I’m trying to breath, literally I'm shocked and I only read through to page seven of nineteen, I will read the following pages once I digest the astronomical amount of truth that I have read thus far! . I have followed this mass weapon of destruction perpetrated on the world from the beginning. I have read countless articles and listened to probably hundreds of videos and knew ,like all of us here, from day one, what this agenda was truly about, however it superseded my greatest thoughts or theories . I am absolutely stunned that so many human beings continue to not only believe this horror of lies , but ; actually fight to advocate for it. This is beyond brainwashing, but clinical proof that their is something wrong with their brains, their cognitive thinking! I have to understand that many, not all , but many will never awaken due to the fact , they simply do not have the cognitive ability to do so ! I could continue but for times sake I will simply say - This is by far one of the greatest most well written documents concerning this pandemic that I have ever read and I’ve only read half as of yet! All of us need to comprehend the knowledge that has been written and thank God that we do have the cognitive ability to understand the truth ! May God help our country and be with those ready to unleash the greatest plan in world history. NCSWIC means more to me than ever before !
Lol well I’m glad I moved you :) I was pretty taken back and as some will say, it’s a lot of what we have read or watched over the last year or two , but it’s the conviction and emotion that it was written with, the fact that ALL all of what is going on was powerfully with emotion expressed in one power packed bomb dropped on the murderers! I plan on enlarging the font , highlighting certain sentences and making copies for those I know who took the first two shots in the hope that I can finally get them to question and start to research the truth ! We are running out of time and I’m not going to slow down for people who refuse to or are incapable of understanding the truth ! There may come a time, God help us that we will have to realize and accept that we cannot reach certain people , for whatever reason they refuse to not only SEE but refuse to even LOOK at the truth !
Thank you ,Joys1daughter , this whole covid lie has forced me to accept , I’ve known this ,but I need to understand and accept this ... something is seriously wrong with people’s minds! It’s hard to understand and accept something that doesn’t make sense and I cannot understand or make sense of how so many people are walking around so deceived, so void of intelligence or simple common sense. Whether “they” did this to their minds, I don’t know and I don’t have time to figure it out , but I do know that there may come a time , where they will slow us down and that’s dangerous !
I say this as a mother to a 28 year old, my youngest daughter! For many years my daughter very proudly would tell her friends that her mother signed medical waivers so she didn’t have to have vaccinations , how glad she was that I did not allow that poison to go into her body! My youngest daughter grew up with her one year older autistic sister , which I believe happened from early childhood vaccinations ! My youngest daughter was totally and vocally against vaccinations! My youngest 27 year old daughter got the jab and told me that I’m ridiculous , the vaccination is good and safe ! My youngest daughter is deceived to the point where I don’t understand it. I will continue to pray for her but she refuses to take anything ( literature about the jab ) or listen to anything contrary to the jab! I don’t understand what happened to her. She’s a very smart young girl who once knew the truth and now fights against it . She is a very strong young girl who stands up loudly for what she believes in, it breaks my heart to watch her standing up for and fighting for this horror. What happened to her ? I’m not sure if it’s all just brainwashing!
I'm so sorry that I'm just answering you u/NeverStopBelieving! I tried to reply immediately but we were driving on the interstate and coverage was spotty.
I totally understand and have felt exactly the same. Particularly with our own kids...out of 4 only 1 is unvaccinated and conservative. They were not raised to be liberal. All are intelligent and raised to be Christians. One of our daughters was a midwife, had her youngest child at home in a water birth and extremely antivax. She also homeschooled. Now, she has done an about face and we are fervently praying that she will wake up!
My heart breaks for both of your daughters and will continue praying for them and all others who have been brainwashed and groomed by the evil one.
I know God is working to free His Children from this spiritual bondage. Have faith and keep in touch. Blessings! 🙏
It really reveals nothing new. If you've been watching its all just enumerated and specifically hitting the local government there but Alberta is just a single model of what's being done.
