Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. Let’s all thank God for our blessings today and thank our military for our freedoms and their sacrifices.
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This community is family. Thanks to each and everyone involved 🙏💕😎
Without this place I would have been so lost after January. Thank you Mods and thank you GAW family.
And to all the mods!
Yes, thank you!
Stay strong, there are millions off us supporting you
Out here in Australia, amongst all the other things we are thankful for, one thing stands out quite strongly. We are thankful for the amount of support given to us by the Patriotic community as we started descending into tyranny. Without this support I dont think we would have been able to stand up and slow down the tanks, so to speaks. The tanks have yet to stop completely and turn away, but we are getting there.
You good folks in Australia - and good people of all countries, in every corner of this blessed world - have our prayers for strength and perseverance as we all brace ourselves against this onslaught of evil.
Once this evil is largely vanquished, the prayers continue as we’re all going to have our work cut out for us. We all have much to be thankful for and this period in history, as difficult as it is to be living through, is highlighting how careful we need to be going forward to protect and preserve the things that are most important in this life.
Blessings to you and your fellow Australians, blessings to all the fine patriots and their families, blessings to our strong, brave and honorable warriors in the military, blessings to the Q-team and to u/God_Bless_America1 and all the other moderators on this site who help us to have hope.
Thank You, Father in heaven, for good people across this world. Thank You, Lord, for Your ever-present grace and protection, for Your blessings and Your Love. 🙏🏻✝️
Thank you for these. It's one thing to read about what's happening, different when you see those being affected, describe it. Breaks my heart seeing and hearing about these atrocities being committed to the people of Australia.
Praying 🙏 for all of you
Standing in unity with you fren and all worldwide! 🙏
Happy Thanksgiving frens, my turkey just came out of the oven, and I swear it's so beautiful I shed a tear, may you all enjoy your tryptophan coma, and doze your evening away with your pants unbuttoned.
yes i remember those days with my 7 sibs, assorted others, and my mama's good cookin.' i always knew it was almost time to eat because the gravy was last to be made, and i could time the festivities by ma's gravy hysteria: "Help me, help me!! (Trying to get my dad to help her avoid lumps.) Stir the pot faster, George, stir the pot faster!!!" Besides turkey et al, we ate our way through homemade cheesecake, cherry banana pie, pumpkin custard pie, raspberry cream pie, pecan pie and fresh glazed strawberry pie (and she usually made AT LEAST two of every kind). Then after everyone recovered from the nap in the corner whereunto they had crawled with buttons bursting, a late night snack of turkey stashed between homebaked buns slathered in butter and topped off with more slices of pie . . .well, I do believe I almost tasted a virtual Thanksgiving. . .Bon appetite, everyone, blessings and hope to share the biggest Thanksgiving ever when we finish riding through the storm . . .
We are all thankful for you, too. Happy Thanksgiving to all our Mods, all the fellow pedes and the lurkers, too!
Gobble gobble🦃
Happy Thanksgiving to all the American pedes!
Moi Aussi.
I give thanks for my God-given discernmentnt (even though it may mean imprisonment or death). Fuck it, I will not lay down. Fight for God-given rights. The Constitution affirms our natural rights, it does not confer them.
I hope everyone has a great day with their loved ones!
It’s a duty to dispense red pills at Thanksgiving dinner.
Thank you for your work. God bless!
Thank you Big Mods:)
Happy Thanksgiving from the other side of the pond and thanks for keeping it all together.
I'm so thankful for all of you frens. May God bless all of you.
Amen... and thank you mods too, you don't get enough recognition around here.
Thank you all for the efforts you put in and the time. God bless
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Ours was quite lovely even though my woke niece still has to get her woke jabs in.
I am thankful for GAW.
Thank God for the Mods!!
Happy Thanksgiving and Thank YOU all!
May God bless you all! I give thanks for you all!
LOVE YOU, MODS! We all are SO VERY THANKFUL for the incredible job that you gals and guys do for us! THANK YOU! PRAYERS continuing for all of you!
Happy Thanksgiving to all the mods, thanks for all you do!
Happy Thanksgiving 😊
Happy Thanksgiving. Much Love!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!! And Happy Thanksgiving to all of my frens here, in the best place to hang out!
Thank you! ❤️
Happy Thanksgiving my frens and fam! Much love from embattled California! We will rise again and know freedom as we are meant to! Love and warmth of heart to all! ♥️🐸♥️
Happy Thanksgiving to all of the mods and everyone here. I am very grateful of this place and all of you. All I’ve learned, all the real news, the support and smiles… may God bless you all
Thank you, Mods, for all your hard work! 💕💕💕
400 year anniversary too!