We will definitely know something by Friday. It takes days for all the mail-ins to show and the Democrats want to make sure that ALL votes are counted. Especially the ones they need to win.
I mean (I think) we don't use Dominion machines in VA, but I disagree that Youngkin will win. I'm still going to vote, but people in northern VA are still just as liberal as ever, if not more since the "insurrection". I could be wrong and miss a lot of things though, because I've been removing myself from politics to pursue the Lord more.
God also said to honor the laws of our earthly Kings. These are laws we helped to create. If we don't honor both, we honor neither and deserve whatever screwed up fate awaits.
I did, husband did, son did. I can’t imagine why any sane human being would vote for Verry McAwful. He looks rabidly angry, especially at parents of school children. Praying praying praying.
He needs to win. VA is my home state even though I haven't lived there since I was in my early 20's. I am now 68. But wish it was a red state once again.
I just saw an Arlington VA resident post a photo of him and his elementary school daughters, all masked!! Saying “with my future voters #keepingvablue” THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK and it is going to take something fucking massive to wake them up. I’m just disgusted. After what has happened in LC to two girls how can these people think McAwful is anything but dangerous for his daughters future. Idiots.
The missus and I -- 30+ years of the Peoples Republic of Northern Virginia (but not for much longer) -- have our votes in. I wasn't going to vote today -- I fully understand the principles of "never waste your vote" and "make they try EVEN HARDER to cheat," but am still butthurt that the election a year ago today remains unchanged or unaddressed.
I will tell you this, though -- I have NEVER seen the amount of signage, banners, fliers, etc. for a Republican candidate outside nor inside the polling place in 30 years that I have this morning. The Youngkin and GOP candidates signage easily outnumbered the other side 2-1. There were also many more yard signs for Youngkin over the entire summer, and they grew in number over the past month or so....and that NEVER happens in our neighborhood, which is primarily and heavily infested with radical libtards.
The enthusiasm for Youngkin, even in NoVA, is blowing my mind. I'm cautiously....VERY cautiously...optimistic, but won't be a bit surprised if the 11 p.m. dump of millions of votes suddenly shows up in McAwful's favor.
Exactly. They have been cheating long before their were machines. I'm from a much more liberal state & even here all you saw was Trump signs except for the most liberal parts of cities
They don't care, Virginians are being ethnically replaced at 1% per year by democrat voters. Until someone actually comes out and says "Whites can not be less than 75% of this state" or whatever, it's all frankly meaningless.
Before the pearl clutchers get at me, ethnic groups vote in manners that are in accordance with the bio-cultural expression, this is what makes up fundamentally "A people", like the Celts, Berbers, or Chinese. Celts, berbers and chinese have generalised variance in their value systems, self determination is largely dependent on living with like minded people, and race is a large component of that.
inb4 asians and blacks are patriots too!
Yes, fine, whatever, no one's saying otherwise, but white people are being ethnically exterminated from their homeland. It's already a done deal in:
With other places not far behind. The US is on paper "demographically doomed" except for the fact it has the landmass to expand new peoples into it and resolve this problem. "The problem of majority white rule?!" - yes, the problem of majority white rule, white people running what was a white country for the most part should not be a problem for you, it doesn't bother me that the Prime Minister of Japan is Japanese. Nor should it bother you that The PM of Nigeria is Nigerian.
It SHOULD bother you, whoever you are, that whites are soon to be a minority and so lose self determination in the above mentioned countries, ethnic and or cultural genocide should upset anyone, universally.
How dare I say "Demographically doomed?" - because the average budgetary impact of blacks and hispanics are massively negative, no one wants to live in South Africa, and this is where the experiment is going, and in 10 years if nothing changes, that list above will have doubled in size and that'll be that.
Yo some random guy...in case you didnt know they are stealing elections. the idea of democratic voters increasing yearly is a farce. There numbers are as rigged as elections. you fix that and they never win an election again.
Imagine the democratic party gets busted doing all it's mad shit and is totally obliterated OK? A new party takes it's place with actually well meaning and sincere people rather than rapists and crooks... Their policies are to give welfare to struggling minorities by increasing taxes. Struggling minorities vote for this and now the importation of more struggling minorities becomes another vote purchasing scheme, even without actual corruption.
Unless welfare is basically killed entirely and all illegals deported the model in the gestalt is fucked. You can put a halt to mostly everything the average boomer thinks is going wrong with the west now, and your grandkids will be speaking spanish regardless and my kids will be speaking arabic. I don't have nor need a problem with either Spaniards, Mexicans, Guatemalans or Morrocons in order to have a problem with this.