It may not reveal any thing new, ( well it does reveal a few things and I know this because I’ve been on this with Drs of truth and lay people since day one ) it is the collection of information a declaration if you will written for the courts ,discovery that is done before a case goes forward ! ( the word courts is a description , I realize they are corrupt as well ) it is a brief to read that pretty much covers every aspect of this lie written with conviction with a touch of emotion which I pray will penetrate the layer of deception surrounding many brains.
Apologies. Previous link was too slow (users reporting it was dead, but it just took a long time to resolve). Thanks to super-patriot u/Sumsuch for the better source! OK, let's gooooooo
This is one of the most important documents on the pandemic I've ever read. Absolutely SCORCHES the dogshit lies of the Alberta pandemic narrative.
Not to worry it’s posted now .. I’m still reading this life changing ..(even for me who has always known the truth ) document .this is the best I’ve read thus far since this weapon of warfare was released on our world ! The direction of the greatest weapon launched on our world has shifted NCSWIC has truly been activated and as they look in the mirror, they can see that they are the target!
I literally saw the sign walking my dog just today, just the smallest in the set down the block, saw the name from far and wasn't sure until I saw his face.
I will make a proper photo post tomorrow, if there aren't already 10 others.
Doesn’t really matter whether they address it or not. If, as we believe, everything written here is fact, at some point they will have to acknowledge it because people ARE going to be arrested for Nuremberg Code violations and crimes against humanity. At the very least it should be a sobering wake-up call for some of the “underlings” who have ignored conscience and ethics out of fear of a government that will not protect them when all hell breaks loose. It’s simply astounding to me that so many have been so completely, and so easily, influenced to abandon every decent and honourable thing they’ve ever known over fear of a friggin’ “cold”.
Isn’t it amazing....I do not admire the enemy but you do have to stand back in awe in how fuckinh easy it was to scam the world .....dude I’m starting to wonder if ww2 and ww1 even happened......
Well, he’s had a lot of time to study the human psyche but if you stop to think about it, he hasn’t gotten any more clever over those thousands of years of study. He pulls the same old tricks he pulled on Eve in the Garden - taking a Truth and twisting it to cause doubt, and then division, until we are manipulated into believing something that is the absolute opposite of the original Truth, and - if we’re fortunate enough to be awakened before it’s too late - we’re always left wondering how on earth we were so deceived. When Jesus was tempted in the same way, for 40 days/nights in the wilderness, He never took His eyes off the bigger picture - the plan the Triune God designed to restore us to Himself the very moment Eve took a bite of that fruit. We need to do the same - never take our eyes off Jesus. Our Hope is in Him and this life is temporal. Only Eternity matters in the grand scheme of things, so let these trials strengthen our Faith in Him and then we all truly win!
You nailed it and what you said is so powerful, a 5 year old should understand your statement ....”.Fear of a friggin cold” ..it’s really that simple isn’t it ..can you imagine. That’s why I know there is truly something wrong with theirs brains , it’s not just brainwashing ! .
They’ve given themselves over to something they don’t understand - something so subtle that even normal, educated people have had evil play to their emotions and they’ve completely lost sight of logic and common sense. I am so thankful I was raised by parents who taught us to think for ourselves - kinda that same idea as, “If your friend told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?” Even as a teen, I never bowed to “peer pressure” because I was taught (sometimes with a boot to the bum) to use my head. My parents weren’t particularly “religious”, but they were raised right and they didn’t bend to the idea that they (or we) were entitled to more than anybody else. I think the spirit of entitlement is a big part of the deceitful ideology that is controlling things right now.
The whole medical community is culpable. Government Medical Officers, hospital administrators, doctors and nurses. Anyone who has been involved in spreading lies (CV19 is deadly, HCQ causes heart attacks, Ivermectin does not work, masks prevent CV19, you can't get CV19 if you are vaxed, hospital capacity is exceeded, signing FALSE CV219 death certificates), withholding cures (HCQ and Ivermectin) or administering protocols that kill people (Remdesivir and ventilators) MUST be prosecuted FULLY. These are crimes against humanity and ALL must be prosecuted.
Nice letter, I have about three weeks or so before I have to throw myself on the sword and get raped. I pray to jesus that the whole thing implodes before that and the world pulls these harmful useless clot shots.
