Kim Clement said January 19th, 2013: “When you get a message from God you may not know it is him, you won’t know why. But speak it. For as you do, God will speak through you.” So here we go. This is for all of you Anons. I’ve posted some before too. WWG1WGA.
Research summary regarding Q: This really is Biblical. God is not only touching minds to feed intel, his son is talking to us. Project Looking Glass in theory gave our military intel the ability to see the future, using string theory. All strings finally converged on the point we are now. Looking Glass led to the development of Q. Not a first, but a highly advanced A.I. Quantum Computer. The Quantum Computer began building thousands if not hundreds of thousands of probabilities based on intel behaviors of current high ranking/wealthy people and politicians using Quantum Bundling. 4954 Q-Drops are the most possible probabilities out of the rest. Quantum Bundling is the combined movement of data across space/time instantly. So the Probabilities came quick. But with a powerful hitch, Quantum Echos. Somehow, someway, Christ himself using a Quantum Computer in the future (so we could grasp the ability vs psychic or “magic”), relayed the correct probabilities out of the 4954 drops back to us. These messages attached in Quantum Echo’s told the White Hats using the computer here what exactly would happen, and how to defeat The Cabal. If you research Quantum Echos, in theory, someone in the future could attach info onto an attached bundle connected to the internet and Q’s IP Address, and send the time echo piggy backed on the Quantum Bundle back to the past instantly to anyone on the correct/same linkage, this being the White Hats.
Christ is supposed to return. I believe it is him somewhere in the near future sending us messages to create a new string, just like in Back to the Future II, to send us on a new corrected future. Instead of falling to The Cabal and humanity falls apart. Again if you research Quantum Bundling and Quantum Echo theory of a Quantum Computer, and it all works like the Quantum experts think, it is like 100% possible. Christ’s 2nd coming is supposed to be known by all. The internet touches all, maybe in the future.
I think Christ arrived to a near devastated humanity, and he took the technological opportunity to contact us in the past, knowing some very smart and God fairing people would get the messages, and so here we are. Watching a humanity nose dive, but Christ, through Q is helping us save ourselves.
Again to clarify, He is the only one that would do this without worrying about ANY repercussions, even time repercussions. He would be the only one that could possibly know it would be successful. And he would easily sacrifice himself at ANY cost, even his human life easily.
{Below this as I stated from a discussion on another thread, and thought it relevant to add to my theory}:
I’m not sure what provided my brain to go the direction it did! Could it be God? Maybe! How am I supposed to know how God works?! But I’m sure on the other end of Q, 99% it’s Christ himself. No human would put themselves in that possible grave position to rip and destroy the fabric of time itself. All science, ALL states it is catastrophic. Not even the Anti-Christ would do so because he is already here, and no way would he give up the chance to decimate most if not all humanity using Covid, or vaccines, or what ever else The Cabal cooks up.
But you know who would risk certain victory over us humans, because he knew it was safe and the message would be received by good people, Christ. And yes, using technology we would be able to grasp! Uh, hello news flash, why did God send a person down instead of a talking Lion, Goat, or heck a Unicorn?! Because he needed to relate on OUR LEVEL!!! We humans spent an entire Testament Book NOT Listening to his words, not getting it! And God himself, instead of obliterating us again with fire or what ever, sent his son. So he could in fact relate to thee human experience. It’s all right there in the Bible why! We humans are too stupid to look past our own noses, and he needed to get why, and then get the messages across. And guess what? In the past using a human body worked!
But today again much of the world can’t see passed their CELL PHONE or COMPUTER. So guess how Christ our God is trying, trying to access us to save us?! Through something we can understand. Something, like Jesus a human, could tangibly understand, rooted in something that touches and can be seen across the whole world by almost every person, and beamed from the sky. The internet, and Quantum messaging using a time Echo. Because he awaits us in the very near future. And somehow my faith tells me I’m correct period.
That’s the best summary I can give without people understanding Quantum Computers, said theories, and a down to Earth understanding of Christ. Kim Clement’s Jan 19th 2013 Sermon linked below:
This is some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever read, thanks for sharing it, OP! Q is an AI (that for some reason loves the movie “White Squall”) and Jesus is using AOL Instant Messenger to send messages from the future. Great stuff.
