Q is 100% wrong. Q has been wrong about many, many things. Q is not the "ultimate" resource. When Q said it, 99% of followers weren't ready to hear differently. I've followed Q since 5 days after he first posted on /pol.
Since there are no such thing as viruses and bacteria are helpful, not harmful, not pathogenic, not contagious, not infectious, what could a poisonous toxic soup injected into your sterile environment and bloodstream possibly do for you?
Germ theory is a fraud, beginning to end. Louis Pasteur, the "Godfather of germ theory" was a fame-seeking, power-seeking fraud who lied, cheated, plagiarized and fabricated his "results" as he admits in his own private diaries. Fauci is just the latest iteration of keeping his lies alive.
All vaccines were designed to profit from you, at a minimum, or ultimately kill you.
I don't consider Q as the ultimate source. I just pointed the fact that Q said that. I know about Pasteur, here in France they feed us with this great "HERO" very soon in school.
In fact, I just HOPE that all vaccines are not bad, I just don't know, and if they are, it wouldn't surprise me.
Q did say that. What Q may have very well meant was, some of "the vaccines" are just saline solution - referring to the CovAIDS-1984 injection that Trump pushed out. Then, Q maintains the "never lied" mystique that's been generated.
I think it's pretty clear at this stage that the majority of people that got the clot shot probably got saline, or at least some heavily-watered down version of the more potent toxic soup that's causing all the issues.
I once hoped like you do now. It's a tough red pill to swallow. They're all "bad" because there are no such things as "contagious germs" to begin with. The deception is massive and very hard to come to terms with. This is way up high on the "ladder of disbelief". Allopathy as a whole is wrong - excluding trauma/surgical care.
Your body, far wiser than your thinking-mind, always cringes and recoils when you see a needle for a reason.
I, and several hundred others have been looking for a scientific study demonstrating human--to-human transmission of any supposed viral or bacterial dis-ease going back over 100 years. How surprised we've been to find out there are exactly ZERO that succeeded despite dozens and dozens of attempts to do so. They stopped trying right around 1954 when the fake "measles virus" research came out (which all of modern virology is now based on), where Enders says right in his paper that his control experiment results were INDISTINGUISHABLE from the experiments supposedly proving the existence of a measles virus. It's right there in black and white.
Dr. Stefan Lanka, former virologist has repeated this experiment exactly and found the same results. He also offered 100,000 Euros to anybody that could prove the existence of the measles virus. Nobody was able to collect the cash. His scientific work has shattered the "virus misconception" for well over a year now. His work, of course, is heavily suppressed and ignored. What a shocker! Doctors Cowan, Kaufman and Bailey have also assisted in putting the final nail in the coffin of germ theory with their research and knowledge. It's a slam dunk, open and shut case.
There's literally zero proof and zero scientific evidence of the existence of viruses and the contagious, disease-causing nature of bacteria. Zero.
Now, please enlighten me with your superior "sense of logic". I've been looking for someone to refute these doctors findings for 18 months now. Maybe you'll be the first. I'm happy to admit I'm wrong in the face of new evidence. Please explain how they're wrong (and hopefully it won't be anecdotal stories about that time everyone around you got the flu or that you attended a chicken pox party).
Q isn’t God and I can appreciate your truthful level-headedness, esp when you get attacked in this arena where we are supposed to question everything except what we’re not allowed to question here. Some here are no better than lefties.
What my normie friend would say is "Well, the vaccines don't stop you from getting infected, and they don't stop you from spreading it, but at least you won't so sick that get hospitalized and put on a vent."
So I say well what about Colin Powell? What about these other famous fully vaccinated people that died of Covid-19?
She would say, "well no vaccine is 100% effective. There will always be unique cases here and there."
So my opinion is that she is wrong with her first point. I don't the the vaccine does jack sit about protecting anybody. The virus has already mutated and gotten around the worthless vaccine.
Her 2nd point is more difficult. The CDC is the gatekeeper for information and they would never release information that shows that the vaccines don't work.
