ProPatriaMori, after scouring NJ's comment history I have come to learn some things about him.
He's around 44 years old, is married with no kids, lives in NJ near Philadelphia, thinks little of Americans, thinks monogamy is unnatural, is an atheist, was likely molested/raped as a child, and has a creepy, out-of-touch sense of humor that usually results in a slew of downvotes or a general lack of response. And of course, he is a staunch defender of his attraction to teenagers and makes it a point to comment on any pedophilia topic that comes up on this site.
I think it's safe to say that this guy is a bit of a pervy odd-duck. As for him being a pedophile, I could not make such an accusation. There are red flags, but the proof is lacking. While it is appalling, it is not a crime to be attracted to teenagers. It's probably why the mods haven't banned him yet. Would I be surprised if NJHolyLand ended up on To Catch A Predator? Absolutely not. All we can do is be aware of this guy from now on and report it/screenshot it if he posts something illicit. Thanks for brining this up. I know you do so because you care about the integrity of this site.
My fault for not saving some of this info which I suspect has now been deleted. The comment of where you live is gone (which is smart), along with you stating that you were an atheist (contractual restriction at work?). But since you asked, I'll provide evidence to back the rest of my statements:
My late 30s wife told me this week that someone at the liquor store...
Although you deleted the comment where you said you lived near Philly, I found this comment that might supplement as evidence. Williamstown NJ is 28 minutes from Philly.
Im banned from Sharkys in Williamstown is all, anywhere else is my shit.
No. Spaniards, french, belgians, germans, austrians, they all speak multiple languages,know the classics on which the West is built, form and organize cells and groups like functioning social beings, maintain physical health and athletic competition, and have homes with inherited legacies of domestic and agricultural tricks and lessons. Going away Europeans are way superior to our obese, dysfunctional, ugly and resigned shut ins
I will go so far as to suspect that we are among the worlds most ignorant, cowed and despicable. I blame circumcision
Saying such a blanket statement tells me you may have been sexually abused as a child. Not proof, just my two cents.
Where there's smoke there's fire. You've never admitted to being attracted to 15 year olds, you just talk about them a lot! I could bring up all such commentary if you'd like. A simple Ctrl + F makes the job pretty easy!
By "blanket statement" you mean "fact" right? I'm also banned from clubs in Europe so what? Bars in Maine and New Hampshire too. I range wide and get rowdy so what? Do you not go out? It's often a cess pool of maladjusted lunatics and power tripping assholes
Why are you using "atheist" like a scarlet letter? This is the new world man. Lol you hate freedom. Im glad someone is reading my posts though, thank you.
If you think someone is doing something illegal (an actual pedophile), report them to the authorities. If you want to present evidence of such illegal activity you can even report it here. But having a different opinion on something that may or may not be as you have characterized it is not a reason for libel.
If free speech is not allowed, then what's the fucking point? It is essential that all people be able to voice their opinion. I know that I also would be much more pleased if they got to the more serious crimes we all know have occurred. Having sex with underage teenagers is NOT the same level of crime as doing that with children, or harvesting their blood, or selling them into slavery, or using them for ritual sacrifice, etc.
If someone that has a different view than you is offending you, ignore them. It's not hard. If you choose to engage someone with a differing opinion then use evidence and not emotion to do so.
Posts like this are completely inappropriate and have nothing to do with debate, nor any efforts to finding the Truth, nor anything having to do with the Great Awakening. I see only libel here.
The moment we stop allowing dissenting views we become no less of an echo chamber than Facebook; the exact evils we wish to quell.
Libel my ass. HE stands by his sick public comments and defends them. This isn’t about a “different view”; he’s inappropriate. What would happen in a workplace if a man asked a woman for nudes? And he’s calling minor sex trafficking victims PROSTITUTES, SLUTS, ATTENTION WHORES. But hey, if you support that shit...
I certainly wouldn't ban such a person, nevertheless, that is not the same thing.
