This thread got so badly attacked by shills, looks like the poster deleted their account. Lets hope this will only confirm their worst fears and drive the awakening process even faster!
I protested recently with a bunch of “normie” nurses that didn’t want the vaccine. It was reported that a couple dozen people showed up, but in reality it was around 400. This is always very eye opening for people that have trusted the media their whole lives.
We had a little protest this morning in our little town, and the people who honked and waved seemed thrilled and relieved that someone was finally starting to push back.
I was able to talk sense into both of my parents back in March, with information and stats. Recently they’ve been redpilling their own friends and assuring them that they’ll be okay unvaccinated. Despite being Normie MSM watchers, they can still be reasoned with. But only if they have the willingness to learn, you can’t force people into understanding things, and much less if they’ve already established what they want.
It's the age old cliché: The funny thing about Conspiracy Theorists is the fact you start mocking and making fun of them. Then you look a little into these theories to see what quackery is afoot. Slowly but surely you dig deeper. Then one morning, you look in the mirror and realize there is one staring back at you.
Though I prefer: A Conspiracy Theorist is someone who wants to discuss evidential truths before you want to hear them.
People think conspiracy theorists believe whatever the MSM tells them we believe, it's maddening. "Serpent DNA is a likely to be a reference to the "lizard people" conspiracy theory associated with QAnon.
It falsely purports that reptilian aliens secretly run the world and have taken over important positions in government, banking and Hollywood.
This past weekend my husband posted a link to a video from one of the Front line doctors who answered questions at one of their symposiums on a Next Door Neighborhood group.
My husband is not in here but does get stuff from me. He particularly wanted me to send him a video to say there are problems with the vax. So I sent him the link and he posted it. It kept getting removed. So my hubby sent it via private pm and it was seen by the person who requested it (a liberal in our neighborhood and pro vax pro masker).
Anyway his post being removed woke up a lot of people here that don't post in the group but follow and they all demanded to know what happened to the link.
The administrator notified Next Door Neighborhood peeps and got back a letter that the entire speech was misinformation.
I think he just redpilled a ton of neighbors. Even my hubby was shocked that some one had the audacity to remove his post on a social media website. It happened to him and to the administer of the site who tried to post it, too.
Even still my hubby knew that I lost all my twitter accounts the week after Jan 6th from reposting the last video Trump posted before having his own twitter account removed. And I have been in FB jail a lot since then for posting about COVID cures and such.
It mostly bothered him bc it happened to him. And some of the neighbors are now asking to see the video through PMs. REDPILLED
Well, we all have our own problems and we can't pay attention to everything. There are lots of injustices being done in the world that don't come to our attention at all or, if they do, only as a momentary blip, before we're back to worrying about our own problems - which billions of other people are paying no attention to. When something becomes our issue, of course we pay more attention to it. We may look deeper into it and realize the problem is much bigger than we'd realized. When it becomes an issue for enough people, things can change.
You don’t organize on top of enemy platforms, you have zero idea what they do to your data. The EULA is there to protect the company and allow for use of your data, do not believe the marketing about privacy and all that… the truth is much more shocking.
Get your based neighbors on Gab … then use Nextdoor as a recruiting tool. Be smart about it, you don’t just walk into enemy territory and shine a spotlight on yourself, blend in… administer micro redpills, gradually, people will come around. Then when it’s time PM and mention this based group you’re in.
Nextdoor is the Reddit swamp of the suburban neighborhood. You get auto-invited out of nowhere.
Most of the posts are about lost pets, complaints about dangerous driving, Karens begging people to mask up because of science, it’s just a cocaphony of whining liberal women and beta males who didn’t get much attention growing up but have now been handed a megaphone with enough merit badges to complete their ‘I am brave’ collection.
Nextdoor is the ultimate battleground my frens, it’s all ICBM on Facebook… but on Nextdoor its hand to hand combat, and you get to look at your communist ‘neighbor’ in the eye.
God Bless you Ms Patriot, and Welcome to the freedom fighters of america! Many people have to be shown to have their eyes opened, many have to experience it to reveal some really horrifying stuff. Thank you for your honesty and patriotism. We love you.
I wish she was here with us. She needs support now. Pray our Lord can get her here, to help surrounded her with others, that will help and brace her up to resist these evils. She’s awakened, and it would be terrible to be alone with this new vision on the world we live in. God Bless her.
Must be if such a heavily comped sub is letting shit like that rise. I lost count of the number of conspiracy off shoots they made due to the sheer number of shills and corrupt mods.
