No shit. Ive known about Danchenko and his ties to Fiona Hill and the Brookings Institute for years.
Most of the crimes committed creating FISAgate are well documented. I suggest researching the archives at Conservative Treehouse. Sundance has it all laid out concisely. He is a brilliant researcher and analyst.
FISAgate seems to be a blind spot for many at
True, but there is a huge difference between seeing it on right-wing outlets, and seeing it on indictments. Remember, this is Awakening for the masses, not for us.
Yeah, remember, when Trump ran for president, their biggest crime they were worried about was ISIS/Benghazi etc. Thats what they were covering up. So beyond the FISAGate thats the first skeleton we will hit, and noname was deep into it.
I used to read there all the time. I found Q there in the comment secttion, it was link, can't remember what it said, that was Nov 2017, the rest is history. Anyway, I quit reading there after I got on to the Q posts and researching and reading others research. Then right after the 2018 midterms, Sundance went off on "Q" people and blamed us for the losses. I was pissed and put a comment in response telling Sundance he didn't own this movement. I appreciate what he has and continues to contribute to this movement and I've gotten over those feelings. I believe he probably now knows that Q is real when back then he thought it was a larp. What made me angry is that with any good researcher, like Sundance, you would think he would want to investigate Q and provide research for the topics.
I think he was jealous that with all the time he spent digging and analyzing, he got less public traction than a cryptic anon. And when he finally got fed up that Durham seemed to be getting nowhere and uncovered one of Durham's investigators, he went to Washington and confronted that man with evidence of a procedural catch-22 that Sundance thought was the roadblock, someone there showed him a little reality: there were no 3 branches of government holding each other in check anymore. There was a 4th IC branch controlling everyone. Major black pill, plus it all pointed to what Q was saying, it was a world problem, not a DOJ problem. Another major black pill. After that trip though, it did seem like signs of things happening.
I remember Roger stone saying Fiona was a soros puppet on Alex Jones show before Trump even got elected or shortly after. Generally these people's alliances are not even remotely hidden if you dig past 1 Google search. I'm just of the opinion now that any group that has credibility as an institution with the media must be at least corrupt and at most an enemy of free men
There isnt any one "summary" post if thats what you are getting at. You will just have to dig through his archives. He has it all in real time. Hundreds of posts. Deep research and analysis.
I agree. And he doesn’t seem to understand that the CCP is just another puppet tool of the globalist elite. He does uncover some great stuff, but just isn’t putting it all together sometimes. IMHO.
I dont blindly trust anyone. And his conclusions arent what keeps me going there. I often disagree with him. His stance on Q is just noise, I dont pay attention to it.
I keep reading because of the deep digs and his research is without peer.
Yes Racine is a key model used by Brookings Institution for many programs.
Two other key think tanks connected are Aspen Institute and Atlantic Council.
Slavery did not end in Racine as everyone was led to believe. It evolved.
Racine was the once great invention capital of the world turned into an under the radar destitute human trafficking hub by design, set up to “6uild 6ack 6etter”.
Racine and Milwaukee are the worst cities for black Americans on purpose.
This is all connected with Biden backing the billion dollar referendum in the April 2020 primary as a test for the November general election, and making Juneteenth a holiday to boost injections and control over the black community.
They would have forced the injections faster if it did not appear so racist and segregated. Why did they really flood America with illegals?
Those involved at the top levels however are beyond the reach of any court.
Zuckerberg is an obvious link to the rigged election in Racine. If he is not indicted, surely those with more power and resources than him will not be.
Anna Makanju and Brad Smith are two of his key advisors, and both are closely connected with Racine. One is more linked with Soros and the other is more linked with Bill Gates.
Durham also knows about Crowdstrike, The Groundwork and Timshel. Why is it named that? Obama and Hillary Clinton know why.
All of the elites know about Racine. All of them. It is their secret Root and model, and is the ultimate Litmus test for anyone investigating the rigged election, COVID, Agenda 21 and 2030, the big tech and social credit agenda, or the real agenda of global and eternal enslavement. When JFK was speaking of the secret societies behind the scenes, he knew they met in Racine.
When the branches of a corrupt and dysfunctional government fail, and the military does not intervene, the Root must be exposed, the agenda must be revealed, and the Mark must be denied.