I would be happy to be wrong about that, by the way. Do we have any numbers on the mortality rate of fully vaccinated people tabulated by age group? I don't want to talk about 'cases' which are meaningless numbers in my view. I want to talk about hard numbers of hospitalizations and deaths.
Okay, so she believes she makes a case for why she should be able to make the choice to take it herself. But why should others be forced to take it? Why does she care what others do?
That said, when peoole start the "it reduces symptoms" nonsense I always remind them that 99+% of us aren't at risk of becoming seriously ill enough to be hospitalized and on a vent to begin with (well over 95% will have not much more than a bad cold, if that) It feels like utter insanity to inject oneself with chemicals and thereby risk other problems for something that is so very unlikely.
Okay, so she believes she makes a case for why she should be able to make the choice to take it herself. But why should others be forced to take it? Why does she care what others do?
You are assuming she is ok with vaccine mandates. She is not. She does believe the vaccines are imperfect but better than nothing. She thinks that people like me are just misinformed because we read misinformation on the internet. She has no interest in looking into any research or science herself, because she believes what she hears from the media. But she does not think anybody should be forced to get the vaccine or lose their job for example.
That said, when peoole start the "it reduces symptoms" nonsense I always remind them that 99+% of us aren't at risk of becoming seriously ill enough to be hospitalized and on a vent to begin with (well over 95% will have not much more than a bad cold, if that) It feels like utter insanity to inject oneself with chemicals and thereby risk other problems for something that is so very unlikely.
Well said, I think exactly the same thing.
My friend is a smart lady. But she doesn't want to believe that the CDC and FDA are not acting earnestly in our best interests.
That's the key.
She doesn't want to be wrong about this. She doesn't want to believe that people are being harmed. Many people here on GA would find this reprehensible but it is human behavior that we have to deal with. Normies don't want to spend effort on learning any of this stuff, because they don't want it to be true.
Making my friend read any articles or research that I provide is like trying to make a cat drink some water when it isn't thirsty.
As my husband would say "what would she have to admit to consider an alternative?" That she might be wrong. Ego is a terrible thing.
At least she's not for insisting others take it as well. Although I do find it interesting that she has picked and chosen what to take from her "experts".
There are enough examples out there to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the FDA and CDC do not always act earnestly in our best interests. Maybe start there in your quest to open her eyes
There are enough examples out there to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the FDA and CDC do not always act earnestly in our best interests. Maybe start there in your quest to open her eyes
Yes, maybe. It has to be airtight and take little effort to examine. She really doesn't want to believe it.
You're having the wrong conversation with the normie, tell her that it's designed to make zero sense and to have the population on a confusing amount of boosters in order to instigate real ID online access coupled with social credit score.
Ask her what signs she would accept that's what's happening and then leave her to it, because that's what's happening.
You're having the wrong conversation with the normie, tell her that it's designed to make zero sense and to have the population on a confusing amount of boosters in order to instigate real ID online access coupled with social credit score.
I've told her that but I felt like I was muddying the waters by bringing in a different subject besides the vaccine.
Ask her what signs she would accept
That is a great idea, fren. I wonder what she would accept?
I've told her that but I felt like I was muddying the waters by bringing in a different subject besides the vaccine.
Ah but therein lies the crux:its all interconnected, like a jigsaw puzzle. You cant build just the borders of the puzzle and proclaim it's complete...you must fill in all the missing pieces to come to the bigger picture. Only then will full understanding be accomplished.
well they are vaccines because the CDC keeps changing the definition of a vaccine, but the general public seems to be ok with this even though it makes no sense to make a definition change like that ESPECIALLY during a "pandemic"
a friend of mine got the J&J and then got the pfizer and also got the booster 2 weeks ago told us this yesterday:
"Ended up getting a breakthrough covid infection, tested positive last night. This thing is really vicious. Have had like all the symptoms from fever, chills, congestion, sneezing, coughs where your insides feel like they're gonna spill, headache and pressure in the eyes and nose, feels like if you were to blow out the back of your brains. Lucky that I got that booster 2 weeks ago. Dulari also ended up testing positive, her and her parents doing okay, so thankful for that. Y'all stay safe with Thanksgiving approaching."