I firmly believe Reddit is inserting hundreds/thousands of upvotes to drive shill comments to the top of threads in order to manipulate popular opinion in a particular direction. I've noticed a lot of threads lately where one or two comments have, say, 500 upvotes (at the top, of course) .. and all the rest of the comments are <50 upvotes. The top posts always have the most "extremist" views, and the ones below them tend to be more moderate. I've used that site for a decade and this type of pattern is relatively new.
The upvote/downvote system used by reddit (and the .win sites for that matter) is a very useful mechanism for manipulating popular opinion. Top comments and top posts tend to solidify overall community sentiment. Leading to what people on reddit have complained about for years: the hivemind effect.
Think about it.. most people only read headlines. Even fewer people venture into the comments. Of those who venture into the comments, most don't read them all, they just skim through the top ones. So the majority of users take the headline at face value, a subset of them get affirmation from the top comments. Very few see anything else.
Reddit has another problem, wherein dissenting opinions get downvoted and are literally hidden from view. The site grays out and collapses low scored comments, so they are seen by the smallest number of redditors. Those downvotes also tend to influence more downvotes (i.e. "everyone else dislikes this, so I guess I do too")
And since posts are driven by popularity, nothing posted that goes against the hivemind has any chance whatsoever of reaching the front page, or even get close to the top of any subreddits.
I believe Reddit's system was designed from the ground up for propaganda, information control, and influence.
Take some time to think about how the site works. It's very clear that it was engineered this way for a reason.
Watch out for upvote brigading on the .win sites too.
Consider this scenario:
A shill makes a negative comment about someone the community generally likes and trusts.
A few dozen rouge accounts come into the thread and upvote the shill.
Some of the shills say "yeah, I had questions about that person too' '.. or "do you remember when this person did XYZ? they're compromised"
This shill army goes in and upvotes all the other shills
Slowly, the .win community starts doubting and losing trust in the person because others in the community (who happen to be shills) seem to be untrusting of them.
.win is not immune to hivemind. Keep your guard up and watch out for this kind of thing.
I've had suspicions of things like this happening on for a while now. It doesn't seem to be nearly as much of an issue here.
Upvotes != truth. Downvotes != falsehoods. Use discernment, and challenge everything.
Fantastic sub-thread, Fren. It really does describe the "hivemind" effect on such aforementioned community forums. Yes, even .WIN sites are not immune.
I will note that a similar tactic is deployed in the form of botnets on places such as Twitter and to a lesser extent, sites like YouTube in the comment sections. That is why you see those collages of carbon copy tweets by a grid of completely "different" "users".
Technology has made it so much easier to propagandize and weaponize information, and many of these social media services are either inherently designed to psychologically manipulate users; or they produce such an effect inadvertently which is then exploited by nefarious actors.
Its to bad that she didn't have any video evidence, even if she didn't post it until after the incident that would go a long way to prove the point of what she is saying. The problem is that even if she had evidence like this it would be very hard to get out to show the people whats going on.
The people who did this are evil, there is no excuse except to hurt others and control a narrative that isn't what we the people want.
Does anyone know where I can find a study showing that not a single baby has been born to anyone who has been vaccinated? I have wondered about this and now that another person has brought it up, I’m wondering where I can find that info to share.
I don’t know of any studies. I’m on still Instagram. I have the time so I read comments. I recently saw several comments on about CDC approval for vax in pregnant “people”.
Lady got vax during pregnancy. Had twin boys & they both died soon after birth.
The other comments were pretty much the same. Babies born & then died.
Of course I can’t back this up. It’s random people making comments about what happened to people they know.
Well that is not an accurate statement to begin with. I read about misleading miscarriage numbers from somewhere but heck if I can remember when or where it was. Essentially the numbers of miscarriages in first trimester vaxxes were incredibly high but the 2nd and 3rd trimesters number were low and those vaxxes far outnumbered the 1st trimester ones and the data was all jumbled together to make it look like there "was about normal rates of miscarriage".
I should have DDG'd it right away. Link to an article covering the data. I think it wasn't the one I read at the time but the data being covered is what I was talking about.
I was a long time Q supporter, but I learnt that only we can save ourselves. Everybody is looking for a hero to save them.
Q, Trump, Military, or some religious GOD. The truth about the inner workings of our universe has been known for thousands of years, and is out there for all to see.
It was passed down from the Aztecs, Egyptians and many other cultures. All hidden knowledge.
Trump is an actor playing and playing good cop, just like every other politician. Even George Washington and John F Kennedy wee actors, Republic vs Democrats/Science vs Religion are just an illusion of choice. All bullshit. All part of the movie script which you are all watching, and willingly playing a role in.
