I believe that nuclear power plants exist, but that the energy they output is the result of a far more simpler chemical reaction than we have been lead (pun intended) to believe.
Expect free energy to be revealed at some point during the Great Awakening.
Ok. I work for a facility that stores nuclear waste. I want to just clarify some of this here. Energy created from a nuclear power plant is not a chemical reaction process. Nuclear weapons are very real and so are the power plants and the processes to create energy are not chemical.
On a seperate note Iodine pills do nothing for dosages from gamma radiation
Nuclear bombs are symbolic of nation-ending blackmail secrets. Japan built a "UFO Research Facility" on top of Fukushima ground zero. They built an Olympic baseball field.
Undoubtedly 99.9% of a Plant's workers fully believe nuclear energy will vaporize them instantly if not kept secret, tucked inside 10ft of lead. Something to chew on. Remember Q clearance comes from DOE (Deer symbolism, Homer's Doh!).
Sorry none of what you just described is even close. I work for the DOE. Not one worker thinks they will be vaporized instantly. Because industry professionals have extensive training and performance based qualifications to demonstrate radiation safety. Perhaps some write up describes nuclear bombs as symbolic that is fine and all. They are still very real lol. I see and help characterise the nuclear waste that came from them. homer
Lead and how thick it is, is a quantifiable HVL for type size and specific energy of ionozing raditoactive isotopes.
Miss information like this is not useful or helpful to people. Sharing ideas is one thing you are near spewing flat earth shit here.
Any govt response would likely include remdesivir to kill you in case the original radiation hadn’t. Once your lungs are swimming in soup they then offer you the ventilator...!
Believe it or not, cynicism surrounding duck and cover back in the 50s was a communist ploy. It was the cold war version of demoralization.
When bomb yields were in the kilotons, there was a shot at our country surviving and recovering from a nuclear war. Soviet bombers were easy targets and we could have defended ourselves with a relatively low amount of damage nationwide. Duck and cover was used to help prevent serious injuries outside of the "instant and assured" death zones.
If people weren't trained to duck and cover, they could have been hit by all sorts of flying or falling debris. These kinds of injuries would clog up hospitals. Duck and cover helped mitigate these kinds of problems.
Of course, as the years marched on, bombs targeting cities grew and carried yields in the megaton range. Duck and cover does seem kind of pointless in that scenario. Even if you were to survive the initial attack, the radiation from a modern nuclear war will certainly make life miserable for survivors.
Still, for a short period of time, duck and cover was a pretty sound strategy for civil defense. In conventional war or natural disasters like earthquakes and tornadoes, it certainly doesn't hurt to follow those rules ... flying debris and partial structural collapse can fuck you up pretty bad ... Having something ... Anything over your head could be the difference between life and death.
Currently in Hawaii working. First time here. This could be just a coincidence but they do the emergency broadcast here ALOT. IDK if that's the norm for the state but I thought it was odd. From MI originally and they did it once a month there.
>Do your own research
I did too much research. Learned Comms and came to the conclusion that nuclear bombs don't exist.
but hey iodine is still great tho
I see alot of stuff about nukes being fake but haven't really ever heard the details about how or why.
Could you point me down the trail on where to even start with that? Sounds interesting.
Check out this site-
I will check it out. Thanks.
I believe that nuclear power plants exist, but that the energy they output is the result of a far more simpler chemical reaction than we have been lead (pun intended) to believe.
Expect free energy to be revealed at some point during the Great Awakening.
Ok. I work for a facility that stores nuclear waste. I want to just clarify some of this here. Energy created from a nuclear power plant is not a chemical reaction process. Nuclear weapons are very real and so are the power plants and the processes to create energy are not chemical. On a seperate note Iodine pills do nothing for dosages from gamma radiation
Nuclear bombs are symbolic of nation-ending blackmail secrets. Japan built a "UFO Research Facility" on top of Fukushima ground zero. They built an Olympic baseball field.
Undoubtedly 99.9% of a Plant's workers fully believe nuclear energy will vaporize them instantly if not kept secret, tucked inside 10ft of lead. Something to chew on. Remember Q clearance comes from DOE (Deer symbolism, Homer's Doh!).
Sorry none of what you just described is even close. I work for the DOE. Not one worker thinks they will be vaporized instantly. Because industry professionals have extensive training and performance based qualifications to demonstrate radiation safety. Perhaps some write up describes nuclear bombs as symbolic that is fine and all. They are still very real lol. I see and help characterise the nuclear waste that came from them. homer
Lead and how thick it is, is a quantifiable HVL for type size and specific energy of ionozing raditoactive isotopes.