Don't know why you were downvoted. You're thinking of Matthew 26:51-52.
"And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear. Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."
Inasmuch as a sword, in particular, a two-edged sword is a symbol for the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12). In turn, Jesus is also called the Word (John 1:1-3; John 1:14; Hebrews 11:3; 1 John 1:1-3; 1 John 5:7).
I bring not peace but a sword
With respect, that is a paraphrase of Matthew 10:34. It's important to note the context.
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:34-38
In other words, Jesus was saying that His coming would result in strife among people, even families, with those who've accepted Him being persecuted by those who haven't.
A man who owns a coat but no sword should sell his coat and buy a sword
Also a paraphrase. Here's the context in Luke 22:35-38.
"And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing. Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end. And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough."
This discussion occurred on the same night that Jesus was arrested. Later, when Peter used one of the aforementioned swords to cut off the ear of one of the guards, Jesus admonished Peter and told him to "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword" (Matthew 26:51-52; John 18:10-11). Evidently, Jesus didn't mean for His disciples to literally go out and purchase swords. When He said "It is enough" as recorded in Luke 22:38, it wasn't an affirmative "That is a sufficient amount of swords," but rather "That's enough of this conversation." Also, there's no mention of the disciples carrying or using swords afterward during the events recorded in Acts or elsewhere.
Just gonna say this. If you belong to a profession that the government NEEDS to license then you are an agent of the government. In your cases the corporate governments of the queen.
These controls mean you do the bidding g of that corporation when they finally call on yku to do so.
You professional development, knowledge, experience and skill ALL belong to them.
Everything they did to set up a functioning beauracracy was to lead to this time when they could just strip you of all you worked for.
Doctors are nothing more than highly trained and highly paid slaves. No more free than the lowest welfare recipient.
Self sufficiency and a warrior ethos for a trained fighter is all thats left. If you don't k ow how to war you will either be further enslaved or dead.
The letter is great and courageous as far as doctors go and what's at risk, but the truth is, most of what you have been told is a big lie and for money, prestige and superior k owledge you have compromised for years. Now they want their due.
You didn't think your training, k owlwdge and experience were yours did you? They and you belong to the queen and she says the bill is due.
Solid, logical arguments. And they would have worked IF this was a medical issue. But this is really about getting power over everyone and establishing a digital ID. As Q says, they think we are cattle.
Great letter! This is well written and easy to read and understand. This is exactly what we need, Physician groups identifying the actual numbers of the sick, the lethality of the virus to age groups, the efficacy of the vaccine to each age group, alternative methods of treatment, and I love the part about the vaxxed who maybe a little sick but think they’re protected so they go about their business and spread the virus to the rest of us AND yet the unvaxxed are the super spreaders. The more insiders and/or individuals who have seen what’s going on with the vax that talk openly about it, the quicker people stand up and say No!
Wait, this appears to be from a lawyer named Jeffrey Rath, not the college of physicians and surgeons - that is who it is addressed to. The lawyer says he represents "numerous" doctors who want to remain anonymous.
This is just a comment on a message board with no names behind it. Doctors need to stop being such cowards and sign things themselves if they're going to stand behind them!
I’m trying to breath, literally I'm shocked and I only read through to page seven of nineteen, I will read the following pages once I digest the astronomical amount of truth that I have read thus far! . I have followed this mass weapon of destruction perpetrated on the world from the beginning. I have read countless articles and listened to probably hundreds of videos and knew ,like all of us here, from day one, what this agenda was truly about, however it superseded my greatest thoughts or theories . I am absolutely stunned that so many human beings continue to not only believe this horror of lies , but ; actually fight to advocate for it. This is beyond brainwashing, but clinical proof that their is something wrong with their brains, their cognitive thinking! I have to understand that many, not all , but many will never awaken due to the fact , they simply do not have the cognitive ability to do so ! I could continue but for times sake I will simply say - This is by far one of the greatest most well written documents concerning this pandemic that I have ever read and I’ve only read half as of yet! All of us need to comprehend the knowledge that has been written and thank God that we do have the cognitive ability to understand the truth ! May God help our country and be with those ready to unleash the greatest plan in world history. NCSWIC means more to me than ever before !