From what I've seen (which is only what you've shown me) it seems that this person has legitimate points (that I wholeheartedly agree with), even if they are saying other things I don't approve of nor appreciate. Maybe I'm wrong and this person is a clown. As I said, I haven't seen much, just what you presented. But it doesn't appear to me from what you have said, that they are in fact a C_A or other plant. Just someone with a different opinion.
An anti-Q person on the other hand is in general completely different. If someone that is anti-Q comes here and they just are anti-Q and wish to engage in debate, then kicking them off would be the worst possible mod behavior and I have spoken out against that vehemently in the past when I have seen what appears to be that sort of behavior.
Usually however, such a person comes here not to exercise free speech or engage in debate but to purposefully attack and cause problems. In other words, their entire purpose for being here is to create chaos, not add their voice (that I agree with or don') to the conversation.
It appears to me this person you are libeling is just engaging in debate, and saying things you disagree with.
The fucker should have been banned for his filthy post that WAS removed. Is this site ok with sexual harassment? Shaming 14 yr old rape victims with being called WHORES and SLUTS? You’re dealing with some BAD OPTICS here letting this shit slide and now the pedo fucker is emboldened because “meh free speech”. I don’t give a fuck if anyone thinks he’s CIA; I think he’s a fucking pedophile who needs what’s coming to him. And don’t give me shit that “we ban people when they pick on q bc they’re just here to cause trouble”. What the fuck is this asshole doing, baking cookies for the fucking Sunday school fundraiser?
Did this person actually harass someone with physical sexual attacks or even sexual innuendo?
Accusing someone of "sexual harassment" for saying that a 14 yr old (as you assert, though I did not see it myself) was a whore and a slut is libel on your part. It is not sexual harassment on their part. I have known quite a few people that have been the victims of sexual harassment. That is not it. It looks nothing like that. All that is, is saying something you disagree with. Don't get me wrong. I find it offensive too, but just because I don't agree with the assertion (if they did in fact say that) doesn't mean I think it is criminal activity. I see no victim there. If there is no victim, there is no crime. The idea that victimless crimes exist (victimless sexual harassment no less) is exactly the fraud with our system of laws and the reason we are here in the situation we are in.
On the other hand, I have known some 14 year olds that would fall into both of the categories of "slut" and "whore". Its ugly (at least in the "whore" part), and life is not clean and tidy. But not all young women who engage in sex are victims. I am not in any way saying that that applies here, but to say that your ideals are reality and that anyone who disagrees with your version of reality is sexually harassing someone has nothing to do with actual Reality. It is also not going to help advance the GA, nor help anyone find the Truth of anything. It is only a personal attack on someone you find offensive.
Where the fuck did I say calling a 14 year old rape victim a WHORE is sexual harassment? Knock it off with your “libel”! As posted, he asked a woman here in a joking-not-joking way for nude photos. That IS sexual-harassment. I am old school military, I know what it is. And he DEFENDS IT by saying she has a man-pleasing problem FOR QUOTING SCRIPTURE. And NOWHERE does he deny everyone’s accusations, he just keeps going with it. So is allowing this sick emboldened fuck to dig in on his perversion advancing the GA? Do you think people aren’t watching? And now I’m the one with the problem for my “personal attacks”?
I think he's calling my chain w that lady poster harassment in his defense
I mean i was trying to be weird and waiting for someone to say something. It was supposed to be a whole thing but it never caught on.
So NJHolyLand is a nasty pedo. He’s made vulgar and inappropriate comments here on GA.
He is bothered by the Maxwell trial, calls it “boring” because, I quote: “There are no allegations of misconduct w children. Only statutory minors. Boring”. He goes on and on that because we are upset for the victims it makes us look like faggots and assholes. He said “But the gurgling foaming crowd chanting "pedo" makes us seem like weird creeps. Stop treating it like that you assholes.” and “Also the charges are all bullshit.”
He calls the victims “prostitutes” and can’t grasp that 14 year olds ARE MINOR CHILDREN. He went so far to get graphically explicit with the anatomical differences between young children’s bodies and teenagers, and that we know the difference between a child and a teen because one would “need an abortion”. It was so gross that admin deleted it.