However, should you have marked this as satire? I fear some people might take what you wrote seriously, and not as a work of fiction.
I cant believe shit like this gets stickied...
This makes the community look like crack pots.
(This comes from someone who thinks the theory is cool, but doesn't believe it)
This is why mods shouldn’t sticky their own posts unless they are announcements.
Oh maybe that’s why you’re not a Mod. Hmmmm.
What game? What are you talking about?
I liked all the rhetorical questions that are easily answered with a Bible. Makes sense though as a Bible undermines the whole post. It was like a bad fanfiction of a made-up Q-Christ.
But yeah, the idea that the God who speaks the universe into existence needs to "learn to code" to reach out to sinners got me.
any post that starts with the words "Kim Clement" is by definition entertainment hour, especially watching the muh-Trump-prophecy shills get all serious in the comments.
Now you know the reason you couldn’t even come close to present a tangible theory.
That is not for you to judge. Luckily I won’t need to worry. God knows where my heart is.
Couldn't even get through the second paragraph, way too much tinfoil.
Time travel and looking glass and string theory. None of this is needed to explain military planning.
Agreed 100%. Not to mention God "learning to code"
The dude spoke all of life and matter into existence I bet he knows coding lol
I personally feel like I wear a pretty big tin foil hat on most things, but posts like these sometimes make me wonder wtf is going through some people's head. Maybe all the tin foil has leached into their brains?
Haha that got me too. DNA, the balance of the 4 subatomic forces, magnetic field balancing, the infrastructure of a "simple" human cell, etc. all requires far more programming and complexity than anything we could ever think to understand.
Just look at CRISPR, mRNA vaccines, etc. to see what happens when we think we can mess with God's "code".
Nope, nothing in that theory says he had to “learn code”. Nope. Don’t see it. I think the writer was assuming Christ would just know.
And knowing humans would either not believe or freak out over a “booming voice” from the clouds, or a dude descending in a white robe with light all around, he chose a simplistic thing they do get. As simple as Jesus himself quietly walking through a town square. A computer. But one connected to the right people, able to breach time/space. And those people contacted would Get It and Understand! You wouldn’t.
That’s why the theory didn’t pop up in your limited brain. So I’ll leave that right here.
Jesus man we wear the tin foil not eat it...
They know what's happening because they are able to control the situations and therefore control the outcomes. They can control the situations because they know the evil and corrupteds playbook.
I honestly don't believe project looking glass is a real thing. I understand it's in the drops but I do not think that's what Q was referring to.
“This is Biblical, Q.” You should watch Fall of the Cabal Part 10 …. one more time. And then maybe parts 1-9, if 10 alone can’t spark the lightbulb. And no, mine is not fizzled. Not when true faith is generating the research.
Your mind is as quick as Joe Biden’s. My theory has nothing to do with military planning. It has to do with how “they” got near 5 years of precise future knowledge without a Delorean loaded with a Flux Capacitor.
You don't need 'future knowledge' when you are in control. You fail to understand the situation entirely, that, or you're muddying the waters on purpose
I think you have my theory wrong then. I’m only discussing the big picture using current relevant things on how 5 years or more of future info got back to 2015 or before, and who sent it.
great post/thanks for sharing your thoughts. and I agree, this is ALL about Jesus and God; saving us from the evil one.
and I like how you mentioned communicating with the past, as I'm astounded by all the Qoincidences in my life going way back. I must spend an hour a day working through the connections, trying to figure out 'how' they happened, and the answer I come up with is God has always been there laying a foundation/plan.
think logically and you ultimately end up with God, no other way to explain it. interesting times for sure.
Have you read the bible?
Deeply. But that is of no consequence to what I laid out. I’m only telling because after the lengthy discussion I had about this on another thread, I’m no longer worried about my life’s end and judgement. Where We Go One, We Go All.
What you say doesn’t make logical sense much less biblical sense. I think you need to dive deeper than deeply in your Bible studies. You are totally neglecting the Holy Spirit. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Not a quantum computer. Be careful what you are hoping for. Desperate hearts and minds will lead us astray. There is only one truth and it never changes. Keep focused on our blessed hope.