Jesus christ, lady, now I feel I need to read this.
I'll have what she's having! 🤓
For real. I’m hyped up just reading that
Lol well I’m glad I moved you :) I was pretty taken back and as some will say, it’s a lot of what we have read or watched over the last year or two , but it’s the conviction and emotion that it was written with, the fact that ALL all of what is going on was powerfully with emotion expressed in one power packed bomb dropped on the murderers! I plan on enlarging the font , highlighting certain sentences and making copies for those I know who took the first two shots in the hope that I can finally get them to question and start to research the truth ! We are running out of time and I’m not going to slow down for people who refuse to or are incapable of understanding the truth ! There may come a time, God help us that we will have to realize and accept that we cannot reach certain people , for whatever reason they refuse to not only SEE but refuse to even LOOK at the truth !
What she said! 👆 Literally stunned and rereading with my coffee. Well said u/NeverStopBelieving! 👏
Thank you ,Joys1daughter , this whole covid lie has forced me to accept , I’ve known this ,but I need to understand and accept this ... something is seriously wrong with people’s minds! It’s hard to understand and accept something that doesn’t make sense and I cannot understand or make sense of how so many people are walking around so deceived, so void of intelligence or simple common sense. Whether “they” did this to their minds, I don’t know and I don’t have time to figure it out , but I do know that there may come a time , where they will slow us down and that’s dangerous !
I say this as a mother to a 28 year old, my youngest daughter! For many years my daughter very proudly would tell her friends that her mother signed medical waivers so she didn’t have to have vaccinations , how glad she was that I did not allow that poison to go into her body! My youngest daughter grew up with her one year older autistic sister , which I believe happened from early childhood vaccinations ! My youngest daughter was totally and vocally against vaccinations! My youngest 27 year old daughter got the jab and told me that I’m ridiculous , the vaccination is good and safe ! My youngest daughter is deceived to the point where I don’t understand it. I will continue to pray for her but she refuses to take anything ( literature about the jab ) or listen to anything contrary to the jab! I don’t understand what happened to her. She’s a very smart young girl who once knew the truth and now fights against it . She is a very strong young girl who stands up loudly for what she believes in, it breaks my heart to watch her standing up for and fighting for this horror. What happened to her ? I’m not sure if it’s all just brainwashing!
I'm so sorry that I'm just answering you u/NeverStopBelieving! I tried to reply immediately but we were driving on the interstate and coverage was spotty.
I totally understand and have felt exactly the same. Particularly with our own kids...out of 4 only 1 is unvaccinated and conservative. They were not raised to be liberal. All are intelligent and raised to be Christians. One of our daughters was a midwife, had her youngest child at home in a water birth and extremely antivax. She also homeschooled. Now, she has done an about face and we are fervently praying that she will wake up!
My heart breaks for both of your daughters and will continue praying for them and all others who have been brainwashed and groomed by the evil one.
I know God is working to free His Children from this spiritual bondage. Have faith and keep in touch. Blessings! 🙏
It really reveals nothing new. If you've been watching its all just enumerated and specifically hitting the local government there but Alberta is just a single model of what's being done.
It may not reveal any thing new, ( well it does reveal a few things and I know this because I’ve been on this with Drs of truth and lay people since day one ) it is the collection of information a declaration if you will written for the courts ,discovery that is done before a case goes forward ! ( the word courts is a description , I realize they are corrupt as well ) it is a brief to read that pretty much covers every aspect of this lie written with conviction with a touch of emotion which I pray will penetrate the layer of deception surrounding many brains.
Apologies. Previous link was too slow (users reporting it was dead, but it just took a long time to resolve). Thanks to super-patriot u/Sumsuch for the better source! OK, let's gooooooo
This is one of the most important documents on the pandemic I've ever read. Absolutely SCORCHES the dogshit lies of the Alberta pandemic narrative.