He said also: “ When we pretend that wannabe models who can get pregnant and want sex are the same as fuckin 9 YEAR OLDS we sound like assholes and faggots and liars.”, and he said this AFTER we pointed out again and again that some of these girls are MINORS.
Some of his other comments: -Lol what are you 13? I hope you're a sexy 20something female... Anyway i only asked as a joke about my own depravity but im glad if that's working out for you. -It's not dark to think 15 year olds are potential mates unless you mean that all of our ancestors before world war 2 are pedophiles too. -Exactly a private citizen having sex w teenaged girls is creepy or sleazy, a public figure is sleazy and foolish and compromised. But it's not criminal in a moral sense.
At one point he asked a married woman here if she was sexy, referenced her “trusting submissive innocence”. She said God was her top priority. He said: *** So no noodz you're sayin?*** This is slang for nudes, as in nude photos. The lady didn’t understand. I called him out on it and he said: “ Lol she kept demonstrating a need for male approval, i was making a point that eludes them with hard eyes and rapid synaptic defense mechanisms.”
Check out his posts and comments. I’m not the only one DISGUSTED by his twisting of law into what HE thinks it should be. Or wants it to be. I feel sorry for any young girls living anywhere near him.
WHY IS NJHolyLand allowed to exist on this platform?
Ftr i agree with u/slyver and find this libelous. I only have sex with my wife who's like 40. So maybe i tried to get her to make out w this college girl she's friends with from the neighborhood, that's about as degenerate as i get. Perfectly rational normal male
Are you one of the 3 users who downvoted my comment that it's offensive to compare my uncle being kidnapped by strange men as a child to models who sell their body to billionaires for scholarships?
My thread lamenting the nothingness of th charges against Maxwell as opposed to the monstrous crimes we know about, has lije 25 updoots and 8 or so down. It's a popular sentiment. Teenaged girls who can birth children =/= children except according to statute.
Lol the lady posting her thing there, that was to demonstrate her weird issues w pleasing men. You are th ones always citing 2nd wave feminist rhetoric without realizing it. Im just ahead of that curve and goading people into cracking open some Dworkin, since you believe much of the same as her regarding heterosexual sex
You've just never talked with an honest woman in your life huh? Ivr never spoken to an adult woman about teenaged girls who didn't say some variety of "they know exactly what they're doing." Silly me considering testimony from my wife and mother and sister and friends.
This is not a good argument. Our entire system of laws is fraudulent.
What is a "woman" was only recently changed to be "18" (50 years or so?). In most of the world it still isn't 18. For most of human history (thousands and thousands of years) it was much younger. Right or wrong, it has not been "against the law" until relatively recently.
I am not supporting the actions of underage sex. I am not supporting preying on women. I am certainly not supporting anything that Maxwell or Epstein have done. I am saying using "against the law" as an argument given all we have learned about laws and our system of government is ludicrous.
The poster in question is conflating early sexual development and behavior of minors as a justification for Maxwell's crimes or trying to water down what she was participating in.
The law recognizes cognitive awareness is satisfactory at 18. In other words this is why minors can not give consent to an adult and why parents are the medical guardians of minors until they turn 18.
Without the law what we have is the wild west and everything unravels. The military is the way because they want it done by the book and through lawful and orderly means. Not vigilante justice.
The law we're talking about is statutory. It defines child, not in line with medical definitions
According to it many of our own ancestors even recently are sex offenders. Im just saying, it makes us seem like weird assholes to pretend that violating a statute is on par w podestas code parties. It's just not. That's indisputable.
Well my first question was a very innocent "how young?" I kept it going w elevated levels of inappropriateness in demonstration of a point. She kept answering in ways that seemed eager to garner approval.
What are you menstruating? Jesus the feelz here. It's not very reasoned of you
I noticed. It’s unbelievable he is allowed to remain here, he is a stain on this platform. It would appear admin chose to hide the text of this post exposing him, too. And knowing people were actually coming to his defense here is apprehensible.
Just take note of the username and as you browse the site you'll see patterns in posts they comment on. Like NJ, maybe one day the other user will feel brazen and post something they shouldn't.
