I've been awake for years and fighting back however I can. But the fight is now at my office door. This is my red line. I will not cross it. You will have to fire me. I am at my precipice!!
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The jab is the hill I will die on.
Told my wife already before his mandate.
Who's bringing the playing cards?
Dominoes! I have several sets to share
Count me in!
The twist will be all of us having a grand old time while the crazies on ths outside keep stabbing & smothering each other because the TV told them to.
4D Chess.
This is my limit. I will not get this fucking shot.
precipice for me was november 3rd at 3 am
Same. I've been ungovernable since then.
I just got the email from work. They can go fuck themselves
The shot will literally kill me. My body cannot handle it. I’ve already had Covid and survived unfortunately my husband died
I am so sorry for your loss
Thank you. He was a marine and my rock. My best friend. I’m in shock still.
I am sending prayers and well-wishes your way, Fren.
I am so sorry, fren. Truly.
Then that wasn’t your precipice.
Submission is slavery.
Yes, it's my red line. It will not be crossed for anything.
Right there with you. There's NOTHING that would provoke me to even think about that death jab. NOTHING.
I am willing to die on this hill to keep my children from being forced to take this.
I am actively trying to keep my family from getting any boosters and trying to fix some of the damage the vaccine did.
I feel like I am fighting alone right now, this is where I come for strength to keep fighting.
You are not alone whatsoever. Right now, I'm fighting my ex who is trying to force the jab on our son. Luckily, he's wiser than his dad or it would be much worse.
Look into raising glutathione levels. It's a start to rid the body of the graphene oxide. After which, ivermectin to rid the body of parasites. The HCQ to maintain. I'm sure you know there is plenty of extremely thought out proven advice here on GA. It's not hard to find. Zinc, vitamins and the likes. All very good for repairing damages done by the clot shot. I've added aspirin to my daily just to thin the blood a bit.
I was at the precipice when Xiden told us we should only eat one hamburger a week. Seriously though, I'm right there with you.
now you put five guys in my head! 😡😅
He identifies as Wimpy???
For the time being the work I do is in a company smaller than 100 and the person at the top is not a fan of mandates so I don't foresee it happening regardless or threatening my position.
At my old job this would have meant vaccine mandate rollouts and it probably does I kind of wonder how things are going for them but I would have quit, fortunately I'm not in that position though I wouldn't have mine been able to quit for that reason or get fired rather, but I left that place earlier this year.
It's more of a concern for my wife who works for a large employer in a hospital. So far they have not put a mandate out they just label people who have received the vaccine and otherwise discriminate against those who have not with visual identifiers.
This would be the final ammunition a company like that needs to push the vaccine but hopefully our governor pushes back as well.
Regardless it can get much worse and it seems like it will at this rate. This is the kind of stuff, really what's been happening in the past year or two, that I've been ranting and raving about to just about anyone who will listen for almost 20 years. times like this I think back and wonder if my words had any impact on many people that I've encountered, what is their breaking point? Do they ever sit down and think that guy was right about all of those things?
All it takes is for that final straw to break the camel's back and people's eyes can become opened and realize that a lot is not what it seems at all.
I think it may have dawned on my sister today when I let her know I'd be losing my job for sticking to my principles after hearing my seemingly lunatic rants for the last decade. Let her know the camps were next & sent her a screen cap from Australia & the CDC. If they don't learn by the time their friends & family that 'told them so' are being put in camps, they do not deserve to learn & we are being freed from their wickedness once the gas turns on.
This is the hill, folks. Steadfast. Be smart.
they are gonna have to inject my limp dead body
Yup my wife and I are prepared to die if it comes to that. We will not live in perpetual clown world
You and millions upon millions of Americans just hit the precipice, myself included.
What else is left?
Millions just lost the last thing that was keeping them in check, comfort/security.
I’ve thought about this a bit more...I think vax deaths (soon) will be the tipping point.
Ride or Die
You are not alone. None of us are..
This is it.
I am with you all as well.
The New York Times said in an article that the mandates are a mistake so we must be at or near the edge.
The precipice for me will be when the authorities are knocking at my door to take me away to Quarantine and Re-education Camp. I still haven't decided my plan in that event. I hope none of us have to face that situation in the future.
Call them concentration camps. Don’t let them soften their language.
And once they have the uninjected in concentration camps, it will be able to kill them and say, “Oh, they died of the virus.” No questions asked.
Russell Jay Gould said the FEMA camps will be where all the Deep State and their minions will be held.
Would be karmic justice for them to be subjected to that which they had planned for the deplorables/cattle (asset forfeiture, camps, executions, plastic coffins, etc.)
yup this one would be it. im not leaving my home.
please write a paper why you were wrong in your beliefs. (that's what they'll have you do)
I wouldn't be surprised. Hopefully I won't have to write on a blackboard. Haven't done that in 55 years!
Already had the talk with my wife. I will not take the shot. We will sell and move or I will start my own business again.
i womder when and how they'll come after the self employed
By ruining the economy via a depression.
I wonder how many self-employed have gone out of business do the lockdowns this past year
Un-Vax Tax, would be my guess.
I will never take it and nothing can coerce me to take it. I felt that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach yesterday for everyone stressed and panicked about it. I feel for you and your families and am praying for everyone to stay strong. Look to Jesus, he is your rock.
This was it for me. Ready now to give up my 6-fig job and nice house in the burbs for a trailer in the middle of nowhere. WILL NOT COMPLY.
Could this be to bring about marshall law and gun confiscation.
I think we are close to looking into the abyss. When we get to the edge it will be resident imposed martial law. IMHO. I feel we must steel ourselves to face the enemy and it ain't Xiden. He's the patsy. Hope I'm terribly wrong but, again, IMHO things are going to get worse. Continue to harden up, Patriots.
Yes this my precipice. My husband and I both have said since the beginning we will not take this poison. They will have to fire us. What good is a job if you die or are severely injured from the clot shot.
I have been working on building 3 businesses. If my employer fires me, I have a raft to float on.
Self-reliance = independence = freedom
I'll pick up and move halfway across the country where my niche skillset will net me nothing, and I'll day labor on someone's farm before I concede to a medical mandate in order to feed myself.
I fell off my personal precipice years ago. I'm still in free-fall.
I hope I survive the landing.
What could be worse than handing over access to your DNA, a divine creation, to satanists?
Yup, this is my line. I told my boss months ago that if they mandate the jab I will walk. And I meant it.
Make them fire you- don't quit!!
Let them fire you
I'm not a lawyer, but having them fire you seems like a better option than quitting. The more they escalate these mandates the closer we get to having the whole house of cards collapse, and when the dust settles, wrongful termination lawsuits will be there.
In fact, if the amount of terminated employees is a huge number, I could even see Congress approving some type of settlement program, maybe a universal formula based off of salary and years of employment.
None of us can predict what the future holds with any certainty, of course, but I would never voluntarily quit.
I won't be getting that shot at any cost
Same here.....