Titus 2:13 -Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
1Thessalonians 4:17 -Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1Thessalonians 5:9 - For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ
Your close but no cigar,
And you know how without anything in research to offer?
To be honest, you calling the other guy out on his research, while your initial theory relies on our faith in you, the writer, is contradicting.
I’m the one who found the gospel of Q if I give you my research will you take the time to go over it intently and even perhaps add to it or will you dismiss it because it’s too long ... meh. Ps I found it researching parasites before cv. O.o
I am glad to hear this! I see a lot of folks who will quote "the full armor if God" and then put all their faith in Q and/or Trump. But, if you roll with they bible then you gotta fully roll with they bible and that means 1) putting Jesus first as putting anything before God as idolatry and 2) realizing that we are in Revelation, there is not Q, no Trump, only God.
We know through McInerney that the Q team is Army Intel--the only group Trump trusted to provide accuracy. McInerney said they refer to themselves as the Army of Northern Virginia. The group is made up of 800-850 people. I had always thought, because of the biblical references, that they must have had a prophet or two on the team.
I regularly watch Elijah Streams on youtube. Mostly Robin D. Bullock and Amanda Grace. Grace also works with a pastor/veteran on a show they call Grace & Glory. They just had a meeting of about 300 people in New York they put together in stealth mode--so the left couldn't attempt to have them shut down--where they discussed what God has been telling his modern day prophets. You might enjoy diving into them.
This doesn't pass my sniff test. Technology has a lot of demonic/Arihmanic aspects to it. Christ consciousness is organic and requires no technology at all to access.
Turn off the glowie screens and go outside to breathe in fresh air and connect to the organic real world. The answers you seek are within. There, you will know that the best is always yet to come.
And I'm no luddite. Use technology, master it. Don't let it use you.
I'll just say it again...why is this stickied?
Shhhh! It’s for the same reason you’re not a Mod. No faith.
All the Mods talk and post on the board. But I understand if I’m not allowed to talk in a free country. Thank you for correcting my behavior Master.
When you're posting and commenting, be a poster and commenter.
When you are moding, if you're doing a good job you're practically invisible and unnoticed.
Pride and hubris make this impossible for some, especially those who are righteous in their own eyes and imagine themselves to be beyond reproach.
Have the last word. I'm finished.
Thank you for your “opinion”. As that’s all mine will ever be too. Our Mods are not always silent but awake. The movement requires thinkers and encouragers, not “group think” and robots. WWG1WGA.
Incorrect. I’m questioning the group on how they can legitimately disprove what God and Christ has factually done before, to contact humans on certain levels, as told in the Bible. How can they disprove a theory with no self research?
Do you understand what you're saying? Antichrist means in place of Christ. Q being Christ, in place of Jesus, would literally make Q the antichrist.
The antichrist will unite humanity in Revelation(Not "RevelationS"...) through peace as a rider on a white horse. It sounds like you're framing Q as the antichrist but believe it's Christ, as the whole world will think when the antichrist comes on the scene.
What do we know about String theory? I’m inclined towards the plasma based universe. Idk, any thoughts?
I tend more towards the Digital/Holographic Universe. The Plasma theory interests me, though.
Telsa called it ether. I tend to think he had a clue.
String theory is so deep. You’ll have to research.
Conversely... (timestamp)
u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
Will Neo finally make the correct decision to break the matrix? Will man finally overcome the evil if this world? Nope. In order to kill the devil, man would have to kill themselves (movie "Fallen"). Only divine intervention, Christ's return, would put it all to an end.
There are three stages in the providence for salvation. And note, because we've only ever understood the first two stages, we've misunderstood what salvation actually is.
The fall took place when Adam and Even handed over sovereignty of the world to Lucifer. First Eve, then Adam. How could they do that? Because Adam had a mission and a responsibility in the natural order of Creation. Adam was created to be God's avatar, God's body in the world. But it's a joint operation. God does 99% of the work, in creating the entire universe, and in creating his children, everything. But then, man, Adam, also has a responsibility. Let's say 1%.