Anchor Judy Woodruff introduces "former attorney at the National Security Agency, Susan Hennessey. She's now a Fellow at the Brookings Institution and is Managing Editor for the website, Lawfare, about the intersection of the law and national security." And "John Sipher. He served almost 30 years at the CIA, both in the Agency's clandestine service and executive ranks. He was stationed in Moscow in the 1990's and he ran the CIA's Russia program for three years."
This may have been Susan Hennessey's debut on national television. Note the only mention of Hennessey's connection to Lawfare is in Woodruff's introduction and she is identified by banner title throughout the rest of the interview as a "Former NSA Attorney."
We'll "circle back" to that a later.
Background Info Susan Julia Hennessey nee Klein:
1999 - 2003 / High School, Sacramento CA
2003 - 2007 / UCLA, B.A. Italian
2010 - 5/29/2013 / Harvard Law. J.D.
11/1/2013 - 11/13/2015 / National Security Agency, Office / General Counsel
5/10/2021- Present / Senior Counsel, National Security Division, Dept of Justice
Just for continuity. Brendan W. Hennessey:
2006 - 2011 UCLA, PhD Italian
2011 - 2014 No information
2014 - Present / Ass Professor, Romance Languages & Lit Binghamton University (SUNY) (Two children, previous marriage)
Now its "circle back" time.
Harvard Law Today / 2013 Commencement / Heyman Fellows (scroll down in link)
Brian T. Clampitt, Carly Lauren Cohen, Susan Julia Klein Hennessey, Lee Masao Hiromoto, Zachary Andrew Mason, Devin W. Mauney
Jordi Ignacio Torres, Irving R. Kaufman
The Heyman Fellowship Program’s financial components (fellowship grant and, for some, loan repayment assistance) are designed to mitigate some of the financial disparity between government and the private sector so that those who want to work in the federal government can more realistically do so. In addition, the Heyman Fellowship Program provides a supportive peer community of HLS graduates in federal public service who can enthusiastically mentor HLS students and young alumni interested in federal government work, and who can assist one another as their public service careers develop.
Oddly, when we examine the list of current and past Heyman Fellows, Susan Julia Klein Hennessey is not listed (select 2013 Fellows in sidebar):
Michael Aktipis,Sonia Carson,Tarun Chhabra, Carly Cohen, Miranda Dugi, Nicole Flores, Lee Hiromoto, Zachary Mason, Devin Mauney, Jordan Myers McGinnis, David Palko, Anne Pierson Allen, Mark Samburg, Jordi Torres, Brian Volsky.
Before taking a look at who some of the past Heyman Fellows are, lets "circle back" some more. In her last semester at Harvard Law, before graduating in May of 2013, Hennessey began writing for LAWFARE. Her last article was published after graduation on 13 June 2013. Here is a list of the articles she wrote, some have co-authors, some she is co-author:
21 Jan Benjamin Wittes, Susan Hennessey
A Belated FISA Amendment Act Reauthorization Act Update
26 Jan Wells Bennet, Susan Hennessey
Anonymous Hacks U.S. Sentencing Commission Website, Declares "War" on U.S. Government.
26 Jan Susan Hennessey
How the Rules Changed on Women in Combat --- A Legislative and Executive History Primer.
1/31 Susan Hennessey
China Hacks the New York Times? Probably
2/5 Benjamin Wittes, Susan Hennessey
Just Calm Down About that DOJ White Paper
2/6 Benjamin Wittes, Susan Hennessey
A Brief Word In Response to Jack
2/21 Susan Hennessey
How to be Funny about Emotionless Killing Machines
3/7 Susan Hennessey
Banished: A British Solution to citizenship, Due Process, and U.S. Drone Strikes
5/8 Susan Hennessey
Dodging Drones in Style
5/19 Ritka Singh, Susan Hennessey
A Crash Course on Chechnya and Kyrgystan
5/19 Alan Z. Rozenshtein, Wells Bennet, Susan Hennessey
Good Twitter Sources and News Links on the Ongoing Boston Marathon Bombing Manhunt
5/22 Ritka Singh, Susan Hennessey
A Deep(er) Dive into Chechnya and Kyrgyzstan
5/24 Susan Hennessey
Summary: D.C. Circuit Affirms Habeas Denial in Al Warafi
6/13 Susan Hennessey
Rep. Smith's proposed NDAA amendments on Guantanamo and Indefinite Detention
11/24 Susan Hennessey
Visa Waiver and Immigration Fraud in Terrorism Prosecutions
The home page for LAWFARE use to have a selector for contributors on one of the pull down menus. It is no longer there. But, if you just do a search on Susan Hennessey Lawfare Contributor you will get to her full list of articles.
