Here’s an idea … nuke the entire site from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure. The four or five good people left will gladly step aside for a wholesale removal of everyone that was elected in past 50 years.
Thursday is my birthday! All I want is decertification. There are a lot of candles on my cake, I will pray as I blow out each one that this nightmare is finally coming to a glorious end!
To be honest I'm not sure if it matters about any of those other States at all this is the United States of America If there is proven fraud and the electors are canceled in one state it is not a 50 state election. I do believe that will void the entire election at least I hope I'm right. Not that I have faith in them but the Supreme Court does have precedent in this matter with regards to fraud
Wish Arizona forensic audit results would go straight to the people and not the corrupt Senate. The Senate will slow walk this for another month or two or more before the people get the scrubbed results.
50 states. Don't know what it would take before the legislatures could vote on decertification in each state. Think it always requires both houses though. Why would they need a forensic audit? Hopefully, enough of the members would be able to act at once on the obvious. They can focus on the details later maybe. We ought to encourage them to look into this. Looks to me that time is of the essence.
She wouldn't be speaker of the House without Dem reps being illegally elected. We have to pull down the whole election and figure out who really got elected. If we do, she isn't speaker.
Oh won’t that be a great day?! Not to mention all the players in this game being gone too. It’s going to be a completely different world when we get to the other side of this.
I'm praying that this one audit will set everything in motion and hopefully quickly. We can't wait for every state to conduct an audit. That wouldn't happen before 2024. I'm hoping the military steps in once the audit results are released and the Deep State makes their final, desperate move.
the "white house" move set will need to have an exterminator come in after king sniffy and the leg-spreader in chief get removed from their stolen positions.
Declare elections fraudulent in all 50 states. This enacts a recall of anyone elected. Constitutional crisis occurs amid the military steps in to freeze all actions and laws since the election and since the supposed pandemic. A new election via paper ballots is arranged, overseen by the military. Voila! A new President is elected by the people not by a fraudulent Election by one party or the Deep State. Let the chips fall where they may then.
Yes, but then Crazy Nancy, as Speaker of the House, becomes President! What a nightmare scenerio as Xiden is succeeded by the Heels Up succeeded by the Crazy One with denture problems!
No way, that is only if biden and harris get impeached of incapacitated some other way. not in a stolen election. They get decertified, Trump get certified, end of story
Trump won't automatically get certified. If the machines are decertified then the results are invalid. It would then go to a house vote according to the 12th amendment.
But wouldn't the House Members have also been elected in a invalid election? They may not have won their elections either. If the election is invalid surely there must be a new one?
People are forgetting about the down ballots, so none of them should be assumed safe either.
That's also what I'm thinking. If we end up with only a handful of congressmen left who can be certified by a hand count in their respective states, maybe that will be the case, or maybe they all have to go. Either way seems like it will have to go to a special election due to too many vacancies and no quorum. We'll probably be under FEMA/military management for a little while.
Except there is no precedent in America for a stolen Presidency. The American People may not care too much longer for such nonsense as a house vote on the 12th amendment. WE voted already.
congress, senate, state, city, local, judges -- all of the dominion winners
Here’s an idea … nuke the entire site from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure. The four or five good people left will gladly step aside for a wholesale removal of everyone that was elected in past 50 years.
I like it, but too fast and too hard to observe up close.
How about Helicopter rides over active volcano? "Watch your step."
I think it's actually happening! Something in my gut intinct tells me so.
Fraud. Vitiates. Everything.
I want Democrats and RINOs gone. RINOs are worse.
I want them hung at Gitmo. Pay-Per-View to pay off the national debt.
NO PAY-PER-VIEW!!! FREE to the American public for the shit we've had to put up with for so damned long...
That debt is fraudulent also.
Thursday is my birthday! All I want is decertification. There are a lot of candles on my cake, I will pray as I blow out each one that this nightmare is finally coming to a glorious end!
That’s great! I couldn’t watch the symposium because OT at work, so thank you for that information. Now let’s see GA, MI, PA, WI do the same thing..
To be honest I'm not sure if it matters about any of those other States at all this is the United States of America If there is proven fraud and the electors are canceled in one state it is not a 50 state election. I do believe that will void the entire election at least I hope I'm right. Not that I have faith in them but the Supreme Court does have precedent in this matter with regards to fraud
Agree. But every state needs an audit. Good people working the elections, believed their procedures made them secure.