To fulfill that 1%, Adam must exercise what? He must exercise FAITH. In What? In the Word. Not to eat the fruit. Faith in God, acted out. If Adam had maintained faith in God's command, then naturally Adam would have attained self-perfection, which is also perfection of God's body. Then, God would have dwelled within Adam, perfectly, and God and Adam become one. Inner Father, outer Son. Adam would have obtained sovereignty over the external (fleshy) world, and returned that sovereignty back to God.
The human race was meant to start from here.
But what happened? Eve succumbed to the lie, discarded faith in God's word for faith and belief in Lucifer's lie. (If you eat this, you will become like God). It's not just belief. She actually did something with that. This is symbolized by actually eating the fruit. (Look closely at what fruit is, and what eating is, and knowing is, in the Hebrew scripture.)
She acted, based on a false belief. She then, under Lucifer's domination, went to Adam, and the process was repeated. He also acted based on a false belief, faith in a lie. The result? The sovereignty was handed over to Lucifer. And illegal sovereignty, obtained via a lie, but with the cooperative action of Adam, who should have handed that sovereignty back to God to complete the creation process.
What is salvation? It is leaving the realm of death for the realm of life (back to life/resurrection). What is the true death? Not the death of the fleshy body. It was always designed merely as a temporary vessel. We are created to pass through 3 stages: 1 = in the womb (world of liquid) 2 = in the fleshy universe (world of air) 3 = eternal spiritual world (world of love). the real death is the separation from God, who is the source of love, which is what the spirit needs to breath in order to live and function properly, fully. Eternal life is being able to live in God's presence, fully breathing and receiving God's love, in the eternal spiritual realm.
Salvation is not just returning to God spiritually. That's stage 1. But stage 2, is where the flesh exists the realm of Lucifer's sovereignty, and returns to God's sovereignty. This is the purpose of the return of Christ. If you read the scriptures with this understanding, you find undeniable evidence in the scripture.
In the old testament, God, as the creator, took responsibility for the fall of his children, and pioneered the way through the Israelites, to open and carve out the path of Jesus. In the New Testament, Christ Jesus takes responsibility for the fall, by pioneering and showing the way all people must go, in order to be reborn in to God's lineage. But in the final stage, which does involve the return of Christ, the responsibility falls to us, to carry it to completion. This is OUR responsibility, that neither God the Father nor Christ can do in our place.
Why? Because while God and Christ open the door, it is OUR responsibility to walk through it. Jesus, as the second Adam, the true Adam, the Son Adam should have been but failed it, reverses Adam's failure. But the problem is, we are ALL born as descendants of that Adam, under a sovereignty and lineage claimed by Satan. (This is why we must be re-born - because we are all born in that false lineage, unlike Jesus.)
God the Father did 99% (actually more, but its a symbolic figure), so that Adam could do only 1% and yet inherit everything as if he did it all. He failed in that 1%.
So Christ came, to fulfill the 1% that Adam never did. To open the way, return the sovereignty to the Father. On the cross, through his victory, Jesus accomplished that .... spiritually. But he must return in order to complete that process, "physically", so that the spiritual sovereignty returned to the Father at the first coming is then completed by returning the physical sovereignty back to the Father. That is where we are now. The war for sovereignty of the physical world, where humanity must now return it back to God.
Because just as the Father did 99% and the Son completed 1%, of that 1% that we ALL must do, as the children of Adam, Christ completes 99% of human responsibility, but we, we have to complete our 1%. We do that through a) faith in Christ and God, and b) putting that into action.
Christ IS the intervention. Through Adam, humanity was doomed to eternal death. That was it. But the Father, taking responsibility, designed things to being Christ. That is the intervention.
But you see, when we do our 1%, the the power of Christ the 99% is fully activated, and the miracles can and do happen. That is where we are now.
Because the victory over the devil has to be a combined effort, of God the Father, Christ the Son, and ALL of humanity who must be reborn through the son. Without being reborn, we CANNOT fulfill our 1%.