Anyone here that thinks that pedophilia, torture and murder will put 99% of the population in hospital is either kidding themselves, or a fool.
The kids are strangers to most, people will be outraged, shocked and get on with their lives. Even if they see graphic images.
There are many other cycles outside of the 4 seasons that repeat themselves. The elite have hidden it from the general population and we have been getting wiped over and over.
They know exactly what happened to ancient civilizations, because they hid it from them also.
During the ice age cycle everything in the surface does, and civilizations have to move underground to survive. There is nothing else to eat but each other, the elite ate us. Look up catacombs de paris. We were their cattle.
Trump made a mockery of all of the people that Marched for him chanting 4 more years in 2021. Because that is when the worst of it will hit. You know what Mike Rothschild called his book. The storm is upon us.
Truth is right in front of your face. This is the kind of truth that would put 99% of the population in hospital.
All mainstream religions and mythological stories are coded, and was written by the elite. The secrets of the universes cycles are hidden in there. It also brainwashes people that lack wisdom. Who in turn brainwash other people into believe.
That is the witchcraft. The magic is in the writing. No special powers needed.
This whole community is sleeping, and if you are religious, you have been brain washed by the people you love to hate.
And if any religious person wants to step up, I will take on every religious person on this board and embarass the lot of you singlehandedly.
I will beat you with my understanding of your own book, versus your belief in your book. Not a single one of you can even explain the 1st few pages.
If others instead want to learn contact me. Hopefully some of you will actually want to educate yourself on the warnings our ancestors tried to leave us, as they were enslaved as well.
This thread got so badly attacked by shills, looks like the poster deleted their account. Lets hope this will only confirm their worst fears and drive the awakening process even faster!
Yup. Figured they would call her a LARP or shill.
One guy was yelling at her for thinking there is a conspiracy just because of those things she experienced, lol
Yes, don't trust your own eyes, or thinking. If you go against the narrative, you must be craaazzzyyy..
"Thank God we got that crazy conspiracy theorist off reddit! Now TV happy. Me always listen to TV." Basically.
I protested recently with a bunch of “normie” nurses that didn’t want the vaccine. It was reported that a couple dozen people showed up, but in reality it was around 400. This is always very eye opening for people that have trusted the media their whole lives.
Like in London when BBC say a few hundred showed up to protest yet aerial piics show hundreds of thousands!!
We had a little protest this morning in our little town, and the people who honked and waved seemed thrilled and relieved that someone was finally starting to push back.
welcome to the real world
...and good job on being a few years late to the party, pray that it actually can be turned around still.
I was able to talk sense into both of my parents back in March, with information and stats. Recently they’ve been redpilling their own friends and assuring them that they’ll be okay unvaccinated. Despite being Normie MSM watchers, they can still be reasoned with. But only if they have the willingness to learn, you can’t force people into understanding things, and much less if they’ve already established what they want.
It's the age old cliché: The funny thing about Conspiracy Theorists is the fact you start mocking and making fun of them. Then you look a little into these theories to see what quackery is afoot. Slowly but surely you dig deeper. Then one morning, you look in the mirror and realize there is one staring back at you.
Though I prefer: A Conspiracy Theorist is someone who wants to discuss evidential truths before you want to hear them.
People think conspiracy theorists believe whatever the MSM tells them we believe, it's maddening. "Serpent DNA is a likely to be a reference to the "lizard people" conspiracy theory associated with QAnon.
It falsely purports that reptilian aliens secretly run the world and have taken over important positions in government, banking and Hollywood.
The conspiracy theory contends that powerful people worldwide are actually human-lizard hybrids."
This past weekend my husband posted a link to a video from one of the Front line doctors who answered questions at one of their symposiums on a Next Door Neighborhood group.
My husband is not in here but does get stuff from me. He particularly wanted me to send him a video to say there are problems with the vax. So I sent him the link and he posted it. It kept getting removed. So my hubby sent it via private pm and it was seen by the person who requested it (a liberal in our neighborhood and pro vax pro masker).
Anyway his post being removed woke up a lot of people here that don't post in the group but follow and they all demanded to know what happened to the link.
The administrator notified Next Door Neighborhood peeps and got back a letter that the entire speech was misinformation.
I think he just redpilled a ton of neighbors. Even my hubby was shocked that some one had the audacity to remove his post on a social media website. It happened to him and to the administer of the site who tried to post it, too.
Even still my hubby knew that I lost all my twitter accounts the week after Jan 6th from reposting the last video Trump posted before having his own twitter account removed. And I have been in FB jail a lot since then for posting about COVID cures and such.
