Unbelievable... This kid should be in the dictionary under the term railroaded. These old assholes sold a kid down the river who wasn't even old enough to vote. And they all knew there was footage that exhonorated him the entire time. Wow.
Both the prosecutors and the defense are corrupt and compromised.
What did Richards do to cover up child sex crimes of the elites in the area?
Why did Binger run a fake campaign against the Racine DA, and how was she installed through corrupt actions and Hatch Act violations to replace the previous corrupt, alcoholic and criminal DA? How was he rewarded with a position at the State AG’s office? How were the previous mayors given special treatment to cover up their crimes, and how were they rewarded?
Racine is the Root of the swamp, and it runs as deep and wide as the Great Lakes.
Binger ran a fake campaign to make the District Attorney appear to be re-elected. This is a common practice, and they use fake candidates to exhaust resources, force primaries, build honeypots and deter others from running.
Richards represented one of the Johnson billionaires who accidentally confessed a fraction of his crimes. It was covered up and controlled, and many other crimes and victims were never revealed. Those who did come forward were silenced.
Children don’t disappear and prominent judges don’t end up dead in the Root River for no reason. The area is a major hub for human trafficking with a privately controlled international airport, harbor and interstate access.
They are small crimes to distract from and cover up much bigger crimes. The Sheriff, the DA, the mayor, the neighboring mayor and DA in Kenosha, and the state AG are all involved and complicit in many ways. None of them are legit. Robin Vos is not legit. Ron Johnson is not legit. Tony Evers is not legit.
They all know about Racine. None will do what is Good, right or necessary. Ron Johnson is the closest of any to being legitimate and exposing some Truth, but refuses to hold the real criminals accountable. He is also compromised and complicit.
And if those arrests happen, and voter fraud is exposed, and a full forensic audit is done and the electors are decertified and Trump is declared the winner. Then those arrests may not be so petty afrter all.
We support the arrests. We support many more arrests of all instances of election fraud and illegal election activities. We support the full forensic physical and cyber audit. We support decertification. We know Trump won Wisconsin.
You do too.
But the Sheriff, the DA, the AG, Robin Vos and the Wisconsin legislation, WEC, or the Wisconsin Supreme Court will never do what you want them to do. They will never hold the real criminals accountable beyond a few low level instances. They will never overturn the results. They will never go after the mayor or Mark Zuckerberg and CTCL. Even Ron Johnson and Amistad Project are not pushing to decertify or overturn the results.
We know more about the corruption in and around Racine than anyone else on WIN. This is not about ego. We do not care about ego, or money, or power, or credit, or anything other than helping to Save the World through Jesus Christ and The Truth.
Stop having faith in false idols like corrupt Sheriffs, District Attorneys, politicians and the broken system that allowed these treasonous actions.
Have faith in Jesus Christ and The Truth, and help expose the Root and model of the real Agenda.
Kyle came to Kenosha of his own accord on the 25th – to volunteer removing graffiti. Law enforcement at the federal level, Facebook, and other forensic reviews have determined there was no such connection.
The “Kenosha Guard” was simply a plea for help when our local leaders like John the Mayor and Tony the Governor would not help. Benjamin will be sitting at the prosecutor’s table for every day of the trial. Today, he held up the rifles that were carried by Rittenhouse and Black, Kyle’s friend. The mayor’s cousin is the Kenosha City Attorney, Ed Antaramian (D).
His nephew is the Kenosha City Judge Michael Easton (D). His other nephew is Thaddeus (Tip) McGuire (D), State Representative. His other cousin is Laura Belsky (D) County Board Supervisor.
Wait til you find out about the handful of families that have controlled the entire federal government for literal centuries.
The detective is the only one that concerns me. A city lawyer, state representative, and board supervisor wouldn't be able to influence the outcome of a trial. The detective, on the other hand, is literally a key participant in the trial.
The lead detective in the Rittenhouse case reportedly is the mayor's nephew, Benjamin Antaramian, who allegedly wants to connect Rittenhouse to the "Kenosha Guard" Facebook page despite proof from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg proving otherwise.