Nature does. I abstain from judgment of Creation. Since it isn't an overnight process obviously there's no line w a set before and after but the bridge between is likewise physically observable.
I am not qualified to judge Creation. It is good. I answered you: there's an observable spectrum of transition from child to sexual maturity. The senses know from observation. In the created world there are children then a year or two of observable transit and then sexual maturity.
"Adulthood" is a human concept. Fixation upon human concepts is Idolatry. When i was 30 i thought "wow i was still such a kid in my 20s." In my 40s now i think "wow i was still such a kid in my 30s." It's a moving goal post.
Also ftr never once did i say i am attracted to teenagers in any special way. That other belligerent psychopath just kept DNC gaslighting by attributing this sentiment to me. I am speaking purely on principles. I have no issue w men who want sexually mature women of any age. I will with my bare hands kill child rapists though.
Are you aware that females are capable of reaching sexual maturity at age nine and younger? For instance, Lina Medina the youngest person to give birth, was only five years old. And yet you 'have no issue with men who want sexually mature women of any age'?
Correct. The alleged existence of some mutant breedchild isn't really relevant to the arguments i have already articulated, which are fully aligned with moral reasoning and natural rights.
ProPatriaMori, after scouring NJ's comment history I have come to learn some things about him.
He's around 44 years old, is married with no kids, lives in NJ near Philadelphia, thinks little of Americans, thinks monogamy is unnatural, is an atheist, was likely molested/raped as a child, and has a creepy, out-of-touch sense of humor that usually results in a slew of downvotes or a general lack of response. And of course, he is a staunch defender of his attraction to teenagers and makes it a point to comment on any pedophilia topic that comes up on this site.
I think it's safe to say that this guy is a bit of a pervy odd-duck. As for him being a pedophile, I could not make such an accusation. There are red flags, but the proof is lacking. While it is appalling, it is not a crime to be attracted to teenagers. It's probably why the mods haven't banned him yet. Would I be surprised if NJHolyLand ended up on To Catch A Predator? Absolutely not. All we can do is be aware of this guy from now on and report it/screenshot it if he posts something illicit. Thanks for brining this up. I know you do so because you care about the integrity of this site.
Thanks for that
Why do you say any of those things? Except for my age lol swing and a miss
My fault for not saving some of this info which I suspect has now been deleted. The comment of where you live is gone (which is smart), along with you stating that you were an atheist (contractual restriction at work?). But since you asked, I'll provide evidence to back the rest of my statements:
No kids
Although you deleted the comment where you said you lived near Philly, I found this comment that might supplement as evidence. Williamstown NJ is 28 minutes from Philly.
Thinks little of Americans.
Believes monogamy is unnatural
Saying such a blanket statement tells me you may have been sexually abused as a child. Not proof, just my two cents.
Where there's smoke there's fire. You've never admitted to being attracted to 15 year olds, you just talk about them a lot! I could bring up all such commentary if you'd like. A simple Ctrl + F makes the job pretty easy!
By "blanket statement" you mean "fact" right? I'm also banned from clubs in Europe so what? Bars in Maine and New Hampshire too. I range wide and get rowdy so what? Do you not go out? It's often a cess pool of maladjusted lunatics and power tripping assholes
Why are you using "atheist" like a scarlet letter? This is the new world man. Lol you hate freedom. Im glad someone is reading my posts though, thank you.
Lol 28 minutes. If you have wings maybe
I have nothing against atheists. Never said I did.
According to google maps it is, but I guess you're the expert.'s+Sports+Bar+%26+Grill,+820+N+Black+Horse+Pike,+Williamstown,+NJ+08094/Philadelphia,+Pennsylvania/@39.8282533,-75.2400138,11z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c6d4e286f8b41f:0x7d4abb11a1dd4dcb!2m2!1d-74.9998086!2d39.6968043!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c6b7d8d4b54beb:0x89f514d88c3e58c1!2m2!1d-75.1652215!2d39.9525839!3e0
If you see something wrong report away or contact mods IMO.
But thank you for bringing this to attention.
I have. Repeatedly.