I would say he is a normie - but in his head its still a "breakthrough" aka "rare" and that he is glad he got the booster because it could have been worse? I am sitting there like ' how do you know it wasnt because of the booster shot?
Most people will have everything in front of them and still deny it because its easier to keep believing a lie versus confronting the hard truth of how badly you were duped.
Clearly this means the stab is working. It could have been much worse. You should all get the stab. If you did, these hockey players would be protected.
Strange thing I’m noticing about vaccines/diseases in the last 50 years: Fauci has been an active participant in the field for approximately 54 years… I wonder if he’s responsible for the vaccine injuries as well as the diseases. I know he created AIDS, then infected black people with it, then came up with medication for the disease… that made it worse. This turd is Doctor Evil! He desperately needs to hang for his brutality against humanity and nature. Just my opinion…
Well you still get the virus it’s just not as bad when contracted. It’s not a force field from getting sick, it’s just helps in not killing you when you do get it. Like poster said below, Q said not all vaccines are bad. What’s bad is the way the government is handling the jab
It "should" be different because they want to force us to get it. And it comes with the risk of some rather frightening short term adverse reactions and who knows what as yet unknown long term adverse consequences. If it's not different than the flu vaccine it should be treated as we treat the flu vaccine. Optional
They're all poison - no exceptions.
Q said vaccines are not all bad. (post 1010)
i got no doubt on the covid one though
Q is 100% wrong. Q has been wrong about many, many things. Q is not the "ultimate" resource. When Q said it, 99% of followers weren't ready to hear differently. I've followed Q since 5 days after he first posted on /pol.
Since there are no such thing as viruses and bacteria are helpful, not harmful, not pathogenic, not contagious, not infectious, what could a poisonous toxic soup injected into your sterile environment and bloodstream possibly do for you?
Germ theory is a fraud, beginning to end. Louis Pasteur, the "Godfather of germ theory" was a fame-seeking, power-seeking fraud who lied, cheated, plagiarized and fabricated his "results" as he admits in his own private diaries. Fauci is just the latest iteration of keeping his lies alive.
All vaccines were designed to profit from you, at a minimum, or ultimately kill you.
I don't consider Q as the ultimate source. I just pointed the fact that Q said that. I know about Pasteur, here in France they feed us with this great "HERO" very soon in school.
In fact, I just HOPE that all vaccines are not bad, I just don't know, and if they are, it wouldn't surprise me.
Q did say that. What Q may have very well meant was, some of "the vaccines" are just saline solution - referring to the CovAIDS-1984 injection that Trump pushed out. Then, Q maintains the "never lied" mystique that's been generated.
I think it's pretty clear at this stage that the majority of people that got the clot shot probably got saline, or at least some heavily-watered down version of the more potent toxic soup that's causing all the issues.
I once hoped like you do now. It's a tough red pill to swallow. They're all "bad" because there are no such things as "contagious germs" to begin with. The deception is massive and very hard to come to terms with. This is way up high on the "ladder of disbelief". Allopathy as a whole is wrong - excluding trauma/surgical care.
Your body, far wiser than your thinking-mind, always cringes and recoils when you see a needle for a reason.
You're a loony.
Calling someone a loony on a website like this… and I agree with you
I try very hard to save it only for the people who deserve it.
People who believe in non-existent, never proven, never scientifically demonstrated to cause disease "contagious germs" are loony. Wake up!
The only thing that's nonexistent here is your sense of logic.
I, and several hundred others have been looking for a scientific study demonstrating human--to-human transmission of any supposed viral or bacterial dis-ease going back over 100 years. How surprised we've been to find out there are exactly ZERO that succeeded despite dozens and dozens of attempts to do so. They stopped trying right around 1954 when the fake "measles virus" research came out (which all of modern virology is now based on), where Enders says right in his paper that his control experiment results were INDISTINGUISHABLE from the experiments supposedly proving the existence of a measles virus. It's right there in black and white.
