HIPPA only applies to healthcare providers. It in no way applies to your employer asking about your medical history. It is there to restrict your doctor from sharing your information.
I wish that it did cover employers. But I would not cite it in OPs case.
No, HR is not to protect the company or hire people or deal with employee inquiries or anything else work related. HR is an attack vector, it's where the CCP/deep state decided to stick the thin edge of the wedge to lever themselves into control of the corporate world. It is nothing else. (This peep mentioned by OP is an outlier)
Small companies with tiny HR staff will be different, I am talking about multinationals. HR at Loreal was like a dumpster fire. Virtually pornographic loops on repeat on screens all over the workplace for pride month, for 2 months straight(until someone threatened to quit). Literal G-string ass with sparkles on it shaking in the camera on every screen in the workplace, of which there were many.
HR in it's present state is a completely disposable, cancerous polyp on the sphincter of these companies and in desperate need of being lanced. They produce nothing, they lower morale, they introduce excessive rules in the workplace, they fire people for making jokes, they are hangers-on, greatly increasing the non productive portion of the workforce and they do stupid shit like pump GLBTQ+ down everyone throats till workers want to pull their heads off.
They are well on their way to turning all warehouses into gulags, fuck em.
Many in here are basically telling you to lie to HR. I say tell them the truth. If your gonna take a stand why hide behind fear of your job. If your gonna go out, go out standing tall. Hold the Line doesn’t means trick, deceive, lie. It means standing firm in ones beliefs. Stop pretending your winning by hiding your truth. The only way to win is by leading by example with God at your back pushing you to truth.
I’m with you OP. Hold that Line! Stand firm! Trust in God, no matter what happens. 👍💯
Our HR head for North America is a liberal idiot that lists her pronouns in her signature even though they are normal ones for her gender. She’s going to be a problem.
I believe OSHA changed that stipulation but idk what the legal grounds are.
Also, even if they're liable, the conditions it can leave you with could make life very very unpleasant to the point that no amount of money can change that
What OSHA says is not law. It's just an opinion and tells you if THEY will take action. A lawsuit could work out quite differently. I'm not a lawyer but I've played Doctor a few times. Does that count?
I had my yearly review recently for my raise. My supervisor told me 179 people in our department are leaving due to the mandate. I don't know how many employees we have as they act like it's a classified issue. I told her that I can't believe people aren't fighting this and requesting an exemption like I did. I'm not shocked as the woke crap over the past couple of years has worked it's way into our organization and people are sick of it.
Company sent out a company-wide email asking for everyone to submit Vaccination status or to "decline to answer". Keep in mind this company has around 12,000 employees and roughly 50% of them are unvaccinated. Imagine a bunch of people are gonna submit retirement papers.
Beware: HR is not your friend. They exist to protect the company
You're right. However, small company and "hr" is just one person who is also not vaxxed.
Could be lying. Don’t give medical info if you don’t have to.
HIPPA only applies to healthcare providers. It in no way applies to your employer asking about your medical history. It is there to restrict your doctor from sharing your information.
I wish that it did cover employers. But I would not cite it in OPs case.
HIPPA involves any company that handles personal health information
Correct - like a hospital, doctor's office, or clinic.
If you work at a steel mill, consulting firm or a video store, it doesn't.
Again, I wish it wasn't this way but I don't want people trying to invoke HIPPA for their HR department. It doesn't apply
If a company tracks vaccination status, then you fall under HIPAA. I worked at a bank and we had to do training for HIPAA every year.
HIPAA only counts when the govt wants it to.
Tomorrow they will say YOUR FIRED. Just kidding, but seriously hope you can trust her.
That's the exception and not the rule. Most HR at most companies are triple-vaxxed Karens and are itching to make an example of Patriots.
I just didn't want folks to blindly trust their HR, because it happened to work out for you and OP. That's exactly what the glow faggots would want.
Yeah no shit.
No, HR is not to protect the company or hire people or deal with employee inquiries or anything else work related. HR is an attack vector, it's where the CCP/deep state decided to stick the thin edge of the wedge to lever themselves into control of the corporate world. It is nothing else. (This peep mentioned by OP is an outlier)
Small companies with tiny HR staff will be different, I am talking about multinationals. HR at Loreal was like a dumpster fire. Virtually pornographic loops on repeat on screens all over the workplace for pride month, for 2 months straight(until someone threatened to quit). Literal G-string ass with sparkles on it shaking in the camera on every screen in the workplace, of which there were many.
HR in it's present state is a completely disposable, cancerous polyp on the sphincter of these companies and in desperate need of being lanced. They produce nothing, they lower morale, they introduce excessive rules in the workplace, they fire people for making jokes, they are hangers-on, greatly increasing the non productive portion of the workforce and they do stupid shit like pump GLBTQ+ down everyone throats till workers want to pull their heads off.
They are well on their way to turning all warehouses into gulags, fuck em.
Many in here are basically telling you to lie to HR. I say tell them the truth. If your gonna take a stand why hide behind fear of your job. If your gonna go out, go out standing tall. Hold the Line doesn’t means trick, deceive, lie. It means standing firm in ones beliefs. Stop pretending your winning by hiding your truth. The only way to win is by leading by example with God at your back pushing you to truth.
I’m with you OP. Hold that Line! Stand firm! Trust in God, no matter what happens. 👍💯
Our HR head for North America is a liberal idiot that lists her pronouns in her signature even though they are normal ones for her gender. She’s going to be a problem.
I'm not getting the vax. This is the hill I will die on.
The cynic in me says she’s fibbing trying to get people to be comfortable and open up.
Smart play to reveal those who are against it.
Check with a legal expert, but if a company mandates a medical procedure, they may be liable for any adverse reactions.
I believe OSHA changed that stipulation but idk what the legal grounds are.
Also, even if they're liable, the conditions it can leave you with could make life very very unpleasant to the point that no amount of money can change that
What OSHA says is not law. It's just an opinion and tells you if THEY will take action. A lawsuit could work out quite differently. I'm not a lawyer but I've played Doctor a few times. Does that count?
Correct just like the cdc’s bogus eviction ban. They have no such authority.
Hard to sue them when you die from the vaccine.
wow a based HR girl. whoda thunk it!!??
Prayers for you and your situation. May God move mountains for you
How many are not vaxxed?
I had my yearly review recently for my raise. My supervisor told me 179 people in our department are leaving due to the mandate. I don't know how many employees we have as they act like it's a classified issue. I told her that I can't believe people aren't fighting this and requesting an exemption like I did. I'm not shocked as the woke crap over the past couple of years has worked it's way into our organization and people are sick of it.
Hope she's an honest HR person!
Sometimes having the courage to be honest with your employer’s HR people has huge benefits.
Why is this a thing in America? Why do the companies even care? Do they get paid by the government to mandate people getting injected?
Ugh, let us know how this goes...
Company sent out a company-wide email asking for everyone to submit Vaccination status or to "decline to answer". Keep in mind this company has around 12,000 employees and roughly 50% of them are unvaccinated. Imagine a bunch of people are gonna submit retirement papers.