If you think someone is doing something illegal (an actual pedophile), report them to the authorities. If you want to present evidence of such illegal activity you can even report it here. But having a different opinion on something that may or may not be as you have characterized it is not a reason for libel.
If free speech is not allowed, then what's the fucking point? It is essential that all people be able to voice their opinion. I know that I also would be much more pleased if they got to the more serious crimes we all know have occurred. Having sex with underage teenagers is NOT the same level of crime as doing that with children, or harvesting their blood, or selling them into slavery, or using them for ritual sacrifice, etc.
If someone that has a different view than you is offending you, ignore them. It's not hard. If you choose to engage someone with a differing opinion then use evidence and not emotion to do so.
Posts like this are completely inappropriate and have nothing to do with debate, nor any efforts to finding the Truth, nor anything having to do with the Great Awakening. I see only libel here.
The moment we stop allowing dissenting views we become no less of an echo chamber than Facebook; the exact evils we wish to quell.
Libel my ass. HE stands by his sick public comments and defends them. This isn’t about a “different view”; he’s inappropriate. What would happen in a workplace if a man asked a woman for nudes? And he’s calling minor sex trafficking victims PROSTITUTES, SLUTS, ATTENTION WHORES. But hey, if you support that shit...
I don't have to support what someone says to defend their right to say it.
And if an anti-Trumper comes on here talking shit about Q he’s banned INSTANTLY. But meh FREE SPEECH!
I certainly wouldn't ban such a person, nevertheless, that is not the same thing.
From what I've seen (which is only what you've shown me) it seems that this person has legitimate points (that I wholeheartedly agree with), even if they are saying other things I don't approve of nor appreciate. Maybe I'm wrong and this person is a clown. As I said, I haven't seen much, just what you presented. But it doesn't appear to me from what you have said, that they are in fact a C_A or other plant. Just someone with a different opinion.
An anti-Q person on the other hand is in general completely different. If someone that is anti-Q comes here and they just are anti-Q and wish to engage in debate, then kicking them off would be the worst possible mod behavior and I have spoken out against that vehemently in the past when I have seen what appears to be that sort of behavior.
Usually however, such a person comes here not to exercise free speech or engage in debate but to purposefully attack and cause problems. In other words, their entire purpose for being here is to create chaos, not add their voice (that I agree with or don') to the conversation.
It appears to me this person you are libeling is just engaging in debate, and saying things you disagree with.
The fucker should have been banned for his filthy post that WAS removed. Is this site ok with sexual harassment? Shaming 14 yr old rape victims with being called WHORES and SLUTS? You’re dealing with some BAD OPTICS here letting this shit slide and now the pedo fucker is emboldened because “meh free speech”. I don’t give a fuck if anyone thinks he’s CIA; I think he’s a fucking pedophile who needs what’s coming to him. And don’t give me shit that “we ban people when they pick on q bc they’re just here to cause trouble”. What the fuck is this asshole doing, baking cookies for the fucking Sunday school fundraiser?
Do you know what sexual harassment is?
Did this person actually harass someone with physical sexual attacks or even sexual innuendo?
Accusing someone of "sexual harassment" for saying that a 14 yr old (as you assert, though I did not see it myself) was a whore and a slut is libel on your part. It is not sexual harassment on their part. I have known quite a few people that have been the victims of sexual harassment. That is not it. It looks nothing like that. All that is, is saying something you disagree with. Don't get me wrong. I find it offensive too, but just because I don't agree with the assertion (if they did in fact say that) doesn't mean I think it is criminal activity. I see no victim there. If there is no victim, there is no crime. The idea that victimless crimes exist (victimless sexual harassment no less) is exactly the fraud with our system of laws and the reason we are here in the situation we are in.
On the other hand, I have known some 14 year olds that would fall into both of the categories of "slut" and "whore". Its ugly (at least in the "whore" part), and life is not clean and tidy. But not all young women who engage in sex are victims. I am not in any way saying that that applies here, but to say that your ideals are reality and that anyone who disagrees with your version of reality is sexually harassing someone has nothing to do with actual Reality. It is also not going to help advance the GA, nor help anyone find the Truth of anything. It is only a personal attack on someone you find offensive.