Hey catsfive ..What happened to my comment ? Ty :)
Oh, I don't see it either... Oh, it might have been on the previous thread. If you remember it, port it over?
Not to worry it’s posted now .. I’m still reading this life changing ..(even for me who has always known the truth ) document .this is the best I’ve read thus far since this weapon of warfare was released on our world ! The direction of the greatest weapon launched on our world has shifted NCSWIC has truly been activated and as they look in the mirror, they can see that they are the target!
Just now realized you posted this ..beyond grateful you found this ..and I agree and second your statement ! beyond words !
SO Powerful! 💥 Thank you u/catsfive!!
A good step, but still amounts to little more than a strongly worded letter.
BTW - Pawlowski(sp?) The pastor who has been arrested multiple times for holding church service, is running locally for a city council position.
That’s great news ty for letting us know
I literally saw the sign walking my dog just today, just the smallest in the set down the block, saw the name from far and wasn't sure until I saw his face.
I will make a proper photo post tomorrow, if there aren't already 10 others.
Very good. Although I don't think the Alberta Government will address this (at least not publicly), every action helps.
Doesn’t really matter whether they address it or not. If, as we believe, everything written here is fact, at some point they will have to acknowledge it because people ARE going to be arrested for Nuremberg Code violations and crimes against humanity. At the very least it should be a sobering wake-up call for some of the “underlings” who have ignored conscience and ethics out of fear of a government that will not protect them when all hell breaks loose. It’s simply astounding to me that so many have been so completely, and so easily, influenced to abandon every decent and honourable thing they’ve ever known over fear of a friggin’ “cold”.
Isn’t it amazing....I do not admire the enemy but you do have to stand back in awe in how fuckinh easy it was to scam the world .....dude I’m starting to wonder if ww2 and ww1 even happened......
Well, he’s had a lot of time to study the human psyche but if you stop to think about it, he hasn’t gotten any more clever over those thousands of years of study. He pulls the same old tricks he pulled on Eve in the Garden - taking a Truth and twisting it to cause doubt, and then division, until we are manipulated into believing something that is the absolute opposite of the original Truth, and - if we’re fortunate enough to be awakened before it’s too late - we’re always left wondering how on earth we were so deceived. When Jesus was tempted in the same way, for 40 days/nights in the wilderness, He never took His eyes off the bigger picture - the plan the Triune God designed to restore us to Himself the very moment Eve took a bite of that fruit. We need to do the same - never take our eyes off Jesus. Our Hope is in Him and this life is temporal. Only Eternity matters in the grand scheme of things, so let these trials strengthen our Faith in Him and then we all truly win!
You nailed it and what you said is so powerful, a 5 year old should understand your statement ....”.Fear of a friggin cold” ..it’s really that simple isn’t it ..can you imagine. That’s why I know there is truly something wrong with theirs brains , it’s not just brainwashing ! .
They’ve given themselves over to something they don’t understand - something so subtle that even normal, educated people have had evil play to their emotions and they’ve completely lost sight of logic and common sense. I am so thankful I was raised by parents who taught us to think for ourselves - kinda that same idea as, “If your friend told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?” Even as a teen, I never bowed to “peer pressure” because I was taught (sometimes with a boot to the bum) to use my head. My parents weren’t particularly “religious”, but they were raised right and they didn’t bend to the idea that they (or we) were entitled to more than anybody else. I think the spirit of entitlement is a big part of the deceitful ideology that is controlling things right now.
Correct ! Entitlement is underrated as to one of the answers as to what is going on with our youth and young people !
It even mentions ivermectin!
And Vitamin D Vitamin C and zinc, all got a mention!
Muy caliente!
Great one to send un-sure frens and family, especially in Canada.
Thanks OP.
The whole medical community is culpable. Government Medical Officers, hospital administrators, doctors and nurses. Anyone who has been involved in spreading lies (CV19 is deadly, HCQ causes heart attacks, Ivermectin does not work, masks prevent CV19, you can't get CV19 if you are vaxed, hospital capacity is exceeded, signing FALSE CV219 death certificates), withholding cures (HCQ and Ivermectin) or administering protocols that kill people (Remdesivir and ventilators) MUST be prosecuted FULLY. These are crimes against humanity and ALL must be prosecuted.