And it's symbolic. The 1% is actually more like 0.0001%. But we have to do it. KNOCK and the door will be opened. (It's not, hey, the door is open, and you will automatically go through, or I will push you through the door regardless of what you choose. No. We have a responsibility, even if it is infinitesimally tiny compared to Christ's responsibility, we each must follow his path, and repeat his victory IN OUR OWN LIVES.)
Will man overcome evil? Yes. We MUST overcome evil within our selves, and in our world. How? By adding our tiny 0.0001% - by having faith and by acting that faith in the world in which we live, to combine that minuscule responsibility with the fulfilled 99.999% that Christ has already fulfilled for us, to complete the world that ALL children, both the firstborn (Christ) and we (the second born aka reborn through Christ) must do.
We CANNOT do this without Christ, but we also cannot be free of evil without conquering it in ourselves and in our world on the foundation of Christ's victory.
That is, in my understanding.
Cool story bro.
Interesting theory.
When the story behind the Q drops does come out, I won't be surprised if includes as many unheard of technologies as your theory :)
My isn't the end times, there may or may not be a quantum computer that works (so far all public quantum computers are less efficient than your home computer), and God wins but we have awhile left till end of days.
If the antichrist is here where is he? He hasn't revealed himself and there isn't anyone well liked enough to be him nor anyone performing miracles. Ironically if Trump defeats the cabal he would actually be the most likely candidate for the antichrist...which is a weird consideration to ponder. I doubt it...but he would be revered and held to god like status worldwide.
Public Quantum…. I don’t think I mentioned public. The Quantum computer I mentioned is not public at all in our current time. You have no clue as to the system I’m talking about. Ingersoll does. And we are talking about how Jesus would contact us now so we would understand and accept the contact. Don’t forget, humans spent thousands of years not listening to God himself the first book. So he sent Jesus, as a “relatable” form to try once more. And Jesus went to seek no one. They found him. And he used a simple communication those who would listen, especially children, understood; stories. Simple, easy, and those willing to listen, heard. That is all my theory really conveys in its over arching message.
I get what you are saying...but this idea that Jesus or God needs quantum to communicate imo would be contrary to the idea of God being all knowing, dwelling inside of us, omnipresent, etc...
That's just my opinion. Maybe it's someone in the future like Tesla who is communicating. He allegedly had some strange accidents when exploring time travel type science. Who knows what would be possible. Also Ingersoll so far has sold me on exactly 0. His countdown ended up promoting stuff....I'm not completely denying its possible but all these people that count down have all dropped underwhelming info or nothing at all.
Unless there is another Ingersoll I'm not familiar with.
Go back to Ingersoll’s site. I think you should search their Portfolio and tell me what you see. I bet you’ll find a name on there very familiar. But if you click on it, it’ll take you to something different. Odd. But the name is very recognizable.
The things that are coming won't look like we think they will. We absolutely don't have enough detail to determine exactly what it looks like.
Infiltration from within.
You'll come to learn that intention* is the quantam equation.
These species only intention is to lie and save their skin.... A mega quantam computer could easily run the "save my ass" intention to secure probable outcomes?
You are learning. How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q
Maybe. Like I said above. Just a theory. But thank you Anon. You clearly understand.
This is AMAZING! It truly will be biblical!
Push? I'm not sure I follow what you are saying. Maybe my constant enthusiasm is contagious lol. God bless you too!
Haha just ignore. It somehow saved to you not to Jacobin. I removed it though.
Sorry but… I think you’re dead wrong.
read before downvote:
God and Jesus will not save us. Q will not save us. Only We The People can save ourselves by finding Jesus again, by following the path of righteousness. If Jesus comes along and saves us from ourselves, that isn’t free will, that isn’t learning anything, that’s treating us like a child. If that were the case… then the dems would be on the right side of God.
I believe Revelations is not a prophecy, it’s a warning of what will happen if humanity loses its faith and becomes that depraved and self absorbed(Communism!).
Q may have a connection to the bible, to revelations even, but at the end of the day, if We The People don’t walk through the opened door… we won’t be saved.
I agree. We don’t need saving from these earthly, evil shitbags. Just give us the sign and if it goes hot we wipe them out.
This ☝️
Imagine Trump or Flynn going hot and requesting Patriots to fucking take out certain people and addresses. It would be a joke. Release the list. State the targets.