Where the fuck did I say calling a 14 year old rape victim a WHORE is sexual harassment? Knock it off with your “libel”! As posted, he asked a woman here in a joking-not-joking way for nude photos. That IS sexual-harassment. I am old school military, I know what it is. And he DEFENDS IT by saying she has a man-pleasing problem FOR QUOTING SCRIPTURE. And NOWHERE does he deny everyone’s accusations, he just keeps going with it. So is allowing this sick emboldened fuck to dig in on his perversion advancing the GA? Do you think people aren’t watching? And now I’m the one with the problem for my “personal attacks”?
I think he's calling my chain w that lady poster harassment in his defense I mean i was trying to be weird and waiting for someone to say something. It was supposed to be a whole thing but it never caught on.
So NJHolyLand is a nasty pedo. He’s made vulgar and inappropriate comments here on GA. He is bothered by the Maxwell trial, calls it “boring” because, I quote: “There are no allegations of misconduct w children. Only statutory minors. Boring”. He goes on and on that because we are upset for the victims it makes us look like faggots and assholes. He said “But the gurgling foaming crowd chanting "pedo" makes us seem like weird creeps. Stop treating it like that you assholes.” and “Also the charges are all bullshit.” He calls the victims “prostitutes” and can’t grasp that 14 year olds ARE MINOR CHILDREN. He went so far to get graphically explicit with the anatomical differences between young children’s bodies and teenagers, and that we know the difference between a child and a teen because one would “need an abortion”. It was so gross that admin deleted it. He said also: “ When we pretend that wannabe models who can get pregnant and want sex are the same as fuckin 9 YEAR OLDS we sound like assholes and faggots and liars.”, and he said this AFTER we pointed out again and again that some of these girls are MINORS. Some of his other comments: -Lol what are you 13? I hope you're a sexy 20something female... Anyway i only asked as a joke about my own depravity but im glad if that's working out for you. -It's not dark to think 15 year olds are potential mates unless you mean that all of our ancestors before world war 2 are pedophiles too. -Exactly a private citizen having sex w teenaged girls is creepy or sleazy, a public figure is sleazy and foolish and compromised. But it's not criminal in a moral sense. At one point he asked a married woman here if she was sexy, referenced her “trusting submissive innocence”. She said God was her top priority. He said: *** So no noodz you're sayin?*** This is slang for nudes, as in nude photos. The lady didn’t understand. I called him out on it and he said: “ Lol she kept demonstrating a need for male approval, i was making a point that eludes them with hard eyes and rapid synaptic defense mechanisms.” Check out his posts and comments. I’m not the only one DISGUSTED by his twisting of law into what HE thinks it should be. Or wants it to be. I feel sorry for any young girls living anywhere near him. WHY IS NJHolyLand allowed to exist on this platform?
Ftr i agree with u/slyver and find this libelous. I only have sex with my wife who's like 40. So maybe i tried to get her to make out w this college girl she's friends with from the neighborhood, that's about as degenerate as i get. Perfectly rational normal male
Are you one of the 3 users who downvoted my comment that it's offensive to compare my uncle being kidnapped by strange men as a child to models who sell their body to billionaires for scholarships?
My thread lamenting the nothingness of th charges against Maxwell as opposed to the monstrous crimes we know about, has lije 25 updoots and 8 or so down. It's a popular sentiment. Teenaged girls who can birth children =/= children except according to statute.
Lol the lady posting her thing there, that was to demonstrate her weird issues w pleasing men. You are th ones always citing 2nd wave feminist rhetoric without realizing it. Im just ahead of that curve and goading people into cracking open some Dworkin, since you believe much of the same as her regarding heterosexual sex
The Maxwell trial isn't about adult models though so if you have made up your mind already for the case then you have made your bed.
Grooming involves targeting minors and not adult models.
You've just never talked with an honest woman in your life huh? Ivr never spoken to an adult woman about teenaged girls who didn't say some variety of "they know exactly what they're doing." Silly me considering testimony from my wife and mother and sister and friends.
