They are also all wearing black socks. They wore their suits into work this morning. Changed into T-Shirts and shorts. But didn't bother to change thier socks.
I was thinking that possibly these are marines from the unit in dc… then I remembered to use my common sense:
None of them are young enough to be junior marines (they look like they’re 30+)
Only one has a high and tight. The rest would be out of refs even for “low fades”
The marine CoC prob made it very clear to not be at the “rally”
These are young feds that think they’re hot shit infiltrating a rally that their own corrupt agency set up.
You would think MAGA is not really full of flamin' twinkle toes(NTTIAWWT), so dressing like one was probably not the best camo if you are looking to hide amongst the crowd. Once again the FBI fails at being FBI.
Ha! Civies identified you that easily. I know your reading this and your wondering why you didn't go into accounting. Shoot this to your superior so they may inform those Boyz in your agency that the playing games junk is over. We already have multiple targets in just this one pic. Resign and grow a beard because we can and shall identify you, don't worry about coming to us we will be coming to you. Sleep tight boyz and keep your dogs fed.
It's not just the clothes and the haircuts. It's how they're standing.
That, right there, is the classic "white boys at a party where they don't feel comfortable" formation. Notice how they're all covering each other's six, and have that "tensed up but trying to look casual" hunch in their shoulders ready to deploy their Krav Maga at a moment's notice.
They usually post up around something familiar like the keg or a certain corner... in this case they've most likely set the little old lady on the mobility scooter with the Gadsen flag as their rally point.
Nice try, but you can never fight who you truly are, Bryce.
just checked in to say this yall... what the fuck is wrong with men these days? Why the fuck do so many dress like a complete tools? If I can't see the outline of your ball sack are they not appropriately tight, those shorts?! THOSE FUCKING HORRIBLE SKINNY SHORTS!!!!! So disrespectful! Balls protruding....
Don jr. created a meme with the agents and Hunter in his briefs & shades! Hysterical! Another meme put AOC’s tax the rich dress on all of them! It is too funny!
in nam we often carried different coloured ribbons," and no we werent gay well,.um uh I wasnt,...!. every day we would select a coloured ribbon and tie it to our lapel,.so if we came across anyone with a different colour wed put a bullet through him ,too bad if he turned out to be one of ours and happened to be colour blind,not our fault,..same thing with these gay pricks,with the, black socks so as they can recognise each other in the very little crowd
When the DS is defeated and if these guys somehow don't spend life in prison or get executed, they'll be walking the beat as mall cops. I'm going to spend my retirement hunting them down and making their lives miserable.
Did you read that future mall cops of America? Fuck you glowie shitbirds.
They are also all wearing black socks. They wore their suits into work this morning. Changed into T-Shirts and shorts. But didn't bother to change thier socks.
Wow. Now that you see the gun outline, you can see them in at least two of the other guys pockets too!
Is that a gun in your pocket? Oh wait...
kek kek kek
I dont really think people jam handguns in their pockets. Its about the most hindering thing possible in a firefight
You pegged it!
And they pegged after the rally ;)
Look up Glowie in the Anon dictionary, it's a picture of these fools.
There are those really cool holsters where it has a flap that you yoink up and it brings it up
To be fair, I’m not FBI and all I wear is black socks 😬
Black socks matter
Faggots gotta stay warm...
Good catch
I know those dudes! From left to right...Tyler Williams, Tyler Drysdale, Tyler Bonamassa, Tyler Greenberg, Tyler Fortenberry and Tyler Harris..
No, I think one of them is Chad.... and maybe a John-John too for good measure.
That’s not John it’s Skyler.
Definitely Skyler.
Chad is the guy in the beige shirt! 😆
The absolute irony, is that I know a guy who looks just like one of them. His name is Tyler! LOL
Same watch,glasses, fagoty pants. They do have a certain glow about their selves.
same water bottles in their hands
Don’t forget the hair cut! Why don’t guys wear mullets any more?
Prolly the same model pistol too.