Virginian census shows that between a few decades ago and now, "white virginian" vote bloc reduce in size by 32% relative to itself, keep cheering on one BASED white centrist taking on some other YUKKY leftist puppet. This is how we lose.
Where I disagree with you is that "economically struggling people on welfare vote". I don't believe they, en mass, do. I believe there is a correlation, generally, between not being responsible enough to make your own way in life and not being responsible enough to vote. I've been an ignorant, poor leftist and lived amongst ignorant poor people.
Stop the cheating, the harvesting, the media manipulation, of this demographic and the White Savior White Collar liberals, and the D party evaporates.
And as we move upward socioeconomically, I believe, again from experience living amongst middle class, hard working people of ALL races, we mostly share the same values. "Live in peace, and don't fuck with my hard earned money".
Expose the Root as someone here is fond of saying. When the lies are exposed to We The People it does not become "There are more of us then there are of them" but more "There aren't really ANY of THEM".
You're 100% right about "white people are being ethnically exterminated from their homeland." Guess what group of people are behind this white extermination plot? Jews.
To call it “ethnic extermination” is a bit of a stretch, though it seems like that is the Commie goal.
The ultimate reality is that white is recessive, black is dominant … well at least for skin tones. Unless gov’t literally puts policy in place to encourage white on white breeding, slow slide into mud babies will continue ( full disclosure, I am the darkest white person you could meet, so I am mudbaby myself)
To call it “ethnic extermination” is a bit of a stretch, though it seems like that is the Commie goal.
What? If you think the goal is ethnic extermination of whites, as it has been in Russia, Ukraine, SA already then the process of moving along that path is being on the path of racial genocide. We're at the stage now of disarming the populace, defunding the police, and having literally millions of people crossing the southern border.
There is no such thing as "Multi-culturalism", only countries transitioning towards dissolution, and if you're black, white, arab, asian, idgaf in the least, there's beautiful women from all corners of the Earth, seeing the Japanese being 49% of Japan and falling would make me uncomfortable however in the extreme, because as a basic functioning human being I don't like the idea of heritage being erased.
Results not until Friday though. That gives plenty of time to add ballots. Republicans should have made it clear from the beginning, audit no matter who wins, to reassure the voters of election integrity.
Odd that Youngkin didn’t attend trumps tele rally or the other “Take back Virginia” rally with Steve Bannon. He also supposedly said the pledge of allegiance at one of those was “weird and wrong”. What’s really up with this guy? Another Rino?
Heading to vote too... saw 2 electronoc billboards for Youngkin last night in Newport New/Hampton. One said, Let's Go!" The other that parents' voices matter. On message- good job!!
I don't have children but I know if I did, I would take exception to a school system teaching my child anything other than the factual subjects. I learned about slavery when I was in high school. My teacher simply related the facts of the subject and made no commentary on their opinions.
Leaving any and all personal OPINIONS or POLITICAL affiliations COMPLETELY out of their education.
The comment above says "parents don't like their kids being indoctrinated with Leftist claptrap". Leftist or Rightist, it doesn't matter, that does not belong in a classroom for children under 12th grade.
These concepts can be learned when they go off to college and they have a more developed frontal lobe with which to discern the nuances of both ideas.
I'm expecting [them] to mount a similar call to audit. [they]'re also gonna try to play the race card, too. But, once the audit is done and shows nothing, once the courts throw their lawsuits and arguments out, and once the exit poll demographics come out, it'll be a rude awakening for a lot of people.
Watch out for the Weasel Wobble in the Wee hours. . .got Warner reelected in 2020. If the Democrats are caught cheating it will make the School Board meetings look like a picnic.
Have you spoken with Dominion ?
We will definitely know something by Friday. It takes days for all the mail-ins to show and the Democrats want to make sure that ALL votes are counted. Especially the ones they need to win.
I mean (I think) we don't use Dominion machines in VA, but I disagree that Youngkin will win. I'm still going to vote, but people in northern VA are still just as liberal as ever, if not more since the "insurrection". I could be wrong and miss a lot of things though, because I've been removing myself from politics to pursue the Lord more.
I am with you on pursuing the Lord and not politics!
The Founding Fathers understood that both are important. Community is both material and spiritual.
God also said to honor the laws of our earthly Kings. These are laws we helped to create. If we don't honor both, we honor neither and deserve whatever screwed up fate awaits.
So, yeah, voting matters.
The clot shot has woken up some on the left & Biden is not exactly the most inspiring either. If there's no cheating I'd bet you'll win
It’s pretty blue here in Alexandria. Several positions where democrats are running unopposed in my district, including the sheriff for the city
Well I’ll be damned.
Dominion will always win until Dominion is removed from this earth.
