If you're still on windows for some godawful reason, there should be a program called "paint" that at least used to come standard. Dunno if it does, but you can check. It's usually under accessories.
Most memes are made in that ultra simplistic program.
If you need help, just ask, but as long as you're not trying to anything too complex, you should be fine = )
You are one cheeky cunt mate.
Top KEK!
I feel bad for laughing 🤣
Good one
Trump won.
Auntie Mae always wanted to be buried at sea but we didn't have the funds. ...
I was thinking of toy boats in a bathtub.
Now THAT is a keeper! LMFAO!
Wow. Very good.
Typical Biden bunch. Some of them can't even keep their boats right side up.
Too funny
( Walking Dead theme plays in background )
Seems about right.
This is hilarious thanks for the laugh, Top KEK
This is worse than Obama's birthday. Talk about a super spreader event!
This picture grossly understates the true numbers involved in the Biden boat rally. Biden performed spectacularly in this voting block.
Laughed out loud, thanks for that!
You win the internet!
Hahaha! Nice!
Humor always has to reveal some truth, that's what makes it funny.
KEK! as it comes
So what's the actual story on this image? Did a funeral home get flooded out orrrr...?
hilarious 🤣
Ya know the more of us they can kill off with VAXX and Corvid the moar voters they will have who can't claim fraud!
That’s a great idea ..ANYONE LISTENING ? I have trouble with the paint by number kits ..so making a meme ..ahhhh No ! But what a great idea !
If you're still on windows for some godawful reason, there should be a program called "paint" that at least used to come standard. Dunno if it does, but you can check. It's usually under accessories.
Most memes are made in that ultra simplistic program.
If you need help, just ask, but as long as you're not trying to anything too complex, you should be fine = )
OOhhhhh I love a good voterboating...
Grow up, shill.