If you can order a variety bundle of jorts from the Gap-- they did.
There's gays: dudes who fancy other dudes and there's fags like those in the picture.
My dearest gay friend said it years ago, “everybody hates a fag”.
Man, all those regulation haircuts.... nope, doesn't look ONE BIT like FBI dudes.
Maybe a way to recognize who's who in a crowd without wearing the yellow sticker on the bottom of their boots like they use to do. Less obvious
Is that the Gay FBI rally?
No, but those are cock sucking FBI Agents.
All of their sunglasses except 1 guy are identical too! Hahaha! Glowies for sure!
I was thinking that possibly these are marines from the unit in dc… then I remembered to use my common sense: None of them are young enough to be junior marines (they look like they’re 30+) Only one has a high and tight. The rest would be out of refs even for “low fades” The marine CoC prob made it very clear to not be at the “rally”
These are young feds that think they’re hot shit infiltrating a rally that their own corrupt agency set up.
Government issued watches that shoots horse tranquilizer darts and sonic stun capabilities
Maybe their walkie talkies too?
Also, too much testosterone and too little meth to be Antifa.
You would think MAGA is not really full of flamin' twinkle toes(NTTIAWWT), so dressing like one was probably not the best camo if you are looking to hide amongst the crowd. Once again the FBI fails at being FBI.
You would think they would at least spread out so it doesn't look like a fed boi circle jerk
Yeah, it's so obvious...I wonder why
The Feebs’ gay recruitment targeting continues to reel in the faggots.
Ha! Civies identified you that easily. I know your reading this and your wondering why you didn't go into accounting. Shoot this to your superior so they may inform those Boyz in your agency that the playing games junk is over. We already have multiple targets in just this one pic. Resign and grow a beard because we can and shall identify you, don't worry about coming to us we will be coming to you. Sleep tight boyz and keep your dogs fed.
Very "spook"y picture
It's not just the clothes and the haircuts. It's how they're standing.
That, right there, is the classic "white boys at a party where they don't feel comfortable" formation. Notice how they're all covering each other's six, and have that "tensed up but trying to look casual" hunch in their shoulders ready to deploy their Krav Maga at a moment's notice.
They usually post up around something familiar like the keg or a certain corner... in this case they've most likely set the little old lady on the mobility scooter with the Gadsen flag as their rally point.
Nice try, but you can never fight who you truly are, Bryce.
All given the same glasses and pants lol. Crazy
And they look confused as to why more didn't show up
just checked in to say this yall... what the fuck is wrong with men these days? Why the fuck do so many dress like a complete tools? If I can't see the outline of your ball sack are they not appropriately tight, those shorts?! THOSE FUCKING HORRIBLE SKINNY SHORTS!!!!! So disrespectful! Balls protruding....
it glows fer sure bud
They all shopped together at Abercrombie and Douche.
The funniest thing of all ...
... they think they're cool.
My Dad’s closet from 1997 called.
Your Dad came out of the closet in 1997... very brave.
Those are agents. I have no doubt in my mind.
Don jr. created a meme with the agents and Hunter in his briefs & shades! Hysterical! Another meme put AOC’s tax the rich dress on all of them! It is too funny!
I found it on gab.
That pic is hysterical! Crooks all! 👏🤣
in nam we often carried different coloured ribbons," and no we werent gay well,.um uh I wasnt,...!. every day we would select a coloured ribbon and tie it to our lapel,.so if we came across anyone with a different colour wed put a bullet through him ,too bad if he turned out to be one of ours and happened to be colour blind,not our fault,..same thing with these gay pricks,with the, black socks so as they can recognise each other in the very little crowd
I'm surprised they didn't all have the same juice boxes
When the DS is defeated and if these guys somehow don't spend life in prison or get executed, they'll be walking the beat as mall cops. I'm going to spend my retirement hunting them down and making their lives miserable.
Did you read that future mall cops of America? Fuck you glowie shitbirds.
There’s a reason that the locals call them “the feebs”.