I did, husband did, son did. I can’t imagine why any sane human being would vote for Verry McAwful. He looks rabidly angry, especially at parents of school children. Praying praying praying.
Let's hope you are correct. I wont believe it until hillary sings.
Have the dead voted yet?
He needs to win. VA is my home state even though I haven't lived there since I was in my early 20's. I am now 68. But wish it was a red state once again.
its going to be a sweet victory Patriots!
Virginians were always based.
I just saw an Arlington VA resident post a photo of him and his elementary school daughters, all masked!! Saying “with my future voters #keepingvablue” THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK and it is going to take something fucking massive to wake them up. I’m just disgusted. After what has happened in LC to two girls how can these people think McAwful is anything but dangerous for his daughters future. Idiots.
I agree. Silent majority. Turn back to true blood red today VA!
The missus and I -- 30+ years of the Peoples Republic of Northern Virginia (but not for much longer) -- have our votes in. I wasn't going to vote today -- I fully understand the principles of "never waste your vote" and "make they try EVEN HARDER to cheat," but am still butthurt that the election a year ago today remains unchanged or unaddressed.
I will tell you this, though -- I have NEVER seen the amount of signage, banners, fliers, etc. for a Republican candidate outside nor inside the polling place in 30 years that I have this morning. The Youngkin and GOP candidates signage easily outnumbered the other side 2-1. There were also many more yard signs for Youngkin over the entire summer, and they grew in number over the past month or so....and that NEVER happens in our neighborhood, which is primarily and heavily infested with radical libtards.
The enthusiasm for Youngkin, even in NoVA, is blowing my mind. I'm cautiously....VERY cautiously...optimistic, but won't be a bit surprised if the 11 p.m. dump of millions of votes suddenly shows up in McAwful's favor.
Exactly. They have been cheating long before their were machines. I'm from a much more liberal state & even here all you saw was Trump signs except for the most liberal parts of cities
They don't care, Virginians are being ethnically replaced at 1% per year by democrat voters. Until someone actually comes out and says "Whites can not be less than 75% of this state" or whatever, it's all frankly meaningless.
Before the pearl clutchers get at me, ethnic groups vote in manners that are in accordance with the bio-cultural expression, this is what makes up fundamentally "A people", like the Celts, Berbers, or Chinese. Celts, berbers and chinese have generalised variance in their value systems, self determination is largely dependent on living with like minded people, and race is a large component of that.
inb4 asians and blacks are patriots too!
Yes, fine, whatever, no one's saying otherwise, but white people are being ethnically exterminated from their homeland. It's already a done deal in:
With other places not far behind. The US is on paper "demographically doomed" except for the fact it has the landmass to expand new peoples into it and resolve this problem. "The problem of majority white rule?!" - yes, the problem of majority white rule, white people running what was a white country for the most part should not be a problem for you, it doesn't bother me that the Prime Minister of Japan is Japanese. Nor should it bother you that The PM of Nigeria is Nigerian.
It SHOULD bother you, whoever you are, that whites are soon to be a minority and so lose self determination in the above mentioned countries, ethnic and or cultural genocide should upset anyone, universally.
How dare I say "Demographically doomed?" - because the average budgetary impact of blacks and hispanics are massively negative, no one wants to live in South Africa, and this is where the experiment is going, and in 10 years if nothing changes, that list above will have doubled in size and that'll be that.
Yo some random guy...in case you didnt know they are stealing elections. the idea of democratic voters increasing yearly is a farce. There numbers are as rigged as elections. you fix that and they never win an election again.
Look... Just engage your brain.
Imagine the democratic party gets busted doing all it's mad shit and is totally obliterated OK? A new party takes it's place with actually well meaning and sincere people rather than rapists and crooks... Their policies are to give welfare to struggling minorities by increasing taxes. Struggling minorities vote for this and now the importation of more struggling minorities becomes another vote purchasing scheme, even without actual corruption.
Unless welfare is basically killed entirely and all illegals deported the model in the gestalt is fucked. You can put a halt to mostly everything the average boomer thinks is going wrong with the west now, and your grandkids will be speaking spanish regardless and my kids will be speaking arabic. I don't have nor need a problem with either Spaniards, Mexicans, Guatemalans or Morrocons in order to have a problem with this.
Virginian census shows that between a few decades ago and now, "white virginian" vote bloc reduce in size by 32% relative to itself, keep cheering on one BASED white centrist taking on some other YUKKY leftist puppet. This is how we lose.
Where I disagree with you is that "economically struggling people on welfare vote". I don't believe they, en mass, do. I believe there is a correlation, generally, between not being responsible enough to make your own way in life and not being responsible enough to vote. I've been an ignorant, poor leftist and lived amongst ignorant poor people.
