what we should be doing.
Can we get a sauce on this?
Where? I went there. No find.
When you click this link;
Do you see a bunch of "Read More" buttons?
Click those.
Here's a link direct to one from today - 8/4/2021:
Thanks for doing the heavy lifting. All the posts I saw had a highly sus header/lack of official looking letterhead. Thanks again.
President Trump, come on down!
Yes something must be done immediately like reinstating you ASAP !
I like how he said IMMEDIATELY
Hey Patriots, I know nothing about the timing of events but this: If we wait until 2022 we will have lost the ability to regain our country.
We have known this for almost a year now, and what? Starting to lose my faith in this special operation to give power back to the people.
SERIOUS CONCERN: Where's the sauce? Please don't just post the obvious link ( I, along with others are not seeing this online. (Dear OP, this is not a personal attack, just a legitimate observation / concern). 👍 *UPDATE: it's there now (It wasn't there for so many of us looking to verify yesterday).
Fake and gay, dug an hour still can't find the sauce
It's on there now... SUPER WEIRD! I agree it was (seemingly) No-Where to be found, but now it's on 45's official site. 👍
Nice i thought that might be the case, released to the "new mainstream" OANN then confirmed later by his website giving OANN credibility. ;)
Sho’ nuff.
Prove there has been no action taken by white hats, no arrest, no results.
Just kidding. You can't. You and I don't know these things. And that's good. If we did, so would the enemy.
The war is real, and it's being prosecuted by professionals, silently and in the dark.
Look around and see all the signs pointing to a Great Awakening. Enjoy the show. It's happening.
Waiting for this and GME. The fact that solid crowdfunded research proves our “theory” keeps me grounded. Plus the media being opposites to real life
LOL me too
I like common sense because iit's emotion free.
It says that if there is no Plan to trust, no silent war being won in the dark by cunning professionals, then Trump would have to be either demented or demonic, literally one or the other, to be giddily telling the world via viral video "YOU'RE GONNA BE VERY HAPPY!!" when the crowd at his resort was screaming for him to come back into office.
Whether demented or demonic, he would have to be insane. There is no evidence Donald Trump has gone insane. So, nothing to worry about, NCSWIC
TY. I needed to hear this again. Trump has said "we will never be a socialist nation," and so much more. He has risked his family, his life, and his fortune for us. We gotta hold line, it sounds like. It's just the last sentence in his missive...
Something I guess you don't have proof of either. But I sure hope you are correct.
Admittedly no hardcore proof. Because again, if I had it, so would the enemy. But yes we both hope it's correct! :)
prosecuted/executed - - - you say to-may-to I say to-mah-to.