It mostly bothered him bc it happened to him. And some of the neighbors are now asking to see the video through PMs. REDPILLED
in the end people open their eyes only when it happens to them. That is still kinda selfish isnt it?
Well, we all have our own problems and we can't pay attention to everything. There are lots of injustices being done in the world that don't come to our attention at all or, if they do, only as a momentary blip, before we're back to worrying about our own problems - which billions of other people are paying no attention to. When something becomes our issue, of course we pay more attention to it. We may look deeper into it and realize the problem is much bigger than we'd realized. When it becomes an issue for enough people, things can change.
I believe that Nextdoor was just taken over by Fakebook, but under a different shell company. All of our conservative groups in my area have been under attack too. Many of our posts have been deleted.
You don’t organize on top of enemy platforms, you have zero idea what they do to your data. The EULA is there to protect the company and allow for use of your data, do not believe the marketing about privacy and all that… the truth is much more shocking.
Get your based neighbors on Gab … then use Nextdoor as a recruiting tool. Be smart about it, you don’t just walk into enemy territory and shine a spotlight on yourself, blend in… administer micro redpills, gradually, people will come around. Then when it’s time PM and mention this based group you’re in.
Nextdoor is the Reddit swamp of the suburban neighborhood. You get auto-invited out of nowhere.
Most of the posts are about lost pets, complaints about dangerous driving, Karens begging people to mask up because of science, it’s just a cocaphony of whining liberal women and beta males who didn’t get much attention growing up but have now been handed a megaphone with enough merit badges to complete their ‘I am brave’ collection.
Nextdoor is the ultimate battleground my frens, it’s all ICBM on Facebook… but on Nextdoor its hand to hand combat, and you get to look at your communist ‘neighbor’ in the eye.
LOL. I actually have a communist Bernie supporter neighbor. He is from South America. And totally wants the vax to be mandatory.
Then why come to the United States? Must have wanted some of the freedom and Liberty
When it’s on your front porch...
All we need is for people to start and question things that is the beginning. I always say " To Question IS The Threshold to Reality"
God Bless you Ms Patriot, and Welcome to the freedom fighters of america! Many people have to be shown to have their eyes opened, many have to experience it to reveal some really horrifying stuff. Thank you for your honesty and patriotism. We love you.
thats funny
Lol, I’ve had so many accounts banned by r/science. They have always been the most insecure touch hogs on Reddit.
I wish she was here with us. She needs support now. Pray our Lord can get her here, to help surrounded her with others, that will help and brace her up to resist these evils. She’s awakened, and it would be terrible to be alone with this new vision on the world we live in. God Bless her.
You had said that happened to you, right? Dang Bro...
Im on a gaint roadtrip and I heard a lesiban push back on the vaccinations here in Washington.
"You can fool some people some times, but you cant fool all the people all the time." Crit mas building
Must be if such a heavily comped sub is letting shit like that rise. I lost count of the number of conspiracy off shoots they made due to the sheer number of shills and corrupt mods.
I firmly believe Reddit is inserting hundreds/thousands of upvotes to drive shill comments to the top of threads in order to manipulate popular opinion in a particular direction. I've noticed a lot of threads lately where one or two comments have, say, 500 upvotes (at the top, of course) .. and all the rest of the comments are <50 upvotes. The top posts always have the most "extremist" views, and the ones below them tend to be more moderate. I've used that site for a decade and this type of pattern is relatively new.
The upvote/downvote system used by reddit (and the .win sites for that matter) is a very useful mechanism for manipulating popular opinion. Top comments and top posts tend to solidify overall community sentiment. Leading to what people on reddit have complained about for years: the hivemind effect.
Think about it.. most people only read headlines. Even fewer people venture into the comments. Of those who venture into the comments, most don't read them all, they just skim through the top ones. So the majority of users take the headline at face value, a subset of them get affirmation from the top comments. Very few see anything else.
Reddit has another problem, wherein dissenting opinions get downvoted and are literally hidden from view. The site grays out and collapses low scored comments, so they are seen by the smallest number of redditors. Those downvotes also tend to influence more downvotes (i.e. "everyone else dislikes this, so I guess I do too")
And since posts are driven by popularity, nothing posted that goes against the hivemind has any chance whatsoever of reaching the front page, or even get close to the top of any subreddits.
I believe Reddit's system was designed from the ground up for propaganda, information control, and influence.
Take some time to think about how the site works. It's very clear that it was engineered this way for a reason.
I should add...
Watch out for upvote brigading on the .win sites too.
Consider this scenario:
Slowly, the .win community starts doubting and losing trust in the person because others in the community (who happen to be shills) seem to be untrusting of them.