What was the purpose of those Heyman Fellowhips again... mitigate some of the financial disparity.... Or is more like grooming and placing an agent of influence?
"Circling back" again lets look at some of Hennesey's co-authors. Benjamin Wittes co-authors her first article and many others over time. His wikipedia page does not do him justice:
Alan Z. Rozhenshtein, a 2014 Heyman Fellow, wonder where he went to work after graduation.
Alan Rozenshtein co-author with Hennessey
5/19/2013 U.S. Department of Justice, National Security Division, Law and Policy Office (in 2018 I found him teaching at the University of Minnesota.)
John DeLong 2005 Heyman Fellow, co-author Hennessey
10/7/2016 Understanding Footnote 14: NSA Lawyering, Oversight and Compliance
John DeLong is a fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. He is focused on cybersecurity and the implications of technology changes—including machine learning and artificial intelligence —on the framework and best practices for compliance, oversight, and ethics programs. He was formerly with the National Security Agency where he was the Director of Compliance from 2009-2014. He received a B.A. in Physics and Mathematics from Harvard and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.
From 21 Jan to 13 June 2013 Hennessey was published in LAWFARE. We don't know when she actually applied for a position at NSA, but during the months leading up to a job offer she is evaluated for employment, has a national security background check and is polygraphed prior to a job offer.
Here is an interesting article from the Washington Post picked up by The Wellesley Townsman on 26 March 2017... a hit piece on Ivanka.
Below original link no longer connects... happens a lot when things get hot in the kitchen... thanks to v8power for noting link not working and finding the same article on another platform that does link (for now).
At the end of the article is a profile of the authors.
"Helen Klein Murillo is a Lawfare contributor and a student at Harvard Law School where she is an editor of the Harvard Law Review. Susan Hennessey is a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution and managing editor of Lawfare, previously she was an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel of the the National Security Agency. "
Another article quoting Murillo and Hennessey in the New York Times:
If you didn't catch it, Helen Klein Murillo is Susan Hennessey's (nee Klein's) sister. Murillo has a B.A. in Spanish and Political Science and was writing for Lawfare while at Harvard from 1/25/2016 through 8/11/2017, 5 of which she co-authored with her sister who has only used her married name on her articles. Murillo went on to the Hoover Institute.
The father, Christopher M. Kllein, was a Bankruptcy Judge in Sacramento, CA. Probably about as good a gig as being a coroner in New York during COVID.
No shit. Ive known about Danchenko and his ties to Fiona Hill and the Brookings Institute for years.
Most of the crimes committed creating FISAgate are well documented. I suggest researching the archives at Conservative Treehouse. Sundance has it all laid out concisely. He is a brilliant researcher and analyst.
FISAgate seems to be a blind spot for many at
True, but there is a huge difference between seeing it on right-wing outlets, and seeing it on indictments. Remember, this is Awakening for the masses, not for us.
Yep. It will lead to No Name for the normies.
Yeah, remember, when Trump ran for president, their biggest crime they were worried about was ISIS/Benghazi etc. Thats what they were covering up. So beyond the FISAGate thats the first skeleton we will hit, and noname was deep into it.
Well I dont know about that. The rabbit hole seems to keep going the more you dig.
Its quite scary actually.
I used to read there all the time. I found Q there in the comment secttion, it was link, can't remember what it said, that was Nov 2017, the rest is history. Anyway, I quit reading there after I got on to the Q posts and researching and reading others research. Then right after the 2018 midterms, Sundance went off on "Q" people and blamed us for the losses. I was pissed and put a comment in response telling Sundance he didn't own this movement. I appreciate what he has and continues to contribute to this movement and I've gotten over those feelings. I believe he probably now knows that Q is real when back then he thought it was a larp. What made me angry is that with any good researcher, like Sundance, you would think he would want to investigate Q and provide research for the topics.
