America First! Once every veteran who fought in that shitty war is provided for, once every child trafficking victim is provided for, ... I could go on and on, I agree with you, we cannot babysit the whole world.
Tough one, but I'm gonna say no. We have a moral obligation to help Americans first. The mission (misguided and unreasonable as it was) was to create a stable country that would no longer pose a threat to us. The Afghans that assisted us, essentially were helping us make their country better. We all failed - they gambled on us and lost. Its kind of like expecting the casino to take care of you after you lost your life savings at the roulette wheel. It sucks... for all of us. But we have homeless vets, suicidal vets that aren't getting the proper treatment, other U.S. citizens that are in dire straits. Lets take care of us first, then worry about everyone else.
We didn't gamble on anything all was composed by deep state. If we really want a learning lesson there will tens of thousands of deaths laid squarely on Biden and the deep state cronies who orchestrated two decades of military misery.
Correct - WE didn't gamble on anything. The Afghans that assisted us gambled that we would fix their country. They lost that gamble. Instead of the U.S. being morally responsible for these folks, I'd argue the Afghans, as a whole, have a moral responsibility to make their country better for themselves.
As a country with a large population of Cubans who fought for freedom embrace the ideals of Individual Liberty. I say we owe them. Not a free welfare check, but bring the loyal ones here. Give them a chance. They earned it, at great risk to themselves and their families. Vet them, incorporate them, educate them. They will be strong allies and provide an example of integrating themselves into our culture. Will there be problems, maybe/probably, but give them a chance. This was done in Vietnam. It worked. 80k is not a number that we cant absorb easily. It will provide an example for the future that we don't abandon friends. Remember, some of them fought along side US troops and saved American lives. There are vets out there who will vouch for their bravery and heroism. Don't let prejudice and suspicion isolate the US from current and future allies. This is another example of why we are greater than our enemies.
Are those the only two options? Certainly we have an obligation to protect people who put themselves at risk to help us. Even if you didn’t care about the morality of it, sending the signal that the United States abandons its allies to be tortured and killed would be incredibly damaging in the long run. But the obligation is to get them out of harm’s way. That might mean letting some of them come here, but there are a lot of possibilities between “take every single one” and “leave them all to rot.”
Help them yes, move them here, no.
Don’t these 80,000 Afghani’s have a moral obligation to fight for their country? That would be a very large Army!
America First! Once every veteran who fought in that shitty war is provided for, once every child trafficking victim is provided for, ... I could go on and on, I agree with you, we cannot babysit the whole world.
Tough one, but I'm gonna say no. We have a moral obligation to help Americans first. The mission (misguided and unreasonable as it was) was to create a stable country that would no longer pose a threat to us. The Afghans that assisted us, essentially were helping us make their country better. We all failed - they gambled on us and lost. Its kind of like expecting the casino to take care of you after you lost your life savings at the roulette wheel. It sucks... for all of us. But we have homeless vets, suicidal vets that aren't getting the proper treatment, other U.S. citizens that are in dire straits. Lets take care of us first, then worry about everyone else.
We didn't gamble on anything all was composed by deep state. If we really want a learning lesson there will tens of thousands of deaths laid squarely on Biden and the deep state cronies who orchestrated two decades of military misery.
Correct - WE didn't gamble on anything. The Afghans that assisted us gambled that we would fix their country. They lost that gamble. Instead of the U.S. being morally responsible for these folks, I'd argue the Afghans, as a whole, have a moral responsibility to make their country better for themselves.
KKK iz Democrats.
Need to send them to Martha’s Vineyard or the Hamptons
As a country with a large population of Cubans who fought for freedom embrace the ideals of Individual Liberty. I say we owe them. Not a free welfare check, but bring the loyal ones here. Give them a chance. They earned it, at great risk to themselves and their families. Vet them, incorporate them, educate them. They will be strong allies and provide an example of integrating themselves into our culture. Will there be problems, maybe/probably, but give them a chance. This was done in Vietnam. It worked. 80k is not a number that we cant absorb easily. It will provide an example for the future that we don't abandon friends. Remember, some of them fought along side US troops and saved American lives. There are vets out there who will vouch for their bravery and heroism. Don't let prejudice and suspicion isolate the US from current and future allies. This is another example of why we are greater than our enemies.
If we made promises, we should keep them. That is the main issue. Our national honor is at stake because of these imposters.
The real number of brave afghanis who actually helped by risking their lives as spies etc would be far less.
Remember, Taliban is not what you think it is. They will be fine.
Yes. If they stay, the Taliban executes them and sells off their daughters and wives for sex slavery.
If they risked their lives and their lives are in danger now, then surely the answer is yes.
HELL NO! If they haven't learned how to take care of themselves in 20 years, there is no cure for the inbred STUPID!
Since they bellied up after we left, no. If they were standing against their enemies then we help them. Move them here? No
Well, weren't they helping us, help them?
If they risked their lives to help yes you take them in. In the past under Obama they were killed because the US abandoned them.
Are those the only two options? Certainly we have an obligation to protect people who put themselves at risk to help us. Even if you didn’t care about the morality of it, sending the signal that the United States abandons its allies to be tortured and killed would be incredibly damaging in the long run. But the obligation is to get them out of harm’s way. That might mean letting some of them come here, but there are a lot of possibilities between “take every single one” and “leave them all to rot.”
UN peacekeeping force, autonomous zones, etc,...It would be interesting to read the conditions of the pull out that Trump was planning.
They didn't help US. They helped the cia. Fuck em.