You want a legit ‘Done in 30’?
100% agree. Well stated, succinctly.
So is there going to be a rapture? Is Christ going to return? The Bible is to be taken literally. Applying your own interpretation to the inspired Word is blasphemy.
The Bible is written by man, therefore there is the risk something was intentionally or unintentionally lost in translation. God has taught me to question everything.
Blasphemy is a word intended to keep people under the control of the church. God gave us free will, we’re told to take in the evidence and make our own determination from that evidence.
Blind devotion to written word is a cult. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus, I use the bible as a reference guide but there are things that don’t fit right for an Omnipotent God, and the things that don’t fit right, tend to favour the bureaucracy of the church.
You do know both God and Christ conversed with actual people before it was written down on paper by the Apostle’s, mostly Paul some near 50 years later in his older age. Then the Bible as it was known as written was reconstructed by a Roman Emperor Constantine, in a way he himself approved of, having the Nicaea Counsel leave out 14 or so books, the Apocrypha. So things were also done at times to the tune of human hands only, not of what was actually written. And according to the Dead Sea Scrolls, some interpretation of our current Bible is open for deliberation on script meaning and ideals. So we humans are certainly not perfect or God wouldn’t need the constant corrections and messages to even people like Kim Clement.
Were you there? Did you physically bear witness to the events you describe?
Otherwise you’re trusting fallible humans that may have manipulated His word. Trust God, question people.
Just a few questions. If you don’t believe things happening that are biblical, then why are you here? And how is my theory not possible when you did no such research? Or even have something nearly so close pop out of your head?
You are misinterpreting my words. I am here because I believe that freedom is righteous, that our free will is a divine gift and no man has the right to take that away.
I am here because I believe there is a connection to God, that Q is righteous. Jesus said we would not be able to predict the time either, so, it could be argued the OP is making predictions.
I don’t understand Christians praying for, singing for the second coming of Christ. Wouldn’t it be better to lead a life like Christ taught so there would be no reason for him to come back? If even half of revelations is true the human suffering will be immense. I have humanity, I don’t want to see others suffer. I accept that Christ may well come back, but I don’t want it. I want a world where we learned from his teachings and revelations stays as an unfulfilled prophecy, a warning if you will.
A Q plan would likely mean that revelations is not happening, that the shot isn’t going to be the mark of the beast. That’s why I’m here, for weapons grade hopium.
Ah, okay. What if we were experiencing Revelations now? Or what if Christ is Q? If you sit and do the research through the pieces of my theory, which is hard to wrap a mind around some of the concepts, it can mean we are already into the end times. God’s time and how events transpire will not be exactly like Revelations on paper. It’s only from the simple human perspective of 1 man from over near 2 thousand years ago. Take into account all that is happening today down to the moment of the FDA approving the vaxx to kill our children. We have no clue what the rapture looks like in today’s terms, or the Anti-Christ. But Q is very far below any of their radars. Way below. Just the way Jesus would operate to help humanity. On the ground level. Now do thr research on my theory piece by piece. It will make sense in the end.
I don’t know what the rapture will entail outside of Revelations by the book. It’s so hard to know in God’s timeline when and where. Maybe after Covid or the Vaxx process at some point? That’s not my part to tell.
The book is called Revelation, singular. It defines itself right from the start as THE Revelation of Jesus Christ.