I think he was jealous that with all the time he spent digging and analyzing, he got less public traction than a cryptic anon. And when he finally got fed up that Durham seemed to be getting nowhere and uncovered one of Durham's investigators, he went to Washington and confronted that man with evidence of a procedural catch-22 that Sundance thought was the roadblock, someone there showed him a little reality: there were no 3 branches of government holding each other in check anymore. There was a 4th IC branch controlling everyone. Major black pill, plus it all pointed to what Q was saying, it was a world problem, not a DOJ problem. Another major black pill. After that trip though, it did seem like signs of things happening.
i was banned then, for posting drops n pro Q stuff
Not here on GAW, I hope
no, sundance
I remember Roger stone saying Fiona was a soros puppet on Alex Jones show before Trump even got elected or shortly after. Generally these people's alliances are not even remotely hidden if you dig past 1 Google search. I'm just of the opinion now that any group that has credibility as an institution with the media must be at least corrupt and at most an enemy of free men
Correct. Alex had some on point coverage of the FISA abuse literally almost as soon as Trump took office
"Sundance has it all laid out concisely"... It's there a link to something in particular that you'd recommend on the site?
There isnt any one "summary" post if thats what you are getting at. You will just have to dig through his archives. He has it all in real time. Hundreds of posts. Deep research and analysis.
👌Thank you
Laid out concisely in a hundred essays covering each part -- still a big read.
I don’t agree with many of his conclusions. He may be able to dig, but I wouldn’t blindly trust where he ends up.
Some days he's really a doomer.
I agree. And he doesn’t seem to understand that the CCP is just another puppet tool of the globalist elite. He does uncover some great stuff, but just isn’t putting it all together sometimes. IMHO.
and this^ is why I don't listen to many of these guys. they're often negative, which is obviously against what Q stands for; God wins.
just shows me they haven't read/understood the drops.
don't have time for that, I want to hear from people that have truly researched.
Better than Last Refuge. The Tim Pool of researchers.
I dont blindly trust anyone. And his conclusions arent what keeps me going there. I often disagree with him. His stance on Q is just noise, I dont pay attention to it.
I keep reading because of the deep digs and his research is without peer.
My conclusions are my own.
And, of course, Brookings Institution has ties to Racine WI
Aww shoot! u/TrustTheTruth
Thank you u/polish_snausage and u/ChronicMetamorphosis
Yes Racine is a key model used by Brookings Institution for many programs.
Two other key think tanks connected are Aspen Institute and Atlantic Council.
Slavery did not end in Racine as everyone was led to believe. It evolved.
Racine was the once great invention capital of the world turned into an under the radar destitute human trafficking hub by design, set up to “6uild 6ack 6etter”.
Racine and Milwaukee are the worst cities for black Americans on purpose.
This is all connected with Biden backing the billion dollar referendum in the April 2020 primary as a test for the November general election, and making Juneteenth a holiday to boost injections and control over the black community.
They would have forced the injections faster if it did not appear so racist and segregated. Why did they really flood America with illegals?
Do you think Durham will break open the doors on Racine?
Durham certainly knows about Racine.
Those involved at the top levels however are beyond the reach of any court.
Zuckerberg is an obvious link to the rigged election in Racine. If he is not indicted, surely those with more power and resources than him will not be.
Anna Makanju and Brad Smith are two of his key advisors, and both are closely connected with Racine. One is more linked with Soros and the other is more linked with Bill Gates.
Durham also knows about Crowdstrike, The Groundwork and Timshel. Why is it named that? Obama and Hillary Clinton know why.
All of the elites know about Racine. All of them. It is their secret Root and model, and is the ultimate Litmus test for anyone investigating the rigged election, COVID, Agenda 21 and 2030, the big tech and social credit agenda, or the real agenda of global and eternal enslavement. When JFK was speaking of the secret societies behind the scenes, he knew they met in Racine.
When the branches of a corrupt and dysfunctional government fail, and the military does not intervene, the Root must be exposed, the agenda must be revealed, and the Mark must be denied.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are the only way.
I found this article. But I can only be there momentarily before I get an error message & kicked off
Timshel Is based in Chicago - ties them to Obama. The word is Hebrew for "you shall"
Groundwork is tied to killary & DNC
What is the Law of Thelema?
Do what thou wilt... Sick satanic shit
Aleister Crowley Died in 1947... isn't that the same year the CIA started?
Here's an archive of your article. If you can't read an article just paste the link into and it will save a copy for you
Thank you!!!
Racine is the Root and model of their Agenda.
The real elites and secret societies that JFK was speaking of have met in Racine for generations.
Racine is the headquarters of the Illuminati from Bavaria and the partnerships that have developed since they began in 1776.
Click on TrustTheTruth's user name... you can read all their posts ... tons of information in them.
Almost seems like we can go down there NPR sponsors list for corruption.
NPR was also established in Racine.
wow thats crazy, and explains why they all sound the same/robotic.
Should change the name to Bookings... one way tickets to prison... or in the ground.