They believed lies because they didn't look up stuff themselves... they trusted the person they allowed to understand it FOR them.
They need to SEE the ways they were fooled and own the fact they were easy marks because of their complacency so it never happens again.
If you’re right then that’s even better, but I don’t have a lot of faith in the Supreme Court to do the right thing if it falls into their lap
Absolutely, positively, without a doubt!
can you elaborate for anyone who didn't watch?
Wish Arizona forensic audit results would go straight to the people and not the corrupt Senate. The Senate will slow walk this for another month or two or more before the people get the scrubbed results.
So does a lot of congress and local level politicians Win win
Just think. This is only from 1 CORRUPT COUNTY! forensic audit the entirety of USA!
One State decertifies, the others will fall. Yes.
Don't the other states have to do their own forensic audits before they can decertify?
50 states. Don't know what it would take before the legislatures could vote on decertification in each state. Think it always requires both houses though. Why would they need a forensic audit? Hopefully, enough of the members would be able to act at once on the obvious. They can focus on the details later maybe. We ought to encourage them to look into this. Looks to me that time is of the essence.
And you forgot ... if California cheated, Nancy Pelosi also goes!!! They ALL need to go!
didn't Pelosi push to approve the electoral votes despite knowing about fraud?
And go where? G-I-T-M-O!!
Someone needs to make an "I'm going to Disneyland!" meme - only with GITMO instead.
Them, and every position filled since Jan 20.
I want them in handcuffs and paraded before the American people for the treasonous criminals they are
...on the way to the gallows.
Damn I love her!!!!
So Piglosi would be next in line?
She wouldn't be speaker of the House without Dem reps being illegally elected. We have to pull down the whole election and figure out who really got elected. If we do, she isn't speaker.
Her election wins have been rigged as well...shes toast
She'll be arrested before she can get her evil claws on the gates to the White House!
Oh won’t that be a great day?! Not to mention all the players in this game being gone too. It’s going to be a completely different world when we get to the other side of this.
I'm praying that this one audit will set everything in motion and hopefully quickly. We can't wait for every state to conduct an audit. That wouldn't happen before 2024. I'm hoping the military steps in once the audit results are released and the Deep State makes their final, desperate move.
the "white house" move set will need to have an exterminator come in after king sniffy and the leg-spreader in chief get removed from their stolen positions.
She should already know they are illegitimate. Where is this audit report?!?
Probably much of Congress as well!
do we know if they finally got the routers and splunks?
And the house and senate races
Damn I love this woman!
So do all his appointments
Yes they both need to go.
Declare elections fraudulent in all 50 states. This enacts a recall of anyone elected. Constitutional crisis occurs amid the military steps in to freeze all actions and laws since the election and since the supposed pandemic. A new election via paper ballots is arranged, overseen by the military. Voila! A new President is elected by the people not by a fraudulent Election by one party or the Deep State. Let the chips fall where they may then.
No, fix the previous election, not implement a new one. TRUMP WON!
Yeah but the election wasn't just about the President and VP, the down ballot was also affected so none of them can claim legitimacy either.
Audit those elections as well to find the real winners there also.
Seriously this needs to happen right NOW! We can't have our country over run with UNVETTED Afgans that could be Talliban!
Amen to that!
Yes! Install the RIGHTFUL WINNERS!
Yes, but then Crazy Nancy, as Speaker of the House, becomes President! What a nightmare scenerio as Xiden is succeeded by the Heels Up succeeded by the Crazy One with denture problems!
No way, that is only if biden and harris get impeached of incapacitated some other way. not in a stolen election. They get decertified, Trump get certified, end of story
Trump won't automatically get certified. If the machines are decertified then the results are invalid. It would then go to a house vote according to the 12th amendment.
But wouldn't the House Members have also been elected in a invalid election? They may not have won their elections either. If the election is invalid surely there must be a new one?
People are forgetting about the down ballots, so none of them should be assumed safe either.
That's also what I'm thinking. If we end up with only a handful of congressmen left who can be certified by a hand count in their respective states, maybe that will be the case, or maybe they all have to go. Either way seems like it will have to go to a special election due to too many vacancies and no quorum. We'll probably be under FEMA/military management for a little while.
Except there is no precedent in America for a stolen Presidency. The American People may not care too much longer for such nonsense as a house vote on the 12th amendment. WE voted already.
And many congressional elections gontoo.