Miss information like this is not useful or helpful to people. Sharing ideas is one thing you are near spewing flat earth shit here.
Any govt response would likely include remdesivir to kill you in case the original radiation hadn’t. Once your lungs are swimming in soup they then offer you the ventilator...!
Obama left the emergency use supplies for a pandemic depleted. Then the MSM blamed Trump for not being prepared when the scamdemic began.
Point is, Biden might literally be destroying emergency stock piles of all kinds of stuff including the iodine stuff.
Is there any way to check it?
IOSAT is where I buy my tablets from.
whether they will ship you off to concentration camps when you come looking for aid etc
"They' told us in case of an atom bomb that we should cover our head and hide under our Wooden desks and we would be safe.
My god man...! We we’re not that bad....!
We were perfectly safe under the stairs with mattresses propped up against us....!
Believe it or not, cynicism surrounding duck and cover back in the 50s was a communist ploy. It was the cold war version of demoralization.
When bomb yields were in the kilotons, there was a shot at our country surviving and recovering from a nuclear war. Soviet bombers were easy targets and we could have defended ourselves with a relatively low amount of damage nationwide. Duck and cover was used to help prevent serious injuries outside of the "instant and assured" death zones.
If people weren't trained to duck and cover, they could have been hit by all sorts of flying or falling debris. These kinds of injuries would clog up hospitals. Duck and cover helped mitigate these kinds of problems.
Of course, as the years marched on, bombs targeting cities grew and carried yields in the megaton range. Duck and cover does seem kind of pointless in that scenario. Even if you were to survive the initial attack, the radiation from a modern nuclear war will certainly make life miserable for survivors.
Still, for a short period of time, duck and cover was a pretty sound strategy for civil defense. In conventional war or natural disasters like earthquakes and tornadoes, it certainly doesn't hurt to follow those rules ... flying debris and partial structural collapse can fuck you up pretty bad ... Having something ... Anything over your head could be the difference between life and death.
Remember: playing outside during radioactive fallout will NOT give you Super Powers.
Just spreading fear.
Or a potential tnusami destroying multiple east coast nuclear reactors as a result of the canary islands volcano going off.
true... time will tell! Hope it's just a bluff kek
I'm not sure unstable volcanic islands go in for bluffing.
Been hearing a LOT of odd preparedness stuff on tbe radio lately. Store radios too!
Union is 61.7 miles from Indian Point.
Potassium Iodide is free for certain Westchester residents: https://emergencyservices.westchestergov.com/indian-point/potassium-iodide
seen this on videos on subway trains in NYC too...Bad Moon Rising.
One thing I remember learning is take a shower ASAP and DO NOT USE CONDITIONER. It will bind the radiation to your skin/hair.
Yeah, like that's going to do you any good.
scary, what part of the country is that?
oh my, I didn't even see that. thanks for helping me out, been a long week.
wow this is very scary is this verified?
Hmmm, nuclear plant leaks after 200’ tsunami from the Canary Islands??
Nuclear war ? Really ? In case of nuclear war just wrap yourself in a sheet and crawl in direction of nearby cementary ;)
Less funny thing: Lukoil in USA ? You tank Russian gas ? OMG.
"Solar Flare" radiation (cyber attacks) for internet blackouts when the election fraud drops????
This is where my head is at… I just wonder if they’ll pull off an actual attack to achieve their narrative or just fake it with propaganda?
Man I grew up going to the Lido Diner in Union on route 22, I think it’s a 7/11 now :(
Not sure if it’s the same place, but the Union Plaza Diner is right next to where I took this pic. Seems like it’s been there forever.
Buy a geiger counter. Dont take a chance on you not being informed and "trapped" by the local police state. Who knows what the next idea is
Stay afraid, consume propaganda.
Just stocked up on anti-radiation tabs. So cheap.
Just become a liberal.
Defcon [1] non-nuclear
Fake Nuke incident coming soon
If you can get far enough underground you should be alright.
Currently in Hawaii working. First time here. This could be just a coincidence but they do the emergency broadcast here ALOT. IDK if that's the norm for the state but I thought it was odd. From MI originally and they did it once a month there.
Oh, ok. That makes sense then. Ty
Oh great, another reason to lock us in our homes.🙄😡
Scare event necessary
That Canary Island scenario is actually proper fucking scary.