With our elections now stolen and corrupted, [THEY] can manipulate votes to whatever outcome [THEY] want. So yeah, we really HAVE thought this one through.
I think "control, not instant death is the goal. Compliance over science. They want to suck out every penny and every dignity before your death.
Just like I dont think Pzizer is trying to outright kill people yet, they want dependence on their drugs and treatments for the conditions the "vaccines" cause immediately and over time. Look at the profits for cancer treatments then remission then cancer is back - more treatments a cycle no one should have to endure.
They already got more money than they could spend in a lifetime and already had the world dependent on them for their health.
I think they are radical environmentalists who think wiping out most of the human population is the right thing to do. A tough choice to make, but necessary for the survival of the species. They don't want people all dying off at once. They want to cull the population slowly over decades, so as to not raise an alarm. They are targeting the first world because we consume more.
You very well could be right. I do agree that the Faucis and Bill Gates and some others want depopulation. I also believe though that they need human guinea pigs to test things that will make us all controllable and them immortal. The evil is so deep in their world I cant imagine what other plans they have for the peons who survive.
I agree with everything except that they are radical environmentalists. That is just a means of control through regulations. They don’t love the earth. They only love themselves. If they could only genuinely care for something outside their self-interest, they would still have a spark of humanity in them. This plandemic has left thousands of tons of 😷 in landfills. How many of their useful idiots have started fires that destroyed millions of acres, trees, animals. They would push the button for nuclear war if they had a safe haven to escape.
Thanks. Great guy. I pray him getting vaccinated while in his 80s didn’t bring back his cancer that was in remission and made him suffer the way he did. I guess I’ll find out in 2076.
I have run down that thought process. My conclusion is that they didn't count on how many free thinkers where actually left. They expected when this is all over that there would not be enough people left to oppose totalitarian regime that will be in place or put in place at that point.
The global elite are not on any ballot, nobody votes them in. Their agenda is population control, which involves killing off a great many people by various means. Not difficult to understand. To them, the masses are just pawns to be used any way they wish.
Seriously dense and corrupt. What a pussy he is. Does he think that these people care about anyone but themselves? No, doubt it. He is just a corrupt asshole aligning himself with other corrupt people.
War: We kill some of ours to kill most if not all of theirs...
That is the reality of war.. I'm not sure how many books you need to read to grasp the concept if war.. but cernobitch is an idiot..
He's of the ilk that when the glorious worker's paradise is ushered in, he will be amongst the select few cracking the whips and directing the unwashed what to do, never realizing that he will be in the pit and/or the breadlines with the remaining unwashed.
The faulty assumption is that the global elite need or want supporters. They want 500,000,000 total earthly population. Probably comprised of humanoid robots etc. to do their work.
If the Government is so much more concerned about keeping all their voter than having some kind of population control, how come they havent banned cigarettes outright, or at least made big tobacco stop adding thousands of chemicals to cigarettes ? Why arent they pushing to end abortion? Thats a ton of new voters every year.
The global elite don't really need supporters if they can cheat their way into positions of power, so yes I do believe they would kill their own voters and yes I have thought it through.
Cernovich with all the wisdom of a teenage girl again.
The global elite create their voters. It doesn't matter if they kill off their own voters and supporters because they can easily manufacture new ones with their control of media and now social media.
Who needs voters? And if evil is on both sides of the ticket, you dont even need the tabulation machines.
Dominion has entered the chat
Came here to say this. They need humans for the jobs robots can’t do, and for their Luciferian rituals and abuse. That’s it.
I guess He believes votes count and there's still an election, and not a selection.
Must be under the false assumption that the global elite were fairly elected.... None were, most were selected and never faced a vote.
With our elections now stolen and corrupted, [THEY] can manipulate votes to whatever outcome [THEY] want. So yeah, we really HAVE thought this one through.
Who's this tool?
Used to be a maga dude but something happened
I think "control, not instant death is the goal. Compliance over science. They want to suck out every penny and every dignity before your death.