Dr. Stefan Lanka, former virologist has repeated this experiment exactly and found the same results. He also offered 100,000 Euros to anybody that could prove the existence of the measles virus. Nobody was able to collect the cash. His scientific work has shattered the "virus misconception" for well over a year now. His work, of course, is heavily suppressed and ignored. What a shocker! Doctors Cowan, Kaufman and Bailey have also assisted in putting the final nail in the coffin of germ theory with their research and knowledge. It's a slam dunk, open and shut case.
There's literally zero proof and zero scientific evidence of the existence of viruses and the contagious, disease-causing nature of bacteria. Zero.
Now, please enlighten me with your superior "sense of logic". I've been looking for someone to refute these doctors findings for 18 months now. Maybe you'll be the first. I'm happy to admit I'm wrong in the face of new evidence. Please explain how they're wrong (and hopefully it won't be anecdotal stories about that time everyone around you got the flu or that you attended a chicken pox party).
Q isn’t God and I can appreciate your truthful level-headedness, esp when you get attacked in this arena where we are supposed to question everything except what we’re not allowed to question here. Some here are no better than lefties.
Absolutely! It's junk science riddled with corruption and greed.
Can't believe young me was already red-pilled. Took several people to force me into one as a child. Ducked out of another one my class had to take.
None since then save for a tetanus shot for stepping on a rusty nail.
So you can help the DS with de-population.
Right. You need the "vaccine" because you're not DEAD yet.
So you die.
What my normie friend would say is "Well, the vaccines don't stop you from getting infected, and they don't stop you from spreading it, but at least you won't so sick that get hospitalized and put on a vent."
So I say well what about Colin Powell? What about these other famous fully vaccinated people that died of Covid-19?
She would say, "well no vaccine is 100% effective. There will always be unique cases here and there."
So my opinion is that she is wrong with her first point. I don't the the vaccine does jack sit about protecting anybody. The virus has already mutated and gotten around the worthless vaccine.
Her 2nd point is more difficult. The CDC is the gatekeeper for information and they would never release information that shows that the vaccines don't work.
I would be happy to be wrong about that, by the way. Do we have any numbers on the mortality rate of fully vaccinated people tabulated by age group? I don't want to talk about 'cases' which are meaningless numbers in my view. I want to talk about hard numbers of hospitalizations and deaths.
Okay, so she believes she makes a case for why she should be able to make the choice to take it herself. But why should others be forced to take it? Why does she care what others do?
That said, when peoole start the "it reduces symptoms" nonsense I always remind them that 99+% of us aren't at risk of becoming seriously ill enough to be hospitalized and on a vent to begin with (well over 95% will have not much more than a bad cold, if that) It feels like utter insanity to inject oneself with chemicals and thereby risk other problems for something that is so very unlikely.
You are assuming she is ok with vaccine mandates. She is not. She does believe the vaccines are imperfect but better than nothing. She thinks that people like me are just misinformed because we read misinformation on the internet. She has no interest in looking into any research or science herself, because she believes what she hears from the media. But she does not think anybody should be forced to get the vaccine or lose their job for example.
Well said, I think exactly the same thing.
My friend is a smart lady. But she doesn't want to believe that the CDC and FDA are not acting earnestly in our best interests.
That's the key.
She doesn't want to be wrong about this. She doesn't want to believe that people are being harmed. Many people here on GA would find this reprehensible but it is human behavior that we have to deal with. Normies don't want to spend effort on learning any of this stuff, because they don't want it to be true.
Making my friend read any articles or research that I provide is like trying to make a cat drink some water when it isn't thirsty.
As my husband would say "what would she have to admit to consider an alternative?" That she might be wrong. Ego is a terrible thing.
At least she's not for insisting others take it as well. Although I do find it interesting that she has picked and chosen what to take from her "experts".
There are enough examples out there to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the FDA and CDC do not always act earnestly in our best interests. Maybe start there in your quest to open her eyes
Yes, maybe. It has to be airtight and take little effort to examine. She really doesn't want to believe it.