Kash mentioned it on Maria's show too.
Another Soros, I mean tax payer, funded institution.
Connections to Brookings:
This jumped out, from list of leadership and staff:
Amy W Schulman Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Pfizer, Inc., NY • Trustee (Jul 1 '13→?)
Susan Hennessey
UCLA ---> Harvard Law & Lawfare contributor ---> Attorney NSA ---> Managing Editor Lawfare & Sr. Fellow Brookings Institute ---> Sr. Counsel, National Security Division, Dept of Justice.
WAS!!! HA!!! WAS!!! HA!!!
LAWFARE is the Brookings Institute!
Sen Blackburn peeling back the onion and sending smoke signals... 2 + 2 = Susan Hennessey
Sen Blackburn / A.G. Garland / Senate Judiciary Committee / 27 Oct 2021
Time stamp 1 (27/10/21 Sen Judiciary Committee)
Time stamp 2 (27/10/21 Sen Judiciary Committee)
The Full Monty
Anchor Judy Woodruff introduces "former attorney at the National Security Agency, Susan Hennessey. She's now a Fellow at the Brookings Institution and is Managing Editor for the website, Lawfare, about the intersection of the law and national security." And "John Sipher. He served almost 30 years at the CIA, both in the Agency's clandestine service and executive ranks. He was stationed in Moscow in the 1990's and he ran the CIA's Russia program for three years." (time stamp / Interview / 10 minutes)
This may have been Susan Hennessey's debut on national television. Note the only mention of Hennessey's connection to Lawfare is in Woodruff's introduction and she is identified by banner title throughout the rest of the interview as a "Former NSA Attorney."
We'll "circle back" to that a later.
Background Info Susan Julia Hennessey nee Klein:
1999 - 2003 / High School, Sacramento CA
2003 - 2007 / UCLA, B.A. Italian
2010 - 5/29/2013 / Harvard Law. J.D.
11/1/2013 - 11/13/2015 / National Security Agency, Office / General Counsel
11/16/2015 - 5/7/2021 / Managing Editor Lawfare, Fellow Brookings Institution
5/10/2021- Present / Senior Counsel, National Security Division, Dept of Justice
Just for continuity. Brendan W. Hennessey:
2006 - 2011 UCLA, PhD Italian
2011 - 2014 No information
2014 - Present / Ass Professor, Romance Languages & Lit Binghamton University (SUNY) (Two children, previous marriage)
Now its "circle back" time.
Harvard Law Today / 2013 Commencement / Heyman Fellows (scroll down in link)
Brian T. Clampitt, Carly Lauren Cohen, Susan Julia Klein Hennessey, Lee Masao Hiromoto, Zachary Andrew Mason, Devin W. Mauney Jordi Ignacio Torres, Irving R. Kaufman
What's a Heyman Fellowship?
The Heyman Fellowship Program’s financial components (fellowship grant and, for some, loan repayment assistance) are designed to mitigate some of the financial disparity between government and the private sector so that those who want to work in the federal government can more realistically do so. In addition, the Heyman Fellowship Program provides a supportive peer community of HLS graduates in federal public service who can enthusiastically mentor HLS students and young alumni interested in federal government work, and who can assist one another as their public service careers develop.
Oddly, when we examine the list of current and past Heyman Fellows, Susan Julia Klein Hennessey is not listed (select 2013 Fellows in sidebar):
2013 Michael Aktipis,Sonia Carson,Tarun Chhabra, Carly Cohen, Miranda Dugi, Nicole Flores, Lee Hiromoto, Zachary Mason, Devin Mauney, Jordan Myers McGinnis, David Palko, Anne Pierson Allen, Mark Samburg, Jordi Torres, Brian Volsky.
Before taking a look at who some of the past Heyman Fellows are, lets "circle back" some more. In her last semester at Harvard Law, before graduating in May of 2013, Hennessey began writing for LAWFARE. Her last article was published after graduation on 13 June 2013. Here is a list of the articles she wrote, some have co-authors, some she is co-author:
21 Jan Benjamin Wittes, Susan Hennessey A Belated FISA Amendment Act Reauthorization Act Update
26 Jan Wells Bennet, Susan Hennessey Anonymous Hacks U.S. Sentencing Commission Website, Declares "War" on U.S. Government.