Just like I dont think Pzizer is trying to outright kill people yet, they want dependence on their drugs and treatments for the conditions the "vaccines" cause immediately and over time. Look at the profits for cancer treatments then remission then cancer is back - more treatments a cycle no one should have to endure.
These global elites are all evil and sick.
They already got more money than they could spend in a lifetime and already had the world dependent on them for their health.
I think they are radical environmentalists who think wiping out most of the human population is the right thing to do. A tough choice to make, but necessary for the survival of the species. They don't want people all dying off at once. They want to cull the population slowly over decades, so as to not raise an alarm. They are targeting the first world because we consume more.
You very well could be right. I do agree that the Faucis and Bill Gates and some others want depopulation. I also believe though that they need human guinea pigs to test things that will make us all controllable and them immortal. The evil is so deep in their world I cant imagine what other plans they have for the peons who survive.
I agree with everything except that they are radical environmentalists. That is just a means of control through regulations. They don’t love the earth. They only love themselves. If they could only genuinely care for something outside their self-interest, they would still have a spark of humanity in them. This plandemic has left thousands of tons of 😷 in landfills. How many of their useful idiots have started fires that destroyed millions of acres, trees, animals. They would push the button for nuclear war if they had a safe haven to escape.
Dead voters are actually more valuable to them.
I guess he didn’t think this one through.
Stopped reading his shit a few years back. He's one of [them].
As if they would need their voters then
My uncle just passed and will finally be voting demonrat
Thanks. Great guy. I pray him getting vaccinated while in his 80s didn’t bring back his cancer that was in remission and made him suffer the way he did. I guess I’ll find out in 2076.
Yea. I didnt think of that. Rolls eyes
I have run down that thought process. My conclusion is that they didn't count on how many free thinkers where actually left. They expected when this is all over that there would not be enough people left to oppose totalitarian regime that will be in place or put in place at that point.
Cernovich is concerned about my beliefs. Thanks buddy!
The global elite are not on any ballot, nobody votes them in. Their agenda is population control, which involves killing off a great many people by various means. Not difficult to understand. To them, the masses are just pawns to be used any way they wish.
Biden said it himself -- they don't need your vote to win.
When the tyrants think they are powerful enough to no longer need votes, it is only expected that they will not even blink at the idea of genocide.
just imagine how much money they can make on fertility treatments for "post-covid ovarian syndrome"
Oh boy! It really is the gift that gives on giving.
Seriously dense and corrupt. What a pussy he is. Does he think that these people care about anyone but themselves? No, doubt it. He is just a corrupt asshole aligning himself with other corrupt people.
This moron has no idea how war actually works..
War: We kill some of ours to kill most if not all of theirs... That is the reality of war.. I'm not sure how many books you need to read to grasp the concept if war.. but cernobitch is an idiot..
I'd wager abortion kills future democrats and yet they promote it everyday.
You don’t need voters when you just print as many votes as you want Cernovich you fucking retard.
The demons could care less who is killed... less population they have more power
He's of the ilk that when the glorious worker's paradise is ushered in, he will be amongst the select few cracking the whips and directing the unwashed what to do, never realizing that he will be in the pit and/or the breadlines with the remaining unwashed.
Supporters? Where we’re going the government won’t need supporters.
The faulty assumption is that the global elite need or want supporters. They want 500,000,000 total earthly population. Probably comprised of humanoid robots etc. to do their work.
If the Government is so much more concerned about keeping all their voter than having some kind of population control, how come they havent banned cigarettes outright, or at least made big tobacco stop adding thousands of chemicals to cigarettes ? Why arent they pushing to end abortion? Thats a ton of new voters every year.
Cernobitch mad cause he cucked to the Big Pharma poison pushers.
This guy is a weirdo
Used to think he was decent. I was wrong.
Reading his request for logic breaks my brain.
I’ll bet he stayed up all night to come to THIS conclusion. Moron.
The global elite don't really need supporters if they can cheat their way into positions of power, so yes I do believe they would kill their own voters and yes I have thought it through.
Cernovich with all the wisdom of a teenage girl again.
The global elite create their voters. It doesn't matter if they kill off their own voters and supporters because they can easily manufacture new ones with their control of media and now social media.