Stop the cheating, the harvesting, the media manipulation, of this demographic and the White Savior White Collar liberals, and the D party evaporates.
And as we move upward socioeconomically, I believe, again from experience living amongst middle class, hard working people of ALL races, we mostly share the same values. "Live in peace, and don't fuck with my hard earned money".
Expose the Root as someone here is fond of saying. When the lies are exposed to We The People it does not become "There are more of us then there are of them" but more "There aren't really ANY of THEM".
The Sun kills Vampires.
You're 100% right about "white people are being ethnically exterminated from their homeland." Guess what group of people are behind this white extermination plot? Jews.
Bruh have more kids. Easily fixed. You’re doomed because you gave 1 or 2 kids and the incoming population has 5.
I agree, every White person should be having as many White kids as they can support.
To call it “ethnic extermination” is a bit of a stretch, though it seems like that is the Commie goal.
The ultimate reality is that white is recessive, black is dominant … well at least for skin tones. Unless gov’t literally puts policy in place to encourage white on white breeding, slow slide into mud babies will continue ( full disclosure, I am the darkest white person you could meet, so I am mudbaby myself)
What? If you think the goal is ethnic extermination of whites, as it has been in Russia, Ukraine, SA already then the process of moving along that path is being on the path of racial genocide. We're at the stage now of disarming the populace, defunding the police, and having literally millions of people crossing the southern border.
There is no such thing as "Multi-culturalism", only countries transitioning towards dissolution, and if you're black, white, arab, asian, idgaf in the least, there's beautiful women from all corners of the Earth, seeing the Japanese being 49% of Japan and falling would make me uncomfortable however in the extreme, because as a basic functioning human being I don't like the idea of heritage being erased.
Someone's never heard of Kalergi.
Italian here can confirm. Somehow we were lumped into “whites” at some point
Results not until Friday though. That gives plenty of time to add ballots. Republicans should have made it clear from the beginning, audit no matter who wins, to reassure the voters of election integrity.
In South Africa, where white farmers are being murdered, and Black Africans taking over the farms, I give them 5 years before the country is starving.
Turns out I don't like being indoctrinated leftist crap, either! I say that as my company sends out more "exclusivity" (so inclusive) training.
Odd that Youngkin didn’t attend trumps tele rally or the other “Take back Virginia” rally with Steve Bannon. He also supposedly said the pledge of allegiance at one of those was “weird and wrong”. What’s really up with this guy? Another Rino?
To believe this is to go against President Trump's endorsement.
Trump endorsed a lot of RINOs though. He is really shit at picking the right people to stand by him
He was CEO for the Carlyle Group and worked there for 25 years. Draw your own conclusions. He’s probably fairly purple
Just got back from voting all Red. Let's go! 2 didn't have R or D next to them though :/ treasury and sheriff.
Heading to vote too... saw 2 electronoc billboards for Youngkin last night in Newport New/Hampton. One said, Let's Go!" The other that parents' voices matter. On message- good job!!
Tefren, thank you for your tireless efforts to keep our eyes on the prize.
I don't have children but I know if I did, I would take exception to a school system teaching my child anything other than the factual subjects. I learned about slavery when I was in high school. My teacher simply related the facts of the subject and made no commentary on their opinions.
Leaving any and all personal OPINIONS or POLITICAL affiliations COMPLETELY out of their education.
The comment above says "parents don't like their kids being indoctrinated with Leftist claptrap". Leftist or Rightist, it doesn't matter, that does not belong in a classroom for children under 12th grade.
These concepts can be learned when they go off to college and they have a more developed frontal lobe with which to discern the nuances of both ideas.
Wow another race where they'll cheat and win again
Can we get enough voters to circumvent the cheating?
The Democrats will cheat and win. They have no choice. And they don't even care that everyone will know they did it.
Does anyone actually think we are going to win this rigged system?
If I am wrong so be it. But I have my doubts. Just like with MidTerms.
Voted this afternoon. :)
I'm expecting [them] to mount a similar call to audit. [they]'re also gonna try to play the race card, too. But, once the audit is done and shows nothing, once the courts throw their lawsuits and arguments out, and once the exit poll demographics come out, it'll be a rude awakening for a lot of people.
Watch out for the Weasel Wobble in the Wee hours. . .got Warner reelected in 2020. If the Democrats are caught cheating it will make the School Board meetings look like a picnic.
The commies stole the Presidency without any consequences. Why would they stop?
Dominion is taking day off this time?
I would expect nothing less from my beloved Virginia!
Everything in a quick google is talking about how 'dead close' this election is