Did You Know:
The lead detective in the Kyle Rittenhouse case is the nephew of the mayor who let Kenosha burn
And the DA prosecuting Kyle is the mayor's first cousin
Antaramian ran against David R. Berman, William Michel, David Ernest Celebre and incumbent Jason A. Rossell.[1] Anataramian was successful in the February 21st primary, receiving 23 percent of the vote, but was defeated in the April 3rd election by incumbent Jason A. Rossell.[2]
Unbelievable... This kid should be in the dictionary under the term railroaded. These old assholes sold a kid down the river who wasn't even old enough to vote. And they all knew there was footage that exhonorated him the entire time. Wow.
And they should all be arrested for false arrest, malicious prosecution, violating his civil rights and conspiracy, etc, etc...
And then tried sentenced and imprisoned.
We must insist. To the fullest extent of the law. If it was reversed is readily apparent they be screaming for the same.
Arrested by who? And prosecuted by who? And judged by who?
The justice "system" is irreparably broken. Only one type of justice can fix this place now.
This is barely scratching the surface of the deep ties through Racine and Kenosha.
This was posted earlier:
Both the prosecutors and the defense are corrupt and compromised.
What did Richards do to cover up child sex crimes of the elites in the area?
Why did Binger run a fake campaign against the Racine DA, and how was she installed through corrupt actions and Hatch Act violations to replace the previous corrupt, alcoholic and criminal DA? How was he rewarded with a position at the State AG’s office? How were the previous mayors given special treatment to cover up their crimes, and how were they rewarded?
Racine is the Root of the swamp, and it runs as deep and wide as the Great Lakes.
Binger ran a fake campaign to make the District Attorney appear to be re-elected. This is a common practice, and they use fake candidates to exhaust resources, force primaries, build honeypots and deter others from running.
Richards represented one of the Johnson billionaires who accidentally confessed a fraction of his crimes. It was covered up and controlled, and many other crimes and victims were never revealed. Those who did come forward were silenced.
Children don’t disappear and prominent judges don’t end up dead in the Root River for no reason. The area is a major hub for human trafficking with a privately controlled international airport, harbor and interstate access.
They are small crimes to distract from and cover up much bigger crimes. The Sheriff, the DA, the mayor, the neighboring mayor and DA in Kenosha, and the state AG are all involved and complicit in many ways. None of them are legit. Robin Vos is not legit. Ron Johnson is not legit. Tony Evers is not legit.
They all know about Racine. None will do what is Good, right or necessary. Ron Johnson is the closest of any to being legitimate and exposing some Truth, but refuses to hold the real criminals accountable. He is also compromised and complicit.
And if those arrests happen, and voter fraud is exposed, and a full forensic audit is done and the electors are decertified and Trump is declared the winner. Then those arrests may not be so petty afrter all.
We support the arrests. We support many more arrests of all instances of election fraud and illegal election activities. We support the full forensic physical and cyber audit. We support decertification. We know Trump won Wisconsin.
You do too.
But the Sheriff, the DA, the AG, Robin Vos and the Wisconsin legislation, WEC, or the Wisconsin Supreme Court will never do what you want them to do. They will never hold the real criminals accountable beyond a few low level instances. They will never overturn the results. They will never go after the mayor or Mark Zuckerberg and CTCL. Even Ron Johnson and Amistad Project are not pushing to decertify or overturn the results.
We know more about the corruption in and around Racine than anyone else on WIN. This is not about ego. We do not care about ego, or money, or power, or credit, or anything other than helping to Save the World through Jesus Christ and The Truth.
Stop having faith in false idols like corrupt Sheriffs, District Attorneys, politicians and the broken system that allowed these treasonous actions.
Have faith in Jesus Christ and The Truth, and help expose the Root and model of the real Agenda.
Nepotism anyone?
Fuck the people of Kenosha for electing this
Well, they were probably "selected" rather than duly elected by legitimate votes. Just sayin.
Dominion algorithm.