26 Jan Susan Hennessey How the Rules Changed on Women in Combat --- A Legislative and Executive History Primer.
1/31 Susan Hennessey China Hacks the New York Times? Probably
2/5 Benjamin Wittes, Susan Hennessey Just Calm Down About that DOJ White Paper
2/6 Benjamin Wittes, Susan Hennessey A Brief Word In Response to Jack
2/21 Susan Hennessey How to be Funny about Emotionless Killing Machines
3/7 Susan Hennessey Banished: A British Solution to citizenship, Due Process, and U.S. Drone Strikes
5/8 Susan Hennessey Dodging Drones in Style
5/19 Ritka Singh, Susan Hennessey A Crash Course on Chechnya and Kyrgystan
5/19 Alan Z. Rozenshtein, Wells Bennet, Susan Hennessey Good Twitter Sources and News Links on the Ongoing Boston Marathon Bombing Manhunt
5/22 Ritka Singh, Susan Hennessey A Deep(er) Dive into Chechnya and Kyrgyzstan
5/24 Susan Hennessey Summary: D.C. Circuit Affirms Habeas Denial in Al Warafi
6/13 Susan Hennessey Rep. Smith's proposed NDAA amendments on Guantanamo and Indefinite Detention
6/13/2013 Hennessey "goes dark".
11/1/2013 Hennessey first day NSA.
11/13/2015 Hennessey last day NSA.
11/16/2015 Hennessey first day LAWFARE.
11/24 Susan Hennessey Visa Waiver and Immigration Fraud in Terrorism Prosecutions
The home page for LAWFARE use to have a selector for contributors on one of the pull down menus. It is no longer there. But, if you just do a search on Susan Hennessey Lawfare Contributor you will get to her full list of articles. (access to all of Hennessey articles)
At this time, the LAWFARE home page only allows access to a handful of Hennessey's articles. Give it a try:
What was the purpose of those Heyman Fellowhips again... mitigate some of the financial disparity.... Or is more like grooming and placing an agent of influence?
"Circling back" again lets look at some of Hennesey's co-authors. Benjamin Wittes co-authors her first article and many others over time. His wikipedia page does not do him justice:
Alan Z. Rozhenshtein, a 2014 Heyman Fellow, wonder where he went to work after graduation.
Alan Rozenshtein co-author with Hennessey 5/19/2013 U.S. Department of Justice, National Security Division, Law and Policy Office (in 2018 I found him teaching at the University of Minnesota.)
John DeLong 2005 Heyman Fellow, co-author Hennessey 10/7/2016 Understanding Footnote 14: NSA Lawyering, Oversight and Compliance
John DeLong is a fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. He is focused on cybersecurity and the implications of technology changes—including machine learning and artificial intelligence —on the framework and best practices for compliance, oversight, and ethics programs. He was formerly with the National Security Agency where he was the Director of Compliance from 2009-2014. He received a B.A. in Physics and Mathematics from Harvard and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.
John Carlin, 2000 Heymen Fellow got good press at LAWFARE.
Here is Carlin's wiki page...
Note: Carlin chairs the Aspen Institute’s Cybersecurity and Technology policy program
In this clip... listen during the first segment who Hennessey lauds as a good Republican:
From 21 Jan to 13 June 2013 Hennessey was published in LAWFARE. We don't know when she actually applied for a position at NSA, but during the months leading up to a job offer she is evaluated for employment, has a national security background check and is polygraphed prior to a job offer.
Here is an interesting article from the Washington Post picked up by The Wellesley Townsman on 26 March 2017... a hit piece on Ivanka.
Below original link no longer connects... happens a lot when things get hot in the kitchen... thanks to v8power for noting link not working and finding the same article on another platform that does link (for now).
( )
At the end of the article is a profile of the authors.
"Helen Klein Murillo is a Lawfare contributor and a student at Harvard Law School where she is an editor of the Harvard Law Review. Susan Hennessey is a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution and managing editor of Lawfare, previously she was an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel of the the National Security Agency. "
Another article quoting Murillo and Hennessey in the New York Times:
If you didn't catch it, Helen Klein Murillo is Susan Hennessey's (nee Klein's) sister. Murillo has a B.A. in Spanish and Political Science and was writing for Lawfare while at Harvard from 1/25/2016 through 8/11/2017, 5 of which she co-authored with her sister who has only used her married name on her articles. Murillo went on to the Hoover Institute.
The father, Christopher M. Kllein, was a Bankruptcy Judge in Sacramento, CA. Probably about as good a gig as being a coroner in New York during COVID.
On the lighter side:
cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
Added to original comment / super thanks v8.