You're having the wrong conversation with the normie, tell her that it's designed to make zero sense and to have the population on a confusing amount of boosters in order to instigate real ID online access coupled with social credit score.
Ask her what signs she would accept that's what's happening and then leave her to it, because that's what's happening.
I've told her that but I felt like I was muddying the waters by bringing in a different subject besides the vaccine.
That is a great idea, fren. I wonder what she would accept?
Ah but therein lies the crux:its all interconnected, like a jigsaw puzzle. You cant build just the borders of the puzzle and proclaim it's complete...you must fill in all the missing pieces to come to the bigger picture. Only then will full understanding be accomplished.
If this vaccine was 95% effective like they say, that means 230% of the team has Covid
I mean it's the Ottowa Senators. No amount of vaccine can cure being a lil bitch
well they are vaccines because the CDC keeps changing the definition of a vaccine, but the general public seems to be ok with this even though it makes no sense to make a definition change like that ESPECIALLY during a "pandemic"
a friend of mine got the J&J and then got the pfizer and also got the booster 2 weeks ago told us this yesterday:
"Ended up getting a breakthrough covid infection, tested positive last night. This thing is really vicious. Have had like all the symptoms from fever, chills, congestion, sneezing, coughs where your insides feel like they're gonna spill, headache and pressure in the eyes and nose, feels like if you were to blow out the back of your brains. Lucky that I got that booster 2 weeks ago. Dulari also ended up testing positive, her and her parents doing okay, so thankful for that. Y'all stay safe with Thanksgiving approaching."
I would say he is a normie - but in his head its still a "breakthrough" aka "rare" and that he is glad he got the booster because it could have been worse? I am sitting there like ' how do you know it wasnt because of the booster shot?
Most people will have everything in front of them and still deny it because its easier to keep believing a lie versus confronting the hard truth of how badly you were duped.
Horses are fish because the USEF keeps changing the definition of a horse.
Men are now women because the APA decide what it means to be female.
Concentration camps are citizen safety holiday zones because FEMA says so.
They already got the most important step into your mind, smdh.
To prove you are willing to COMPLY, however blindly it is.
Clearly this means the stab is working. It could have been much worse. You should all get the stab. If you did, these hockey players would be protected.
Less symptoms duhhhh
A little louder for the folks in the back: “THE VACCINE IS THE VARIANT”
Strange thing I’m noticing about vaccines/diseases in the last 50 years: Fauci has been an active participant in the field for approximately 54 years… I wonder if he’s responsible for the vaccine injuries as well as the diseases. I know he created AIDS, then infected black people with it, then came up with medication for the disease… that made it worse. This turd is Doctor Evil! He desperately needs to hang for his brutality against humanity and nature. Just my opinion…
Please note: he will pay if he’s responsible for my first daughter dying of SIDS. I will show these animals no mercy, only pain.
it is the FLU, and ONLY the flu!
Well you still get the virus it’s just not as bad when contracted. It’s not a force field from getting sick, it’s just helps in not killing you when you do get it. Like poster said below, Q said not all vaccines are bad. What’s bad is the way the government is handling the jab
You still get it, you still spread it. Having the vaccine takes your mind off the harmless COVID symptoms by distracting you with heart failure.
They changed the definition of vaccine, so under the new defintion they're still vaccines.
They were never claimed to grant immunity. The communists managed to get everyone to forget that fun fact, controlling the narrative.
Their response to this is always that if they didn't take the vaccine then the symptoms would be worse. Even death!
This is what I hear every time from them. I always say how do you know this?
Yet, they all probably show up on bluetooth frequency bands.
"Indoor maskless"
My blood pressure again
I've been to at least 10 Sens games before covid. A fun arena. A great way to see a good hockey play awway from home.
Yet the WSJ still tries to blame “indoor maskless activities” for the outbreak instead of the ineffectiveness of the vaccine.
It "should" be different because they want to force us to get it. And it comes with the risk of some rather frightening short term adverse reactions and who knows what as yet unknown long term adverse consequences. If it's not different than the flu vaccine it should be treated as we treat the flu vaccine. Optional