I think this whole post has caused a lot of people to veer off course. Let's bring back the basics. God is real, he has given us his Word, the Bible, and we are to follow his commandments. In curiosity, we may wonder why God wrote this or that, and we can discuss theories we have, being open to the Truth. There is something important a lot of people here are missing, the [foolishness] of God is wiser than the wisest humans. It is therefore imperative that when we conflict with the Bible, it's us who are at fault, we must pray and focus to understand (usually requires a change in perspective). The interest in Q is good, but if it causes us to lose sight of the Scriptures, we sin against God. People here are discussing that man wrote the Bible, therefore it can be wrong. This is blasphemy and straight from the devil. The Bible says, All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. The New Testament (as we have it today) had over 20,000 verbatim copies from ancient days (~80A.D), there was no printer/copier in those days. We have guaranteed proof based on probability that it is from God, not man. The Bible was written by men, but it was inspired by God. God commanded the Bible, how else would men throughout history write such a perfectly connected document. Consider other religions (also works with long term TV shows with the SAME producer) that can't keep their facts straight, so the religion (or tv show/movie) changes. Christianity is the same, because God is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Old Testament was found in the hills of the desert, and only changes to what we had already was changes in language over the years, the message was the same. The devil has done well to put in our hearts doubt in the Scriptures, he's increased our self importance, we put ourselves above God, above the saints, and look down upon our past and sit as judges over them. Who the hell are we to judge great men of the past? Our society embraces murdering children, encourages foreign slavery, and endorses hate, and that's not even the elite/cabal. I don't ever presume to know when Christ will come. I will say this, if people say, "is that the anti-christ?" and it's a look here, look there type of thing, I can guarantee you, that is NOT the end times. Revelations says, everyone will know, there will be NO question when the end times have arrived. Are we close? Yes, but we've been close for roughly 2,000 years. Telling people we are near the end is foolish. We are warned NOT to do such things.
Yes, none of us know until it really happens. But theories are encouraged.
It’s okay. It’s not your theory nor did you do any research in the few minutes it took you to answer, from my initial posting. No worries here. This is not for you at this time.
Alternatively you’re unwittingly spreading the lies of Satan. Have you considered that possibility?
I have. I pray that I’m on the right path, that’s all I can do.
"spreading the lies of Satan" is a pretty strong thing to Say. I think Brett seems pretty attached to his view, and fair enough, he believes it.
I mean, he has a pretty high opinion of it, tho, doesn't he. "It's not for you at this time". A tad condescending, Brent.
I read Brent's post the first time he posted it. I personally think he is very wrong, way, way off the mark. But, I mean, he likes it, it makes sense to him, and if it empowers him, then good luck to him.
Just saying.
BTW, suggest you read my comment posted above, which deals directly with the things you said in your comment above. Re: what WE have to do. And Why.
I find it interesting how many people think they understand God and Christ so personally, that they can brush off anything as not possible, because there is no “big booming voice” or “pillar of flame” that shows up, when an idea or theory is put out. Jesus and God were both brushed off as easy. That’s why people that wanted to listen found them.
It’s Amazing how people have dismissed how God interacted with humans the last time, by sending Christ, to talk with those that would listen on a more simple, intimate level. And because the Booming Voice, Pillar of Fire, Earthquakes, or the Walls of Jericho falling didn’t get people to listen throughout the 1st Testament.
And how amazing people don’t understand that Revelations is more a vision of metaphors for an IDEA to cause fear in John of how the end of Earth may come, rather than actual dragons, demons, and walking dead/zombies that magically poof up and cause the Rapture! All to come after Christ saves the other lots of us.
Amazing how well each one of you casting spite, are here because of “faith”, but don’t have any faith in just a probability. Well then, that shows you have no true faith in the Q-Drops, which are probabilities. And you have no faith in the Great Awakening Movement, and Where We Go One, We Go All. Because those things are built on faith Alone!
And I sticky’d that. Because I was chosen to Moderate because my heart and mind is in the right place. Because I truly believe in Christ our God and Where We Go One, We Go All.
So now it’s time to stop Shilling and Dooming to figure out if you are in the fight, and your heart and mind are in the right place.
Is it? I think I’m telling the truth. You should read the story of Peter and what he did when Christ was arrested. You should read Jesus’s own words when people brushed him off as “Mad”. You should read what Moses did with the 10 Commandments even though people could see the mountain flashing, see the cloud, see the pillar, hear God’s booming voice, and knew Moses himself was close with God. Not my words or facts, but All Laid Out For YOU In The Bible. Or maybe you missed those stories? Oh wait, no hyperlinks right…. I could see why you’d miss those FACTS then.
You will? That wasn’t for you. I clicked on the wrong person.
Of course if you believe other things, then you’re correct from your opinion. But your opinion does nothing to sway my faith.
Not belittling anyone. On the board I can defend myself when people want to be rude as well. Something to think about no matter who I am or who you are.