Nice. Very nice. Thanks for posting.
Nice letter, I have about three weeks or so before I have to throw myself on the sword and get raped. I pray to jesus that the whole thing implodes before that and the world pulls these harmful useless clot shots.
Didn't Jesus say something along the lines of those who live by the sword, die by the sword?
Don't know why you were downvoted. You're thinking of Matthew 26:51-52.
Inasmuch as a sword, in particular, a two-edged sword is a symbol for the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12). In turn, Jesus is also called the Word (John 1:1-3; John 1:14; Hebrews 11:3; 1 John 1:1-3; 1 John 5:7).
With respect, that is a paraphrase of Matthew 10:34. It's important to note the context.
In other words, Jesus was saying that His coming would result in strife among people, even families, with those who've accepted Him being persecuted by those who haven't.
Also a paraphrase. Here's the context in Luke 22:35-38.
This discussion occurred on the same night that Jesus was arrested. Later, when Peter used one of the aforementioned swords to cut off the ear of one of the guards, Jesus admonished Peter and told him to "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword" (Matthew 26:51-52; John 18:10-11). Evidently, Jesus didn't mean for His disciples to literally go out and purchase swords. When He said "It is enough" as recorded in Luke 22:38, it wasn't an affirmative "That is a sufficient amount of swords," but rather "That's enough of this conversation." Also, there's no mention of the disciples carrying or using swords afterward during the events recorded in Acts or elsewhere.
Just gonna say this. If you belong to a profession that the government NEEDS to license then you are an agent of the government. In your cases the corporate governments of the queen.
These controls mean you do the bidding g of that corporation when they finally call on yku to do so.
You professional development, knowledge, experience and skill ALL belong to them.
Everything they did to set up a functioning beauracracy was to lead to this time when they could just strip you of all you worked for.
Doctors are nothing more than highly trained and highly paid slaves. No more free than the lowest welfare recipient.
Self sufficiency and a warrior ethos for a trained fighter is all thats left. If you don't k ow how to war you will either be further enslaved or dead.
The letter is great and courageous as far as doctors go and what's at risk, but the truth is, most of what you have been told is a big lie and for money, prestige and superior k owledge you have compromised for years. Now they want their due.
You didn't think your training, k owlwdge and experience were yours did you? They and you belong to the queen and she says the bill is due.
Solid, logical arguments. And they would have worked IF this was a medical issue. But this is really about getting power over everyone and establishing a digital ID. As Q says, they think we are cattle.
Also, keep this report handy if you have not seen it… https://ocla.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/2021-09-27-WKindzierski-Rapid-appraisial-of-usefulness-of-mRNA-vaccines.pdf
This is excellent for sections 4 and 5 which spell out clearly just how "effective" the vaccines are (not).
Great letter! This is well written and easy to read and understand. This is exactly what we need, Physician groups identifying the actual numbers of the sick, the lethality of the virus to age groups, the efficacy of the vaccine to each age group, alternative methods of treatment, and I love the part about the vaxxed who maybe a little sick but think they’re protected so they go about their business and spread the virus to the rest of us AND yet the unvaxxed are the super spreaders. The more insiders and/or individuals who have seen what’s going on with the vax that talk openly about it, the quicker people stand up and say No!
Wait, this appears to be from a lawyer named Jeffrey Rath, not the college of physicians and surgeons - that is who it is addressed to. The lawyer says he represents "numerous" doctors who want to remain anonymous.
This is just a comment on a message board with no names behind it. Doctors need to stop being such cowards and sign things themselves if they're going to stand behind them!
Just read two pages and had to stop to let it soak in!
The "vaccine" is far more dangerous than the virus. I knew that.
I'm not sure what's going on, but every time i click the link, i only get the letter from the arch bishop to trump. Is the link wrong?
It's a pdf. Try going to the default download location and look for the latest file downloaded. Filensme= 2021-10-04-LT-CPSA. pdf