The law doesn't support your argument.
So at this point here is your chance to clarify your position and view point on the trial which is about grooming minors and not adults.
This is not a good argument. Our entire system of laws is fraudulent.
What is a "woman" was only recently changed to be "18" (50 years or so?). In most of the world it still isn't 18. For most of human history (thousands and thousands of years) it was much younger. Right or wrong, it has not been "against the law" until relatively recently.
I am not supporting the actions of underage sex. I am not supporting preying on women. I am certainly not supporting anything that Maxwell or Epstein have done. I am saying using "against the law" as an argument given all we have learned about laws and our system of government is ludicrous.
The Maxwell trial is based on the current laws on the books. You have fallen for the bait set out by the poster.
They are conflating human sexual behavior and psychology with what is defined by the law.
Maxwell is on trial for violating the law by grooming minors and trafficking them.
What does this have to do with anything I said?
I addressed it explicitly.
The poster in question is conflating early sexual development and behavior of minors as a justification for Maxwell's crimes or trying to water down what she was participating in.
The law recognizes cognitive awareness is satisfactory at 18. In other words this is why minors can not give consent to an adult and why parents are the medical guardians of minors until they turn 18.
Without the law what we have is the wild west and everything unravels. The military is the way because they want it done by the book and through lawful and orderly means. Not vigilante justice.
The law we're talking about is statutory. It defines child, not in line with medical definitions According to it many of our own ancestors even recently are sex offenders. Im just saying, it makes us seem like weird assholes to pretend that violating a statute is on par w podestas code parties. It's just not. That's indisputable.
Also it's a popular opinion here. 2 dozen upvotes
Maxwell faces 70 years in prison which is major and you keep dismissing it which tells me you don't care about the seriousness of the trial.
Also, those podesta parties are possible because of people like Maxwell.
Justice must come for all of them when they violate the law.
You’re fucking delusional! The woman literally quoted SCRIPTURE and you accuse her of issues with man-pleasing! STFU!
Well my first question was a very innocent "how young?" I kept it going w elevated levels of inappropriateness in demonstration of a point. She kept answering in ways that seemed eager to garner approval.
What are you menstruating? Jesus the feelz here. It's not very reasoned of you
Dig your grave, you sick fuck.
Deafening silence.
And just like that, no one ever saw NJHolyLand again...
...and he’s back. Saying adulthood starts at puberty.
I noticed. It’s unbelievable he is allowed to remain here, he is a stain on this platform. It would appear admin chose to hide the text of this post exposing him, too. And knowing people were actually coming to his defense here is apprehensible.
Just take note of the username and as you browse the site you'll see patterns in posts they comment on. Like NJ, maybe one day the other user will feel brazen and post something they shouldn't.
Oh I’m watching 👁 🕶 👁
Nature does. I abstain from judgment of Creation. Since it isn't an overnight process obviously there's no line w a set before and after but the bridge between is likewise physically observable.
I didn't ask for nature's take. I asked for yours. It's a a yes or no question. Do you define an adult as someone who has reached puberty?
I am not qualified to judge Creation. It is good. I answered you: there's an observable spectrum of transition from child to sexual maturity. The senses know from observation. In the created world there are children then a year or two of observable transit and then sexual maturity.
"Adulthood" is a human concept. Fixation upon human concepts is Idolatry. When i was 30 i thought "wow i was still such a kid in my 20s." In my 40s now i think "wow i was still such a kid in my 30s." It's a moving goal post.
Also ftr never once did i say i am attracted to teenagers in any special way. That other belligerent psychopath just kept DNC gaslighting by attributing this sentiment to me. I am speaking purely on principles. I have no issue w men who want sexually mature women of any age. I will with my bare hands kill child rapists though.
Are you aware that females are capable of reaching sexual maturity at age nine and younger? For instance, Lina Medina the youngest person to give birth, was only five years old. And yet you 'have no issue with men who want sexually mature women of any age'?
Correct. The alleged existence of some mutant breedchild isn't really relevant to the arguments i have already articulated, which are fully aligned with moral reasoning and natural rights.