.win is not immune to hivemind. Keep your guard up and watch out for this kind of thing.
I've had suspicions of things like this happening on for a while now. It doesn't seem to be nearly as much of an issue here.
Upvotes != truth. Downvotes != falsehoods. Use discernment, and challenge everything.
Fantastic sub-thread, Fren. It really does describe the "hivemind" effect on such aforementioned community forums. Yes, even .WIN sites are not immune.
I will note that a similar tactic is deployed in the form of botnets on places such as Twitter and to a lesser extent, sites like YouTube in the comment sections. That is why you see those collages of carbon copy tweets by a grid of completely "different" "users".
Technology has made it so much easier to propagandize and weaponize information, and many of these social media services are either inherently designed to psychologically manipulate users; or they produce such an effect inadvertently which is then exploited by nefarious actors.
Been there & experienced that, can confirm 👍🏽😎
Its to bad that she didn't have any video evidence, even if she didn't post it until after the incident that would go a long way to prove the point of what she is saying. The problem is that even if she had evidence like this it would be very hard to get out to show the people whats going on. The people who did this are evil, there is no excuse except to hurt others and control a narrative that isn't what we the people want.
Does anyone know where I can find a study showing that not a single baby has been born to anyone who has been vaccinated? I have wondered about this and now that another person has brought it up, I’m wondering where I can find that info to share.
Makes me wonder about the Census correlation recently released showing white population growth DOWN (?).
I don’t know of any studies. I’m on still Instagram. I have the time so I read comments. I recently saw several comments on about CDC approval for vax in pregnant “people”.
Well that is not an accurate statement to begin with. I read about misleading miscarriage numbers from somewhere but heck if I can remember when or where it was. Essentially the numbers of miscarriages in first trimester vaxxes were incredibly high but the 2nd and 3rd trimesters number were low and those vaxxes far outnumbered the 1st trimester ones and the data was all jumbled together to make it look like there "was about normal rates of miscarriage".
was it Dr. Zelenko that talked about the miscarriages?
the video was posted recently.
I should have DDG'd it right away. Link to an article covering the data. I think it wasn't the one I read at the time but the data being covered is what I was talking about.
Invite her here!
Welcome!! Is all I can say. We been dealing and watching this shit happen for years now. The censorship is beyond imagination as this point.
Anons: We want habbenings
Also Anons (while things are habbening): Nothing is happening !!
Better late than never, I guess. About 5-6 years to late, bub.
I thought that too BUT it could happen
I was a long time Q supporter, but I learnt that only we can save ourselves. Everybody is looking for a hero to save them.
Q, Trump, Military, or some religious GOD. The truth about the inner workings of our universe has been known for thousands of years, and is out there for all to see.
It was passed down from the Aztecs, Egyptians and many other cultures. All hidden knowledge.
Trump is an actor playing and playing good cop, just like every other politician. Even George Washington and John F Kennedy wee actors, Republic vs Democrats/Science vs Religion are just an illusion of choice. All bullshit. All part of the movie script which you are all watching, and willingly playing a role in.
Anyone here that thinks that pedophilia, torture and murder will put 99% of the population in hospital is either kidding themselves, or a fool.
The kids are strangers to most, people will be outraged, shocked and get on with their lives. Even if they see graphic images.
There are many other cycles outside of the 4 seasons that repeat themselves. The elite have hidden it from the general population and we have been getting wiped over and over.
They know exactly what happened to ancient civilizations, because they hid it from them also.
During the ice age cycle everything in the surface does, and civilizations have to move underground to survive. There is nothing else to eat but each other, the elite ate us. Look up catacombs de paris. We were their cattle.
Trump made a mockery of all of the people that Marched for him chanting 4 more years in 2021. Because that is when the worst of it will hit. You know what Mike Rothschild called his book. The storm is upon us.
Truth is right in front of your face. This is the kind of truth that would put 99% of the population in hospital.
All mainstream religions and mythological stories are coded, and was written by the elite. The secrets of the universes cycles are hidden in there. It also brainwashes people that lack wisdom. Who in turn brainwash other people into believe.
That is the witchcraft. The magic is in the writing. No special powers needed.
This whole community is sleeping, and if you are religious, you have been brain washed by the people you love to hate.
And if any religious person wants to step up, I will take on every religious person on this board and embarass the lot of you singlehandedly.
I will beat you with my understanding of your own book, versus your belief in your book. Not a single one of you can even explain the 1st few pages.
If others instead want to learn contact me. Hopefully some of you will actually want to educate yourself on the warnings our ancestors tried to leave us, as they were enslaved as well.