I can't find proof that Edward Antaramian is the DA or involved in the trial at all. Seems like he's just the lead civil lawyer for the city. Link.
A quick online search tells me the DA for Kenosha County is Michael D. Graveley. Link.
Still, I feel weird about the detective and mayor likely being related...
Kyle came to Kenosha of his own accord on the 25th – to volunteer removing graffiti. Law enforcement at the federal level, Facebook, and other forensic reviews have determined there was no such connection.
The “Kenosha Guard” was simply a plea for help when our local leaders like John the Mayor and Tony the Governor would not help. Benjamin will be sitting at the prosecutor’s table for every day of the trial. Today, he held up the rifles that were carried by Rittenhouse and Black, Kyle’s friend. The mayor’s cousin is the Kenosha City Attorney, Ed Antaramian (D).
His nephew is the Kenosha City Judge Michael Easton (D). His other nephew is Thaddeus (Tip) McGuire (D), State Representative. His other cousin is Laura Belsky (D) County Board Supervisor.
Wait til you find out about the handful of families that have controlled the entire federal government for literal centuries.
The detective is the only one that concerns me. A city lawyer, state representative, and board supervisor wouldn't be able to influence the outcome of a trial. The detective, on the other hand, is literally a key participant in the trial.
Good dig.
The lead detective in the Rittenhouse case reportedly is the mayor's nephew, Benjamin Antaramian, who allegedly wants to connect Rittenhouse to the "Kenosha Guard" Facebook page despite proof from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg proving otherwise.
Did You Know:
The lead detective in the Kyle Rittenhouse case is the nephew of the mayor who let Kenosha burn
And the DA prosecuting Kyle is the mayor's first cousin
Meet the Antaramian family
Even better dig!
Antaramian ran against David R. Berman, William Michel, David Ernest Celebre and incumbent Jason A. Rossell.[1] Anataramian was successful in the February 21st primary, receiving 23 percent of the vote, but was defeated in the April 3rd election by incumbent Jason A. Rossell.[2]
JUSTICE FOR JAKE - https://www.facebook.com/MonroeCountyNOW/posts/1008259872954328
Connections to the JUSTICE FOR JAKE bullcrap (Supposedly shot in the back by officer)....
Monroe County NOW August 25, 2020 · #JUSTICEFORJAKE
Email Kenosha District Attorney Michael D. Graveley michael.graveley@da.wi.gov
Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian mayor@kenosha.org Kenosha Police Department Chief of Police
Daniel G. Miskinis dgm398@kenoshapolice.com Call Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian (262) 653-4000
Kenosha District Attorney Michael D. Graveley (262) 653-2400
Kenosha Police Department (262) 656-1234
WI Attorney General Josh Kaul (608) 266-1221
WI Governor Tony Evers
Madison Office: (608) 266-1212
Milwaukee Office: (414) 227-4344
sign the petition at the link below.
So this is no good? Shucks I was gonna share on ZuckerLand.
I wouldn't bother sharing this specific image, because it's partly untrue. Little mistakes like this weaken our credibility.
I always research each claim and put it into my own words before sharing.
I'm wary of Posobiec. Wouldn't be surprised if he's compromised. He shares a lot of glowie shit disguised as innocent speculation.
Here you go. Easier to read in original format: Post 92
I am Arminian and this pisses me off to know extent. AREST THEM AND FUCKING THROUGH AWAY THE KEY.
Usually what people put when they just found something out for the first time.
Bunch of fuckers.
You really cannot make this shit up.
Wisconsin. Same state that brought us "making a murderer"
This has axe to grind written all over it.
Damn family tree is a telephone pole.
Look at that goofy bitch Edward smiling like a prized jackass.
I have a riddle for you people
Who's skin is white but isn't white?
Nothing to see here..move along..stop asking questions..
How do you pronounce that Arminian name anyway?
My lord, these “wizards and warlocks” are stationed everywhere. It’s just evil
Will Q do anything about this? Kyle is clearly going down for life. Surely he will get a pardon??